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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 67 KB, 640x960, 1366567727080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6161742 No.6161742 [Reply] [Original]

>look in mirror 8.5/10
>use 2 mirrors to see how other people see 8/10
>webcam photo with macbook 9/10
>candid video 8/10
>camera on my iPhone -2/10 alien
What the fuck gives?

>> No.6161748

>look in mirror 9/10
>webcam photo with macbook 2/10

>> No.6161752

>mirror 6/10
>use 2 mirrors for side views 3/10
>video 2/10
>iphone camera alien/10

iktf bro

>> No.6161760

fucking iphone cameras

attractive people are still attractive in it but Im not so I must not be?

>> No.6161775

>taking a picture with your iPhone

Enjoy the crippling depression anons.

>> No.6161785

>be professional photographer with thousands of dollars of equipment
>be unable to take flattering picture of self

I'm just flat out ugly.

>> No.6161825

>mirror 8/10
>45 degrees alien/10
>side 8/10
>camera 1/10


>> No.6161834

>tfw a girl posts a bunch of pictures of you when you went camping on fb and you look awful but don't want to say anything

>> No.6161844

Stomp her head in.

>> No.6161890

When you look at yourself in the mirror your mind will naturally change how you see yourself.

Macbook photos and videos are probably low quality as fuck so you cant see skin flaws.

>> No.6161910

can you exlplain the alien tier distortion from cell phones?

>> No.6161923
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>find a couple cool things from here and there online that i really want to cop
>every single fucking thing is out of stock

What the fuck gives?

>> No.6161933

cell phones have awful cameras
ESPECIALLY front facing cameras god damn
I think it has to do with the angle of the lens

tfw beautiful with rear camera
tfw ugliest motherfucker alive with front camera

>> No.6161945
File: 132 KB, 960x540, 550x-lens-effect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always helpful to bear in mind.

>> No.6161959

so those are different sizes of camera lenses?

>> No.6161978

mirror: 5-6/10
mirror with makeup: 9/10 but look like a whore
webcam: 4/10 gross
webcam with makeup: 2/10 gross whore
point and shoot camera: 3/10 man face
point and shoot camera with makeup: 7/10 whore
glancing at my reflection in a store window: 8/10

>> No.6161983

post pic pls

>> No.6161985

>mirror in low light 9/10
>mirror in artificial light 8/10
>mirror in sunlight 7/10
>iphone picture 3/10 look like a fucking goon
>in real photos 5/10 bad smile
>told I'm 7.5/10 by other people

I'm very non-photogenic and will be remembered as ugly by my ancestors ;__;

>> No.6161987


>> No.6161988


short focal length combined with pictures generally being taken too close to the subject

>> No.6161990

>posting your face on 4chan ever for any reason

>> No.6161998

b-b-but we want to masturbate to her.

>> No.6162035
File: 72 KB, 714x714, IMG_0588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only feel like i look different from a profile angle. But that's probably because it's the angle i'm least used to seeing myself in.

Not quite, diameter is key here. Iphones are roughly comparable with 35mm. Most photographers, including myself don't shoot portraits below 50mm because of this:

>> No.6162077

ITT self-delusion
everyone is 8 or 9/10. post pics you ugly faggots

>> No.6162094

>handheld mirror: -∞/10
>using Large Mirror: 8/10
>Using Two Mirrors: 7/10
>webcam photo: doilooklikeapleb?/10
>candid video: 6/10
>camera on my phone: 3/10 or 6/10 If the weather is nice

>> No.6162113

webcam: 7/10
cellphone: 7/10
mirror: 8/10
digital cameras 3/10

>> No.6162140

Post a pic yourself faggot.

>> No.6162187

I did some testing with my cameras earlier today and came to conclusion that you look like what you see in the mirror (reversed obviously).

