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File: 9 KB, 194x294, high heel x-ray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6169194 No.6169194 [Reply] [Original]

When will these go the way of foot binding?

>> No.6169195

maybe sometime

>> No.6169200

nope. it will always be a way for women to appear taller.

>> No.6169201

when, unlike foot binding, women decide to stop willingly wearing them (read: never)

>> No.6169204
File: 148 KB, 570x856, o-JULIANNE-MOORE-SHOES-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for awhile.

>> No.6169209

no one forces women to wear heels anymore

>> No.6169253
File: 68 KB, 500x749, tumblr_mfvrc94ABV1qao567o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heels only create issues when they are poorly designed. a heel with a proper fit, arch support, and that can hold the foot in place, is just fine.

>> No.6169266

When it stops making women's ass look fantastic

>> No.6170461

When women stop being whores.


>> No.6170465

why would anyone buy shoes that fit this badly jesus

>> No.6170610

OP confirmed for bitter manlet.

>> No.6171111

Never. I love heels. I've been wearing them since about 17 or so.

>> No.6171124

post pic

>> No.6171128


>> No.6171145


>> No.6171165

When will women finally be able to live without makeup and high heels?

>> No.6171173

never because it made them look ugly and they are addicted to it now

>> No.6171175

I have a rebuttal and I'd post it, but you'd just spin it into something negative.

>> No.6171176

do it anyways
this is what 4chan is made for

>> No.6171177

I'm going to guess you'd equate make-up and high heels to working out at the gym and a haircut or some other stupid shit like that.

>> No.6171178
File: 1007 KB, 3659x3600, Emma-Stone-Feet-863611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If heels ever destroy the most beautiful pair of feet in the world I swear to god...

>> No.6171179

They can, but most just don't want to do it.

>> No.6171180

fucken vomited

>> No.6171182


>> No.6171184

meant for

>> No.6171185

their feet and face look like shit now so they need to keep wearing them

>> No.6171187

forgot to say THIS

>> No.6171188

>implying I don't get regular mani-pedis

>> No.6171190

i don't see the prove of that

>> No.6171193

The proof's on my hands and feet

>> No.6171195


lol fag

>> No.6171217

Mani pedis don't remove bunions and restore fucked feet bones tho.

>> No.6171231

I don't have any of that though. I don't wear them every single day, maybe two or three times a week, and I don't get any overly tight shoes. It's easy to avoid all that, you just can't be lazy about it.

>> No.6171249

this is the hottest thing a girl ever said to me

>> No.6171264

See how those shoes are pressing up against her toes? That's bad. She needs a bigger size, or maybe wider shoes. Either way, it's gonna fuck up her feet if she keeps that up.

>> No.6171292
File: 171 KB, 1000x1000, kkardashian2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6171302

Oh no. That is just horrible. I'd be fucking embarrassed to be seen like that. Also, those are some ugly-ass shoes.

>> No.6171306

why... Is this a recent pic? If so, wearing shoes like that whilst preggers and with pregnancy weight is fucking stupid

>> No.6171423


It was shot today.

>> No.6171427
File: 59 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mmjnfmWBed1sohohmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully never.
I have a high heel fetish.

>> No.6171437

no shit sherlock. now that kk's body doesn't look typically "good" anymore she has no fucking idea how to dress herself

those shoes are fucking priceless tho hahahaha

>> No.6171509

Women look like fucking idiots in high heels.
Nothing is more of a turn off then some dumb bitch stomping around on stilts. You look like shit!

>> No.6171521

maybe its because youre a short motherufcker that cant stand a taller women cause it makes you question your masculinity. its alright to be short, anon just dont be that short guy that everyone hates who acts all alpha and shit cause youre just making a fool out of yourself and you end up looking like a sad cunt.

>mfw im probably talking to myself
>tfw short

>> No.6171530

It's nothing to do with height. I like women who are short as fuck and also taller than me (5'11).
I just can't stand the sight of those things.

How tall are you, bro?

>> No.6171533

that is the cutest retarded little pinky toe I've ever seen.

>> No.6171537

Posts like these reveal more about you than the poster you've replied to.

>> No.6171547

n-no need to dwell on that topic, im r-really sensitive about my height.. like seriously it fucks up my rep everytime im out and about. like last week, i was doing this group project thing with this bomb as indian chick i just met then and there. she seems friendly and super nice, so what do i do? one word responses to her questions. pretend i dont give a fuck to what she has to say (looking from left to right, up and down, folding my arms). dont attempt to start or keep a good convo going. she ended up leaving without saying goodbye to me at the end of class. fucking hell i hate being short..

>> No.6171556

Tell me how tall, faggot!

>> No.6171565

adding to this, she was around 5'10ish. model tier.
>inb4 lmao brownie model aint happening m8

i swear on me mums life she was beautiful. and i fuckd it up. at this point in my life i just want friends. i dont care about GFs or sex. i just want someone to talk to personally, not to unknown people who browses chinese anime imageboards like you lot

>> No.6171572

alright im 5'4 without shoes and with my hair flat. im around 5'6 ish when i do my hair and when ive got shoes on

>> No.6171593
File: 78 KB, 627x480, 1308799977468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'0" girl
>tfw i wear heels daily
>tfw i laugh at short (6'1" and shorter) men

>> No.6171594

You need to accept your height and move on.
If you had your ideal height right now, you would probably be bitching about something else.

