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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 13 KB, 297x294, NoPoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6250850 No.6250850 [Reply] [Original]

Is this what nopoo is supposed to do..

>"thanks for driving me to my interview anon, hey wanna come inside and wait? later we can get a bite to eat ect ect"
>"anon your hair looks soo healthy, like silky almost, I wanna touch it"
>"N-no wa-wait"
>"what the fuck, this is the oilest hair iv ever seen. Anon my hand is wet!! Oh the boss is here, anon wtf am I supposed to do my right hand is literally dripping with your hair oil??"
>"Um..wipe it on my shirt for the time being"
>wipes on shirt and walks away
>"anon I dont think I got it, he had to get up and wash his hand right after I shook it, even after wiping it on your shirt....thanks alot"
>"im sorry I tried to tell you"
>"drive me home, Im not hungry anymore"

Fuck no poo fuck weverything. I hate it, my hair
has been oily for 3 months straight, I wash my hair only twice a week with no shampoo no nothing. smh what the actual fuck

>> No.6250859

You're a retard. You're mean to wash your hair everyday WITH WATER. Christ almighty.

>> No.6250862

my sides, are way beyond orbit

>> No.6250881


>> No.6250884

>falling for no-poo

my sides are in orbit

>> No.6250903

your wiped bruh

>> No.6250917

lmao bruh you wash with dissolved bakingsoda onc a week and rinse it with vinegar, then water. u dun goofed m8

>> No.6250924

Iv been nopoo for 2 weeks but I have alot of dandruff. When will it settle down cause its a tad embarassing

>> No.6250940

so basically use shampoo?

>> No.6250967

whats the point, doesnt that remove and damage the scalp

>> No.6250977

It's her own fault. Who gives a shit.

>> No.6250983

nopoo is troll shit

>> No.6250988

/fa/ reached a new level of low

>> No.6250995


>> No.6251003
File: 532 KB, 299x299, 1367296673624.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no poo for a year
>tfw don't use a single thing in my hair
except for occasional bleach and dye
>tfw never got greasy like an italian
>tfw all the bitches play with it and love it
>tfw everybody compliments the health, style, and colour of my hair

stay pleb

>> No.6251030

Jesus, is that even possible.
>dat no grease
>dat snake

>> No.6251077

>be three months into no poo
>visiting parents
>my mom: do u have a dandruff problem?

Almost considered using head n shoulders, but i knew that would ruin all my gains. I don't regret it. Six months into no poo now and minimal dandruff and oil.

>> No.6251106

>10 days into nopoo
>making it snow
>not talking about cocaine

>> No.6251115

>"anon your hair looks amazing, what do you you use?"
>"oh nothing, I don't poo anymore"
>that dreadful silence that followed

>> No.6251123

not saying "a classic 'erbal remedy using a variety of natural products" or some bullshit like that

>> No.6251127

pretend that text is green

>> No.6251129

hurdur nopoos a trole
no it's not
people just don't rinse every day with cold water. dandruff solved. "smell" solved. the increase in oil is for like a week maybe when youre starting.

>> No.6251131

>tell people you poo
Why, that makes no sense

>> No.6251132

youre only supposed to no poo when you have dandruff.

>> No.6251138

>anon why are you balding so aggressively you look my father

>> No.6251142

have you ever actually done no poo? only way to get dandruff out is with some kind of shampoo.

>> No.6251147


does no poo make you bald

>> No.6251156

no, that wasn't meant to be a comment directly related to OP's scenario, but a parallel under different circumstances

>> No.6251157

you b-bald from no poo????/

>> No.6251166
File: 175 KB, 415x454, killmemothersday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone asked this irl fuck that would so awks

>> No.6251181

I only poo on sundays, cold rinse every other day. Works for my hair.

>> No.6251205

I use 1TBSP of baking soda with 8oz. of water for the poo

and 2 oz of apple cider vinegar and 80z. of water for conditioner.

then cold rinse.

No poo means no traditional shampoo not actually forgoing any type of cleaning whatsoever.

Wow OP u soooo herby what a fuccboi

>> No.6251361

hopefully you're only doing this once/week or so
if not you're destroying your hair mayne
even then, whenever i baking soda+acv my hair is super dry and fluffy and generally not great for a day or two.

anyway still he and >>6251129 are right.
cold rinse every day, baking soda+acv once/week

>> No.6251392

>i only poo on sundays
that made me laugh for some reason
anyway, being asian is the best
>overused shampoo and had shitty hair as a youth
>no poo all the time now
>never had to do baking soda etc
>never had a single grain of dandruff
>only greasy if i go 2+ days w/o cold rinse or cold blowdry
>hair is now medium long and looks gr9 w/o product
too bad nopoo can't fix manlet status

>> No.6251405

no one had hair before shampoo was invented.

