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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 172 KB, 907x729, beforeandafter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6167494 No.6167494 [Reply] [Original]

3 days ago I posted on /fa/ for the first time, asking about how I should cut my hair.
Got my hair cut today using /fa/'s advice.
A large number of you said Hitler Youth, and here it is.
Improvement or not?

Also, rate my looks thread.
>inb4 >>>/soc/

>> No.6167500
File: 833 KB, 354x270, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6167501

looks good now become a ninja

>> No.6167502

Fix your overbite and then we'll talk. Also that haircut is totally Davey Havok from the Miss Murder era. Not good bro.

>> No.6167497
File: 47 KB, 510x465, 1367759093873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but still

>> No.6167505

It looks a lot better, but that style is awful.

Push it back, or get a proper fringe.

>> No.6167506

you don't look like absolute shit and girls might even consider you attractive
good job but youre still no muddle

>> No.6167504

Ain't a troll, this guy actually did post here.
His mum is a ballerina and I'd wreck her.

>> No.6167510
File: 47 KB, 388x260, ss (2013-05-14 at 05.57.52).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a troll.

Nice dubs.
Why not?

AFI is my favorite band, so I guess this is a good thing. Lol.

Pic: this is what I was going for.

>> No.6167517

Why no manbun????

>> No.6167513

Get the hair outta your face and you're A. Okay OP

>> No.6167523

I actually told him to last thread he did :(

>> No.6167521

made me lol

>> No.6167531
File: 85 KB, 470x638, ss (2013-05-16 at 04.24.01).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lel'ed.
Glad you remember me.
I also started doing /fit/

Manbun isn't my thing. Sorry.

>> No.6167540

And yeah, the overbite thing isn't exactly "fixable"
I had braces for 4 years. Teeth are straight as fuck, still got the overbite.

>> No.6167546

Next step is sell your toys, video games and any other childish geeky shit that was in your room and invest in a starter wardrobe

>> No.6167547

im sorry but neither is doing a lot for you. consult hairstylist about what would work best...dont just pick an edgy do from /fa/s list

>> No.6167549

>AFI is my favorite band

welp, this is a troll. Everyone, just leave now.

>> No.6167558

I am doing /fit/ as I am 6'3" 120 pounds of wet noodle.
Will do /fa/ after /fit/.

>Stop liking what I don't like

My hairstylist loved it. Lol.
I really like it, too.

>> No.6167562

Wow, Prodigy gave the best advice in this thread?

>> No.6167556

>Teeth are straight as fuck


>> No.6167567

>120 pounds of wet noodle
well at least you've got a sense of humor going for you.

>> No.6167569

Oh shit I forgot you were skinny as fuck hahaha

>> No.6167577

usually do tho
just nobody wants to admit it

>> No.6167587
File: 63 KB, 472x628, ss (2013-05-16 at 04.33.17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ has some really high standards, apparently.
Is it at least an improvement?
I haven't had my hair this short since 9th grade.

>> No.6167591

Fuck off you fat piece of shit.

>> No.6167594
File: 151 KB, 1026x742, ss (2013-05-16 at 04.34.30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly expected you guys to say I looked like JP.

>> No.6167598

it's an improvement for sure, i kind of like it even

try pushing it back and take a photo for us

>> No.6167599

ice, baby
i saw your girlfriend

>> No.6167596

your face will always be punchable and plain. No amount of teenaged fringe will help you.

>> No.6167602

/fa/ has high standards because the people who lurk this board are the most beautiful people on 4chan.

You need to go shorter on the fringe and grow a short beard because your face is very long.

>> No.6167603

Who the fuck is that?

>> No.6167608

would be kinda good if it didnt drop as far down and you managed your hairline area better

>> No.6167610

You're doing good OP, every journey starts with a single step. Most of these fags like to think they were born with Dick ovens on their feet, but they all started where you are at some point.

>> No.6167615

Some people are born good looking though.

>> No.6167622
File: 112 KB, 896x558, ss (2013-05-16 at 04.40.30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The barber put like... hair cream in it, and now it is kinda stuck like this.

I am well aware.
There are some hot hot hotties on /fit/ too, ya know?
Dem ottermode ladies.

Antagonist from Grandma's Boy.


Thank you.

Pic: I tried to push it back.

