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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 93 KB, 550x369, 2960_60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6145745 No.6145745 [Reply] [Original]

I know there's a few threads in this general area, but most seem to be talking about hipster fedora's and the like.

Pic related: My current hat, though the band has been lost on a mountain after the glue holding it gave up in the heat.

So I'm looking to spend some serious money for a hat. I have currently a old leather outback style fedora from Overlands. About 10 years and its starting to show its age. I tend to be an out doors guy and heavy of frame, so small brims look dumb as fuck on me. Wanted to know if any one here knew of any places online that sell a similar style but beaver fur and in the $600-$1000 range.

Two links to other hat sites is my offering and Hat thread general, post shit you think is cool.



>> No.6145774
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>> No.6145781
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>> No.6145788
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>> No.6145783

Erik Satie is my shit yo

>> No.6145791


5/10 troll man. Looks like you put effort into this, but it is just too obvious.

>heavy of frame
>trolled softly

>> No.6145808

Not trolling.

Was in decent shape till about 3years ago after running myself ragged in a full time job as a tattoo artist and full time at printing press. Lost both jobs and just stopped giving a fuck in that 3yrs. Ballooned out like a mother fucker. Been working to get back to target weigh last two years and have made progress dropping about 50lbs.

No troll, just honest.

>> No.6145812
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>> No.6145814
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>> No.6145818

>tattoo artist
This thread is most likely legit. Most tattoo artists dress like complete faggots and wear dumb hats.

>> No.6145831

Being a former one I'm inclined to agree. As for that hat part. Common, this is my thread, if you're going to be an 'asshat' (see what I did there) take it somewhere else.

>> No.6145837
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>> No.6145849
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>> No.6145845
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>> No.6145852


fuck off man, fedoras are the oldest joke here. go back to mfa

>> No.6145891

OP if you're willing to drop that kind of money on a hat you need to find a milliner and stop fucking around with the internet.

>> No.6145916
File: 571 KB, 1442x1800, 1254945041861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, they have a function that allows you to hide threads you don't like or want to see.

I'm not joking and I'm looking to spend money. I came to /fa/ looking for useful tips or opinions (useful being the operative word) on how to acquire my prefered hat. I've been wearing fedora almost 2 decades. This is something I'm doing out of a fad. I'm looking for a lifelong investment in this.

>> No.6145922

Used to be one locally. He was cool as fuck, he had the hat form for Box car willies hat. Sadly the old guy died.

>> No.6145937
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>> No.6145945
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>> No.6145943


Yea but I want to discourage you from coming to this board so I don't have to read about fedoras and I can read about our lord and savior Dicky O and his empyrean will to promote transvestitism.

Also Mr. Poell.

>> No.6145948

My shrink is a monkey?

>> No.6145955

I'm not looking to become an /fa/ resident. I've been looking at this issue for a few years, and browsed around with no results that I really like. My coming here is likely a one time deal, and if I do come back, won't be about hats.

>> No.6145966

>My shrink is a monkey

>> No.6145986
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>> No.6145996

Nvm, thought you were someone else, sorry lol

>> No.6145999
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>> No.6146006
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>> No.6146026
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>> No.6146045
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>> No.6146054
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>> No.6146063
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>> No.6146087
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>> No.6146101
File: 1.97 MB, 1536x1734, 1332109164915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. This board was waste.

Why does anyone even come here?

>> No.6146187

sorry m8, your style is just really at odds with /fa/'s. the kids thinking you're a troll are idiots, but /fa/ is taking a lot more influence from the high fashion and street wear scenes, not any sort of outback or midwest styles. I enjoyed the pics you posted but this is completely out of my realm, I don't have anything helpful to add. I'm not even sure where you could go to get some info, maybe redd1t has a sub tailored towards this taste, I'm not sure what keywords to look up. gl.

>> No.6146197

theres no way this is a serious thread

>> No.6146204
File: 345 KB, 500x667, never do this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddy... listen. People here HATE fedoras and have told you this repeatedly why that is.

There are so fucking many neckbeard sperglords who think adding a hat instantly makes them classy motherfuckers. Fedoras are like socks with sandals or like wearing a black leather belt with brown leather shoes.

It's a faux pas on /fa/ to ask about fedoras because anyone and everyone immediately assumes you're either a troll no mater how many times you say you're not or one of said sperglords. This is a simple fact of life on /fa/.

pic related

>> No.6146249

obvious newfag^

>> No.6146292

in what way did that sound newfag

>> No.6146286

Appreciate the post.

I don't even know what to say to you. I get what you're say, and why. In the end though, it just ends up being not helpful to a guy who really doesn't care about the 'culture' of a bunch of narcissists. A wide brim hat is practical for me. I spend long hours in the sun miles from shade and tend to live out of the hat. I'm not a D&D nerd, and I have no concerns about being classy, other than I want it to be something that's going to last and not look dumb as fuck.

I came here with a budget and some of what I'd seen. Really this whole experience has turned me off to this board and have no interest in returning. I hope moot kills this place.

