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File: 445 KB, 1456x2047, photo (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6250451 No.6250451[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Tfw 18
>Tfw band is failing
>Tfw virgin
>Tfw no car
>Tfw no job
>Tfw about to graduate highschool
>Tfw no friends, literally 0
>Tfw never leave the house
>Tfw severe acne
>Tfw 5'7 manlet
>Tfw type 1 diabetes
>Tfw 5 inch dick
>Tfw circumcised, hate my parents for doing this shit to me, wish I wasn't
>Tfw poor
>Tfw living in shitty state with no hope of moving
>Tfw wasted the first 18 years of my life
>Tfw loser
>Tfw life doesn't get better

>> No.6250452



>> No.6250456

I, uh...don't understand

>> No.6250464
File: 27 KB, 500x334, 1290601086286_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw also cut
I know that feel OP, you have my virtual shoulder for support

>> No.6250472

wtf does cut even mean I see it thrown around here all the time

>> No.6250480

cut as circumcised
uncut as not circumcised

>> No.6250482

cut=circumsized penis

>> No.6250493

yeah, but people use it in a different way here dont they

>> No.6250494

Nice hoodie faggot, I had to cop the navy blue one cause all you goof ninja try hards bought the black one.

>> No.6250499

hey gurrrl post fit

>> No.6250506

And now you're immortalized online. Congratulations

>> No.6250500

im OP nig nog

>> No.6250512

I don't think so
mayeb here in /fa/ cut has a different meaning, something clothes realted,but im sure in the whole english language cut and uncut reffer to circumcision

>> No.6250520

Then do something to improve your life instead of whining about it, you filthy fucking faggot.
Pick up new hobbies, meet new people (perhaps through these new hobbies, eh??), SEE A DERMATOLOGIST ABOUT THAT FUCKED UP ACNE FACE OF YOURS M8.
That should be enough to get your confidence up and running. You should be able to be self-sufficient in "i'm not a huge faggot anymore"-juices.

>> No.6250516

Why don't you do something about it instead of posting on an anonymous image board you fucking useless piece of shit.

>> No.6250522
File: 190 KB, 739x699, what a badass blog guys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6250528
File: 21 KB, 367x451, 948695198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prince of all saiyins

>> No.6250531


>> No.6250542

That is truly a badass blog. Thanks!

>> No.6250543

I think your cute- and a virgin!

>> No.6250575

do you think i care lol? I knew that when I posted

I have no shame nigga, my life is rock bottom anyway

>> No.6250937

>>Tfw band is failing

what do u play?

>> No.6251047

come with me if you want to live

>> No.6251054

where are you going to college

>> No.6251078


>> No.6251079

>inb4 community college/parents' basement

>> No.6251086

bitch shut up

>> No.6251134

>Tfw 18
>Tfw academic failure
>Tfw virgin
>Tfw no car
>Tfw no job
>Tfw no friends, literally 0
>Tfw never leave the house
>Tfw severe acne
>Tfw balding
>Tfw 5'8 manlet
>Tfw scoliosis
>Tfw pectus carinatum
>Tfw tinnitus
>Tfw fordyce spots
>Tfw teeth fucked up beyond belief
>Tfw 5.5 inch bent dick
>Tfw drug addict
>Tfw poor
>Tfw living in shitty impoverished council state in Britainistan with no hope of moving
>Tfw wasted the first 18 years of my life
>Tfw loser
>Tfw life doesn't get better

>> No.6251137
File: 1.27 MB, 1065x797, Screen shot 2013-05-30 at 6.22.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw feel bad towards life currently
>tfw at least im not OP
>tfw OP is worried about being cut but doesnt even have the basic skills to get laid anyway

>> No.6251158

It could be worse. Think about that.

>> No.6251200

community college because im poor

>> No.6251208

dude you're such a faggot, being cut makes me mad for way more than just getting laid. It's a fucking violation of my manhood done by my own fucking parents.

>> No.6251217

and I'd trade my uncut-ness for your appearance/life

>> No.6251227

we're in the almost same exact situation tbh

>> No.6251226

>tfw 18
>tfw enrolled in only college i applied to next fall
>tfw car
>tfw beautiful gf
>tfw love my parents

>tfw social skills

>> No.6251233

check your privelidge asshole

>> No.6251239

Except you live in the US, your acne looks at least manageable and you aren't profoundly ugly.

