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/fa/ - Fashion

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6240569 No.6240569 [Reply] [Original]

does /fa/ exercise? or are you naturally thin.

>> No.6240576

i ride my bike a lot, sometimes a run or maybe crunches. i'm pretty thin and can just starve for a day or two and get skinny again if i need to.

>> No.6240581

I just dont eat much.

>> No.6240661

don't eat much and works pretty physical so theres my exercise. Have a skinny family though

>> No.6240730

200 situps
60 pushups
20 minute jog

3 times a week

>> No.6240762

>naturally Thin

>> No.6240767

I just starve myself. No exercise since I also want to have very little muscles with very little fat. I started using an electric scooter to move myself around my house so I can atrophy my legs.

>> No.6240796

welcome to effay what is eating

>> No.6240810

I'm naturally thin but I ate like shit for a long time and got of a bit of a belly.

Since coming to uni I think I have lost quite a bit of weight though. Haven't eaten in about 20 hours, I often only have one meal a day.

>> No.6240816

I'm naturally thin, which is why I exercise

>> No.6240820

naturally thin.

>> No.6240822

nice workout m9 u sound shredded

>> No.6240830

i do a routine and run on the treadmill for 30 min on a very fast pace. also lots of yay and booze

>> No.6240855

the fuck @ these people not eating

i eat alot and lift still fairly thin, maybe like RJ tier but w more body fat (and wider hips}
going to have to work out more though because losing dat teenage metabolism

>> No.6240872

>you will never have a skinny gf like this
she is so cute ;_;

>> No.6240882

abs + 30 min bike + pushups everyday
it's a ritual now

>> No.6240883

actually that being said, how long does it take for food to convert into noticeable fat

ive been eating chocolate on the daily and am terrified

>> No.6240889

it never does dawg, if ur eating as much as ur expending or less.

if ur eating more than u need every day, expect possible fat gain every week.

>> No.6240913

son im eating loads of food daily tho

and i only gym twice a week for like 45 minutes each time


>> No.6240955


>> No.6240965

I used to be naturally thin, then went to uni and got fat.

Now I just cut everything I eat in half and have lost a stone since Christmas.

>> No.6240968

I was trained to the max as a kid because I did 3 hard sports everyweek, each one twice a weak. Had the body of a young god, but broke my breastbone in an accident, had to stop training for a year and now I´m growing fat and can´t get myself to restart training again...it´s sad.

>> No.6240973

Haha, what?

>> No.6240979

>Now I just cut everything I eat in half and have lost a stone since Christmas.
did you just leave it somewhere and forgot to pick it back up? how does it relate to food or christmas?

>> No.6243196

Naturally really tiny, judging from my family, but a sleek, slight-build-built sort of /fit/ from being athletic all my life. Now I swim and boulder on alternating days and get around by bike.

Get back in there!

>> No.6243205

Used to think I was "naturally thin" until I studied in America for a few months. I put on about 15 pounds. It definitely is o do with your diet. I pigged out because all you can eat dorm food.

>> No.6243221

i sit inside all day with very little exercise. i wouldn't really say i'm naturally thin though since i have a pretty thick frame. still really skinny though cause i eat at a deficit and drink lots of water

>> No.6243238

1 stone = 6kg in britbong measurements

>> No.6243245

the majority of posters here just starve themselves

>> No.6243247

4x weightlifting a week + 30 min cardio
2x running for an hour
1x swimming for 45mins
Low cal, high protein diet, great amounts of caffeine to suppress appetite.
>still not lower than 10% bf, face stlil chubby

>> No.6243286

>that feel when people make fun of me for being skinny
these plebs can't even appreciate my beautiful silhouette

>> No.6243301

you are doing great. just keep going if you're sure you are doing shit effectively.

>> No.6243313

fucked up my knee from running, haven't been able to run in 3 weeks
I'm pretty sure I need some yohimbine/DNP/clen or some shit.

>> No.6243317
File: 41 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m4rm06RYgw1qasjnio1_500_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naturally skinny fat

>> No.6243328

I'm weighing a whole 115. I'm currently working on starting to eat again.

>> No.6243342
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>tfw when you weigh 73kg

hold me /fa/

>> No.6243365

>that feel when when

>> No.6243384
File: 57 KB, 251x251, 1313945247330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too fat to type right

>> No.6243392

Both. Born pretty skinny but i wanted to get in shape.

>> No.6243422

I began to lift weights awhile and I have a protein shake afterwards.

I also fence and I like to think that help keeps me moderately okay looking, but I still feel/look fat.

>> No.6243460


I swim 3 times a week so i can eat a lot but my body is far from otter mode because i'm not bulking and gaining muscle at least i'm slim

>> No.6244045

I'm 5'10 118 lb male, I eat as normally as my body tells me to, I don't like being hungry.

However my goal before the end of this summer is to workout a bit and weigh 125 - 130. I want a bit more muscle and strength.
Think I could do that with only body weight exercises?

>> No.6247024

I used to eat a ton and lift 5 days/week, so I was pretty fit. Now I just don't eat much and workout like 3 times a week. Sometimes I lift, sometimes I run, sometimes I do calisthenics.

>> No.6247375

I don't and thats why i'm DYEL with a bit of a beer belly in it's infant stages.

>> No.6247710

this. being a naturally thin guy you gotta exercise to be /fa/

>> No.6247833

I am naturally thin, but I do a general workout 3 days a week and I intend to switch it to a 4 or 5 day workout specific to different muscle areas when I feel I'm ready.

I don't do any cardio.. I know I should though.

>> No.6247841

im a very hard exerciser haha i do mostly bodywork exercises like chinups and pushups. i also take swimming lessons with my cousin tim at the local pool here in my city

>> No.6247854

I run everyday and I don't eat very much so I stay pretty thin.
I've also been trying to get off the /fa/ diet of replacing meals with cigarettes because lately I feel like I'm dying.

>> No.6247859

i smoke too but dad dose'nt know so i chew gum almost evertime hes around checking my homework

>> No.6247863

how very sneaky of you

>> No.6247867

haha yes only my girlfreind hailey knows i smoke haha i feel such a rebel but it feels soo good

>> No.6247875


please stop fucking posting. all you do is annoy the shit out of everyone in every thread you post in.

>> No.6247877

thats what they call it freshman 15 m8, a good amount of uni freshmans gain 15lbs cus of the food.

>> No.6247890

why do russians always lose there hair so young

>> No.6247893

no ones complaning and how am i anoying im just making small talk and giving honest and probably the best advise here

>> No.6247949


i lack the quantity of face and palm necessary to fully express myself

>> No.6247958

Because we are more man than you. Enjoying your estrogen?

>> No.6247996

I'm chubby and also a NEET so I'm trying to eat less and healthier.

>> No.6248022

Not a single photo. You're all fatty

>> No.6248023

I'm naturally thin in the sense I eat what I want fairly generously, but my work is very physical so I don't put any on

>> No.6248030

you're not annoying

>> No.6248034
File: 1.73 MB, 320x240, 1353119538462.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perma skinny

i do no exercise, drink almost every weekend, and work on cars all day.

superior mestizo genes niggas

>> No.6248057

I'm naturally slim and lean but i'm trying to get bigger so i've started lifting. I'm a chef as well so i'm constantly on my feet in the heat which keeps me slim

>> No.6248437

First photo I have ever seen of a good looking skinny fat body. Made me feel a lil better about my own body.

>> No.6248476

I'm naturally skinny but I exercise everyday too. I'm 6'0 and weigh about 113lbs. I used to weigh around 125lbs but, lately I've been losing more and more weight, even if I don't exercise.