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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 71 KB, 630x418, 7-trends-to-be-on-the-lookout-for-from-recent-fashion-weeks-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6147173 No.6147173 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /fa/ I've decided to write a magazine feature on /fa/ as part of my uni assessment.

I've managed to interview some /fa/ IRL but figured the best way would be to ask questions and for you, /fa/, to answer them online.

It's basically a feature which explores how and why /fa/ exists on a site which, let's face it, isn't a fashion hub compared to dedicated fashion sites.

Obviously anonymity is a big component of 4chan but you can provide your ASL and even an alias if you'd like.


1 - When and how did you find /fa/?

2 - What interested you in /fa/ and kept you sticking around?

3 - Why do you think /fa/ exists (and to some extent) thrives on 4chan?

4 - Favourite memory on /fa/?

5 - Have you met any /fa/ggots in real life?

6 - How has your sense of fashion developed due to /fa/?

7 - Do you believe the advice, style and humour etc. on /fa/ is authentic? (As in do people actually dress /fa/ or just talk as if they do on the board?)

tl;dr - How did you end up on /fa/?

>> No.6147177

clicked on the link


>> No.6147179


Lol, well done.

>> No.6147190

Please don't do this. I found fa because I had been on 4chan already for a long time. We don't need more "outsiders" here

>> No.6147200


It won't be published. Understand your concern though. I guess that's what I get for leaving articles to the last minute.

>> No.6147196

>1 - When and how did you find /fa/?
Years ago, when /fit/ was created I went from /b/
to there, /fa/ was right next to it, and I was a sneakerhead so yeah
>2 - What interested you in /fa/ and kept you sticking around?
I dunno. Less autistic than most boards
>3 - Why do you think /fa/ exists (and to some extent) thrives on 4chan?
To talk about clothes? You can't really pidgeonhole people, this place has thousands of users, we're all different
>4 - Favourite memory on /fa/?
posting my shoe collection, ppl were somewhat impressed
>5 - Have you met any /fa/ggots in real life?
Nope, know a couple lads who post on /fit/ though
>6 - How has your sense of fashion developed due to /fa/?
Got simpler
>7 - Do you believe the advice, style and humour etc. on /fa/ is authentic? (As in do people actually dress /fa/ or just talk as if they do on the board?)
I think most people are at least trying, but the patois is put on, it's 4 giggles
>tl;dr - How did you end up on /fa/?
Clicked on the link

>> No.6147208


Thanks. A lot people seem to make the transition from /fit/ to /fa/.

>> No.6147225


ooh ooh i'd like to be impressed! show your sneaker collection anon.

>> No.6147231

>We don't need more "outsiders" here

What is this, 2006?

>> No.6147243
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1 - When and how did you find /fa/?
Sent links to lols threads on /b/ while on night shift by a friend in 2006, /fa/ started in 2008(?), always had an interest in clothes, so i thought id check it out, used to trip, got tired of the bitching, switched back to anon, now just lurk.

2 - What interested you in /fa/ and kept you sticking around?
It has been a place with like minded people when in my city at the time there were very few, and it has given me a bit of an insight into the "hipster" cultural movement (as much as you may hate it, it has been, and still is, a movement), years before it arrived in Aus, a few other reasons to but they are fairly key points.

3 - Why do you think /fa/ exists (and to some extent) thrives on 4chan?
Sex, people like sex, and looking good helps us to have more, which is part of the reason are so many hair / help threads from people who have never been to /fa/ before, also the anonymity stops some guys from worrying about appearing 'gay' by being in to clothes.

4 - Favourite memory on /fa/?
Dat mo, also the emergence of the /fa/ memes, hy etc.

5 - Have you met any /fa/ggots in real life?
I met zyzz a few times, he wasnt very /fa/ but he spent a little time here i guess.

6 - How has your sense of fashion developed due to /fa/?
Im a total /fa/ggot, and I've had an evolving hy for the last 4 years, I'm a student so i don't have cash for the expensive stuff but i try :)

7 - Do you believe the advice, style and humour etc. on /fa/ is authentic? (As in do people actually dress /fa/ or just talk as if they do on the board?)
Most of the time it is just talk, as with most things on 4chan.

