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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 100 KB, 1400x488, uoft-signature2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6180098 No.6180098 [Reply] [Original]

College/University /fa/ friends thread.
Post your college/university to make /fa/ friends

>> No.6180115
File: 10 KB, 256x256, UF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6180118

5'7 Asian
Pre Med

>> No.6180128
File: 157 KB, 999x799, University_of_life_by_deiviu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6180130

lol this aint /soc/ bro

>> No.6180133

what hs?

>> No.6180135

Barron Collier in Naples, FL

>> No.6180138

UW Madison. I'm not /fa/ but I know I've seen people post on here from Madison.

>> No.6180170

This is shitposting. Fuck off.

>> No.6180174

I'm transferring to ryerson for fashion design next year. We should really have a /fa/ meet up in Toronto

>> No.6180185

University of Alberta

>> No.6180193

edmonton is gay

>> No.6180222

U of C here too. I wasn't expecting anyone else, how weird.

>> No.6180244

are you a bboy by any chance?

>> No.6180247

nah dancing is for fgts

>> No.6180251

uuuuhhhh why would I want to hang out with nerds in Zara and H&M?!?

>> No.6180253

Carleton University

I seen one of you /fa/gs post /fa/ tier memes on a carleton group so I know some of us lurk here

>> No.6180264

i go to uoft
it's not /fa/

>> No.6180266

fellow uoft brah here

fun fact: tripskank goes to uoft. saw her near st.mikes a few months ago

>> No.6180270

i know she does, I wouldn't really want to see her IRL tbh, if you know what I mean

>> No.6180271


>> No.6180274

what year you dumb niqqas in?

>> No.6180277

U of T depression shit tier race reporting in

>> No.6180281

just finished 1st, dumber niqqabish

>> No.6180284
File: 12 KB, 256x256, brock1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c non-asian friends

>> No.6180286

framingham state university. my nigs.

>> No.6180290

Fashion Institute of Technology bitch

>> No.6180302

>fashion school
>waste of money

Pick two

>> No.6180304

why is ufashion so shitty?

at a better uni

>> No.6180315


>> No.6180312
File: 17 KB, 300x250, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come at me whore

>> No.6180316


>> No.6180323

mean words

>> No.6180332

I'm jelly.
Montreal is mastercity

>> No.6180366
File: 20 KB, 250x250, cseal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sac State.

>> No.6180367


I go to Carleton but I don't have Facebook so I wasn't the one posting those memes.

What year are you in? I just finished 2nd year History/English.

Also, our University is so not /fa/...

>> No.6180391
File: 3 KB, 100x125, 1368048355557s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol op is a friendless loser
3 ppl go to ur uni in this thread and none of them offered to meet up


>> No.6180401


Going into second year, law/probably gonna minor in history.

>> No.6180408
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>> No.6180425
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University of Auckland

Wear any hallensteins and you thou shall be exterminated.

>> No.6180434

I go to UofT too

what's your sense of fashion and interests in general eh

>> No.6180436

there were literally zero uoftfags in the last one of these and it was 10 times bigger

wtf is this shit

>> No.6180448

I hate uoft so much
engsci was so much time waste and heart ache

>> No.6180455

why didn't you go to waterloo

>> No.6180459


>> No.6180465

lel do you hear that a lot

let me quote it again for you


>> No.6180472

they have a better engineering program

>> No.6180466

>Not the worst city ever

>> No.6180471

>sense of fashion
pick one

>> No.6180476

my best friend goes to waterloo, he hates it and wishes he went to UofT and whines about how jealous he is all the time


>> No.6180478

why the fuck
they have better coop
have i been rused

>> No.6180489

Carletonfag here.

Is /fa/ the most Canadian board or what

>> No.6180490

sweet dodge man, you know what I meant

because he wishes he lived in a city that doesn't suck and had access to the social life that he enjoys there during the summer

>> No.6180491

Toronto has a fine fashion scene.
Just avoid the main Campus, where you'll find exclusively asians and fucking studious whities.

Y'all probably in it.
More people out of the country recognize UofT's program and if you're not planning on living in Canada your whole life; that's important.

>> No.6180499

I saw an asian dude wearing VISVIM grizzly mid folks one time holding a burberry bag

was it one of you fuckers

>> No.6180500

when I say burberry bag I mean shopping bag btw

>> No.6180504

i'm in artsci, not engineering, i've heard from quite a few peeps that waterloo engineering/coop is superior in most disciplines

who on effay would cop that

>> No.6180512

some people would

and besides, I didn't even care, because

>> No.6180513

The styliish asians don't go to uoft.
soz m8

>> No.6180518

he was walking through the middle of the goddamn campus

>> No.6180520


>> No.6180525

I'm transferring to University of Illinois at Chicago next fall.

