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/fa/ - Fashion

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6149294 No.6149294 [Reply] [Original]

I never watched what I ate and have been eating shit all my life because I'm the type that never gains weight no matter what I eat

Then I turned 18 and shit started changing and I'm 19 now and when I compare pictures of me a year ago to now I've gained a considerable amount of face fat

What's a good way to cut fat? I'm more interested in cutting fat than gaining muscle atm really, will doing cardio every day and eating better and less be good enough?

I know pic related was born with this facial structure but I'd like to get as close to this as possible

>> No.6149300

damn what's his name he's beautiful

>> No.6149309

Look at those low criminal brows though

He'd probably cut you up and put you in a trash bag

>> No.6149308


>> No.6149313





>> No.6149315

do jaw and cheek excercises every morning and evening + eat less

>> No.6149318

ketosis diet

>> No.6149328

500kcal deficit + keto + intermittent fasting + daily cardio

if you are disciplined, watch your weight melt away in a matter of weeks

>> No.6149334


>jaw and cheek excercises

my sides

>> No.6149331

There are /fit/ ways to lose weight, and there are /fa/ ways

If both boards fielding the question with 100% sincerity - you'd getwidly different results

Asking us over them does make a difference

The shit we recommend would make a doctor facepalm but you're not going to get that heroin chic look without cutting some serious corners

>> No.6149344

There are facial exercises you can do to improve facial aesthetics - however I believe that anon just worded it VERY poorly

and even I don't know how to explain it without it sounding like broscience

>> No.6149346

worked for me
stay jealous faggot

>> No.6149350
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thats probably because it is broscience

you can't change bone through excercises

it's either genetics or surgery

the change training your facial muscles will make is so miniscule it may as well not be there

>> No.6149352


>500kcal deficit

Fuck how does this work, can someone explain this to me? I'm stupid, this is what I understand

>Calculate daily required calories to stay same weight (Did this already, says I need about 2.1k)
>Eat 500 less than that (1.6k)

Or is it burn 500 more calories than you eat? Like

>Eat 2.1k a day
>Burn 2.6k a day (Obviously this is really hard so I would need to eat like 1k a day and burn 1.5k?

>> No.6149353

post a pic fuccboi

>> No.6149361

The former. The latter wouldn't lead to a 500cal deficit, would it?

>> No.6149363

he's not going to

>> No.6149364

mother of god fucking perfect symmetry

>> No.6149360

Yeah, except nothing I said reflects your answer - you were just waiting to dish that one at

Figuring out how to perpetuate certain facial muscles will compliment different aspects of your face - of course auschwitz mode + already good genetics for maximum results

>> No.6149372

eat less

>> No.6149374

your post doesnt make any sense

training your facial muscles doesnt work

it doesnt matter how hard you believe in it

>> No.6149375

>want to go ana to get heroin chic look
>I'm 6'3 so ana girl diets are too low
>tfw no male ana sites
>tfw no support to keep myself from eating

what do I do?

INB4 fit monkeys

>> No.6149378

don't buy food

>> No.6149382

>>Burn 2.6k a day (Obviously this is really hard so I would need to eat like 1k a day and burn 1.5k?

Not that difficult, i was eating 1.2k & burning 1.4k a day through exercise.

>Calculate daily required calories to stay same weight (Did this already, says I need about 2.1k)
>Eat 500 less than that (1.6k)

Is correct. 1g fat contains 7 calories. Therefore 1lb fat would contain 3500 calories. So to lose 1lb fat per week you'd need to be in a deficit of 500 calories per day. Whether thats made up by reducing your food intake or expending it through exercise is irrelevant, it's calories in vs calories out.

Personally i prefer to be in a deficit of 750 and burn 750-1250 calories a day through exercise. I'd usually lose 3.5-4.5lb a week.

>> No.6149389

Probably one of the best things you can do, but it'll require dedication.

>> No.6149386

But would he at some point have sex with me?

>> No.6149387
File: 48 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130424_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, because my jaw line got this sharp from doing absolutely nothing

Stay pleb, I guess?

>> No.6149394

thats... not really sharp? it's just normal

not to mention your muscles wouldnt even help with your jawline

>> No.6149396

hi newfriend

>> No.6149397

your jawline is the least of your worries, jesus christo.

>> No.6149401

ur neck is fat nigga

>> No.6149402

how about you post a pic without tilting your head to the side just to make it look more pronounced my little fuccboi?

>> No.6149410


>Not that difficult, i was eating 1.2k & burning 1.4k a day through exercise.

Damn I went for a 15 minute run the other day and the nike run app told me I burned around 300 calories but I was fucking tired as hell after that and can't imagine doing more, does weight lifting burn more compared to running?

>Is correct. 1g fat contains 7 calories. Therefore 1lb fat would contain 3500 calories. So to lose 1lb fat per week you'd need to be in a deficit of 500 calories per day. Whether thats made up by reducing your food intake or expending it through exercise is irrelevant, it's calories in vs calories out.

Ah wow thanks that explained it well
The thing is though I'm not really fat, I'm 5'11 135lb so I'm scared I'm going to be skeletonmode or some shit lol

>> No.6149407

Yes. If you lose a steady 500C/day you'll drop 1lb/week.

>> No.6149412

Are you american? Because not having any sort of double-chin is pretty uncommon

>my feel when you'll probably post a thread later asking how to specifically diminish double-chin and I won't answer

>> No.6149416


keep on chewing gum

>> No.6149424

No, sorry. European and a girl, but nice try there.

>> No.6149425

How about your post a picture in general lel

>your feel when not tilted at all

>> No.6149420

Not really. Aerobics/Cardio is the best for weight loss. Lifting weight will convert your fat into muscle, so I suggest you do both. Alternating daily.

