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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 239 KB, 787x624, Abercrombie_&_Fitch_Fifth_Avenue_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6167661 No.6167661 [Reply] [Original]

i don't understand it at all

abercrombie clothes aren't even that nice (just boring generic "american casual") or expensive

>> No.6167682


That's the point. If you apply taste to it, you don't want to shop there. And if you don't care and only focus on the marketing, then you do. It's just how it works.

>> No.6167679


fatty pls go

abercrombie is awesome!

>> No.6167692

the grass is always greener
on the international scale people eat up that all american prep bullshit

theyre selling an image basically

>> No.6167699

abercrombie: poor people beleiving theyre buying fancy expensive clothing.

>> No.6167713
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>>>>abercombie is fashionable

gosh, plebian dumbfucks. wearing billboards are clown-tier.

>> No.6167724

>calls people plebeian dumbfucks
>posts mumford and sons

>> No.6167734

>isn't white

>> No.6167738

Isn't it basically the same as all that supreme shit?
Where the clothes aren't anything special but people just buy it because the brand is 'cool'

>> No.6167736

This. Its literally what every brand does, they sell a lifestyle.
This A&F guy is just honest about his business practices and I applaud him for having a vision in mind and sticking to it.

>> No.6167752

chowmein-muncher confirmed for wearin abercombie.

gosh, stereotypical asian, fresh off the boat and buying brand clothing just to look fashionable

>> No.6167756


Well, there are parallels you can draw in terms of their reliance on image, but Supreme does actual ready-to-wear that's designed and also works the "exclusivity" angle with limited runs and special collaborations. I'm not a Supreme fan either, but I wouldn't say that these two companies are operating on the same model by any stretch.

>> No.6167760
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not really though

that is a shitty comparison

>> No.6167779

half of their clothes are just plain hats/tshirts with 'supreme' written across the front

>> No.6167784
File: 90 KB, 663x900, godlovesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really,

the hats yes but thats their signature touch

clothes definitely not,

>> No.6167785

nah you just don't know nothing

>> No.6167797

you could argue that its signature box logo is in itself a form of powerful minimalistic postmodern artistic expression

>> No.6167802
File: 1.39 MB, 1366x768, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel yeah you guys are right.

>> No.6167805
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>> No.6167808

>That represents half of their line

>> No.6167809

isn't that just what "obey" does?

designers confirmed for no creativity

>> No.6167816

you know those are all fake right they havent released a box logo tee in a while

>> No.6167821


Well, that's what they sell in volume, not what they use to market themselves.

>> No.6167824

First images which come up when i put supreme tshirt and supreme hat.
I could have posted jumpers aswell but i thought that would be overkill.
Granted some of their coats are ok, not my thing but at least they have some kind of design to them.


>> No.6167832

see >>6167824

>> No.6167831
File: 393 KB, 629x431, ....2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow look at all these logos!!

>> No.6167826
File: 363 KB, 635x428, ....1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow your totally right anon

>> No.6167838
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then so is every other fucking brand that does and has been doing the same shit supreme does with their logo

box logo shit is overhyped as all fuck

>> No.6167833


Only thing with the box logo are hats and bags and shit

>> No.6167843

You don't all have to get this butthurt just to justify your shitty 'swag' brand.
If you mention supreme to anyone the first thing that comes to mind is their soppy logo printed obnoxiously across the front of their clothes.

>> No.6167846
File: 456 KB, 640x436, ...3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are all fakes you dipshit

>> No.6167849
File: 43 KB, 500x139, tumblr_mbc8jaM8Ew1rt5ifg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but supreme did it first
also since this is a supreme thread here's a neat little article about them that's a good read

>> No.6167853

yeah im sooo butthurt dude

sorry next time i wont argue, then nobody will think im butthurt im sorry did i offend you i am sorry for my attitude

>> No.6167854


no cuz 'preme did it first you fuckshit nigger

>> No.6167855

>If you mention supreme to anyone the first thing that comes to mind is their soppy logo printed obnoxiously across the front of their clothes.
good thing I don't hang out with plebs

>> No.6167850

shepard fairey is a dumb piece of shit

oh my god i hate that guy

>> No.6167856

google images you dipshit.
Just because it's outdated doesn't mean it's fake.
I assume every black and white photo you see is fake too?