>> No.6251244
File: 1.14 MB, 1065x799, Screen shot 2013-05-30 at 6.40.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no i guess you should go back in time and stop your parents from following some shitty tradition that millions of other guys also have to deal with.
>tfw you actually get so worked up about your dick size and whether you have an extra flap of skin you think it's actually important
>tfw it will be very rare for a girl to give a shit if youre cut/uncut
>tfw if anyone judges you for that they arent worth a second of thought
>tfw your "manhood" is not determined by your dick

>> No.6251252

and you don't have this FUCKING RINGING IN YOUR EARS oh god why wont it go away

>> No.6251259

>implying uncut dudes dont have 10,000 nerve cells

>implying the foreskin isnt the male gspot

>implying a circumcise dick isnt numb as fuck

>> No.6251275

>wanting to cum in 5 seconds

>> No.6251282

>wanting to have your dick cut off

>wanting erectile dysfunction

>wanting to feel less during sex


>> No.6251287

I'm uncut and having a foreskin isn't that great
It's pretty fucking underwhelming honestly
being cut can't be much worse

>> No.6251305

>making shit up

>> No.6251299

>not stapling strips of animal skin to your penis to experience what it's like to have a foreskin

PS it wasn't that great, so STFU

There is a reason you are miserable OP:
you allow yourself to be by worrying about stuff you can't control.

>> No.6251314
File: 951 KB, 1450x1038, screamingbaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing you are a tripfag and we can easily recognize you
life isnt porn pleb, you can cum and 15 later continue fucking,
fuccing fuccboi

>> No.6251324
File: 284 KB, 1280x1024, 1367601783021 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6251331

>3 strokes
>omg anon ur done already?
>h-haha just g-give me f-fifteen minutes p-pls...

>> No.6251333

If you are OP you need to STFU

>wanting to feel less during sex
better then not having sex at all stupid.

>wanting erectile dysfunction
being 50

>wanting to have your dick cut off
you might as well, you arent doing anything with it other than crying about it

<insert cool psychedelic screenshot>

>> No.6251342
File: 274 KB, 822x1024, basedjacobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6251343

this happens to cut and uncut guys tho

>> No.6251354
File: 45 KB, 485x800, 7YpIg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so pleb thinking a girl will think bad because you came
its like you hate fun fuccboi, you prob never been with a girl so thats y u think cuming fast is a bad thing.
enjoy ur mutilated dick pleb

>> No.6251359
File: 108 KB, 1284x949, 1337746975465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh no my shitty teenage life

Anon pls, work out and eat right. Come back to me in a few years you'll be alright faggot.

You create you're own opportunities.

>Be me
>Drop out of school
>Fuck around for years, no job
>Man up and move to straya because why not, england is shit tier
>Now earning mad bank with qt gf

>> No.6251365





>> No.6251374
File: 1.61 MB, 300x241, 1337684969621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forced genital mutilation towards women severe issue in Africa, UN up in arms.
>Forced genital mutilation towards men in America, shalom golem nothing wrong here
>mfw they've indoctrinated you enough you defend the crime committed upon yourself

>> No.6251379

funny thing is hospitals sel the foreskin to make aging creams
its like the jewish fantasy there

>> No.6251413


if i was given a choice, id choose to be uncut.
but i wasn't given the choice, had no control over it, and can't do anything about it...

i think it's dumb as hell to do shit like that based on religion, but it honestly has played no role in my life whatsoever.

i can get girl, i get laid.
it doesn't fucking matter.

will i have my son circumcised?
I would cut the fetus out of a girls stomach before i let her give birth to a kid with my blood.

>> No.6251450

OP has a serious fucking inferiority complex.

>> No.6251461

restore foreskin m9, it feels glorious

>> No.6251466

Circumcision helps prevent hiv you ignorant fucks.
You should thank your parents.

>> No.6251468

>beliving this

>> No.6251475

There are circumcised people with aids you fuccboi, this means circumcision doesn't prevents aids you dumb fuccboi

>> No.6251505

Know what else prevents HIV? Not fucking dirty skanks and hos

>> No.6251527
File: 146 KB, 500x740, 1368566473154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i remember what that felt like.
>tfw 19
>tfw enrolled in college in all that
>tfw car
>tfw great parents
>tfw no gf
actually hurts alot. I loved her so much anon

>> No.6251605

eh, I'm in community college and I'm going to a four year in a few semesters. It's cheaper this way, and I can say that I graduated from a nice school.

>Have fun being in a bunch of debt everyone else

>> No.6251622

>not being able to afford college without debt
Stay poor pleb.

>> No.6251699

dam bra you're gonna cut with those edges
being cut is the last of your problems

>> No.6251714

I know all those feels except for the band and diabetes. I have poor vision too so I need glasses

>> No.6252230
File: 1.08 MB, 1840x3264, IMAG0485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 - Make a pretty paper flower from a youtube video
2 - Give to a pretty girl
3 - Ask her out

the end B)

>> No.6252264

The cut of a cloth/shirt/pants/etc probably, but in that context it's refering to a circumstanced penis