So, uh, anyone wanna room with me? Because I don't want to have some fucking asshole roommate who I hate.

>> No.6180548
File: 36 KB, 419x418, melbourne-university.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6180567

I'm going there the fall of 2014 :)

>> No.6180568
File: 91 KB, 500x750, geos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should have said "nice visvim" or smthn
he would have had a lil' effaygasm

>> No.6180594

he looked like he already knew

>that feel when I failed to improve his day because of my own shyness

>> No.6180612
File: 55 KB, 686x1024, dats cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u've failed me
better do it next time
if i'm wearing something nice and i see some guy mumbling half words at me while looking at my clothes i'll get hella mad @ u

>> No.6180622
File: 14 KB, 350x350, the_university_of_newcastle_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New U

>> No.6180632

I'm gonna transfer there

>> No.6180638
File: 21 KB, 386x98, 1016_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please. I don't want to be stuck with reddit for four years.

>> No.6180640

that's a great fit

>> No.6180646

there's another angle where it shows his face and it looks less good but still nice

>> No.6180650

having been to mcgill and uoft... meh

from a purely academic standpoint uoft is a much nicer university

>> No.6180659
File: 145 KB, 891x604, Marquette%20University%20logo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>g-guys how /fa/ is m-my uni?

>> No.6180685

I'm trying to go because school in Canada is cheaper than the US I'm pretty fond of Montreal.

>> No.6180735

well don't forget that montreal has its fair share of corruption, filth, and--worst of all--french.

toronto is just nicer, cleaner. as far as shopping goes, it kinda sucks, but it's not THAT bad.

>> No.6180757

>as far as shopping goes, it kinda sucks
stop right there fuccguy


check those out

>> No.6180766

Reporting in with the best school in the nation

>> No.6180781
File: 19 KB, 495x290, Wake-Forest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one person at my school who I could possibly see being effay and it's a girl who dresses Goth Ninja. She actually pulls it off pretty well and has great silhouettes. Anyway here is the compliment I have wanted to give you for awhile on your wardrobes just haven't found a good time to.

>> No.6180787

Anyone in germany?


>> No.6180811


Anyone in Hong Kong

>> No.6180818
File: 60 KB, 800x787, lets see the back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you joking

>> No.6180827


no, i am not

>> No.6180834

Anyone in Colombia?

>> No.6180838


I don't envy you

>> No.6180844
File: 52 KB, 854x464, e1839be1839de1839ce18398e18399e18390-e18395e18398e183a2e18398-e28093-monica-vitti[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Columbia University. I'll be at University of Bologna for the fall, though.


>> No.6180898
File: 31 KB, 174x180, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stanford, starting next year

>> No.6180907

Will be there in a couple weeks for the summer.

>> No.6180919


Same here.

>> No.6180938

Finna start my freshman year in the fall. Holla

>> No.6180941

Nice, I am actually staying in Shenzhen. I will have to adjust to the heat but I am excited to take a vacation.

>> No.6180956

unimelb comm here.

>> No.6180971

I'm staying in Kowloon. I hope the weather won't be too hot this year.

>> No.6180983

tfw a UIC kid but no UChicago bros

>> No.6180995

I'm the only elite in UofT in bbs jacket, everyone else dressed like a pleb. (firts year innis)

>> No.6181002
File: 10 KB, 220x69, top lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look what I found


>> No.6181007
File: 22 KB, 250x249, dump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new college
come AT me

>> No.6181010


Future designers for JC Penney and Macy's.

>> No.6181012

Any good tourist stuff to do in HK (cheap)? I usually just stay in SZ but might go down there a few times.

>> No.6181063



>> No.6181075
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x900, bbs_me_february.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me in february.

>> No.6181080
File: 2 KB, 125x95, 1368041934167s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you jealous fools

they are *real* fashun designers don't mess

>> No.6181088

I went to that same thrift store, didn't find anything
I go to another hidden away one, got tons of stuff

Diggin the beat-up shoes (srs)

>> No.6181099

Yo Toronto/GTA fags, is Anime North effay? Might go

>> No.6181101

pls don't
go to the /cgl/ archive and read the con horror stories
fucked up shite

>> No.6181105

I don't really know since I'm not the usual tourist. I usually go around shopping and eating with my relatives. I guess you could visit Victoria Harbour, especially at night. Hit up Mong Kok to experience one of the most crowded places in the world, and grab some street eats (curry fish balls, shuimai). Just walk around and check out the stores. The malls are usually huge and nice looking compared to the US. I'd suggest grabbing an Octopus card so you can take their public transit. There's also the mountain peak, but I didn't find it interesting or you can visit the old fishing villages.

