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/fa/ - Fashion

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6171465 No.6171465 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you spend all of your time online learning to become a fashion patrician
>tfw you spend all of your money on clothing
>tfw you realize you have nowhere to go and it all just sits in your closet 85% of the time

>> No.6171471
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i know that feel bro

>> No.6171475

This entire board knows that feel.

Look at matthelders, he buys clothes for the fit pics and that's it.

>> No.6171483
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>you and your model friends will never have a wild night wearing full raf, doing cocaine and fucking any model qt you see.

>> No.6171496

>tfw coppd a decent amount of good shit lately
>tfw i dont people to see the drastic change that ive made clothing-wise
>tfw cant stand people looking when im wearing my good shit cos not sure if they judgin/mirin/think im an ugly alien
>tfw basixx as fuck on a reg cos im a beta faggot who cares too much on what people think of me

>> No.6171505

Are you me?

>> No.6171522

>go on date with super qt3.14p2t tumblrcore girl i met online
>wearing beat up geos
>anon, you need to get new sneakers those supras are dirty and old.

>> No.6171526

>implying that ever happened

i smell bullshit and it aint the poo thread we're havin atm

>> No.6171568
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>tfw realise i look like a poser/am a poser
>tfw put an item on layby and lose interest in it but no refund
>no social life, money, taste, friends, hope
>skull trumpet

>> No.6171578

let's all feel together ;__;

>> No.6171581
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>tfw worked for 3 days in a shitty temporary job to get money for clothes
>only get paid for two days work at the end of it
>now don't have enough money to buy suit/shoes and go out with friends afterwards
>can either go out looking like a pleb in shitty clothes or blow what dosh i earned piecing together an outfit and begging for money

kill me

>> No.6171611
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>tfw you can wear the most basic shit and still look godly
>tfw never have spent more than $120 on a single piece of clothing

>> No.6171650

post your shoes

>> No.6171653

find an ugly bitch to give you money

>> No.6171659
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>spend half hour trying stuff on in front of the mirror
>take a pic and post in the the WYAWT thread
>sit down in front of computer and don't actually go anywhere

>> No.6171664

>can't afford to move past basic bitch because i have a social life


i still look good

>> No.6171673

you forgot
>keep refreshing the page in hopes that mifune/tinfoil/uuuhhhh/any other well dressed tripfriends acknowledge your fit
>tfw rub one off thinking of rumpel jerking you off through your new silent pod shorts
>tfw wake up from a sex dream with cara and anna wintour pissing on your face, as you groan with delight and disgust at the saltiness of their urine

>> No.6171678

Sounds more like a shitty job than anything else. If you can't afford to go out, buy nice things, and still save a shitload of money, you're doing something wrong with your life.

>> No.6171679

>tfw bought stuff from basic bitch brands like APC/ACNE/COS
>all of it is wearable
>wear it at work (office job with no customers to talk to besides phone), at parties (except my nicest shoes because I don't want to ruin them), in the street when I go out shopping/to the cinema/to the groceries/to see friends
>got very few compliments, but at least they were sincere
>I'll slowly move up to better brands and designers with time, buying shit that suits my wardrobe
>finally, the stuff I don't wear is the Topman/ASOS/HM clothes that I thought were cool and edgy when I bought them
so much regret about spending money in these brands, I still wear the most basic things I got from here tho, like chinos and ocbds

>> No.6171684

>have a few thousand on the bank
>find out about /fa/
>blow all my money on shit that looked cool in inspos
>don't like it anymore
>all money wasted
>i should have just went for better quality basics ;_;

>> No.6171688

but when you got quality basics you feel like no one notices and you wish you had bought some fancy designer stuff

>> No.6171691


>> No.6171698

i don't give a fuck about people noticing me because i am good looking, confident and almost everyone who meets me likes me

>> No.6171702

atm I'm still building a decent wardrobe of basics

I basically have to replace everything I had in high school because the retail in my area is shit and I couldn't order online

so right now I'm just about at the point where I have enough t shirts that I like that I'm going to stop buying them, I'm good on jeans and I'm still fucked with lightweight outerwear. I just bought my first blazer recently in hopes of one day getting a grown up job. There's really no point in me saving for fancy stuff when I'm barely able to purchase all of the basics I need.

I'm still using most of the spending money from each of my paychecks on clothing, but I would probably be going a lot faster if I didn't go out at all. It's just that I only make $8 an hour and I'm not willing to give up my social life for clothes.