>> No.6162232

no shirt sherlock

>> No.6162243

mirror: 7/10 on a good day
eveything else: troll/10

>> No.6162244

anything with a lens is subject to lens distortion. my smartphone has a 'wide-angle' lens, so if I do a closeup pic of my face I look like a fucking alien

>> No.6162246




>> No.6162247

>random reflection: 1/10 kill myself

>> No.6162252


>> No.6162261

>profile angle
When I look in the mirror I think "Yeah, not that bad", when I see myself en-profile on photo's etc I think "I'm ugly"

>> No.6162270

>bathroom mirror: Narcissus himself
>public mirrors and windows: solid 8.5

>everything else: oh god what the fuck is that

>> No.6162271


Yeah I don't understand what the fuck people are on about, with the whole; "When you look in the mirror, your mind automatically fixes the blah, blah." This is some of the biggest loads of crap that /fa/ will tell you.

>> No.6162285
File: 16 KB, 267x181, 1366637384704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god this
>tfw you notice your hair has been messed up the past couple hours on a mirror and realise thats why people were looking at you

>> No.6162280

You know what I hate about windows? For some reason, I have HUGE laughing lines and GARGANTUAN bags under my eyes. But --and I have asked this to people-- I apparently don't have these. What the fuck windows!?

>> No.6162300

omg, i tought i was the only one that have these problems, haha.

ty /fa/ for raising my self-esteem

>mirror 8.5/10
>using 2 mirrors 6/10
>self 45 degrees 3/10
>self 90 degrees 7/10
>straight self 6/10
>other people taking close photos of me -66/10 father of aliens

>> No.6162308

mmm, yeah. I don't feel the same way, i actually quite like my face, each angle has it traits, ya know?

>> No.6162310
File: 59 KB, 505x482, 1346678879877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw constantly checking reflection in every mirror and window as I walk by
>tfw becoming addicted

>> No.6162321
File: 221 KB, 1305x1265, 1368147133899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'Mire myself in every car window I walk past
>tfw there's someone in the car looking back at me

>> No.6162324

Oops forgot name. Last time i cleaned my browser i ended up having to type the whole thing again which took ages.

Such a vast difference in ratings only because of the angle says more about your self-esteem than actual appearance.

>> No.6162344


fucking hell I do this every chance I get

>walking down street
>about 5 cars parked
>every single one has someone waiting inside


>> No.6162346


>Not looking anyway


>> No.6162348 [DELETED] 

>people who look at your shoes
do they

>> No.6162355


Everyone does. Shoes are the most important piece of an outfit

>> No.6162359

>cute at all times

I don't know what you're going through OP.

>> No.6162361


>tfw you notice someone glancing at your shoes and two weeks later see them with the same pair

>> No.6162377
File: 52 KB, 450x296, please no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>photos on fb of you in a club with flash illuminating your face

want to crawl up into a ball and never leave my house again

>> No.6162378
File: 158 KB, 831x826, 1367229718132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see the that guy who's superior to you in every way

>> No.6162383

these fucking club photos
never again

>> No.6162382


Damn sure it reeks sumer right now

>> No.6162386
File: 37 KB, 502x460, 1361558038955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw almost every guy I see is superior to me

>> No.6162393

prove it then

>> No.6162404


Oh no. Someone goes out to clubs with their friends and has a facebook!

What a monster!

>> No.6162456

>look like alien every damn pictute
>really good friend looks like a 8/10 model every picture
Fucking sucks

>> No.6162476

the worst part is when you run into someone who looks like an infinitely better version of you. like, he is the perfected, finished design and you were just one of the scrapped prototypes

>> No.6162490
File: 146 KB, 580x680, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


H-hold me /fa/

>> No.6162496


>> No.6162511
File: 227 KB, 900x617, 64764764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look in mirror 8/10
>See videos of self 8/10
>Get plenty of compliments on nights out
>Pull hot chicks
>Dudes constantly try to use me as wingman

>See pic of self

Fucking stupid non-photogenic features.
I got dat Vincent Cassel syndrome, man. Shit sucks.

>> No.6162706


which one of these is iphone camera?

>> No.6162726
File: 684 KB, 640x960, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw your better-looking in person

>> No.6162759

>8/10 in mirror qt3.14
>7/10 on webcam okay.jpg
>3/10 in pictures
that feel

>> No.6162790

>reeks sumer

>tfw no cuneiform
>tfw no ziggurats
>tfw indus valley

>> No.6162795
File: 98 KB, 897x848, mutualfeels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6162815

>super thick beautiful hair
>noticed whispy wierd thin baby hairs under the middle of my hairline that makes me look like im balding
>wtf if these were gone id look great and have a straight hairline
>buzz them off
>tfw perfect straight hairline and side burns thick brown straight beautiful hair and 8/10 atleast


>> No.6162829
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 1363154089088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fluorescent light

>> No.6162900

>suddenly turn into 9/10 at night

does this happen to anyone else?

