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File: 36 KB, 800x526, lifts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6251697 No.6251697[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are lifts a good option for manlets or do they make you look disproportionate? Is it possible for me to get two or more inches even?

I'm 5'4" and I'm disgusted with how I look so much that I haven't left my house for over a month and I haven't talked to anyone in about a year. Whenever I would try to talk to someone especially a girl I would have a panic attack and leave because I would just think about them judging me and I felt emasculated. I am literally worse in every way to a guy who is taller than me. 5'6" will still be shit but maybe I won't kill myself then.

Also any other tips besides suicide?

>> No.6251701

i was waiting for you to be like 5'10"

5'4" is a height worth worrying about though

i would wear lifts if i were you

>> No.6251707

Yeah but what size lifts should I get? Like since I'm so short would lifts that add 2.5-3 inches just look weird on me?

>> No.6251708

Don't bring yourself down too much. Wear lifts inside of roshes and maybe you'll get to 5 foot 7 or 5 foot 8

>> No.6251710


i have no clue honestly

but you should deffo go for it

>> No.6251717

>don't bring yourself down too much
Why not? That would be good advice if I were one of the faggots on this bored bitching about being a manlet at 5'8 or 5'9. Girls used to literally laugh in my face saying how short I was. 5'4" is not ok.

This is another thing I was wondering about. Is wearing big lifts in low top sneakers a bad thing? Wouldn't they make it so your heel is basically sticking out? Should I wear high tops or does it even matter?

>> No.6251725

And what happens when you have to take your shoes off? Won't that be awkward as fuck? Even more embarrassing? Just embrace it.

>> No.6251731

I'm not sure, I have no first hand experience with lifts. I'm just suggesting the roshes because they add some height due to the size of the sole. If your heel sticking out worries you, look into some high tops but i believe lifts were meant to be worn with low shoes anyways

As far as girls laughing in your face, man if you're so worried about not getting bitches just go for philipino girls or something

>> No.6251732

I can't embrace it.

Also I won't take my shoes off in front of people. I don't have friends and I don't think I will have a girlfriend ever, this is just so I won't have panic attacks and want to jump in front of a bus when I leave my house.

>> No.6251733
File: 128 KB, 1262x1176, 1369853280380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am 6'4
just saying

>> No.6251741

That's great. Fuck off. Not even OP.

>> No.6251747

Become Danny Devito's protege

>> No.6251745


meh i would think really good friends would understand why a 5'4" man would try to change something

i know a 5'4" du who gets way more action than i do though

>> No.6251764

You're so much fucking taller than I am it makes me tear up. Why am I so fucking concerned about bullshit like this. I could be a happy person if I could learn to not give a fuck.

Well I could get some short women occasionally if I were confident and charming. Unfortunately I am pathetic and riddled with mental illness.

>> No.6251775

OP I'm 5'5" and I can still get girls interested in me. Make do with what you have, not with what you don't

>> No.6251813

exactly, I have a friend this height and never really thought about it much before i cam onto /fa/. He just has a good personality with the ladies. There are plenty of girls who are shorter than this. Just do something with your personality or have something special that makes you interesting. People will be amazed by your abilities and focus on the good qualities. Thats all I can say, there is a way to be happy and successful. Block out all that negative shit and focus on what you are good at.

>> No.6251841
File: 70 KB, 291x320, 135857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get your fucking life together. Develop a personality, meet people that like you, become something. Fuck outta here with that "I'm not tall enough to be cool" bullshit.

I'm not johnny depp/ leonardo dicaprio/ channing tatum but you can't dwell on things you weren't born as. Fucking man up you little bitch.

make something of yourself.

>> No.6251858

I'm bipolar and have crippling depression as well as schizophrenia. I can't just man up.

I know it's pathetic, I really do, but I just want help with lifts because that's all I fucking have left to try.

>> No.6251907
File: 69 KB, 320x287, 135858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fucking wow. Depression?
DEPRESSION? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? Bipolar? schizowhatia? what the fuck is that shit? Seriously, you need social interaction. Stop focusing on height, you weirdo. I'm 5'6'' and I've fucked every girl I've ever wanted to, I have a large circle of friends, dress very well, AND everyone likes me. You're disappointing me by hiding behind your "conditions."

you can't change your height, lying to people won't help. All you can do is dress well to suit your body. THAT'S IT.

>> No.6251913

>DEPRESSION? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? Bipolar? schizowhatia? what the fuck is that shit? Seriously, you need social interaction.
I don't know if you're trolling or not. Those aren't made up, they're legitimate mental illnesses.

>> No.6251922

who the fuck cares
practice other things to make up for your height
actually better yourself
because at the end of the day, you';; have to take those shoes off

dress better
get a haircut
improve skin
develop some interests

>> No.6251928

let me tell you a story about "depression"
people whine about things instead of fixing them. People complain about things instead of noticing all of the good. People get "sad." People WANT to stay sad. Thus, depression becomes a real fucking disease. Out of thin air.