>> No.6251444

niggas just use brylcreem it makes your hair so fucking luscious

>> No.6251492

guys if you want to wash everyday you can crush 1 leaf of mint and add some water to it and rinse off.
my mom is a trichologist and recommends this to most patients

>> No.6251653

nice trips

>> No.6252271

just because you dont have greasy hair doesnt mean your hair is not fucking filthy

shampoo your hair you peasants

>> No.6252358

Jesus christ

>no poo

There are products that make your hair like no poo feel straight after shampooing - hair tonics or brylcreem like >>6251444 said
It's what they were made for.

No poo is idiotic because water cannot wash out all the shit in your hair, and especially build up of any product you might be using

and dont kid yourselves, bakingsoda + vinegar is basically shampooing

>> No.6252399

>bakingsoda + vinegar is basically shampooing

mind blown

>> No.6252410

well retards such as yourself seem to believe its different

>> No.6252413

Ive been on noopoo for about 2 months. Everytime I use shampoo my hair gets too shiny looking. I prefer how it looks just using baking soda.

>> No.6252545

Does brylcreem only work well for short hair?

>> No.6252589

yes. i had some druff because i was using hot water. i use cold every day, condition 2x week, and i haven't gotten dandruff in 3 months.

>> No.6252602
File: 56 KB, 125x173, RAPIST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That gif was fucking intense holy shit

>> No.6252606

The smell of the vinegar will go away when your hair dries.

And come back when it rains.

>> No.6252689

any hair

>> No.6252990

I can;t tell if you fucking idiots are serious. I've seen too many no poo posts and I'm starting to wonder if you fucktards are actually falling for this.

>> No.6253004


>> No.6253022

>Learn about no-poo from /fa/ and do my own thorough research
>Afraid to try it from fear of the "greasy period" everyone is said to go through
>Do it anyway
>Thoroughly and gently massage scalp with water everyday
>Put conditioner in it afterwards and leave it in until done with shower
>Use quality hair product some days and wash it out the same way at the end of the day
>Never have greasy hair at all
>Develop natural looking sheen
>Hair becomes soft as fuck
>Never greasy, doesn't get oily at all
>Doesn't look, feel, or smell dirty or oily even in the morning when the last time I showered was the day before
>No dandruff or flaking at all whatsoever
>Easier to manage and style

Not sure what some of you faggots complain about. Must have to be some 16 year old still going through puberty to fail with no-poo or some shit.

>> No.6253260

been doing no-poo for about a month now. only water. no problems. my hair is way easier to style and it keeps its shape effortlessly.

if you have naturally oily hair or if you sweat a lot, this probably is not a good method for you to try. otherwise I definitely see a change for the better from not using shampoo.

>> No.6253329

driving a bitch to her jobinterview
taking the bitch to lunch and let her have attiude while you pay for her shit

just for some wet pussy

beta male

>> No.6253387


You're a fat fukin idiot whos dating a 2/10. Fuck off kunt

>> No.6253419

>remove the scalp
what the fuck man

if you think no poo is a troll, then don't do it and shut up about it. i started two years ago and my hair has never looked or felt better. no poo isn't about being unhygienic, it's about not using shampoo with shittons of chemicals in it.

>> No.6253440
File: 11 KB, 245x205, 190883456738433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are products that make your hair like no poo feel straight after shampooing
What this anon said.
I have this shampoo which is also a conditioner and I usually wash my hair maybe once every week or two -- my hair is always awesome. No dandruff, no oily shit, it's just fantastic and I get complimented on it as well.

>> No.6253454

So many no poo threads on this board every month. But never has even one posted a picture. Weirdc isn't it?

>> No.6256213

even after a few months I get dandruff with no-poo.

I wash my hair in cold water.

I am trying tea tree oil diluted in water and have also tried some coconut oil. Doesnt seem to work.

Am i gonna make it? I have dry skin naturally and had dry scalp as a kid. Anti dandruff shampoo makes my dandruff go away temporarily, but if i dont use it for a day or two it looks like its snowing.

What do?

Im thinking maybe get a natty shampoo bar with oils in. What do you recommend /fa/?

>> No.6258267

its not dandruff

its dry scalp

>> No.6258280

stop washing so often
and fuck the tea tree oil, warm water is all you need

>> No.6258286

nopoo is a fucking joke
y'all are greasy fuckers
>post a fit, fuccboi

>> No.6258292

>too beta to own up to your greasy hygiene
fuccboi detected

>> No.6258433

how to fix?

>> No.6258465

maybe nopoo isn't for you sounds like you skin is super dry normally

>> No.6258474

also interested, same problem

>> No.6258479

Wait so do you faggots not use a toilet or something? what am i missing

>> No.6258492

yeah that's about it
the only downfall is when your body is getting used to it you can get somewhat greasy

>> No.6258541