>> No.6167866

>implying you hang out with anyone
Oh wait i'm sure you 'hang out' with mature people such as yourself, right?

>> No.6167863

Yes they're fake you dumbass look at the size of the logo

you really wanna quote me on this im pretty sure im a *little* more knowledgeable about this than u bby

>> No.6167871

>be journalism head
>senior superlatives
>Hey Carlos, who should we nominate for best dressed?
>Idk man, oh, how about Neji?!
>da fuck is that?
>Benji Mercado, he always dresses in Abercrombie and stuff.
>........Fuck that.

>tfw when rigged elections

>> No.6167869

says the pleb

>> No.6167872

hahaha, i bet you do.
'supreme is original!'
'n-no those are just... FAKES! do i have swag yet?'
get a life faggot

>> No.6167879
File: 68 KB, 500x281, MAN R U KIDDING ME FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they're not fakes

>> No.6167880

Don't you realize that if people think it looks good then what you faggots here on /fa/ think is irrelevant.
If people vote that guy as best dressed then he dresses better than you, despite you thinking he's a 'pleb'.

>> No.6167874

>abercrombie is awesome!

said every 12 year old ever

>> No.6167887

>using "Obey" as a good brand to defend another shitty brand

lawl haha lawl lawl lawl

>> No.6167888

>supreme put their logo on clothes first


>> No.6167893

>that feel when when

>> No.6167892

>implying you know anything about the brand
I've seen enough yoloswagfags to know what i'm talking about buddy.

>> No.6167890
File: 134 KB, 800x800, 1354484659847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>embarrasses himself because of blatant ignorance about something he doesn't understand
>resorts to namecalling

>> No.6167895

What name did i call you?
You were the one that labelled people who don't know about a shit-tier clothing brand 'plebs'

>> No.6167899

supreme is a fucking skate brand and is only fashionable because of hype. none of you idiots wouldve even known/cared about the brand if it weren't for OF
>inb4 b-but i dont like OF or tyler
it doesnt matter, hype is hype

it is also just as bland as abercrombie. give me one interesting supreme design thats not a collab..

>> No.6167902

when I was 13 I wore abercrombie because everyone I knew did
that's not hard to understand

>> No.6167907

>shit tier

>> No.6167918

Nice argument, clearly well thought through.
If teenagers walk around wearing it and post instagram pictures of themselves in it then it's shit tier.

>> No.6167936

Why have all the people who are complaining about Supreme's product line-up not answered any of the points brought up in: >>6167756 ?

>> No.6167927

haha alright dude
go back to wearing cdbs and looking classy you herbass white boy

>> No.6167942

Argument won. Swagfag pwnd.
Sometimes i wonder why they even bother

>> No.6167947

because i am le master troll ex dee ex dee

>> No.6167956

supreme is on the same level as dadcore sry

>> No.6167957
File: 120 KB, 720x540, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6167966

> made an image
log out

>> No.6167980
File: 88 KB, 584x615, rose sweater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop your crying baby

>> No.6167982
File: 112 KB, 862x1248, schott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not rly though B)

>> No.6168010

liberals need to stop raging about this,
don't like the statement? don't shop at the fucking store

fucking cry babies man

>> No.6168008

this shit is embarrassing though

>> No.6168022

>defending supreme
>acting like he isn't the whitest shit since ice cream
>acting like being white isn't better anyway

fail on so many levels faggot

>> No.6168034

chocolate icecream isnt whitelel
but yeah i agree with u tho

>> No.6170273

>a shirt of a character wearing a shirt with that shirt having Supreme written on it
Reviving this thread just to laugh at this.

>> No.6170339

This. Le rebbit/tumblr fedora feminist atheists are SO fucking annoying Jesus H. Christ. "I don't like that so let's ban it!!111!!1one!!!"