>> No.6149431

Are you retarded? You can clearly see that your upper body is not on the same axis as your tilted head.

>> No.6149432

Okay - fair enough. This is so far from normal for american it's fucking pathetic - trust me

>> No.6149440

die from a heart attack.....

>> No.6149438


I have a long neck dog I don't know what to tell you at this point

Stay mad I guess

All I wanted to point out was that it's possible to perpetuate aspects of your face with exercises and backed my shit up with pictures

>> No.6149446

buy less food
don't eat for a day once every week
and this

>> No.6149447

errr... no? You didn't back up anything. You posted a shitty webcam pic of your head being tilted to the side without a before or after.

But okay, have fun with your still flat as fuck jawline

>> No.6149451

What exercises, if I may ask?

>> No.6149453

Post "untilted" jaw line then bro



>> No.6149466


If you are serious,, how can I privately contact you and I will try to explain

I'm not an anatomy student so it is going to sound like straight bro science, but yeah - if you are willing to listen, let me know how to hit you up

>> No.6149460


don't talk shit. Lifting on a deficit doesn't "convert fat into muscle". Lifting tears muscle fibres which are repaired with rest and protein - this process consumes energy for days after you have done the exercise, i.e fat cells if you are eating at a deficit. Pure cardio is fucking boring and will leave you looking like shit if you cut to a decent bodyfat.

>> No.6149465
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Don't bother. His face is nothing special anyways.

OP just go with the calorie deficit and you're done. That is, if your bonestructure under the fat is good

>> No.6149470

You still don't get it. Fuck, are you really that retarded or are you just trolling?

Stop looking to the side when you take the picture while your upper body is angled at the camera.

>> No.6149479

I suggest eating 1200 calories a day for two weeks. You will lose a shit ton of "water weight" and your face (and the rest of your body) will swell down like a balloon. Even if you lose a couple of pounds, it will look like you've lost 20

>> No.6149478

>>6149382 here

I think your app might be out. I usually burn around 500 calories after 4 miles running. Stationary bike going on hard resistance for about 1 hour 30 minutes burns around 1300 calories.

Weight lifting doesn't burn calories as quickly as cardio does, part of the calories is burnt from weight lifting in repairing yor muscle fibres after lifting.

Personally i'd say both, otherwise you will end up with a really shit body and look like a skeleton.

Just do pushups, situps, running and some weights in between.

If you're finding it difficult to manage your appetite and maintain energy on a deficit i'd recommend using caffeine tablets (buy them in bulk, dose around 400-600mg a day) or use EC stack if you want to lose weight quicker.

For reference i went from 350lb to 160lb in about 11 months.

>> No.6149487


Dog yes I'm trolling holy fuck

>> No.6149483

can you email me at emailforfa@gmail.com
I don't fully believe it'll work but I'm willing to try, thanks bruv

>> No.6149491


every board may have its "way," but /fit/'s way is obviously the best. people come asking for /fit/ advice here are usually 1) lazy pieces of shit that don't wanna go there, read the sticky and put on the work, or 2) pussies who are afraid to ask for advices there because they're gonna be made fun of


not wanting shitty threads on /fa/ = newfriend? huh, go figure


they're bullshit


lel no

>> No.6149492

>I think your app might be out. I usually burn around 500 calories after 4 miles running. Stationary bike going on hard resistance for about 1 hour 30 minutes burns around 1300 calories.

Well fuck... This is gonna be harder than I thought... I ran 3.3km in 15 mins if that makes a difference, was sprinting the last 3 minutes or something

>350lb to 160lb in about 11 months

Wow good on you man that's impressive

>> No.6149506

Clement Chabernaud

>> No.6149533


If you want to get your running up to scratch the most effective way is to alternate between longer distance at steady pace one day and shorter and running at a much faster pace the next. It's useful if you have a treadmill to track it i.e.

Monday run 30 minutes at 12 km/h
Tuesday run 12 minutes at 16 km/h

You'll notice as the weight comes off and you keep putting the miles in that you'll be able to run faster & for longer. Just remember that you need to set goals to progress i.e. week 1 run for 15 minutes, then on week 2 push yourself to 18 minutes, 22 minutes on week 3 etc..

>> No.6149550


Thanks, my apartment has a gym with a new treadmill and I also live across the street from a gym / running track so will try it out, always thought real running was better than treadmill tho

>> No.6149575
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this may be relevant

>> No.6149650

this guy is the worst poster on this board
his fits fucking suck, he's fucking retarded and he's obnoxious as fuck when he has no right to be

>> No.6149857


But models do it


>> No.6150044


NO, lifting weights does burn more calories than aerobic exercise.

For fucks sake, dont take my word for it, google it bro.

>> No.6150079
File: 17 KB, 500x333, want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing this atm, running 30 minutes for first time tomorrow :3

>> No.6150644

>Living with parents until I go to college in a couple months
>No idea how many calories are in my mother's dinners
How should I go about this 500 cal thing then?
Should I just only eat fruit for breakfast and lunch or what?

>> No.6150688


Start offering to cook for your mom, that way you can make what you need to eat healthy and give your parents/siblings their own (bigger) portions if they want.

It's just as easy to cook for 4 as it is for one. Easier sometimes, because most recipes are portioned to feed a family. If you're really embarrassed about the reasons you're doing it, just tell them you want to learn how to cook so you can be more independent when you leave the house. I can't imagine them being anything but proud of that.

>> No.6150766

make your own food, -write down everything you eat- for the purpose of keeping yourself in check and it helps control yourself, stick to greens, lowfat stuff like yogurt.

>> No.6150849


pls go