>> No.6171903

>tfw i spend money on clothes but only use them when i go sit on the park bench and drink cheap vodka cus that's all i do out of my house

>> No.6171927

>tfw people always tells me how good I look
>absolutely no confidence when it comes to meeting new people / girls

>> No.6171991
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I actually stopped chewing my cereal and bertstared without thinking about it when I read that last line. What the fuck.

>> No.6172011

lain :3

>> No.6172017

should have worn bear pajamas

>> No.6172018
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I really like Lain. I usually use pictures of her to fill in the void when I am posting

>> No.6172025

read as
>Lain is my waifu

>> No.6172030
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>tfw too tall to be able to be able to pull off a bear pyjamas and look qt

>tfw all cheap basic t-shirts are either too short or too baggy

>> No.6172034
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Nah mayne. Real women is where it's at.

>> No.6172313

i-i feel for you ppl...


>> No.6172325
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lain :))))

>> No.6172332

>tfw spent all money on clothes and now cant go out

>> No.6172340

>tfw you and lain will never dress up in rick and make sweet love

>> No.6172342

>spend 500 on flashy shoes
>wear my worn out sneakers instead to fit in

>> No.6172383

>well dressed

>> No.6172692
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>dressed and nowhere to go

>> No.6172717

I hate how reddit always takes our jokes and makes them like 100x unfunnier

>> No.6172748

>tfw all cheap basic t-shirts are either too short or too baggy
I know that feel all too well. With hoodies, too.

>> No.6172774

you faggots just have to learn to own anything you wear. i did it by getting /fit/ so i can wear basically anything and people dont say shit, and actually compliment most of the stuff i wouldve been afraid to wear before

>> No.6172785

>actually go out a lot
>too poor to move past basic because all of my money goes to cigarettes, gas, and heroin/sometimes stimulants

such is life. least i got $300 nikes for free

>> No.6172801

>have a fully stocked closet
>easily the most fashionable out of all my friends
>work in a uniform 5-6 days a week
>get bummed out
>use my money to buy more clothes
>being manager is suffering

>> No.6172963

top fuckin' lel

>> No.6173035

hehe what
how old r u
what are they
go out u repressed prick

I think everyone in the yhread suffers from post Sticky syndrome

>> No.6173092
File: 148 KB, 652x637, why.. just why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so go outside. go to a show. be social

>> No.6173102

Well I think you suffer from Typing Like a Dumbshit Syndrome.

>> No.6174276
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>tfw people in anime clubs are prob. happier since they socialize more than me

>> No.6174288

>what are they

some original pair of jordans from the 90s? they're white and shit. i think they're worth 1500 new, sorry i dont know much about the sneaker game like my brother who gave 'em to me does

>> No.6174322

Is that supposed to /fa/-tan?

>> No.6174335
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>be social

>> No.6174362
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ITT: embarrass yourself online

>> No.6175615


>> No.6175646

>tfw /fa/
>tfw anxious around people

and then

>start smoking
>start smoking weed
>become phlegmatic and don't give a fuck
>more friends and sociable
>tfw happy

>> No.6175672

>weed makes me over think everything, have anxiety attacks (that i somehow conceal and look normal while im murdering myself form the inside out) or act goofy as fuck

i'd rather have no friends and look cool

>> No.6175681

man I have this problem when talking to people I think are cool I spill spaghetti
>talking to normal people I don't care bout
>calm and cool
>cute girl / interesting person
>oh god I promise this spaghetti wasn't here before

>> No.6175699

>tfw you spent all this time browsing fa tonight
>tfw you have a 250 word essay due tomorow

what do fa

>> No.6175704

>250 word essay
that is 10 minutes of typing at most

>> No.6175803
File: 8 KB, 250x228, 1363954264468s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a lot of words man, I would suggest browsing /fa/ for a few more hours

>> No.6175854
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>dont go out much
>"gee, it would be unwise to spend all this money on clothes then"
>buy only a few clothes
>spend the rest on computer parts, anime figs, and food.

It isn't that hard guys

>> No.6175878

that feelerino when not 6'4 Korean master race

>> No.6175898

lol i remember that, but i dont think i would be able to do a 250 word essay. I'd rather have to do a 3000 word essay than one that short

>> No.6177172

is it because 250 words is not enough for you lol?

this thread is sad

>> No.6177213

nah man,i wasnt being rude but haing a better image extends past the get effay part

>> No.6177262

250 words is like a fucking paragraph are you serious m8

>> No.6177280

someone post the penguin goof ninja pic

>> No.6177289

Sound pretty high school in here

>> No.6177301

>tfw haven't written a piece since august

>> No.6177651
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all these fucking feels