>> No.6167627

may be born a little more attractive, but its a lot more than just "born good looking" if you actually look at the people around you, just their face, dont take clothes, or hair, or personality into account, and picture the same expression, most people will look noticeably similar.

>> No.6167629

get new barber
preferably someone who knows what theyr doing this time

>> No.6167634

you did good kid. (needs to be cut just a tad shorter)
there is some famous person you look very much like and its driving me fucking crazy trying to think of it!

>> No.6167641

Flol no they won't you fucking inbread yokel

>> No.6167647

>plz be ryan gosling and not jon heder
>plz be ryan gosling and not jon heder
>plz be ryan gosling and not jon heder
>plz be ryan gosling and not jon heder
>plz be ryan gosling and not jon heder
>plz be ryan gosling and not jon heder

>> No.6167658
File: 16 KB, 241x320, nordman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comb it backwards with product and take another
pic related

>> No.6167655
File: 24 KB, 450x279, NEGEePHOcWjTKN_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6167665
File: 98 KB, 1000x851, jennifer-aniston-topless-break-up-01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6167667
File: 132 KB, 516x752, ss (2013-05-16 at 04.51.26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am more of a Davey Havok and less of an Oxford ivy league, personally.
No offense to that good looking man, I just don't really want to look like richy rich.

pic: I am skeleton-esque.

>> No.6167675


Context makes the look. Take it out of that context and you make it a different look.

>> No.6167677

That fringe is so bad

>> No.6167684
File: 76 KB, 384x728, ss (2013-05-16 at 04.53.47).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6167690

Nice dubs.
What exactly is a "fringe"? (New to /fa/, obv.)
I just showed my barber the pic and he went to town on my hurr.

What would you do different?

>> No.6167708

God dammit.

>> No.6167704

thank you skeleton

>> No.6167712

You must have missed the last thread I posted in.
I live in a tiny farming village.
My choices are slim to none.

>> No.6167710


Go to a stylist trained in more modern techniques (including barbering) instead of to a classic barber.

>> No.6167725

i live in a tiny town, its right in between like 5 large cities but isnt shit in and of itself. still has two barbers and two hair salons. one barber, the guy who owns it now got it from his father (who made him become a barber) thats the guy i go too. hes like 100. i hope he has a barber son of his own.

>> No.6167733

The fringe is your bangs infront of your face

>> No.6167739

Get a chick or a faggot to cut your hair, straight men can only do simple dos

>> No.6167737

Comb it back. Take a pic. Seriously

>> No.6167744

This, just wet it or get some oil from under your car since it's only for a photo

>> No.6167742

op honest question r u gay? u look p gay. if u r gay then your hair suites you faggot

>> No.6167764

Ill do it later. Gotta show my deadbeat dad first before I likely fudge it up.

My sister is a lesbian.
Double good at cutting hair?

>> No.6167769

Im straight, actually.
Are you gay and find me attractive?
If so, thank you.

>> No.6167806

no im st8 but i thnk u look gay

>> No.6167812

Holy shit you look like Sherlock

>> No.6167837

that gay guy from 30 rock?

>> No.6167852

a little bit but not the person i was thinking of.

>> No.6167891


before: fugly frp metalhead
now: handsome dude with cool hair


>> No.6167928
File: 37 KB, 400x289, 1366822336253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a disgrace.
You need to lurk more if you want to be /fa/

>> No.6167946

>that's a disgrace.
>posts big bang theory
your the fucking disgrace

>> No.6168197

Never watched, I don't watch TV. But I like this image.

>> No.6168274


>> No.6168335


can you be /fa/ if you're ugly?

>> No.6168629

OP, you need to lift and eat.

A little muscle would do you a LOT of good.

>> No.6168680

Hey I was on that thread, the cut looks great.

>> No.6168682


>> No.6168719

look into the no shampoo regimen and invest in a blow dryer. The latter will help styling your hair in any particular direction and adds volume (while not using 'poo)

>> No.6168740

most epaulette shirts are ugly
including that one

>> No.6168749

they said hitler youth. No one told you to keep that godawful length of hair off to the side.

>> No.6168751

Working on it.
How does one clean their hair on the no poo regiment?

What would you suggest?

