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File: 168 KB, 683x1024, menvalhalla5_1024x1024[1].jpg_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6251307 No.6251307 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good places to buy oversized hoodies like pic related?

The Ovate one is cool but I'm not sure I like how it drapes in the front

>> No.6251334

H&M fall 13

>> No.6251340 [DELETED] 


>> No.6251352


>> No.6251366

i know this is a joke but i legitimately saw a hoodie with basically the same design as this in h&m recently and i was really surprised

>> No.6251373

H&M x Rick Owens when?

>> No.6251398

Where the hell does this h&m hoodie joke come from? Everytime someone asks for the source of a hoodie even on a video someone refers to h&m.

>> No.6251404

go back to reddit and never return here

>> No.6251408

do what >>6251404 says

>> No.6251406

It comes from it being funny.

It implies that H&M will have caught onto the trend by this coming fall as opposed to eons ago when Dick Ovens was doing it...

>> No.6251410

I'm normally on v what is reddit?

>> No.6251440

lel next gen is garbage, I bet you dont even have a mutard race

>> No.6251477

There's no hoodie like OP's at H&M Stop fucking fooling yourselves

>> No.6251479

And if you disagree ppost a pic I fucking dare you

>> No.6251484

When I get job I will be mustard race again but I haven't been mustard race for years

Def not buying gs4 or xbone

>> No.6251494

i mean i didn't buy it

but i'm being serious here

raw edges, no closure, similar hood. back cut higher than front.

>> No.6251511
File: 145 KB, 533x800, gkjWelM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found an album

this is basically what i'm talking about


>> No.6251518

Yeh, I might get a ps4 down the line for them MGS titles, but I think they will begin porting to PC.

>> No.6251532

lol that fit
>dadcore ninja

>> No.6251539

i think the dude was just trying to show off the hoodie

but yeah as a fit its fuckin terrible

if h&m starts phasing in more of this stuff its all over

>> No.6251559
File: 66 KB, 480x700, 051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h&m has been trying to appropriate rick's vocabulary for years, it's never stuck in menswear because rick is too queer for mainstream american men, but they have sold quite a lot of drape cardigans and high neck biker jackets to women.

all of this ignores that rick's aesthetic can never be meaningfully appropriated by fast fashion, because done properly, it's too extravagant, too expensive, and far too inefficient.

>> No.6251569

p much
to sum up this dying style in one word for the tl;dr


>> No.6251578
File: 53 KB, 370x554, rick-owens-reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have every expectation that rick will be canonized. in the wake of mcqueen's death he's easily among the most important designers alive, and the commercial success means he won't be glossed over.

>> No.6251592

I think a lot of Rick's jackets and boots are the only things I would wear and know I would love to wear for a long time.

>> No.6251647

lol that looks like shit compared to the one in OP

>> No.6251665

i never said it was good lol

i was just surprised that h&m would try to sell hoodies with that kind of design

>> No.6251670

hey OP, you've got any experience in Ovate? I'm really interested on their pullover hoodie.

>> No.6251760

What do you want to know