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/fa/ - Fashion

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6130096 No.6130096 [Reply] [Original]

I've eaten an apple, a small bowl of chicken soup and a small bowl of lentils with vegetables today. Can I eat any more?

>> No.6130105
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i'm starting to wonder if these posts represent a genuine body image issue or if they're just another meta thread started to garner lots of replies.

>> No.6130107

if you are craving food and counting up every little bit you eat and constantly stressing over it, you are failing at whatever your goal is. either exercise more and hard to account for what you eat or truly embrace portion control without every day being a game of tension.

>> No.6130110

oi neff i ate like 3 kfc takeaways for lunch and had me some of that yum cha at the cbd. yep i am fat FOR NOW
>bulking cos /fit/ told me so

>> No.6130137

I've eaten
>2 chicken sandwiches with lettuce and tomato
>3 Apples
>2 Bannanas
>2 Turkey burgers with lettuce, tomato, gherkin and mayo
>An orange
>A yougurt
And I'm cooking cod with new potatoes, peas and broccoli in about 20 minutes

>> No.6130157

>Ham & Cheese crepe
>Pan fried cod with some roast veggies and a veloute
Dunno yet
#life of a chef. I need to go food shopping so bad though.

>> No.6130170

ate today

>protein bar
>a cup of shredded chicken
>half a cup of nuts

wont eat again til tonight

>> No.6130174

Bowl of cornflakes at about 8am. A big mac meal at 1pm, packet of crisps sometime between 4-5 and pizza when my friends come over in like an hour. Pretty standard for me tbh 5'10 120 skinny fat but almost ottermode. Probably would take me a few weeks of healthy eating and exercise to get ottermode.
I don't see how you manage to eat so much in a day! Haha

>> No.6130176

Please move in with me.

>> No.6130194

i'm going to cook a huge amount of nazi göring with huge amount of chicken and egg and veggies.
and i am going to eat all of it thinking of you.
and how you would judge me if you were there.

>> No.6130206

I use to be 120 at 5'11 once....happiest time of my life...I don't think I could ever get there again...

>> No.6130211

Obviously from /fit/.

>> No.6130229

In a way I want to get to an athletic or inbetween athletic and ottermode build but I just can't find the motivation to change my diet or do any lifting. + It will cost me a lot, not just for the food and equipment but also having to buy new clothes.
>tfw knowing I'll probably never have a beach body :(

>> No.6130240

I've had one sandwich with french bread and smoked baloney, one Red Bull, four small meringues and a Protein Shake.

My health is really fucked up lately, so I'm basically trying to get back to normal. Protein deficiency, anemia and low blood sugar are my stalkers these days.

>> No.6130247

well I just miss my lower stomach having no flab, it was awesome waking up in the morning and feeling light and tight, for me 120 was perfect, I'm like 153 now and it would take so much cardio to get back to that I don't think I literally have the will power, plus I'm always half exhausted from not sleeping enough so it could be fruitless, still I might give it a go

>> No.6130250

>pls b in london

>> No.6130287

Since drinking protein shakes has your farts started to stink real bad?

>> No.6130297
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>thinking "skinnyfat" is /fa/

You do know by starving yourself, you will lose muscle and not fat, right?

Am I being rused?

>> No.6130300


>> No.6130334


>> No.6130344

yeah nigga i had some fat ass burger before and im only like 50 kilos

>> No.6130388

How does one achieve this? I mean, what kind of workout

>> No.6130394
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this is what /fa/ desires

>> No.6130396

do a split (for example, chest/tris on monday, back/bi on tues, shoudlers/legs friday)

>> No.6130409

those quads will look like shit in pants.

>> No.6130415

lets see urs m8

>> No.6130416

Yes, yes it is

>> No.6130423

Nah they're so small it's all right.

>> No.6130421

No, mine are fat an saggy

>> No.6130434


>> No.6130527

You people really do disgust me

>> No.6130554

dude you've ate enough for a week. stop you fat fuck

>> No.6130563

>chicken legs