>> No.6168761
File: 83 KB, 558x606, ss (2013-05-14 at 06.07.49).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the pics of Hitler Youth I could find have that.
This was another picture given for reference.
I only did what /fa/ suggested.

How would you have done it?

>> No.6168765

a shirt without silly 'military inspired' design

>> No.6168774

good to see nice people on /fa/ a lot of these other people would scream poser if other people weren't wearing ridiculous clothing.
Don't let these people make you in secure, one of the most important things about fashion is being comfortable about the way you look. If YOU like the improvement then it will suit YOU best. Eventually, your taste will mature and become more you and you'll feel more comfortable and confident. Baby steps

>> No.6168776

I rinse when I shower in the morning then once more at the end of the day. You're not supposed to shampoo often because it strips the natural oils from your scalp--which is one of the reasons why people get dandruff.

>> No.6168773

>military inspired hair cut
>Don't wear military inspired clothing

Wtf /fa/. I don't understand you.
Also, that wasn't a suggestion at all.
Post what you would wear if you weren't me, or stop giving shit negative advice to make yourself feel better.

>> No.6168785

you'd best apologize for that post before you're in too deep

>> No.6168787
File: 16 KB, 341x282, hj01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

much shorter.

<<like this.

you look like you're trying to be danzig or something

>> No.6168792

I wash my hair daily with 2-in-1 poo&conditioner.
Never have any dandruff.
Gotta watch out for that shit cause I like to wear a lot of black and it shows on the shoulders real bad if you get it.

I told my barber shorter, but he said it would be too big of a change for me since ive had really long hair for 9 years.
He said if I want it shorter he will buzz it on the sides next time.

Hold your breath.

>> No.6168799

you look like Tiny Tim without the talent

>> No.6168806

I get that a lot, actually.

>> No.6168810

Just make sure you use a blow dryer!

>> No.6168807

Don't bother using that 2-in-1 for a month and see what happens. Your hair will be very oily the first few days but it will go away. If you have no interest in volumizing your day then ignore what I said.

>> No.6168816

welcome anon. show us a picture from the side.

also, i give this guy at most one week before he becomes a cancerous tripfag.

>> No.6168819

Just seems easier to wash it. Lol.
I don't have any issues with dandruff. If I do, ill give that a try.

>> No.6168826

Makes me think of Stephen Fry.

>> No.6168840
File: 291 KB, 1434x636, ss (2013-05-16 at 08.37.34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, ill prolly not be on /fa/ for a long while. Till the next hair cut, when ill take it lower.
Ill prolly be tripfagging on /fit/ till I get a decent weight enough to worry about fashion.

>> No.6168849

you shouldn't be tripping unless you have enough knowledge to represent the board. Which means, you should not trip unless people ask you to do so.

>> No.6168867

Since when is that a rule? Lol.
People want to follow my progress.
I am like, ultra-skeleton right now. if I can make gains, anyone can make gains.

>hurrdurr 4cham is elite group of knowledgeable people.
>implying tripfags aren't usually the most unknowledgeable and misguided people on the board.

>> No.6168871

you should do something about dem bangs

>> No.6168874

OP, serious advice, you need to stop making that facial expression. It reeks of insecurity and weakness.

You will feel silly doing it, but find an actor who women loves that slightly resembles you and study their facial expressions, then mimic them in the mirror. Train yourself to make facial expressions that are more attractive.

>> No.6168877

People want to follow your progress? Just post a pic as anon and boom! You're done. Gravy, all good. Then continue adding new pictures of your progress onto that original picture and people *will* know who you are.

>> No.6168917

I have a really bad overbite and large front teeth. I hate my smile.

Yes. I made a thread on /fit/ after /fa/ unanimously agreed that I needed to get /fit/ before they would give me fashion advice, so I am.
And someone told me to get a trip called "hungry skeleton", since I am like... the skinniest guy in the history of /fit/

>> No.6168919
File: 181 KB, 1280x1617, 1365904073526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try getting some wax and sticking your bangs to the side. Also, the back and sides look pretty sloppy.

>> No.6168925

>WW2 photo
>Hunger Games pin

Yeah, I think I should have had the barber buzz the sides all the way down, but he insisted I wait until next time as it would have been too drastic a change. That way if I don't like it, it wont take as long to grow back out.

>> No.6168927

Slick your hair back bro. It'll compliment your brow. It'll also make you look more confident. Your bangs make you look insecure.

