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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 34 KB, 339x512, rick-owens-2009-3-5-23-24-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6243320 No.6243320 [Reply] [Original]

should i cop some fake geobaskets or is that too fuccboi teir, i dont think anyone would notice


>> No.6243329

Before this becomes a topic with people debating fakes and judging others that buy/support fakes, if you like it, get them. You don't need /fa/'s permission nor approval to get something.

>> No.6243348

the fakes are higher quality than the turds rick owens shits out

>> No.6243355


Only a fuccboi would ask an anime internet forum permission/advice to wear whatever.

Why you wanna be something you really not tho?
Unless your persona is a counterfeit one.

>> No.6243361


Lets please not get into this further unless some has some pics of beat up fakes

>> No.6243363

agreed, i own both, the fakes are better

>> No.6243377
File: 28 KB, 503x268, fashion-rick-owens-men-s-high-top-boots-shoes-2cd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as you don't dress goth ninja get them. I won the white and normal colourway and when people ask me what shoes those are and I tell them Rick Owens they look at me with blank stares

>> No.6243379

Not surprising, I have seen firsthand how fakes and reals come from the same factories. (I know Rick handmade in Italy etc)

>> No.6243437
File: 222 KB, 1001x563, Screen Shot 2013-05-29 at 3.31.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rick wears the fakes too!

>> No.6243503

just get em dude, who cares

>> No.6243527

because they don't know who it is, or because they know who it is?

>> No.6243534

What is the Japanese version of ioffer called again?

>> No.6243543
File: 46 KB, 340x640, 1367735381055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all black ones are so sexy...

>> No.6243551

>people who won't notice won't like your moonboots anyway
>people who like rick will notice

lose-lose situation

>you're a fuccboi

>> No.6243555

Because they don't know who he is. My university is full of plebs who think Canada Goose = most expensive thing in the world. Gucci is the only designer they know.
Tbh I don't find the appeal of the black ones in my style but rocking them with white laces is sexy af

>> No.6243580

everytime you buy fakes, rick doesn't get to eat for the day

>> No.6243587

>Source: My father works for Rick

>> No.6243595

>source: i'm michele lamy

>> No.6243597

Do these summerfags really need to make the same topic every single day?

>> No.6243600

>source: I'm Rick Owens

>> No.6243603

they're poor give them a break

>> No.6243606

it's going to keep being made until people start posting personal experiences & pictures with the fakes once and for all

>> No.6243614
File: 57 KB, 480x640, 1368291754867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people that actually manage to pull of geos are the most impressive thing ever

so easy for them to look out of place

>> No.6243631
File: 149 KB, 427x640, 1365046719683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6243635
File: 94 KB, 500x513, 1367976919569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6243637

she doesn't really pull them off though

>> No.6243643

i hope you're not implying she's pulling them off

>> No.6243646

Don't listen to these faggots telling you the fakes are better. They're full of shit.

Shoes are probably the easiest things people can identify fakes for. It's so easy to distinguish bad stiching, stapled soles, glue, bad quality material, overall everything different from the shoe thats faked. The only reason I say this is because people in every continent are OBSESSED with shoes. Like, people fucking love shoes, like a lot of people. Not just anyone.

>> No.6243661


Bai ;_;

>> No.6243662

>source: I'm Rick Owen's personal goat's eyelid cock ring and I know both Rick and Michele very personally...

>> No.6243663

>I have never seen dream boxes irl

>> No.6243675

Thank god the soles are stapled in the rick shoes anyways

>> No.6243685

Matt as well as other anons have posted photos

>> No.6243688

>i've never seen them but i'm assuming everything

>> No.6243698

>Implying I've never seen dreamboxes IRL
Some faggot Asian that's in my music production class at Auraria Campus in Colorado walked in with those wonky ass shoes everyday for about 2 months, then one day I asked him about his shoes cause they looked like a Nike rip off of Rick Owens shoes, he told me their real authentic Geobaskets, and I said interesting in a tone kind of like "I know you're full of shit". I told him it was nice to talk to him and to have a nice day. Next day he switched his shoes cause I knew his gimmick. He didn't have to, they didn't look terrible. But still. That is so easy to spot fakes off of.

