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6209655 No.6209655 [Reply] [Original]

holy fuck boys givenchy pre-spring 2014 photos came out recently and it's terrible

>> No.6209669
File: 69 KB, 320x454, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hq photos aren't out yet tho

>> No.6209670

would cop bottom left jacket

>> No.6209680

why pink hair

>> No.6209681
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>> No.6209682

top middle and top right shirts look cool, but is he wearing a thong or something in top middle? wtf

>> No.6209686
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>> No.6209687

oh fuck

>> No.6209693
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has camo science gone too far

>> No.6209701
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all dis camo and floral
so much trends so little time

>> No.6209707
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>> No.6209712
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>> No.6209716


>> No.6209717

Nice barber-shop camo. We blending into shops now.

>> No.6209714

i'd wear the top middle sweater, the rest is horrid. what the fuck

>> No.6209719
File: 71 KB, 320x454, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking outfit

>> No.6209726

the combinations of the different print pieces is really maximal, which i could see some people getting into. its what the designer is going for, can't knock it really. 'terrible' is the wrong word

working one of the individual pieces into a fit would be interesting

>> No.6209727
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>> No.6209728

its over gavinchy is finished

>> No.6209729

Camo leggings doe

>> No.6209731

The camo outfits are terrible, it doesn't make it feel like the spring time at all.

This is just takes the trophy for wackytown

This fashion is just too extreme for me, it's pretty cool.

>> No.6209732

That ls tee he's wearing under is actually pretty rad

>> No.6209730

Ricardo knows where it's at
Expect to see a lot of camo in 2014 courtesy of the hordes of copycats of dat Givenchy nxtlvlism.
Im okay with this.html

>> No.6209733

Well this means i've never NOT wearing my camo leggings

>> No.6209734


>> No.6209735
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next level croppage

>> No.6209743

That's not even witty that's just fucking crass

>> No.6209744

actually kind of nice

>> No.6209740


bhahahaha what the fuck

>> No.6209745
File: 66 KB, 320x454, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this shirt

>> No.6209748

>stay mad

>> No.6209756

that is why is next level my peasant friend
what ever is considered cool right now will be mall core as fuck in 2014.
What u consider mall core right now will be nowhere to be found at malls in 2014 because everbodyl will be at that space ninja swag in the malls, my dear ignorat gheyboi.

>> No.6209754
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and that's basically it besides a couple all black/white suits

>> No.6209758
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>> No.6209757

wear that shit now so you've avant-garding dat nxtlvl

>> No.6209766
File: 68 KB, 320x454, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also posting this one cus toplel

>> No.6209773

>tfw girls mirin your package in givenchy trousers

>> No.6209771

not that anon but nah. mallcore is an entirely different strain of fashion

taking a look at all the pics, ignoring the obvious accessible ones, they're sick. but i wouldnt wear it

>> No.6209777

U know I am already on it baby.

>> No.6209791

srs? it's fucking rad

>> No.6209827
File: 675 KB, 2000x2000, rnLTOM1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but, givenchy, is, luve.
would cop a few items.

>> No.6209833
File: 46 KB, 490x655, amanda_2570813a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya...these looks are dizzying...individually tho, ive seen way worse pieces (w/exception to the leggings for men of course)

>> No.6209830


>> No.6209835

>> (w/exception to the leggings for men of course)

>> No.6209842

one day youre gonna look back and be like DAMN PRODIGY WAS RIGHT i promise

>> No.6209845

Why is he the only one with orange hair?

>> No.6209865

Unless this whole collection is just a commentary on the growing gaudiness and triteness of streetwear (and let's face it, Tisci probably isn't clever enough for that), it's pretty bad.

>> No.6209863

tishi has so much talent

what the fuck is he doing

>> No.6209898

Making money. Givenchy menswear sell like hotcakes and most critics and buyers stroke his big ol Italiano dong

>> No.6209893

I don't think i'd ever say you were right about anything.

>> No.6209900

getting paid

>> No.6209917


floral shirt like that wouldnt look bad with some real shoes on and a black suit jacket.

>> No.6209962


>> No.6209977

I'd save money on bullets and stab her instead...with MAH DIIIIICCCK

no kidding, i wouldn't go there.

>> No.6209990

>letting your dick anywhere near that thing

I would not even hit that using MattHelders' babydick #kekmao

>> No.6209996


basically this

>> No.6209997
File: 75 KB, 640x457, idgaf_buuut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was gonna ignore the first idiotic comment. and the second. but you guys are starting to push my limit

>> No.6210004
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>tfw kanye is going to tour with these shit pieces

>> No.6210012
File: 471 KB, 500x227, lul bytch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, check them

>> No.6210014

you better get your head evaluated. consider this a referral to psychiatrist.

>> No.6210021

top left button down (flannel?) is dope as fuck

>> No.6210019

to me it's not so much terrible because it's an ugly mess of patterns/prints... it's terrible because it is nothing new. you're a top fashion house, and people will follow whatever you do. take clothes in a new direction... yeesh.