>> No.6168936

Ive been trying to slick it back, but ive had it this way for years. It is trained to fall the way it does.
If I slick it back, it wont stay.
i need some kind of hair goop.

>> No.6168939

Use pomade. Imperial Barber Products is ideal.

>> No.6168950

>hunger games pin
10/10 i'm mad as fuck

>> No.6168963
File: 76 KB, 488x750, ss (2013-05-16 at 09.08.17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am trying with hairspray, but that shit doesn't look good at all.
>tfw no rhinoplasty

Also, I am in my jammies.

>> No.6168972

not "the hungergames pin"

>> No.6168978

Tell me more, anon.

>> No.6169045
File: 41 KB, 280x384, sb_MEN_John_01_280x384[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks a lot better, but it should be higher. Something like this.

>> No.6169040

Are you crazy? Don't use hairspray lol.

>> No.6169049

And slick it straight back.

>> No.6169063
File: 121 KB, 540x360, Club_collar-The_Sartorialist[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pic.

>> No.6169251


my forehead is too big for that, dontcha think?

>> No.6169257

I just used hairspray to make it stay. otherwise it just falls in front of my face.
And I don't own any pomade.

>> No.6169482

you have a punchable fucking face

>> No.6169496

To be honest, I thought that was you in the picture.

>> No.6169641

nah dude

>> No.6169689

Not even a bit

>> No.6169703

Don't be afraid to show your forehead. Lots of dudes are for some reason.

>> No.6169705

I've been thinking about getting a Hitler Youth for quite a while now. For those of you with one, what photo should I show my barber?

>> No.6169719
File: 39 KB, 354x500, 1365020490231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6169728


Just take a photo of Hitler.

>> No.6169742


>> No.6169748

Next time I see him, I'll ask him to pose.
Just kidding.

But I really don't want one this short on the sides.

>> No.6169770

Does anyone know what kind of products you would use to make your hair look like that? wax?

>> No.6169779

>But I really don't want one this short on the sides.

What you wanted 4 days ago was to wear edgy t-shirts and hair that looks like my sisters. Take the stride, you'll thank yourself.

>> No.6169781

(Not OP)

>> No.6169797

Then get the fuck out of the thread jackass

>> No.6169811


>> No.6169817

Yeah asshole. That wasn't me. (OP)
And my shirts aren't "edgy". They are teefury custom tees with video game stuff on em. Since when are video games "edgy"?

>> No.6169825

Because OP's the only person allowed in this thread. I thought /fa/ got pissy when you made threads about little questions like that.

>> No.6172496

Get fit first, your clothes will become too small

>> No.6172509




Once the product from the hairdresser goes off comb it back but without a comb !

You can wear a beannie so it goes that way naturally

>Pro tip : Hair takes its look when they dry

You're on a good way fuccboï !

>> No.6172543

He aint a troll nig, I remember him.

>> No.6172550

post feet

>> No.6172582

saved for future humiliation

>> No.6173199
File: 7 KB, 194x259, notasbad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legitimately want to help you. You're a cool guy and deserve some self confidence. I'm going to tell you everything I think could help you. I'm not an expect but I can definitely see where you could improve. You're kinda cute, and you could be a good looking guy if you did a few things.
!. Stop smiling like that. It's weird. Open your mouth a bit (not>>6167531) and stop raising your eyebrows. I bet you don't even realize you're doing it.
Sit your ass in front of a mirror and figure out how to smile like a regular person. Watch yourself as you laugh (legit, not fake laughter. Put on some Louis C.K. and look). That's what genuine emotion looks like. Learn to make that.
2.Your hair, it's too long. There's no textrue too it, you look like a "nerd". Plus, you have a long face, stop making it look even longer. It doesn't need to be a lot shorter, just closer in the back/sides. And on top....
The fringe is killing your hair, but don't pull it back ( I know everyone wants to see it but I can tell you know you're head will only stretch further). Everything is nearly good except that fringe.
<-- front should be more like this, but over your forehead more. Actually, maybe a center part would work for you. try that too. The point is you really need some volume and texture, that really straight look isn't good for you.
3. Oh, and you need new clothes. This >>6167667 isn't working.