>> No.6181109

im going to make fun of my friends who have tables

>> No.6181144
File: 275 KB, 254x515, rekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually i have a fit saved
ur done

>> No.6181148

UAT Unidad Académica Multidisciplinaria Reynosa-Rodhe. Reynosa, Tamaulipas, México.

>> No.6181152

probably the first time i've met someone on /fa/ that lives in nc besides me

>> No.6181160


lol, I actually went last year since my friend's uncle owns an Anime store so I helped sell shit. It was pretty fun and interesting, I would do it again. Tons of qts in slutty outfits.

Definitely not /fa/ though.

>> No.6181173

arts here, I'm trying to transfer to comm thought because I didn't get the atar :(

>> No.6181175
File: 6 KB, 381x132, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


W-we can be friends, right UoT?

>> No.6181184
File: 44 KB, 446x400, 131007314883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love when i find more ryersonfags in here

>tfw my friends and i probably laughed at your fit

>> No.6181192

>Cousin's friend from ryerson going to a multi-uni event
>Starts chatting up some girls from UofT
>They eventually get to the topic of what university he was from
>He says ryerson
>"I'm not talking to you anymore"

and they just left

lmao what type of person do you even have to be to do that

>> No.6181196

Were they Asians?

>> No.6181201

no idea
it'd be my first guess though

>> No.6181204

I go to UofT, and I know people who act like that casually, but I have a hard time believing they'd actually be like that. It's a little unsettling to me, regardless. Anyone who could be so pointlessly elitist is a thoroughbred asshole, and not worth knowing.

>> No.6181208

heard ryerson is all tumblrcore or dadcore


>> No.6181213

all you other ryersonfags must dress like shit. i ain't ever seen a pair of geobaskets on campus

>> No.6181220

Especially considering it's fucking UofT.

Not saying it's a bad uni, but it hardly has the name recognition that American Ivys have to lead people to be that full of themselves about it.

My half of my bffs go to UofT, and so do most of the people I knew from high school and I don't recall anyone getting an attitude about it, so it's a rare occurrence, or a joke gone bust.

>> No.6181234

uh, that's everywhere on the planet

>> No.6181230

It mostly is a joke, but it's a vicious and mean one. I let people know with my facial response that I don't approve when they make Ryerson jokes. It's not a right-minded way of being in general.

>> No.6181259

when I was checking university forums about which uni's were better/worse, people were fucking VICIOUS about that shit.

When I see people openly do it IRL I'm not sure if they're joking or not tbh.

>> No.6181263

lol geos bro, i havent seen a fucking heritage in uoft st george campus, only asians in blue sweatshirts with "University of Toronto" on the back (exaggerating little bit)

>> No.6181275

I heard transfers are damn hard, esp from arts to comm. you'll need damn high H1's and a decent atar from last year to boot. comm isn't that great anyway, i'm doing music on the side and i love it more. comm is fobs galore. would suggest you steer clear but arts is a dead end anyway

>> No.6181281

>online forums on the internet

That's your issue. I say hateful shit about things I like online just for the fun of it, on occasion to get a rise out of people - it's really not surprising that people would say hateful shit about something they don't care about, or dislike.

I have zero friends at Rye, so I end up hanging out with UT people most of the time, and no one's said anything. But maybe that's because a lot of them are business and commerce majors, and hate their program unanimously.
I think I make Rye jokes more often than any of them.

>> No.6181287 [DELETED] 

>tfw even shottoes murican university is x100 times better than your shithole

>> No.6181299

Going there next year! can't wait

>> No.6181308

is that the dude who wears like this reflective ball cap? its so fuckin ugly lol

>> No.6181303

U of t, Innis residents, I know youre here, there's a du on campus who's always walking in flyknits and a crazy hat.

>> No.6181304
File: 21 KB, 542x602, 1364669144135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in the south
>every male who dresses well is dadcore
>girls are tumblr or twee

>> No.6181310
File: 17 KB, 342x295, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes sense tbh, but some of the uoft vs mcgill ones get legit heated

I saw a dude with a marty mcfly hat lol, is that him?

