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6195835 No.6195835 [Reply] [Original]

I'm getting into a harsh diet (I won't eat unless I feel sick (in what case half an apple will be enough), will smoke a lot and drink coffee if Im hungry), any tips to avoid hypoglycemia ?

>> No.6195850

Drink lots of water. Take vitamins

>> No.6195866

or any to lose weight faster ?

is there any use of laxatives if I don't eat at all ?

>> No.6195923


>> No.6195936

God I hate that ugly faggot.

>> No.6195940
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>> No.6195941

I'm sure you've heard this shitloads but breakfast is important as fuck. Eat at least something when you wake up to start your metabolism. Personally I just eat an apple, have a cup of coffee and take my vitamins. I usually don't eat for the rest of the day but I always drink water.

Don't fucking take laxatives. All you do is lose water weight and nutrients. You'll lose muscle mass so you'll just become skinny fat.
imo you should just eat loads of fruits and veggies. it's a lot healthier (albeit longer way to lose weight) but you'll do your body good in the long run.

>> No.6195951

how fat are you atm

>> No.6195956

What he said. As long as you eat a good breakfast (Oatmeal with assorted fruits for example) and nothing else, you will lose a shit load of weight but feel full for a good portion of the day.

>> No.6195961


expert in the field coming through

give the man some space!

>> No.6195966

pfft, im not an expert, i just know a bit

thx for the motivation

>> No.6195969
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i feel like /fa/ needs a new rule banning threads about anoerexia.

>> No.6196052

160cm 60kg

>> No.6196071


>> No.6196083

just eat at a calorie deficit and do cardio.

I had to bike 16 miles a day for an internship and didn't have the money to feed myself properly so I got lean as fuck (I think I looked gross, but whatevs it's the aesthetic you apparently want)

>> No.6196084

168 cm 48 kg

>> No.6196107

do a protein sparing modified fast if you are keen on losing weight that quickly you fucking cunt

>> No.6196301

175cm 62 kg get on my super fine level

>> No.6196308

How can you be so short? what are you 12?

>> No.6196331

>16 miles a day


>> No.6196370

take an iodine supplement

>> No.6196378


if you really want to lose weight why not do it in a way that won't fucking kill you ? and if you want to do some extreme shit there is still keto.

>> No.6197132

chew gum fuccboi