That's it, it's the best I can do. Good luck and hope to see you again

>> No.6173428

you look so fucking uncomfortable

>> No.6173436

>They are teefury custom tees with video game stuff on em.
Stop that. If you want to be respected as a human bean, don't wear video game apparel.

>> No.6173450

Nothing changed.

>> No.6173528
File: 165 KB, 894x556, ss (2013-05-17 at 06.16.05).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Yes, I hate my smile, I will work on it.
2. Ill get my hair cut shorter next hair cut. I can't do much with this cut, it keeps falling in front of my face.
3. Ill get new clothes after I get /fit/

Yep. Hate my smile.

I tried to slick it back as much as I could.

>> No.6173535

It's called jaw surgery fuccboi. Was the best fucking decision I ever made. Fixed my overbite and now I have an awesome jaw line and facial structure.

>> No.6173538

>Yep. Hate my smile.
and yet you keep doing it

>> No.6173539
File: 112 KB, 610x692, ss (2013-05-17 at 06.21.19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much was it?
Got a before and after?
very interested.

Here is a pic of the back, if anyone cares to see it.

>> No.6173547
File: 51 KB, 338x464, ss (2013-05-17 at 06.23.43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I keep doing it cause I look fucking retarded if I don't.

>> No.6173553

My smile has too much gum, and my overbite is ridic.
Working on it.

>> No.6173558

>I keep doing it cause I look fucking retarded if I don't.
No, I think if you just hold a straight face it can't look worse than that smile. Not in a million years.

>> No.6173565

jesus it looks like you going to rape someone

>> No.6173570
File: 73 KB, 384x638, ss (2013-05-17 at 06.26.41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me with a straight face.
My muscles rest with my teeth visible due to my overbite.

>> No.6173585

A horse walks into a bar...

>> No.6173586

>This is me with a straight face.
So, your default face has your mouth open like a fool? Come on, close your mouth, and just give a default stare. That does look better than you smiling though.

>> No.6173589


That is me with my mouth closed and default stare.

>> No.6173593

>default stare.
But you're grinning like a fool. Just snap another photo, god knows you probably already have.

>> No.6173602
File: 78 KB, 460x576, ss (2013-05-17 at 06.36.04).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phone only has 1% battery left, no other camera.
If I look uncomfortable, it is because I am.
It is uncomfortable to close my mouth like that.
>dat overbite

>> No.6173608

I guess, mouth closed w/ awkward grin is as good as it gets.

>> No.6173609

Also, I gotta leave.
Peace out, /fa/
Headed to the beach for the weekend.

>> No.6173615

My point exactly.

>> No.6173636

You look like you're struggling to hold back a fit of laughter.

Seriously though, the cut looked horrible in your first pic, but from what i can tell of the others, it's actually not bad and definitely an improvement.

>> No.6173652
File: 95 KB, 1024x768, edward-furlong-as-john-connor-in-terminator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Run John! They know you're still alive! You're humanity's last hope!

>> No.6173664
File: 73 KB, 476x630, ss (2013-05-17 at 06.52.24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you?
As long as I am improving my look, it is only a matter of time.

Anyways, im gone /fa/
Am I delusional for thinking I am actually decently attractive? Not like, 10/10... But I give me a 6/10.

>> No.6173672


ditch the retarded facial expressions and you might be a 6/10

>> No.6173673

yeah man,
stay confident bro and good luck

>> No.6173686

oh fuck nigga you gonna look good when you get some dough for cops

>> No.6173697
File: 75 KB, 575x1024, tGyBtAHh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6173748

WAYWT is >>6173238

>> No.6173750

lol clown shoes

>> No.6173831

i needed a clown for my party how much do you cost?

>> No.6175173
File: 54 KB, 800x804, 1363396618072 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6175190


What shoes are those?

>> No.6175195

Your grill is fucked homie but with your mouth closed and hair cut you'd be a cutie. No homo

Ugly ass boy

>> No.6175436

TOSS THE BLACK BUTTON UP!!! that is the most over done douche bag cliche fucking clubbin with your bros shirt! just toss it and don't look back also slick the hair back it looks tight and get some new jeans and a couple pairs of fitted khakis and colored pants also i feel like you might be weird around chicks

>> No.6175471

You are a failure. Give up.

>> No.6175913

The hair is fine, but you do a strange face when you take pics.