>> No.6181312


>> No.6181317

I'm not the Innis guy, but yeahh that's what i was talking about lol that dude is a nxtlvl bucket, i had a class with him

>> No.6181319

I sat next to him twice lmao

>> No.6181320


Nigga go get yourself a qt

>> No.6181321
File: 150 KB, 1308x855, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6181327

He be next levul as fukkk
Unlike u, fuccini bois

>> No.6181340



>> No.6181345
File: 12 KB, 270x270, 2012-05-30_14-31-45.713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be surprised if anyone from /fa/ goes to my uni.

>> No.6181360


>> No.6181363

I want to wear strange things so people talk about me on internet forums too

>> No.6181365

ryersonfag here

damn i didn't think there'd be so many of you fuckers at ryehigh

>> No.6181370

Lol just graduated. Most un /fa/ campus

>> No.6181382


>> No.6181378

There's an unexpectedly large amount of T.O. in /fa/ overall. I was really surprised when I first learned of it.

>> No.6181389

w2c cute azn gf @ ryerson tho

>> No.6181391

ryerson meetup tomorrow 5pm lake devo

>> No.6181392
File: 32 KB, 600x450, whaaat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you brown
tell the truth

>> No.6181394


got work, can't make it lol

>tfw you browse effay but is too poor to actually afford ricks

>> No.6181398

I'm white, in EngSci, at Innis, and effay
Figure it out for yourself fuccboi

>> No.6181402
File: 417 KB, 466x563, beat DOWN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know toooo many brown people who type like that

also come at me

>> No.6181408

Agreed. I am graduating next semester, I can't wait to move out.

>> No.6181407
File: 19 KB, 512x384, swancry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw out of the country until June
>tfw probably to autist to talk to any of you guys anyway
>tfw pleb

I have a friend that works at Holts, I really need her to hook me up so that I could stop being so Zaracore.

>> No.6181411

Typing like this is #NXTLVL
Have fun being
>I would never date a girl who mixes up you're and your
>reddit is my life

>> No.6181412

A&M begs to differ.

>> No.6181415

Nigga I don't even go on reddit
stop frontin' with people on the internet

>> No.6181419

Soz man, you called me brown. it hurt

>> No.6181425
File: 128 KB, 500x491, mmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm brown
u've been rused brother

>> No.6181426

go back to utsc

>> No.6181424
File: 56 KB, 518x208, dohoho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> UT engineers
>not full of themselves

>> No.6181434

Yea. It gets annoying. I've know people who will laugh in your face when they talk about class.
They're a bit ridiculous.
>Not main campus

>> No.6181442

Is the innis guy still here?

>> No.6181448
File: 105 KB, 250x320, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6181468


>> No.6181485

took me ages to get this

>> No.6181524
File: 54 KB, 660x439, university_of_toronto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many chinks itt smdh

>> No.6181526

is brycity in this thread lmao

>> No.6181527


>> No.6181529


>> No.6181533

fucking herbs smh

>> No.6181549

smh? what?

>> No.6181553


....fuck outta here herb

>> No.6181565

yeah they told be I'd be really lucky to get in midyear, but I only need a H2B (70%) avg to get in next year. Plus I'm doing an economics major through arts anyway so when I get in I won't have to redo a bunch of subjects

>> No.6181685


>> No.6181687


the weather is shit, way too hot.
you can't really be /fa/ when you're sweating your balls off

>> No.6182812


>> No.6182829

adelaide uni here, anyone?

>> No.6182825
File: 143 KB, 746x718, um_seal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6182826

Are one of you /fa/gs the guy from the newspaper that does the street style stuff around campus? I've sworn for a long time that he was a /fa/ggot, but I haven't really seen him on here or heard him flex some /fa/ nuts.

>> No.6182832
File: 65 KB, 600x430, gallery4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rising u of vermont freshman here

d-does anyone n-need a r-roommate?

>> No.6182851

how do you afford rooms at un in the US, never understood that.

>> No.6182858


>> No.6182860

what do you mean? i'm pretty sure all freshmen and sophomores are required to live on campus, and housing is covered intuition.

>> No.6182861

Im transferring to ryerson next year for fashion design, can we be friends????????????????????????????<wbr>

>> No.6182866

i go to state. it is not fa.

>> No.6182869
File: 13 KB, 225x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such an un-/fa/ school.

Although I would certainly pork the girl who does the "fashion police" twitter without knowing what she looks like.