>> No.6147272


Answer to 3 - I guess that's what it all boils down to. Thanks for the response.

Seems like /fa/ keeps a few in Aus ahead of the trends.

>> No.6147673


1 - When and how did you find /fa/?
was a /b/ kid for a while, checked out /fa/ cuz i was interested in clothes

2 - What interested you in /fa/ and kept you sticking around?
inspo threads, fun community

3 - Why do you think /fa/ exists (and to some extent) thrives on 4chan?
exists: because 4chan caters to every interest (or tries to)
thrives: i don't think it does

4 - Favourite memory on /fa/?
when that guy apologized for his attitude

5 - Have you met any /fa/ggots in real life?
some people i know already browse, i dont think that counts though

6 - How has your sense of fashion developed due to /fa/?

7 - Do you believe the advice, style and humour etc. on /fa/ is authentic? (As in do people actually dress /fa/ or just talk as if they do on the board?)
to an extent
faggots like mumbles definitely have an internet persona though

>> No.6147684

Fyck you and ur uni assignment you fag

>> No.6147702

1. this january,

2. fashion advice, inspiration and general lol's

3. because it's a complete world and that's what 4chan does best. it puts the best and worst of underground worlds in a board.

4./fa/ memes and waywt's in general

5. no

6. a lot, started getting more into "high fashun" blogs, other styles, streetstyle, male designers in general. started noticing that 95% of people dress like they do not care or they actually do not care what they wear. and realized that there are no interesting clothes for men where i live, no wonder they dress like shit. started buying clothes almost exlcusively online and overseas.

7. I think most of them try to help but come off as harsh and insensitive assholes, that doesn't help much. I think very few of those who post are actually /fa/, at least judging from WAYWT's

tl;dr. when i started looking for a job and realized i didn't have any clothes except my skinny jeans, white high tops, obscure band tees and shitty clothes (hoodies, running sneakers). Weeks later on a moving I found some unworn jeans i've bought time ago that i never got them tailored, didn't have a clue on how actual jeans should fit. Then found /fa/ weeks later on the main page of 4chan. Shit was meant to be. read the sticky and felt completely related to what it was going through my head (not a teen anymore, wanted to dress my age not like an album back cover of the 80's everytime, and wanted to dress more according to my reality). then kept lurking till now.

>> No.6147736
File: 206 KB, 361x361, sickfades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 - When and how did you find /fa/?
x-ferred over from /b/ in like ~2009 been lurking on/off ever since
>2 - What interested you in /fa/ and kept you sticking around?
looking cute feeling cute
>3 - Why do you think /fa/ exists (and to some extent) thrives on 4chan?
moot knows there are cool kids that like both japanese cartoons and clothes.
>4 - Favourite memory on /fa/?
When I first came here I saw undercover fw2006 womenswear and I thought it was the coolest thing ever
>5 - Have you met any /fa/ggots in real life?
I have come across nerds on campus that have shitty infograph fits. Never say anything or talk to them, I don't want to associate myself with those fuccbois
>6 - How has your sense of fashion developed due to /fa/?

>come to /fa/
>decide I want to dress nicer/take interest in clothes
>buy shitty fast fashion clothes I thought would be good
>realize how garbage they are
>stop wearing them
>go out and buy clothes that are actually nice (james perse, common projects usually what i'm dressed in)
>still in that middleground trying to build my wardrobe with solid pieces slowly rather than buy a bunch of garbage again

>7 - Do you believe the advice, style and humour etc. on /fa/ is authentic? (As in do people actually dress /fa/ or just talk as if they do on the board?)

we definitely have our own unique board culture. I dig a lot of the board humour (kids who try to push memes can fuck off). This board is a mix of clothing discussion and humour for people who like clothes. Like I think this pic is hilarious but if I showed it to one of my friends who aint about that #fashionlife he'd be all like uuuuhhhh...