>> No.6170831


>> No.6171577
File: 238 KB, 862x1248, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this a lot

>> No.6171580

i am so fucking sick of this board why do i still use this website

>> No.6171599

how come you never post fits squiddy? you seem to have a decent supply of good shit from preme and other brands dont ya? its like your either riding the preme dick or shitposting this board with supreme crap thats been recycled a number of times already. whats your deal squids? are you even a real person or is this just some elaborate troll to bring drive this board to the fucking ground cause lemme tell ya mate, its working out pretty well. well fucking done.

>> No.6171608
File: 262 KB, 434x418, 1357323497491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah why do you fuck off m8


>> No.6171617

He can't, because once you do the chin, you're always on the chin -- you can never leave.

>> No.6171624

everything you can get out of this board is in the sticky

leave and never come back is my advice

>> No.6171629


>> No.6171645

even the sticky is fucking useless and outdated. discovering fucking board is the worst thing that has ever happened in my life. i came here looking for a way, a fucking medium, for self expression through the way i dress and how in some magical ways it may cure my social autism. and now, im more of a fucking trainwreck im insecure about every aspect on my body, my self esteem is in shambles, my sleeping patterns fucked because only good shit happens when the americlaps are awake (ausfag), im broke, i grew distant from most of my friends, and the absolute WORST, im failing my first year of university because of my obssesion on clothing that i cant afford or even pull off for that matter. i hate you /fa/ and i hate what you turned me into. Im out. Peace

>> No.6171647

why dont u FUKKEN NERDS meet me IRL AND ILL WHOP UR FUCK ASS im a boxer and id watch ur back if i was u my uncle is in THE BANDITOS thats right you motha fucker i have CONNECTION and knocked out a dude just yesterday for touching my girl thats right dont believe call 1800-kiss my ASS FAG ill flip at the flip of a swith i can go from cool to crazy in a secobnd dont believe me just terst it peace out BITCH LMFAO

>> No.6171658

naAME A TIME AND place and ill romp u ya fukken wastes of life why dont you have something better to do all DAY then spend it on the internet like THE FUCKEN NERDS YOU ARE HAHA i have a girlfrien and am waitin to enrol in to the marines thats right bitch im going places what are you doing with your life wasting it on $CHAN? LOL good future dumbasss ill be rich and a officer with my GIRl and youll be postibng on 4chan bitch im done dont reply to me anymore motherfucker im not replying im over it just leave ok reported

>> No.6171671

Abercrombie was a thing when I was like in 8th grade. Do some adults honestly think it's something special too?

>> No.6171680

I would say A&F is also the "expensive" clothes of rural areas. Places like Oklahoma, A&F is haute-couture

>> No.6171700

lol'd. This kinda happened to me. Now I just don't give a shit. I save what little I have to buy of ebay and just wear like 5 different uniforms.

>> No.6171712

dude i'm working on a copy and i was having a really bad time looking for copy inspo till i clicked on your link. thanks for sharing!

>> No.6172510


>> No.6172525

yeah those scrawny 145 pound guys that still use hair gel and think they have a 6 pack and huge biceps.

Just about only type of grown as adult wearing holister and a&f, also always paired with some macy's tier sunglasses.

>> No.6172554

ikr then those "/fa/ university" and "/fa/ cities" threads, those always manage to make me feel bad about myself

>> No.6172590

Yea but the models inside are really hot. Like people getting certain haircuts, they think that buying the clothes will also make them really hot.

>> No.6173901

what is that you don't understand?

>> No.6173906


never come back EVER

>> No.6173912

it's cliche...you're buying a fucking name

>> No.6174115

you need to be/look like a model to work at A&F? Do they pay you more? I might apply

>> No.6174121

they admitted to hopping on Barbara Kruger's steeze

>> No.6174126

I work at hollister and AnF. They pay minimum wage for part time. Not everyone is attractive.

>> No.6174146
File: 104 KB, 640x480, 810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


actually, living in a low-tier fashion city has its advantages. viz. portland, denver, boulder, seattle

cheaper rent
no sales tax (in portland)
easy as fuck to stay /fit/ with all the mountains and rivers and bikes and shit
everyone thinks you look amazing for rolling out of bed and putting one measly ounce of thought into your fit