>> No.6182878

i almost went there. seemed a little too bro crazy. remember walking back to my car after a tour and saw a solid 10/10 student driving campus shuttle.
shit was so cash

>> No.6182886
File: 18 KB, 851x315, 21112_4457614852659_1532587838_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready to stomp on some macmaster plebs next year? any /fa/ people joining me and my friends

>> No.6182883

wassup bro

>> No.6182902

I'll be at Champlain in the fall

>> No.6182904

Well, it's a big school, so there are a lot of "bros."

I'm glad it's not the kind of campus where you have to be in a frat to go anywhere/do anything fun, though. Schools where like 90% of the student body participates in greek life seem kind of bizarre to me.

>> No.6182934
File: 488 KB, 480x644, 1366592363770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit me too. I'll see you at the gym 6am every day, be there faggot. Got accepted into physics undergrad, how about you?

>> No.6182939

very nice!

uvm has 8% greek life i think so thats great. the uconn campus was beautiful especially the student center. all that money from basketball and football flowing in shows.

for me you just cant beat burlington tho

>> No.6182953

University Of Surrey, UK.

>> No.6182958

its much easier to transfer into something than go straight into it as long as you've completed some stuff already

>> No.6182959


>> No.6182963
File: 38 KB, 503x581, 1356966777258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Central Florida
Aerospace Engineering

>tfw Colombia and UF turned me down

The shame I feel....

>> No.6182968

ESSEC Business School Paris

>> No.6182972

University of Adelaide reppin

>> No.6182969

Uuuuhhhh drinking jagerbombs and wearing chubbies ain't" greek life"

You nerds use greek letters for your no-girls-allowed club b/c you're to use them in yer equations

>> No.6182978

Going to Minneapolis next year

Hopefully it'll be more effay than Madison, since it's a REAL city

>> No.6182974

Too dumb * * hate posting on droid

>> No.6182975


>> No.6182976

Senior in High School in Madison

I love the city, its nice a small, but big enough to get some cool events and have cool people and stuff

>> No.6182981

How hard is it to get into Columbia?

What type of GPA, SAT scores, and other stuff do you think you need to get into?

Its my dream school right now

>> No.6182985

I'm not saying this to rag on people going to Madison, it was just my other primary choice

>> No.6182988

I think you have to have two SAT subject tests if you didn't take the ACT

>> No.6182993


How hard is it to get into these schools?

What GPA, SAT scores, and everything else do you think you need?

Also how do you like the school?

>> No.6183001

uoft is not hard to get into lmao (83+ and a good application)


>> No.6183005

Toronto isn't hard.

Stanford is nigh impossible.

>> No.6183009

Minnesota fag here
I had a 3.81 GPA, and a 33 on my ACT (idk how that translates on SAT) on top of sports and lots of extracurriculars

My parent's combined make just over 200k so I'm not entitled to tons of financial aid or I would have gone someplace really nice. :'(

>> No.6183016

what do you mean by 83+?

How impossible? It's supposed to be as hard as Yale and others right?

Also how hard is it for a american to get into UOFT?

MInnesota as in UM or Macalister?

>> No.6183022

I got accepted into Macalester, but opted for the UM Honors program.

45K a year is ridic yo.

>> No.6183020

>How impossible? It's supposed to be as hard as Yale and others right?
Yes. I know people who got into Harvard and Yale and got rejected from Stanford. I know one person who goes there, and he's just there for running.

>> No.6183029

Jesus that sucks

>> No.6183036

A friend of mine got into Stanford this year, he's one of our Vals but didn't have many extracurriculars

>> No.6183032
File: 90 KB, 600x413, queens logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Queens reporting in
inb4 kingston is shit

>> No.6183039

83 is the average of marks in your courses you need
83% +

>> No.6183065

get your act up negro

>> No.6183066
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>> No.6183067

You could get into UofT easy. Where are you from?

>> No.6183058

If i have like a 3.9 GPa, 32 on ACT, and 3 sports and play in a band and help with political stuff a lot how hard would it be to get into these schools?

>> No.6183070

act being ACT

>> No.6183080
File: 264 KB, 800x800, tu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting at University of Tulsa this fall.

>> No.6183087
File: 148 KB, 387x572, tumblr_mj7gdsOaFH1r8hwv9o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
>tfw the only spaniard

>> No.6183086

MIdwest of America
is it really that bad?

>> No.6183094

3.9 won't get you a second look fro UCLA or Stanford.

>> No.6183096

do you really need a 4.0 for most of those places?

>> No.6183102

haha you're an idiot

I had a 3.8 and got shit from them.

>> No.6183100

yo, what are you studying?