>> No.6243701

>repeating memes you've heard about older geos from several years back
>thinking that the build, quality and construction process remain stagnant year to year and never improve

>> No.6243710
File: 1.97 MB, 300x205, 1369232959473.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy them. Nobody is going to say shit about them cause most people don't even know who ricky rick is. The only people who consistently whine about fakes are the fuccbois from /fa/


>> No.6243728

Still doesn't mean they were actually dream box, no one said they are the same quality as Rick. The are a 100 dollar sneaker. And guess what, you tell the difference because you go on /fa/

>> No.6243742

They were Dreamboxes, I know that. And not really, I used to look at CCP, MMM, and RO by myself before I even wandered into this section of the board.

>> No.6243748

>tfw you're so self-conscious that you're not even sure if you want to buy fake geos and go out and you're constantly worried someone is going to call u out for them so u try to convince ur self "n-no one knows w-who rick is r-right, n-no one will n-notice" "m-maybe they'll think i-im cool if i b-buy these fake geos" "i-i'll just tell them i liked the way they looked but i couldn't a-afford the real ones"

essential fakefag feels

>> No.6243754

bak 2 tinyshit

>> No.6243768

buy some fakes and rock them
people come up to you and ask if they're rick just tell them no they're fakes

what are they going to do call you a fuccboi to your face? doubt it
autistic idiot

>> No.6243776


We'll just laugh at you and walk away.

>> No.6243790


You haven't laughed at anybody and walked anyway in your life you fucking autistic

>> No.6243795

>lol gotta call everyone autistic haha you autist!!

>> No.6243802

No you won't. Stop trying to cover your insecurities

>> No.6243814

You must be really full of yourself or have a superiority complex if you're going to laugh at someone in their face for owning fakes.

>> No.6243822

Lol, you're probably to much of a pussy to laugh in someones face.

>> No.6243820

>implying anyone but the autists on /fa/ know who dick ovens is

Its not like buying a fake rolex or something

>> No.6243824

>get a load of this fuccboi in the fake ricks guys
>lol faggot nice fakes bruh

>> No.6243828



>> No.6243830

laugh and walk away while trying to keep your semen stained dunks from falling apart that you paid $600 for over a proxy bid on a foreign jp site

>h-h-ha sure showed h-him!

>> No.6243832


I won't stop you guys from buying them, though.

>> No.6243838

No one will be able to tell if they're fakes or not, if they're even a yard away from you. That's how fakes work, it requires a closer, focused examination, which no one will have if you're casually walking by or even sitting at a public place.

That said, people need to stop trolling on this fucking topic; it's all old and tired.

>> No.6243840

i don't why you guys act like rick owens isn't mainstream. if ASAP is rapping about him i'm sure the rest of the world knows about him.

>> No.6243845


>implying that I bought used geos

>> No.6243846

Rick Owens isn't some obscure designer that only /fa/ knows about he's been pretty known for awhile
Unless you live in bumfuck arkansas where fashion isn't even a word yet then maybe no one knows who he is

>> No.6243847

Stereotypical /fa/ lurker, nothing new here.

>> No.6243850

>implying ASAP is relevant

>> No.6243852

no one could ever call anyone fuccboi to their face because it would be too embarrassing to mispronounce

>> No.6243853

Will I be rejected if I wear these out in public? I live in the Bible Belt.

>> No.6243864

Maybe in nations where the general population is "fashion conscious". The United States, Canada, and UK are hardly that, generally speaking, though.

>> No.6243872

I can guarantee you no one within 100 miles of my area knows who Rick Owens is. Everywhere I go, no matter how far I drive, everyone is wearing clothes either from Forever 21 or other shitty mall brand.

>omg, you spent more than $50 on jeans?!
>wait, how much did that t-shirt cost you?
>dude where did you get that money to buy those clark desert boots?


>> No.6243876

Can somebody post a pic of dream boxes? I want to see the quality of the build

>> No.6243885

Agreed I live in Arkansas and everyone dresses Pleb style

>> No.6243943

hate these shoes cause i love them so much but they dont ahve them in 45 :(

>> No.6243950

Tip of the wise.

The easiest way to tell the difference between the real RO and the fake RO is the zipper. Look for the color of the zipper and you'll know right away.

I learned that the hard way when someone called me out on my shoes before the university lecture started. They showed me a picture of the real zipper and the one on the ones i had on.

>> No.6244008

post a picture of the ones you have

>> No.6244014

holy shit who does that lmao

>> No.6244033


The dreambox geos have pretty accurate zippers from what i can tell.

