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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 36 KB, 528x396, 2010_4_RickOwens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6157651 No.6157651 [Reply] [Original]

>Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead.

how is this different from what the Abercrombie CEO said

>> No.6157657

thats not blatantly discriminatory

>> No.6157656

The attitude

>> No.6157664

>comparing the abercrombie ceo and Rick

Get the fuck out

>> No.6157669

cuz rick is all high fashion and stuff and less widespread than that lfo brand and men arent as sensative as fat girls

>> No.6157677

the whalelords that are making all the ruckus at abercrombie cant afford rick or are too ignorant to know who he is.

>> No.6157698
File: 168 KB, 480x640, 1341200606769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this statement isn't exclusionist. rick just said that you'll look better if you take care of your body than if you buy clothes, which is totally different than stating that some people are not worthy of your mallcore label

it's also a very overexposed quote and ive begun to block tumblrs that post rick's ten rules of style because i figure they probably don't have anything else i want to see either.

>> No.6157700


>> No.6157704

try re-reading what the ceo said, and then try re-reading the rick quote. if u read through it ull answer ur own question

>> No.6157706

block them based on 1 reblog
ur cool dude

>> No.6157708

This. Jefferies' philosophy is totally different.
His brand is also aimed at teens and twenty somethings, Rick is aimed at the 30-50 crowd.

>> No.6157716
File: 438 KB, 500x275, tumblr_mlmjshHYXC1s4znkyo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is hyperbole

i do, however, ignore blogs who post non-rick under the rick tag
>lol heres my waywt its all from h&m
diedieieididieidiediediediedie bitch
i also have polyvore filtered, that shit is insipid as fuck

>> No.6157768

oh i thought u were being real

yea polyvore is shit

>> No.6157998


need i say more

>> No.6158122

>tfw all your friends are liberal and you can't say you agree with him on le facebooks

>> No.6158162

I have the same problem. Facebook time is moral time.

>> No.6158250
File: 34 KB, 300x300, misc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take lil bro to mall
>go to A&F
>shift manager practically begs me to work there

>> No.6158274

fucking idiots. does anyone ever think before they post shit? some landwhale acquaintance posted a picture of a "size 14" Marilyn Monroe (those are vintage sizes, you cow). had a caption like "BONES ARE FOR DOGS, REAL WOMEN HAVE CURVES"

feminism at its finest. immediately unfriended.

>> No.6158290

damn you're that good looking with a great body?

>> No.6158287

fat ppl don't give a shit what rick says because they spend all their money on food and insulin so they couldn't afford it anyways

>> No.6158296

lol. No. It's Summer and they need part time associates. I work at AnF at 5th Ave. All new hires come now even if they are ugly.

>> No.6158763

/fit/ gtfo
this is the fassion board, being fasionable doesn't mean we don't lift

>> No.6158773

If you can't be honest around certain people, you should question the value of their friendship.

>> No.6159230

rick is saying anyone can become and look better even without his clothes and exercise and a good body is more important. it's pretty admirable.
Jeffries was just saying "my clothes are for the cool kids and they're all skinny, I'm still looking young because I'm rich r-right. " when in fact his clothes are shit tier and only worn by total plebs, he's living in a dream world.

>> No.6159249

rick owens' endorsement of steroid use in the same interview given in 2007 was controversial and was in the news

American designer endorses steroid use was a wsj article iirc

abercrombie is desirable in certain clicks and within that click there are cool kids and wealthy kids w/e

however in the grand scheme of things the clothing is rather low quality and not all that great looking

we just happen to be in a higher click
who prefer kiton and hermes to abercrombie

>> No.6159273

This is correct.
What Jeffries is trying to do is to market products to the attractive looking population.
This is so people will actually see the these attractive people wear his products and think that abercrombie is actually a good brand.
They have gone to lengths to protect this image such as when they offered the Jersey Shore crew money to not wear their products because they thought it would tarnish their image.
In any case, it's nothing philosophical - it's just a money making ploy.

PS: Rick is right, if you want to look good, start at the base and work your way out. You see all these pics of what you think you look like vs. what you really look like and it boils down to having a shit tier body underneath it.
Aside from plastic surgery you can do very little to your face, but you can always work on your body. And people always respect those who try.

>> No.6159277

You reek of insecurity. We've all seen your face.

>> No.6159280

Damn sieg you still lurk /fa/ after all this time

Do you really dress that badly or do you just come to /fa/ because it's the closest form of social interaction you get?

(i already asked you this but you didn't respond)

>> No.6159283

>boils down to having a shit tier body underneath it.


> And people always respect those who try.

LOL no

>> No.6159285

It's clique btw

>> No.6159311

is twerk a guy or a bitch its really bothering me

>> No.6159312


>> No.6159316

that looks like a bitch

>> No.6159322

stop worrying about it

>> No.6159326

No specific gender

>> No.6159333

nigga talkin about copping ricky kicks with fukkn HEELS mang i mean im open to all kindsnof style but when he/she/it posted some legs i wuz like o_O

>> No.6159336


back to the jungle you go

>> No.6159342

how to slalom on tree branches tho