>> No.6183106


>Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio

Uno más.

>> No.6183107

did you apply to either?

im pretty sure a 3.9 is good enough to get at least a look from them

>> No.6183108

wow, in aus it's not even a thing unless you want to rent at the uni lodges as an int student.

>> No.6183105

i go to santa monica college an Im transfering to UCLA in the fall

i have like a 3.6

>> No.6183117

This is now a Minnesota thread

St. Thomas reporting in

>> No.6183126

not bad, but not good. you want a 34 at least

>> No.6183132
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With a great app 4.0 might be enough, but most people I know that got in to either of those had above a 4.0 plus EC's.
pic related
It's much more difficult for a freshman to get in with that GPA than a transfer.

>> No.6183141

I'm not lying dude.

I remember showing my friend the letter I got from UCLA to my friend.

He was more excited than am b/c he loves college football.

glad I won't be the only /fa/g in Minneapolis. How is St. Thomas?

>> No.6183149

bruin here. Don't come here if you like football or basketball

>> No.6183153

what's your major, bro?

>> No.6183158

Full of jocks and plebs. I'm not /fa/ myself, I've only been lurking /fa/ for a couple of months but you will see yoga pants and Jordan gear for days on campus.

>> No.6183168

I am slowly transitioning into a more /fa/ lifestyle, at least I'm trying.

>> No.6183171


Im studying a masters in international relations. I go to the postgrado campus in Pio XII.

>> No.6183206
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>> No.6183225

Is your name Reggie?

>> No.6183240
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>> No.6183252

Doesn't it depend on the program?
The one I applied to paid "special attention" to english, in which I'm hitting a 90, but average is more like 82

>> No.6183268
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nah but im pretty surprised how many people from u of t go on /fa/, most of the people ive met are pretty uptight conservative fgts

>> No.6183301

Well over half the school is asian, so your chances of meeting someone decent is slim to none

>> No.6183330

most of my friends are asian bruh bruh
they go on 4chan so it evens out i guess

>> No.6183349

Cool asians, definitely
But theres way too many of the antisocial ones who go to lectures and just disappear

>> No.6183420

Same with white boys in 511s and cheap button shirts

>> No.6183443


I can attest to lecture-lurkers being of all races doe

>> No.6183545

wow, i imagine you to be extremely pretentious

>> No.6183549

this IS an april fools joke, oh god...i hope to god it is

>> No.6183551



>> No.6183559


>> No.6183566

They turned me down because I misspelled the name.

>> No.6183599

which of these is the most /fa/?
university of michigan, university of southern california, boston college

i turned down usc and bc to go to michigan

>> No.6183611

boston or usc

>> No.6183663

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich aka ETHZ

I doubt that anyone in here even lives in the same country ;_;

>> No.6183676

I'm in the country over,

TU Graz, Austria

>> No.6183698

It's probably one of those charity events they do at the Hart House where girls bring their own outfits and pretend to be models, right?

>> No.6183706

Going to McGill next year! I'm so excited.

>> No.6183724

Get solid grades, be involved, demonstrate in your application that your life experience will bring some constructive diversity to the campus community and you should be fine.
My SAT was 2100, I got a 790 and 730 on my two subject tests, and my HS gpa was like 3.7 or something - but I'll tell you right now that none of that shit got me in.

Your grades and test scores will get you through the door, but the shit you do in your spare time & your critical thinking ability is what they're really interested in. That's the shit they'll keep you for.

>> No.6183733
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>> No.6183734

How do i get good life experience that will being diversity to campus?

>> No.6183741

>My SAT was 2100, I got a 790 and 730 on my two subject tests, and my HS gpa was like 3.7 or something - but I'll tell you right now that none of that shit got me in.
My SAT was 2310 and I had a 4.0, extracurriculars, and good essays but I didn't get in. Probably because I'm Canadian.

>> No.6183757

it's bc you had no hook, your application was probably the most cookie cutter applicant and you didn't stand out.

it's columbia though, no one is guaranteed acceptance unless you're like a navajo with a 2400

>> No.6183766

>tfw Mexican with 2.5 at community college and I got into UCLA

Deal with it white boys

>> No.6183785

>that homepage


I hope we don't have anything this terrible at Rye, that would be just shameful.
We're pretty hipster tho http://massexodus.fcad.ryerson.ca/

>> No.6183786

What kind of hook are they looking for? I've won awards for community service, academics, maths competitions, etc. and I didn't come off as boring in my essays at all.

>> No.6183797
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>> No.6183802

check your privilege !!