>> No.6244044

People in NYC
I threw them out the same day. I didn't want to show up to class again and get shit on

>> No.6244047

Did they laugh in your face and call you a fucboi, like how half of these faggot say they would do it, but they don't have enough courage to wimper anything when they have the chance

>> No.6244063

No, nobody is that autistic in real life. Except for the girl that called me out and she didn't laugh she just merely commented on it when I was sitting beside her

>> No.6244085

What did she say exactly?

>> No.6244109


"You must go on 4chan, fucboi."

>> No.6244122

>Happy to go to class
>I sit down beside a qt because feeling confident
> she says hey
>looks down
>you're not fooling anyone you know
>i say what
>she goes on her phone
>shows me a picture of the real shoes
>look at the zipper
>points at black zipper on mine
>it's not the same, you're not fooling anyone. If you can't afford them don't wear them
>i'm speechless
>i still sit there for the entirety of the class

>> No.6244129

just say u like the design better than sitting there in shock

>> No.6244131

Your fault for trying to pass them off as fakes and being an insecure little bitch.

>> No.6244132


>> No.6244134


>> No.6244135


holy shit. that is the definition of #ethered

>> No.6244140


That must have felt horrible. Did you learn your lesson? Did you toss the fakes?

>> No.6244145

Even worse she was wearing CG jacket. Yeah I learned my lesson. I threw them out and walked barefoot to my dorm after

>> No.6244166

You could have just auctioned them off on ebay or something and at least got some cash back for them.

Also I'm sure you regained her respect when you threw out your shoes and walked barefoot just because she called you out.

>> No.6244169

lmao u didn''t

>> No.6244178


>> No.6244182


>not giving her some flippant response
>not becoming bros with someone of the opposite sex who's also into fashion
>actually taking her criticism to heart

god you are a fuccboi

>> No.6244195


>> No.6244199

Canada Goose fuccboi

>> No.6244201

in the vein of the guy in this thread who got straight ethered:

what can I say to fuccbois wearing fake comme des fuckdown stuff?

something clever that isn't necessarily provocative or aggressive, just something to confuse the shit out of them

>> No.6244202

I couldn't recover from the shot. I'm saving up for some real ones though. Getting them probably in a month. Then we'll see who the real fashionista is

>> No.6244204

Yeah, she'll be so impressed
>this August

>> No.6244207

i bet the only fucking reason she was so good at telling fakes was cuz she had to browse ioffer to get her fake goose jacket lmao

was she asian

>> No.6244208

>Then we'll see who the real fashionista is
You are pathetic, but who am I to say.

>> No.6244214

Asian and very short. she wears a lot of puffy things.
I'm joking jeez have a sense of humor

>> No.6244221

lmao i fucking knew it
she's one of those asian bitches who owns shitloads of fake shit i bet you 100 bucks her goose was fake

u need to look up the differences between fake gooses and real ones and call her the FUCK out

>> No.6244255

Apparently the fake ones are full of fucked up materials instead of feathers. I should bring a knife to class and start slashing her jacket and pulling shit out
Then i'll tell the poleeze i'm from /fa/

Boy am I looking forward to starting the winter season

>> No.6244256

u better try to get in her pants and make fun of her fake tits

>> No.6244323


>> No.6245888

BUMP someone needs to post pics of fakes

>> No.6245905
File: 711 KB, 735x735, trent owens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BUMP someone post some fake pics

>> No.6245999
File: 1.35 MB, 2592x1936, fakedicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6246014

Sure looks fake

>> No.6246039


They are. Look at the zips. We need better pictures to show off the shitty material.

>> No.6246041

dat fuckin zipper...

>> No.6246063


Plus, the dimensions are off. The toebox is flatter, the sole is rounded off, and the arch is lower.

>> No.6246077

i'm not trying to get dreamboxes though, i'm looking for IRL pictures of these:

planning to use them as beaters

>> No.6246093


Those pictures show off the quality and construction quite well.

>> No.6246100
File: 120 KB, 580x428, fashion-rick-owens-men-s-high-top-boots-shoes-cb85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6246114

ioffer = taobao dropshippers with a 100% mark up

>> No.6246124

leaked video of owens finding bad done copies

>> No.6246300


top lel

they r just sneakers how cn u even fail at wearin them

>> No.6246321

the dunks are very easily identifiable as fakes, the geos not as easy

>> No.6246335

hahaha thats perf

>> No.6248270
File: 361 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_m39fn9zKos1ru5xo5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well there you go
gonna cop these hows the sizing?