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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 122 KB, 1000x667, 1365349260787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6134079 No.6134079 [Reply] [Original]

Just got approached in the street and asked if I want to model for a top Parisian label.

I've got to go in for a chat and to have some photos taken.

Does anyone who's done this before have any tips?

I'm male.

>> No.6134082

Are you ready to suck some cocks?

>> No.6134081

Be sure to suck the appropriate penises.

>> No.6134085

It's a trap

>> No.6134088

bring a rape alarm just incase

>> No.6134093


Be careful. Most of these "scouts" are just a scam.

They'll be like there is a fee for this a fee for that, but hey you're going to be a model man!! So what if you gotta spend $2k to get "in"!

Also post face, let /fa/ judge.

>> No.6134094

post pics
no one on /fa/ has ever posted their face

>> No.6134098

>no one on /fa/ has ever posted their face

wat. that statement is such a lie.

>> No.6134103

you know what i mean
talking about people who claim theyre 8/10, people who say they got scouted by an agency and the likes

>> No.6134106

No, that will just attract more rapists to your location.

>> No.6134107

>have any tips?
You're gonna get plenty of tips, don't worry about that.

>> No.6134115


>> No.6134124

faith in /fa/ just got slightly restored. you have to admit it doesn't happen often though.

>> No.6134132

yeeee nigga i gotchu now

>> No.6134144

post pic then

>> No.6134166
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>> No.6134181

I want to paint you like my French girls.

>> No.6134213

Nice try, fuccboi.

>> No.6134229

lel is that alex wang?

>> No.6134236
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lmao that's not me

>tfw this image caused so much buttrage
>some newfriends still think it was real

>> No.6134278

9.2/10 would smash to pieces

>> No.6134285

your hair looks quite oily

>> No.6134287

i didnt know you were a grill

>> No.6134573

that's cause im a slick muthafucka bitch


>> No.6134595

take pic in normal angle man

>> No.6134614

Eww Chloe you have terrible skin.

>> No.6134628
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>mfw chloe is still trying to make himself relevant

>> No.6134631
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>tfw you purposefully humiliate yourself

that's what being a tripfags all about niggers

>> No.6134645

I know it's true

>> No.6134648


no you are just a fucking attention seeker, like all the other tripfags, lmao.

>> No.6134665

>greasy hair
>greasy skin

>> No.6134681
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>> No.6134714


tell me the truth though, are you a tripfag solely for attention, don't worry man literally EVERY tripfag on this board is

>little to no friends
>thinks establishing his name will give him some friends/people to talk to personally

it does work..the story of every trips life

>> No.6134742

>tfw no one cares about you
You're not even an annoyance. You're literally nothing and will never ever be remembered as part of this board,

>> No.6134760
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I wrote out a legit reply to this but then I realized it wont matter cause im FABULOUS

>reinforcing tripfag stereotype

>> No.6134781
File: 478 KB, 851x473, anon vs chloe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's like 2012 all over again

>> No.6135842

I usually think Asian are ugly but these girls are pretty hot.

>> No.6135907
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Make sure you ask lots of questions, the more questions you ask the more a fake dude will be exposed

I only post on effay when I'm in a skype call w/ my IRL friends cause I can't work with them talking

pls I'm not friend-less luser :(

I can totally understand where u come from tho I find it hard to believe someone would post on effay for like a year with no ulterior motive without getting bored of it (I'm getting bored of it)

>> No.6136073
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Chinese are, japanese are god tier

>> No.6136161

>anything but mid tier

SK best
i know some chinese girls that are hot too

>> No.6136175

yeah, no, i bet you listen to kpop, pleb

>> No.6136190
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>> No.6136184

>Not listening to Malice Mizer

I bet you wear asos + chucks

>> No.6136204


>> No.6136199

>Malice Mizer
theyre japanese

>> No.6136210

I know that mouthbreather I have Mana Sama's autograph

>> No.6136217

wu cares

>> No.6136248

Muh dick

>> No.6136286

Hahaaa faggot

>> No.6136344
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maybe the old, rural ladies. Of course they are not as beautiful as Japanese or Korean.

>> No.6136350

I want dan back. chloe pls go

>> No.6136382

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.6136393

go away you disgusting piece of shit