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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 24 KB, 915x521, new wardrobe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6219633 No.6219633 [Reply] [Original]

I'm saving up to throw away all my clothes and get a new wardrobe. I'm full fucking pleb, graphic tee's, white wash pants, the whole 9 yards.
I tried to make up a budget sheet to see how much money I need to save to do this. Pic related.
Any glaring discrepancies? Pricing estimate wrong on any piece of clothing?

>> No.6219667

alright. 1 pair at 160?

>> No.6219668

just buy individual pieces at a time to see what you like fuccboi.

also this

>> No.6219659
File: 84 KB, 500x750, 1355965223594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$80 sneakers
what the fuck
shoes are the most important part of your outfit. that's where a large portion of your budget should be going. instead of buying several pairs, buy just one.

>> No.6219675
File: 300 KB, 1280x895, 1353277821211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking more like $300-500 minimum.

>> No.6219685

also, you should buy less tshirts, unless they are basic to go under your other shirts. and like anon said, you should be spending a LOT more on shoes. an excellent leather shoe, if cared for, can last you a long, long time, and could possibly even outlast you.

>> No.6219696

Do you want to continue being a basic bitch? That's what I gather from looking at your chart.

>> No.6219699

why are you buying so much shit?

why would you ever need 23 shirts?
why do you need 4 pairs of denim?
chinos are for wankers, just buy a suit.

>> No.6219702

Going on average prices probably won't work, assuming you want to dress above the norm. How long have you been on /fa/? Lurk and develop a style, then find out how much that style will cost, then make a list.

>> No.6219717

It's more to know about how much I need to save up. I have 2 grand save at the moment.
Because my closet's full and I feel like I need alot of clothes.

>> No.6219718

dude you do not need to buy 4 pairs of chinos and 4 fucking cardigans all at once.

buying tons of clothes all at once you're guaranteed to be disappointed with over half your shit in less than a month

buy pieces one at a time, get one or two MAX of a single style like chinos or cardigans or jeans or whatever and then move onto something you dont have. when you have one or two of everything (and this should take you years) then you can think about getting thirds of stuff.

buying 4 of something all at once is a serious recipe for failure

>> No.6219725
File: 64 KB, 589x1087, autism-awareness[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6219728

Not OP, but let's say I do buy such a costly pair of sneakers. What colour should I get so that it fits year round with what I'm wearing?

>> No.6219733

The average price of items will change depending on quality, designer, brand, ect.

>> No.6219738

none. sneakers are for faggots.

>> No.6219750

/fa/, you're not helping me...

>> No.6219759

You don't need a lot of clothes. You need good clothes. It's quality over quantity.

>> No.6219760

buy a pair of black and a pair of white

>> No.6219766
File: 56 KB, 522x500, 1369447047447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black is the most versatile color. white coming second.

that said, I enjoy earth tones, but it limits my outfit choices by a lot.

>> No.6219767

please take this chart over to mfa or delete this thread and lurk here for a few more months

>> No.6219768

Black and white.

>> No.6219775

I would buy more shoes so you can fit a larger variety of looks. I don't think you need 4 cardigans, I would get a few other types for more variety. The number of shirts are fine, I might even throw in a few more seasonal shirts i.e. right now I have a few extra sports shirts for summer.

Your prices are high, I would buy cheaper but well fitted clothes for now and replace them with better pieces when they are available on sale.

>> No.6219777

But without enough clothes, we're all stuck wearing the same thing every day.

>> No.6219776

>black is the most versatile color.
yeah okay
> white coming second.
lol no

>> No.6219788

Buy versatile clothes, and build a wardrobe slowly.

>> No.6219789

This is my reasoning
>anon didn't you wear that yesterday?
>no that was the day before yesterday

>> No.6219793


You need enough clothes so you can dress to the occasion and not repeat yourself within say a two week period. Even cheaper pieces will last a very long time if they are cared for and you have enough pieces to rotate them.

>> No.6219810

get a neutral color

decide which color to get based on your existing wardrobe

>> No.6219815

Light grey, for example?

>> No.6219848

yeah. the grey chucks are pretty good i think.

>> No.6219858


>> No.6219865


>> No.6219873

for confirming the fact that grey is a good choice

>> No.6219884

That never happens OP. People notice your clothes far less than you think and even when they do, most people won't care.

>> No.6219895


you realize that you're supposed to wear raw denim multiple times a week for like a year before you wash them rite? repeat wearing over a couple of weeks is something that only the lowest of the low care about.

>> No.6219898

happened to me once but this is basically how it went

>Didn't you wear that on Wednesday?
>I think so, I don't like most of my shirts so I just wear a few.
>Yeah that's a nice shirt.

just stay laundered and no one will give a shit

>> No.6219984

1 pair of raw jeans and 2 pairs of chinos. And why do you need so much ducking tailoring? Just buy tshirts that fit properly? All you people telling him he only needs to buy 1 piece at a time he's trying to buy a whole wardrobe.

>> No.6220008


It's up to you if you want your casual wear to become a uniform.

>> No.6220052


it's called having style

>> No.6220063


Not when you cling to it like a security blanket, then it's just a crutch. You can still have a distinct style while being capable of wearing a variety of looks depending on the venue, the weather, or simply your mood that day.

>> No.6220069

why the fuck are you buying four pairs of raws

>> No.6220073

I'm trying to raise awareness for autism.

>> No.6220092

>all that tailoring
your body cant be that out of proportion

>> No.6220087

Op I'm just going to say this. Basics are basics. Get them from basic stores for cheap. I love Gap and Uniqlo stuff. Usually slim fitting and much cheaper than your estimates. Then spend money on the good stuff. A nice jacket. Some good shoes. Raws.

Just saying most of that shit isn't necessary or could be found for much cheaper. Quanity is nice but you have to remember that A) really only monochromatic looks good and B) people dont care usually what you wear.

>> No.6220148

really odd quantities
if you want to start fresh with basics think about what attires you wear throughout the week
you're obv not going to wear 7 different tshirts a day as your main attire nor 4 different polos - on top of that youre prob not going to go out on somedays
, so cut your quantities in shirts. minimize on basics and then buy what you want once you find your fav brands

you dont need 4 cardigans
crewnecks you should include

TWO indigo, black raw denim
Two chinos
One shorts

you should start off with one quality hoodie

transfer oxford funds to boots or sneakers
three belts or two expensive great belts