>> No.6146297

stay mad faggot, you came onto this board to discuss the most hated item of clothing here

its your own fault

delete thread and delete your life

>> No.6146309

Calm down. Everyone just assumed (and still assumes) you are trolling. It's the same as if you went to fit and posted a picture of a fat guy asking how much you need to exercise so you can eat Mcdonalds.

To answer your question try Iron Heart, from what I can remember they used to have hats and even if they don't their stuff is durable as fuck so I'm sure you'll find something of use if you work long hours outside.

>> No.6146316

> I spend long hours in the sun miles from shade

Why? Do you tattoo people outdoors?

>> No.6146310


>stay mad faggot

What is your malfunction? I'm not a newfag to 4chan. Maybe the board, but I tend to not get this kinda shit from posters off the bat. What is your problem?

>> No.6146324

i already mentioned the problem dumbshit

fedora has been out of fashion for 60 years, its associated with basement virgins - no one can pull them off
there are troll fedora threads made daily

this is a fashion board not a 'i was born in the wrong generation' board

>> No.6146325


Don't mean to spill my spaghetti, but its not much of a first impression for this board. Thanks for the info and for being a decent human being.

>> No.6146330

If you paid closer attention to the thread, it mentions I quit that job.

>> No.6146339

All I'm getting out of this is you're butthurt about something and seem to be taking it out on another annon.

>> No.6146352

all im getting out of this is that you're butthurt because you were met with criticism over your shit taste

delete the thread you peasant

>> No.6146355

You sound like you're typing an essay every time you post. Let me guess, you're from /pol/ or /soc/?
>inb4 No sir, I'm just educated unlike yourself hurr

>> No.6146368

/lit/ mostly. Though they've gone to shit over that last 6 months.

>> No.6146372

Think of it like going to /mu/ and telling them you really like Neutral Milk Hotel and asking for recs, or /tv/ and saying you really like Drive. The average poster will think you're trolling, and even if it's very clear your being sincere, no one put so much effort into something that isn't even "trolling" anybody, well shit, these tasteless newfags couldn't rec you anything better because they don't know anything better, they're just glad to be above somebody in the pecking order and are exploiting it as much as they can. They couldn't even tell you why fedoras are a "fashion faux pas", they just know they've seen intelligent people call them that. Of course, these people can see that every article has its own use and nobody ever set a rule saying that if you wear this kind of hat, you look bad, but the newfags don't know that, rules are all they have to follow because they haven't developed their own understanding or personal idea of what looks "good" and what doesn't yet.
Don't get annoyed, people just don't have anything to contribute. Your apparel is very regional and totally detached from major fashion cities, it's just not what you'll find on a fashion board.

>> No.6146384

Truly your demands will reach me with insults. As if by some magical force I'm going to do as you say, just cuz you told me.

and peasant?

I admit, it's better than plebe, but really, after the shining example that's the rest of your vocabulary I find it misplaced.

>> No.6146379

the profoundness of this post

>> No.6146387

Okay, making an Ayn Rand thread on /lit/. She obnoxious and her philosophy is objectively (lel) flawed, but that she's still relevant, there is value in some of her ideas, she is worthy of discussion. But still, you really can't expect that out of /lit/. It might seem unfair and pretentious at first glance, but with some context you'd realize it was just simply a shield against troll spam.

>> No.6146388

>They couldn't even tell you why fedoras are a "fashion faux pas
-they have been out of fashion for numerous decades
-they are now commonly associated with lowlifes who attempt to hide their lack of substance and appearance with an item that was synonymous with early-mid 20th century artists
-they need to be paired with a well fitting suit as they are a business casual item - 99.9% of the wearers today have little to no fashion sense

>> No.6146394

I feel ya, and thank you for your frankness.

>> No.6146403

Seeing as it wouldn't be your money spent, why is that a concern. Point, laugh and mock for the person you feel is a fashion tragedy. Don't deny them what they're willing to pay for.

>> No.6146404

how is this profound in any way

>> No.6146407

>sar·chasm ('sär-"ka-z&m) : The giant gulf (chasm) between what is said and the person who doesn't get it.

>> No.6146410

Do you live in an area where wearing a stetson isn't frowned upon/uncommon?

>> No.6146412


>> No.6146414

because we get numerous threads daily about fedoras which are all trolls

>> No.6146415

>fedoras aren't fashionable because
>they're out of "fashion"
>they're associated with "bad fashion"
>they're supposed to be worn with x
>most people who them have "bad fashion"

you haven't developed your own understanding or personal idea of what looks "good" and what doesn't. your taste is based on looking to what you've seen defined as fashionable by people with taste, poorly interpreted.

>> No.6146417


>> No.6146420

Is there something about stetsons that you don't like? Is there some reason why you don't wish to wear a stetson?

Do note that they make more than just "cowboy" hats...

>> No.6146425


No... It's because some people who wear fedoras have objectively (heh) bad fashion sense. Like they wear my little pony shirts, cargo shorts, and general hot topic mall-tier shit and are fat fucks.

>> No.6146431

at no point did i say they were a bad hat, i did imply it was certainly a bad idea to wear them because of " "

poorly interpreted.