>> No.6162905

Yeah dog. That shadow accentuates my facial features like a mafucker.

>> No.6162907

in mirror: 8/10
any picture: 7/10
what im told i am: 8.5/10

>> No.6162926

>tfw it feels like friday night on a wednesday

>> No.6162942

in mirror 10/10
in most pictures 3/10
in pictures with the right angle 8/10
percentage of pictures i'm in with the right angle 0%
webcams and shit 6/10
in person 50/10

fuck cameras

>> No.6162949
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>> No.6162971
File: 157 KB, 415x521, ohgodmakeitstop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take photo of self in mirror
>9/10 lookin good dan
>flip photo horizontally in paint
>0/10 oh dog what have i done

>> No.6162972



I can be good in pictures if I pose right, but people never take pics of me like that, and it's impossible to do yourself

>> No.6162992


>tfw qt3.14

>> No.6163005

I know that asymmetrical face feel bro

>> No.6163353

>tfw you want to do cool pictures of you in public areas but you don't have anyone to take pictures of you

>> No.6163411
File: 67 KB, 600x600, 1366971138606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6163617

>tfw low self esteem
>tfw always think you're ugly, even though other people say otherwise

>> No.6163663

>tfw nobody tells me I'm attractive or ugly

I assume ugly

>> No.6163694

>tfw heroin chic
>mother: "anon you look so sickly, get some sun, fuck"

>> No.6164112
File: 36 KB, 799x750, 1345342996349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw flip webcam image horizontally
>instantly go from 4/10 to 8/10
>tfw I cant do this in real life


>> No.6164137
File: 55 KB, 308x420, Licence to Feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6164153
File: 110 KB, 603x340, 1344987803560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck are yall talking about flipping images
do you take your pictures sideways or what

>> No.6164160

iphone camara makes my head look long as shit

anybody else?

>> No.6164176

>have asymmetry in face
>become accustomed to it in mirror images (mirrors)
>flip webcam or image taken from mirror
>not accustomed to seeing yourself the way others see you (non-reversed image)
>feels result

>> No.6164194

Tried this. My skin looks terrible in the webcam but for some reason I think the flip makes me look better.

>> No.6164205

>solid 7 at eye level
>1/10 when looking up
>tfw 6'3" and taller than most people

>> No.6164230

>tfw ugly open mouth smile

I'm perfectly happy with my closed mouth smile, but as soon as you see teeth I look like a freak.

And it's not one of those things where I'm just self-conscious because it's my own smile and other people find it attractive, because I see people with ugly smiles all the time and I know I'm one of them.

>> No.6164237

maybe its not genuine and comes off as practiced
you should be happy when you smile

>> No.6164284


I know this feel

I look full retard when I try to smile in photos at all, even closed-mouthed

Good thing I don't smile much, but I hate that 'smile for the camera' shit

>> No.6165463

if anything, my mind makes me look worse.

>> No.6165469

Don't know that feel..

I'm balding so I keep it short...

That feel when you look like shit no matter what you take pictures from....

>> No.6165472

funny, pictures with flash just makes me look better.

>> No.6165478

>see videos of self 2/10
>get compliments
>people tell me I'm HOT
>get used as wingman a lot as well

>look in the mirror 2/10
>pictures 1/10
>people still say I'm hot

I look like shit. They're just too focused on my bod cause I'm fit.

>> No.6165482

go back to /fit/ faggot. Grow your beard out again.

>> No.6165488

>look like shit no matter what I look in/at

you guys have it easy, ya dang pussies.

>> No.6165492

so which lens is truest to real life perception?

>> No.6165520

i guarantee the majority of 4chan users have a facebook account so i guess it's always summer

>> No.6165533

i had a regular hookup buddy 20+ times that i would only see at night and then after i came over once in the day he stopped talking to me

>> No.6165570

How 2 use 2 mirrors?
As in, one mirror in front of face and the other one?