>> No.6210027
File: 16 KB, 304x428, 1343174685765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing camo outside of a military environment

>> No.6210057


pretty dumb thing to say. are you against wearing M65 jackets? what about MA-1s? BOMBER jackets? combat boots? desert boots? german ARMY TRAINERS?

>> No.6210062

givenchy was never good
most of you are just brandwhoring fuccbois at this point

>> No.6210067

are you wearing jeans?
were you a miner?

are you wearing chinos?
were you in the british military?

>> No.6210098

lol camo is never stylish unless it's worn by a black man. camo is physically impossible to pull off if you have white skin. you WILL look like a redneck, regardless of what else you are wearing, how stylish your hair is, or what brand shoes you are wearing.

>> No.6210103

why are you even on a fashion board with that kind of attitute?

I don't like camo either but damn homie you gotta fall back

>> No.6210105

they obviously aren't saying it's stylish in those posts

>> No.6210107

Nice reasons to support your argument there anon!

>> No.6210121

>pull off
only nerds who can't dress themselves say shit like this

>> No.6210129

OMG are u a fashion designer working in at the top of the industry designing haute couture and ready to wear at the same time?
I will follow your wise advice on high style from now on!

>> No.6210170

>all these scary ass white boys
it's hilarious how you weaklings turn into hissing cats when confronted by the black man.
>please don't take my women! here, have my wallet, just please don't hurt me!
could you faggots be anymore defensive?

>> No.6210177

youre not black tho

>> No.6210178

why is his hair pink

>> No.6210179

more like
>walking down the street
>"Damn nigga those are fresh kicks"
>"Thanks dawg you too"
because i'm not a fuccboi

>> No.6210217

>having to pretend to a ghetto hoodrat when a blackman walks by you, just so you can impress them
fucking admit it. white men turn into mush around blacks. you fucks have such a man crush on everything african-american. you emulate their style, their vernacular, their aura. you pay money to watch them throw balls around, you put their posters on their walls, and some of you even have a fetish for watching black men fuck your women. you bitches GET OFF on pretending to be black, literally. and then you go on your message boards, safe behind your computer screens and knock on africa, and how niggers are dumb, and loud and shit. when really they RUN your life. YOU are the slave and the black man is the one on the porch with a gun in his hand, FUCCBOI

>> No.6210313
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>> No.6210329

I'm not even white though I'm Mexican

>> No.6210339

lol the jews got u good

>> No.6210340
File: 61 KB, 555x551, 1325390408973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talk fit post shit

>> No.6210345

that guy posts fits very frequently

weird as fuck always in the stockroom of some department store or something

>> No.6210350
File: 59 KB, 500x490, Clearly it is Outrageous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6210374
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interesting ideology
i wonder what how you view the rest of your life

>> No.6210437

i like watching them fuck white women but everything else is untrue.

>> No.6210508

its the shoe section of k-mart and its not always there

>> No.6210562

remember when Givenchy wasn't a shitty trend-hopping label pandering to the hip-hop community

>> No.6210567

>People actually defending this shit
>B-b-but muh Givenchy
>B-b-but muh Kanye
My sides

>> No.6210593
File: 230 KB, 534x742, Givenchy_68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one from 1968.

One could argue they're only responding to the market. Givenchy still makes couture dresses, but tees are (for lack of a better word) kinda relevant right now, in a way they never truly were. Why shouldn't they do a take on it?

>> No.6210597
File: 387 KB, 851x1280, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very interesting points
>kinda relevant right now, in a way they never truly were
love this because it's so true
t shirts are a a kind of common wear nowawadays

>> No.6210605

O Sheeeeit.jpg
Dem gurlzZz got MAD swag dawg!

>> No.6210609



>> No.6210638
File: 161 KB, 499x750, girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is that supposed to mean?

>> No.6210648

>t shirts are a a kind of common wear nowawadays

>> No.6210827

:D i like you a lot
jus sayin

>> No.6211072

I actually like those looks, but I would never had the balls to wear something like that

Yea I agree, there are way worse ones out there. However it seems like Givenchy just manufactures the same thing over and over again, currently. Its like he has gotten comfortable with a certain style that he knows will sell well in the market.

>> No.6211091

i'm sorry but most of these outfits look like shit, no matter how nxtlvl or expensive they are

>> No.6211116

autism-core the thread

>> No.6211188
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>> No.6211202


it's like a parody of themselves.

>> No.6211203
File: 118 KB, 990x1191, SS13---VALENTINO---EVA45717VT0297105_4_P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying Givenchy just invented camo

>> No.6211221


> t shirts are common wear nowadays

what the fuck

>> No.6211462

T shirt, jeans, ususally what I'm dressed in

>> No.6211621

Wow stop right there. Camo is like already in.

>> No.6211630

lel nobody carse

>> No.6211658

Seriously, the dude is a fucking FOLLOWER. CAMO has already been in a trend for a few years/season.

>> No.6211659


>> No.6211668

i knew camo and neon orange would be hot this year

brb getting a cabela's hat with earflaps

>> No.6211676

tumblr as fuck