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/fa/ - Fashion

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6234464 No.6234464 [Reply] [Original]

hey /fa/mily
any suggestions of what to do with my hair?
sick of everyone saying "get a haircut faggot" or "do you know what scissors are"
their the ones with a snap-back and beats around their neck.
any hairstyles you can recommend?

>> No.6234478

y cant ppl think for themselves??

>> No.6234491

i have been looking around for ages, i cant find a style myself
i'm just here for guidance

>> No.6234503

>their the ones with a snap-back and beats around their neck
Let me guess, you're an atheist with an above average intelligence and also have an obscure taste in music as well?

>> No.6234507

Shave it all off.

I did it when I had hair like yours and it was fresh

>> No.6234512

catholic, above average intelligence and i have been on /mu/ long before /fa/

>> No.6234532
File: 113 KB, 500x750, hair1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you're into the most /fa/ religion. Other than that I suggest this.

>> No.6234538

Catholicism is the most /fa/ religion?

>> No.6234551

It's not even debatable.
>inb4 rebbit atheists or "Spirituality is more /fa/." trolls

>> No.6234575

Catholicism is god tier

>> No.6234602

you need something longer or something drastically shorter. buzz or crewcut

you have no jaw so this would make your head top heavy as fuck

>givenchy did it its cool

>> No.6234606
File: 357 KB, 807x1683, 1366708176524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show us your hairline

I had hair almost exactly like yours two years ago (same color and all). Then I decided to grow it long and haven't cut it since.

>> No.6234604

>sick of everyone saying "get a haircut faggot" or "do you know what scissors are"
>their the ones with a snap-back and beats around their neck.

and you're the one with terrible hair, idiot. just because they're using beats doesn't make them wrong.


>> No.6234609

It's at the least debatable

>> No.6234612


its almost guaranteed that you regularly use the word 'fuccboi'

>> No.6234668

>just because they're using beats doesn't make them wrong.
but they are

>> No.6234675

Name of model?

>> No.6234696

make a manbun and post a pic to see if you can pull if off

>> No.6234701

don't be an asshole. I know /mu/ loves that type though.

On to the actual advice, you need to cut it off. I can't really work out your head shape but almost everyone looks all right with short back and sides and longer on top. After that let it grow out a little bit, play around with some products and find out what YOU want to do with it. There's no point us giving you an ultra-specific short haircut as it's hard to tell what it would look like on you. Make up your own mind.