Find something worth caring about.

Are you a brit or aussie?

>> No.6171603


>> No.6171605

post feet

>> No.6171606


>im a grill b tw x D

>> No.6171609


>tfw i laugh at your flat tits

>> No.6171613


brownie model aint happening m8, srry

>> No.6171615

i live in straya but im not white.
>just accept your height

easier said than done, considering i live in a predominantly white area where all the beauts are fucking 5'9 or taller. im moving the melbourne in a few months where the asian population brings the whole avg height down a notch which would probably fix my autism.

>> No.6171616
File: 420 KB, 605x452, 1308641797678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls don't exist

>> No.6171618

>tfw this>>6171530 5'11 male
>tfw appreciate the beauty of short and tall women alike
>tfw never think about these things
>tfw your feet are going to be fucked up eventually

The reason you seek taller men is because you don't feel feminine at such a height. Your hostile remark is common from women who feel this way.

>> No.6171619




>> No.6171621

that's the ruse

>> No.6171623

>fat legs

either way you lose

>> No.6171627

>posting on a second zone fashion board
you know we all lose anyway

>> No.6171632

imo it changes the whole walking dynamic and makes your stride look unnatural and stupid

it's like the fat person arm swing, where the fat person in question is so fat that their arms hang at like 30 degrees from the vertical when they walk, it's just annoying

>> No.6171636

the vertical hand looks even more stupid

>> No.6171638

>The reason you seek taller men is because you don't feel feminine at such a height

>> No.6171657

That guy here. It's true. I didn't mean to offend any women. I really wish they wouldn't feel this way and then react so harshly to men who are shorter then them as a way to cope. Tall or short, it really doesn't matter.

Straya here, too.

Give me your email. We can talk.
I live in QLD.

>> No.6171660

i'm so going to use this like every time a girl tells me i'm too short(5'9)

>> No.6171701

lmao your gonna sound like a proper cunt if you dont deliver it well

>y-you dont feel feminine enough.. t-that's why-
>b-beacuse youre not into short guys l-like me.. please be in london
>runs into the sunset, spaghetti staining your new undercover jacket

>> No.6171709

But that's around average.

That's tall for a womyn.

>> No.6171717

girls who usually pull out the whole 'omg your way too short dont even talk to me' gimmick are the short ones who wear gigantic platforms and whatnot to make them seem in level with you. those are the ones you need to drop the deuce to. actual tall women tend to be nicer because they dont get as much love irl because yeah us men feel less masculine when theres a taller bitch next to us so we avoid them. all from collective experience mate. might be different in your area but this is whats up in my part

>> No.6171729

Hopefully never. Girls that tower over me are my fetish. (not manlet)

>> No.6172522

when foot binding comes back

>> No.6172553


>> No.6172755

>tfw 5'11" and I haven't been on a date in over a year
Most guys don't want to date me because I'm taller than them and the tall ones all like short girls

>> No.6172767

qt is qt regardless of height. Don't feel bad.

>> No.6172779

I have seen girls of all sizes/types talk about height

you know how you talk about girls' tits/asses? They talk about your height/shoes/arms

>too bad you're average height in cdbs with noodle arms

>> No.6172847

Most of you in 4chan are small, scrawny losers, yet you all want perfect 10s, but when a girl shows up, you call her an attention whore and shit all over her.

>> No.6172863

I like tall girls, my gf is the same height as me and im 6ft

>> No.6172896
File: 97 KB, 720x960, 1365942818366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Love women wearing really high heels

I've actually picked up chicks simply because of the shoes they were wearing.

Admittedly kind of weird, but I'm ok with it.

>> No.6172911


how? icebreaker with what they're wearing?

>> No.6172918

Women's feet bloat when pregnant.
Big bloated feet are not one of the characteristics men look for when finding a partner to mate with.
Kim K is pregnant -> Bloated feet -> Inability to mate and bare another child at me moment -> Eww, ugly

They will go back to normal after she has her baby and loses her weight.

>> No.6172919

Do you let her wear heels? That's the thing that bothers me the most. A couple guys I've dated have actually told me I can't wear a certain pair because I'd be taller than them. They were fucking dropped.

>> No.6172944


u just fucking trolled me for fuck sake arghghghghghhhhhhhhhhhhh im so angry u fucking douche bag u ucking trolled me arghhhhhhh grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.6172954

"I have got to compliment you on your heels.Not many classy women out there anymore, so kudos to being a better example."
Woman: Response
You" I'm Blah, pleasure to meet you. "

And then let her carry on the conversation after.

>> No.6172961

I meant I've slept with girls just because I found their heels hot.

I'm talking about average looking, 4-5/10 club sluts that I wouldn't look twice at. But their shoes turned me on, so I went for it.