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6173276 No.6173276 [Reply] [Original]

>finally getting Accutane

can't fucking wait to be an 8/10

>> No.6173287

Buy some Chapstick and sunscreen.

>> No.6173294

And if you don't get a good sunscreen, please get moisturizer for your face, beacause it'll get dry as fuck

>> No.6173296


alright doing that shit

i've done everything to get rid of my acne, I'm regimented as fuck

>> No.6173330

I also went on accutane and only problem I had was that I got a sunburn twice in the summer because I didn't use any sunscreen.

>tfw 9/10 model face now

>> No.6173346

if you dont do this prepare fore constant unimaginable pain.

Also, prepare for constant depression. Oh it's bad.

>> No.6173363


yeah i'm a bit worried that i'll have weird suicidal tendencies

but for the most part, fuck yes i'm done with this shit

>> No.6173380

Riding the accutrain here, i feel like its worse when i'm off of it personally, but that could be situational shit

>> No.6173388

accutane ceo go away

>> No.6173525
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>> No.6173530



>> No.6173537

Get Cetaphil moisturizer for your face, and put it on before you go to bed. It's the only moisturizer that's worked for me, and it's fantastic. Saved my hands from being dry, bloody, and cracked and my face from being dry and probably flakey.

>> No.6173550


oh shit

2bad still taking it

>> No.6173572

fu cking lol'd

acne is a sign that your liver and kidneys are doing a shit job at filtering your blood and lymph of toxins.

acne is mostly an inside job: toxins from capillaries and lymph mixing with the excessive sebum in your skin.

if you're doing accutane, then great! you're adding more toxins for your liver to remove. as if the liver hasnt had enough workload to deal with.

>> No.6173575

Also OP don't forget when you first go on Accutane it gets worse before it gets better.
But the worse part will only last a couple of weeks or so.

>> No.6173582


jesus christ... poor guy seriously

>> No.6173588

nightmare fuel. i'm glad that didn't happen to me. shit tier genetics for that kid.

>> No.6173596

sleep on fresh pillowcases / fresh towel on pillow
dont ever skip prescription - it's a part of your life now!
wear a fresh tee to bed too if you get shoulder / bacne

>> No.6173598

It got better for me immediately but I was on anti-biotics before so I didn't have any acne to start with when I began. Just noticeably less greasy. lol

>> No.6173599

sometimes the doc will make you see a psych on the side. if not just call your derm if you have ANY probs. also hop e you like fasting for blood workup

>> No.6173601


>> No.6173603


derm told I don't need to do anything for the blood tests

>> No.6173613

dat back shot in part two. I want to run a fork all over his body and watch them pop.

>> No.6173617

That didn't happen to me. I know some people breakout before it gets better, but not everyone.

>> No.6173629

the whole article is throwing up red flags

its bs prob propoganda funded by competitors

>> No.6173857



That shit at the end about it not having any skin loving ingredients?


>> No.6173900

My dermatologist recommended cetaphil and my skin has gotten a lot nicer since using it.

>> No.6173986


Hard evidence needed.

>> No.6174000

I highly recommend Cerave brand moisturizer. works great on your face.

>> No.6174029

That happened because his doc had him take too high of a dose too soon.
I just got off my third treatment of accutane, my face is FINALLY clear thank fuck. Just need to lower bf % now :')

>> No.6174050

I've done everything except Accutane. I'm 25 and I'd say I have moderate acne. Some days I think it's the worst thing in the world and then I see people who have actual disabilities or with worse acne and it puts things in perspective. Don't let it get you down. I'm currently taking probiotics and Silicea 6X. I'd also recommend taking some Vitamin A, E, and B6 just because that information gets posted all the time. Good luck.