>> No.6146432

Here the brand (while nice) tends to have a bit of a hick connotation. Particular breeds of subhuman farmers (not all farmers as there are some cool ones) tends to wear them. These people typically have a shotgun in the back window and Calvin pissing on a ford or chevy emblem.

Not something one wants to associate with.

>> No.6146439

They're out of fashion because they are not convenient to wear in cars. They went out of fashion around the time that the average Joe was moving to the suburbs and stopped using public trains (with roofs/doors tall enough for hats to be worn inside) and started driving cars, where the hat had to be removed while driving or it'd get smushed.

The problem with fedoras is that, as was pointed out numerous times before, hardly anyone knows a) how to pick a hat that matches their face shape, hair color, and complexion and b) hardly anyone actually knows what to wear them with. They are and always were an accessory but people nowadays seem to treat them like the central or focal point of their outfit, sometimes to the extent of just throwing on the hat and calling it a day.

>> No.6146448
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>objectively (heh)
it was a pun, rand's philosophy is named "objectivism". love me some good literary humor :-)

>my little pony shirts
mfw you're not on that post-internet game

>> No.6146459
File: 63 KB, 900x1200, carson-in-acorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Acorn from stetson looks nice and is made of fur like i'd want. But the brim edges up on the side too cowboy. Also the band looks kinda crap. Never been a fan of the braids just laying around.

>> No.6146461


>> No.6146470


I wonder if there is a subset of bronies who rock vintage 1980s MLP shirts.... Like brony hipsters?

>> No.6146478

this must never come to pass

>> No.6146485
File: 247 KB, 1280x1866, 1362707503300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soooooo many newfriends in this thread.

And please stop calling every hat a fedora

>> No.6146489

what you posted looks like shit and is beyond fedora tier

>inb4 its high fashion

>> No.6146503
File: 6 KB, 150x150, 14M_VL9_014-150x150[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post fit fuccboi

>> No.6146501
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>on /fa/
>not instantly recognizing everything in that picture.

Its almost like you're trying to be pleb.

>> No.6146508
File: 32 KB, 300x450, dddddddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay tasteless fuccboi

>> No.6146513



you are an ugly neckbeard

you will not look like your favourite ninja game character

>> No.6146515


What shoes are those?

>> No.6146518
File: 37 KB, 192x476, yogi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking morons.
I am so mad right now.

>> No.6146522


What the actual fuck is going on?

>> No.6146523

explain why they are morons

>> No.6146529

This thread is fucking hilarious.

>> No.6146527

Judging from the OP's posts, he's probably autistic, meaning he is probably an assburger, meaning he probably watches MLP and wants a fedora to look 'classy'

>> No.6146536
File: 215 KB, 485x715, derpydoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually this guy >>6146503 wasnt me.

Stop projecting faggot. I'm a beautiful mulatto master race. inb4 post a fitt fuccboi. I cannot be arsed to get dressed at this ungodly hour. I hardly have the energy to continue to wreck your tender newfriend ass.

>> No.6146558
File: 24 KB, 300x450, basedgerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls every goddamn hat a fedora
>"fedoras are not fa and do not represent fa"
>arent aware that wide brimmed hats are trending

Like seriously I keep trying to type out an explanation, but that argument is so glaringly fucctarded that I get violently ill.

>> No.6146559
File: 1.39 MB, 3264x1840, 2012-12-10 00.23.31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck man
You guys
I just don't know

>> No.6146556

OP is not autistic, doesn't watch MLP and already stated that his area of the country and time outside find the need of a wide brim hat practical.

I'd prefer the hat to look good, and have longevity. Not something to go with my three piece suit that only gets worn to funerals.

>> No.6146589 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6146603
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>> No.6146628

>master race


>> No.6146630

they are not trending

>> No.6146638
File: 18 KB, 351x450, 1310142929993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well /fa/ I'm done with you.

I appreciate those who were kind enough to treat my request as serious and gave me some useful information.

The rest of you...

Might need to seek some professional help. Ask a question about a hat and you fucks get Malcome Mc Dowel on my ass. Leaving thread as sunken hulk. A testament for others as to why never to come back here.

Good bye forever.

>> No.6146657

cya faggot

>> No.6146690
File: 110 KB, 490x329, uwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yohji, Massimiliano Giornetti, Salvatore Ferragamo, Dior and Lucas Ossendrijver would all beg to differ.

>> No.6146692

all suck

>> No.6146706

>on /fa/
>insulting based yoji, dior etc.


>> No.6146711

>on /fa/

>> No.6146727 [DELETED] 

>Hurrr durr I have no idea what im talking about and I can't even recognize some of the biggest, most renowned names in the industry. I also have no idea that they've all put out a wide brimmed hat or two in they're last couple of collections so I'm just going to respond with an ad hominem ass ed insult

>> No.6146734
File: 220 KB, 1024x1536, 031_ON_0942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hurr durr I have no idea what I'm talking and can't recognize some of the most renowned names in the industry so I'm just going to respond with an ad hominem asssed insult.

>> No.6146754

Only neckbeards and manchildren watch MLP

>> No.6146784


#lmao step down u been #ethered boi