>> No.6183810

least it's green cunt

>> No.6183819
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>That well designed homepage

can't deal with it

>> No.6183814
File: 27 KB, 311x261, upenn_logo_answer_4_xlarge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come to ivy
>even most of the modern-day aristocrats here dress awfully
>columbia is probably the only remotely /fa/ one

doesn't matter, I really like it here

>> No.6183834

>Navajo with a 2400
P sure I had a seminar with a chick fitting that description last spring

There's always the very real possibility that you simply weren't hooky enough--they can only offer admission to so many applicants.

>liking Penn
at least you're not Dartmouth.

>> No.6183832
File: 14 KB, 389x400, nyu-icon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any incoming freshmen?
i want friends who are as insecure as I am ;_;

>> No.6183843

ps anon obvz i m just joshing u i m glad u feel content wt ur post-secundary exprience :3

>> No.6183852


>at least you're not Dartmouth..
ya lol I know what you mean. A lot of people can be very cynical, but it has more to do with the type of people Penn attracts than the school itself. it is what you make of it, I guess

>> No.6183856
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>that feel when UofT (and York in the summer)
>that feel when /fa/ asian girls
>/fa/ asian girls everywhere

My dick is a smoldering ruin, and summer has only begun.

>> No.6183870

If I lacked solid grades during sophomore but improved, how should it go?
Assuming I really stand out with the essays and ECs (I wrote a novel etc)

>> No.6183863

>tfw didn't get into any top college choice
>tfw resent people who got into brown, columbia, yale
>tfw don't care about prestige but really wanted to go to these colleges
>tfw will be attending a liberal arts school that is good but no one has heard of

I don't care about prestige or name but it still sucks. ;_;

>> No.6183864


thanks bby. good luck at columbia

>> No.6183866

are you in an alternate universe UofT
I saw a couple tho

>> No.6183882

>can't tell the difference between /fa/ and fob
Look at this faggot.

>> No.6183872

>/fa/ asian girls

You lucky faggot

>> No.6183894

>actual East Asian girls at UofT/York

How the fuck do I date them? I can't crack the code. They only hang out with other Asians.

>> No.6183884

I was in the same situation. Just do what I did and use your contempt for the school you're at to make you work harder. Then aim for one of your top tier choices in postgrad.

>> No.6183890

>tfw asian
>tfw will be going to a liberal arts school with hot indie bitches
>tfw want to fuck some hot indie twee bitches
>tfw I know they will never fuck me


>> No.6183906


Thanks bruh. I don't have contempt for the school I will be attending, I just feel bummed.

I will work hard, I'm finna go ham.

>> No.6183909

Make friends with a Canadian asian that hangs out with Asian asians. Then you get to be on the peripheries of their azn circle and can thus safely approach the girls, since the now know you as "Kevin's/David's friend".

>> No.6183910


sorry to break it to your bro but literal internationals will not fuck a white person. ;_;

>> No.6183917

my only hope is that I get drunk and fucking turnt to the max and get a sloppy girl to fuck me. ;_;

this will be the only feasible way I lose my virginity in college.

>> No.6183925
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That's genius


>> No.6183932


He has a better chance of fucking them than a hispanic male.


>> No.6183934


w-why not??

>> No.6183945

Won't work if you are not white. At least in the US its how it works.

>> No.6183949

They won't fuck you, mayng. My genius master plan only works if you're looking to date one.
Even most 1st gen Canadian asian girls are no-sex teases.

>> No.6183959

>tfw asian and want to fuck some /fa/ asian american bitches
>tfw the only asian american bitches here are ugly and chub

>> No.6183962

Well, I'm assuming the guy is white. Which I guess is wrong of me, huh.
Darkies need not apply. You have zero chance.

>> No.6183988

Fuccinniboi spotted

>> No.6183991
File: 105 KB, 665x551, WHATISTHISIDONTEVEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol that homepage is str8 up tumblr

>> No.6183997

>/fa/ meetup in Toronto
here we go again...
montreal is cold all school-year. also it's impossible to get a job after uni if you're not 100% bilingual. McGill students are pretty cool though.

Waterloo is a terribly boring city

McGill gives scholarships left, right and centre for Americans and if you did IB, you can pretty much skip year 0.
nomad always smells like incense
>the main reason I go in is to test fragrances
> can't smell anything but patchouli
I never feel cool enough to be at Ryerson. it's close-ish to where I live but when I sit in Balzac's or the library and assume everyone there knows that I don't belong.