I love /fa/ but I just wish there were less edgy shitposters, this place has the potential to be so much better

>> No.6147827

Basically effay is a.shitty version of mfa

>> No.6147837

>1 - When and how did you find /fa/?
I've been in 4chan for a while now and, after reading some books last year, I decided that I needed to improve my clothing. Since I was already a 4channer, I started lurking effay.
>2 - What interested you in /fa/ and kept you sticking around?
Learning about fashion and style and being better dressed etc.
>3 - Why do you think /fa/ exists (and to some extent) thrives on 4chan?
It exists because it's a subject with a fair number of people interested, and 4chan takes notice on that, which is why we have boards for so many things. It "thrives" because there are people who like it and keep coming here.
>4 - Favourite memory on /fa/?
None. I don't really come here that often to have memories.
>5 - Have you met any /fa/ggots in real life?
>6 - How has your sense of fashion developed due to /fa/?
I use proper-fit clothing now. Ditched my horribly over-sized T's, bought some nice jeans and footwear. I still have a lot to improve, though.
>7 - Do you believe the advice, style and humour etc. on /fa/ is authentic? (As in do people actually dress /fa/ or just talk as if they do on the board?)
Like in every other board, there are people who actually do stuff and others who just post as if they knew something when they don't. I don't know which one is the majority, though.

>> No.6147935
File: 61 KB, 1280x194, best of fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 - When and how did you find /fa/?
About twelve months ago, I made a "gib advice on hair" thread. My friend who has browsing 4chan much longer than me said that /fa/ would actually be helpful. At the time, it was. I've been here to witness the entire steady decline.

>2 - What interested you in /fa/ and kept you sticking around?
Same thing as everyone else: looking good. I stick around because of the same reason I stick around on 4chan at all: it's a shithole but every once in a while you find a diamond in the rough. Posts like that make it worth it. I try to do what I can to contribute quality posts. Also, /fa/ is a nice break from more serious boards that constantly debate, though it sometimes fulfills that "Zoolander" stereotype.

>3 - Why do you think /fa/ exists (and to some extent) thrives on 4chan?
Because young folks are more interested in making themselves look good than in previous generations.

>4 - Favourite memory on /fa/?
I save a lot but pic related was pretty good.

>5 - Have you met any /fa/ggots in real life?

>6 - How has your sense of fashion developed due to /fa/?
I have made cautious change. The values behind my style are the same; the presentation is different. I still dress casually but also a little more mature so that others aren't prevented from taking me seriously on first sight. Also, gothninja looks nice but doesn't seem practical for me.

>7 - Do you believe the advice, style and humour etc. on /fa/ is authentic? (As in do people actually dress /fa/ or just talk as if they do on the board?)
Some do, some don't. There's a general consensus that we have a lot of underage babbies here who enjoy all this ironic, brain-dead humor. We've also got some people contributing critical, but solid advice.

>> No.6147951


>> No.6148040

>I've decided to write a magazine feature on /fa/ as part of my uni assessment.
You fucking faggot, this shithole is already flooded with normalshits, highschoolers, and Redditors, yet you want to exacerbate the problem?

>> No.6148056

1 - When and how did you find /fa/?
When it was first added.

2 - What interested you in /fa/ and kept you sticking around?
I like clothes. I am not a "regular" but I do check it when Im bored.

3 - Why do you think /fa/ exists (and to some extent) thrives on 4chan?
Thrives because a few people do have genuine interest in fashion and want to talk about it without the shitty pretentiousness of other online fashion forums. (Though there exists pretension here of course, but its the 4chan kind)

4 - Favourite memory on /fa/?

5 - Have you met any /fa/ggots in real life?

6 - How has your sense of fashion developed due to /fa/?
Yeah I have become a bit more aware of clothing quality and different styles and how they work.
Not really info coming from the board itself, but just having learned things on my own to be able to competently discuss things.

7 - Do you believe the advice, style and humour etc. on /fa/ is authentic? (As in do people actually dress /fa/ or just talk as if they do on the board?)
Yes, when there is someone who is earnest and open to discussion and improvement, I think that there is good advice given. But yeah there is always gonna be trolls and jokes about things. I think some people dress how they talk, but a lot is just teens windowshopping and dreaming of nicer things, which isnt bad.