Fuck that fake "disease."

anything can be overcome with a strong sense of will.

>> No.6251943

I honestly will try. Thanks for all the people being really nice in this thread.

It's not fake, man. It's not just being sad.

>> No.6251947


An alternative would be to start wearing boots casually, they'll add about 2 inches and you don't have to be a short dude who wears lifts.

Not work boots, leather boots. Iron Rangers or Red Wings are pretty safe bets.

Or, wear heel'd boots AND lifts. But be prepared for the soul crushing reality of losing 4 inches when you take them off. I'd suggest just boots.

And I know this isn't gonna fix your problem, but for what it's worth, I'm 5'11 and believe me, you are the only one who cares about your height. When I look around at people, I don't even notice a difference in height between them and me if they're like, 5'8 or up. If someone genuinely thinks your lesser because of your height, then they're a fucking half wit anyways, why do you care what they think? Yeah, you're short. A lot of people are. The whole /fit/ short condemning shit is just that, it's a ridiculous echo chamber fueled by insecure pricks and unoriginal kids who think saying MANLET MANLET TOP LEL makes them more of a man. Be your own nigga

>> No.6251964

Wouldn't boots and lifts make me look disproportionate anyway?

Thanks for the advice

>> No.6251966
File: 181 KB, 500x750, Anna-Wintour-kim-kardashian[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you. Although those are real illnesses, people often false self-diagnose themselves.

If that poster seriously suffered from those mind disorders, I would expect him to have already sought psychological help.

If he hasn't that is a great indicator of self-pity
and someone who uses excuses.

>> No.6251967

taller than you, get laid more than you, depression exists for a fact and retarding your way through an argument just makes everyone else on /fa/ laugh

>> No.6251978

Not self-diagnosed. Used to have therapy for about three years and I stopped because it was getting me nowhere and I ran out of money.

>> No.6251983


>When I look around at people, I don't even notice a difference in height between them and me if they're like, 5'8 or up. If someone genuinely thinks your lesser because of your height, then they're a fucking half wit anyways, why do you care what they think?

This so fucking much

Believe it OP. I am a 6'3 guy. I am so used to having to look down on people when I talk to them that I don't even notice anymore (unless they're REALLY short ie 4'11) My best friend is 5'5 and he gets laid all the fucking time. I know this sounds like poor man's philosophy but its true: It's all about the attitude.

>> No.6252006

What do you think prevented you from progressing with the therapy?

>> No.6252018

oh no, is /fa/ laughing at my obvious in-character advice? Congrats on getting the joke. But seriously, OP take the advice given. This isn't your pity party.

>> No.6252014

No idea. After about a year he said he was happy with the progress I was making but I felt the exact same.

>> No.6252029

Why do you care so much about what other people think?
If you are so accepting of the disadvantage you seem to have in life, why do you continue to pity yourself?
You will just answer with "I can't help it."

>> No.6252054

LOL, this is literally the funniest thing I've ever read. No friends care about your height you fucking faggot, I have short friends and we joke about him being a manlet but that's all it is, just joking. Stop being a bitch.

>> No.6252047

I don't know.

>> No.6252071

I think you do know.

You don't even have to tell me, jsut examine your behavi

>> No.6252088

I don't have any friends this isn't about that I just want to be a little taller.

>> No.6252089

Have you tried learning how to accept yourself?

>> No.6252094

Well you can't be any taller unless you wear boots, so go and do that and stop whining.

>> No.6252133

lol stop. You can't change it. If I want it to be a sunny day during the rain, there's nothing I can do. If I want to become instantly rich, there's nothing I can do.

What you can do it practice speaking to people, finding common ground, changing your personality to a more desirable, less pathetic one. Go out, make friends and live life. Dressing well is a perfect door opener. It shows confidence and can open doors to conversations. Compliment people you see and things you like. Open your eyes to the world and stop your putrid self-loathing.

>> No.6252148

>What you can do it practice speaking to people, finding common ground, changing your personality to a more desirable, less pathetic one. Go out, make friends and live life
To much work for him, I'd say that he'd rather mope around.

>> No.6252165

exactly. That's why "depression" is literally a bullshit excuse of a disease. The people want to feel that way. they want to go deeper. they want people to feel for them. they'll spend money on it, they'll hire therapists, they'll pop pills. it's a crock.

>> No.6252292

i'm just an inch taller than you and it very rarely gets mentioned. when it comes up I laugh it off or turn it into a joke and tbh it doesn't really matter to me anymore even though I used to be insecure about it

its affecting your life so much because you let it

>> No.6252306

I don't agree with the way OP is acting but legitimate depression does exist. people can be depressed without whining about their lives or pitying themselves. It's not just willpower