>> No.6184019

im going to a no-name liberal arts school too. i didnt really apply anywhere else except the lower-mid tier state school near me.

at least my gpa is good and i really like my friends and the school as a whole. im just glad i get to go to school

>> No.6184023

the true indie gals romanticize of dorky smart introverted individuals.
it's not rocket science.
just be diffident and polite, and I swear they'll at least acknowledge you (smile=good sign).

>> No.6184027

You're brown, tripsk, you fit in just fine at Rye

>> No.6184028

that's been my experience. fucking asians see me as some kind of harem eunuch. I'm hispanic.

>> No.6184032

Are Ivy really that hard to get into? Even Cornell? How do Berkeley UMichigan, CMU, NYU, Caltech or UCLA compare in terms of difficulty?

Does one have more chances if he comes from the most competitive program in his country? And if he isn't applying for financial aid?

And can I reapply if I don't get in? Like, do something interesting for a year and then reapply, is that good

>> No.6184042

get rid of ur asian fetish pls
its bad for you

>> No.6184052

If I don't get at least one Asian girl to sit on my face by the end of the summer, I'll try. I really will.

But I'm at York all summer so I think I have a reasonable chance. Charlie is everywhere.

>> No.6184057

Going to UIUC for grad school. The city is pretty much a ghost town while the undergrads are out for summer vacation. Summer is no time to be /fa/, anyway.

>> No.6184058

I failed hs bio my third quarter freshman year, and things still turned out fine for me, so I don't think that'll hold you back. (and congratz on the novel^^)

>> No.6184061

my college paper is looking for someone with a decent eye and a good camera to take over this position. our former living editor literally chose girls in leggings andcardigans and it drove me insane. i think she might still be the section editor but I'm going over her head here. if any UofT /fa/ friends want to run the section let me know

>> No.6184083
File: 4 KB, 331x281, stop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just go to a club jesus man

>> No.6184091

Hahah! That fucking girl. A friend of mine did some layout stuff for your school paper, and that was the thing she had the biggest beef with.

>> No.6184095
File: 18 KB, 350x309, hg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twinkies who go to clubs

they probably don't even watch anime

>> No.6184098

does watching anime have any effect on vaginas?!?!??!?!?

tell me ur secrets

>> No.6184101

If you watch enough harems, it teaches you how to BE A MAN.

>> No.6184109

It directly affects the purity rating of the girl you fucking idiot

>> No.6184116

They won't know that they're supposed to squeal like they're being raped, or call him oni-chan.

>> No.6184119

i can't tell if ur joking or not lol this is a hard one

>> No.6184130
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You must be the worst asian girl.

>> No.6184138

i have a penis you dolt
stop getting horny on the internet

>> No.6184145
File: 443 KB, 989x720, 1348802301944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be the worst Asian trap

>> No.6184152

Could.. could you trap?

>> No.6184157


what school?

>> No.6184168
File: 159 KB, 462x465, arch-mage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k you got me there
here's ur prize

>> No.6184172


If you are not applying for financial then you will get some sort of an advantage (assuming you will be paying full tuition)

Cornell is easier to get into. Berkeley is hard if you are out of state.

>> No.6184177
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Kirino is the most /fa/ im all of anime/cartoons

>> No.6184218

>university thread is one of the only ones that reaches the bumplimit


>> No.6184377

any qt3.14s in ryerson wanna cuddle

>> No.6184683
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Ireland representing

>> No.6184706

Mount St. mary's in maryland

>> No.6184759

Oh shit, seriously? I'm from Baltimore, I almost applied there.

Middle of fucking nowhere Emmitsburg.

>> No.6185061

> toronto is cleaner than montreal

haha oh my

McGill. Everyone is American or from Vancouver here. Hipsters are a close-knit community at McGill.

>> No.6185068

Daily reminder than all of /fa/ is posting from Toronto.

>> No.6185077

doenst any /fa/g at ryerson know a lara ?

>> No.6185209

Some advantage? So, not a big one but can it somehow compensate for some mediocre grades earlier in highschool if the rest's stellar?

Cornell is the easiest... Alright, I'll be applying ED then. Would that be good?
Why is UCB harder if I'm not from Calif'?
Is that the case for all UCs?

>> No.6186093

not really, everyone at mcgill is a jew from toronto, american, french or from vancouver

ya it's pretty /fa/

hey man

man speaks the truth, it's cold as fuck during the end of fall and almost entire winter semester. Summer is nice, but i've never stayed in mtl over the summer.

mtl does have a lot of corruption and the french are pretty bad...