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6126997 No.6126997[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

does anyone make black jeans that will stay black on not fade? I'm thinking of getting some Acnes, but they all pretty much fade no?

>> No.6127027


Buy a jean-cut in a chino fabric or buy something that's overdyed black (which will stay dark longer) or even a black that's lightly waxed.

>> No.6127033

cool thanks bruv

>> No.6127123

soak them in a saltwater solution and then rinse them

>> No.6127591

What's the best way to wash acne black jeans without losing the color?

>> No.6127613

you could do what i do and hand wash your clothes. i do that and use soft, non-abrasive soaps and let them air dry in non-direct sunlight. or do what >>6127123 said.

idk, it's worked for me.

>> No.6127617

I always assumed it was drying them that made them lose color.

>> No.6127628

I think I might start doing this for everythinng but socks and underwear.

What do you mean non-abrasive soaps? TBH the whole process sounds very time consuming though.

>> No.6127630

i don't think so. when you wash, it draws the dyes out and makes them fade. that's why you don't mix darks and lights. direct sunlight can make them fade however, so avoid that if youre air drying or anyhting.

>> No.6127641

i use basic fabric soaps and avoid stuff like detergent. it's redundant. it can be a bit time consuming, but i've gotten quick at it. the longest part is the air drying, so i just let them do that at night before i go to bed and just iron in da morning.

also, when you iron, use a fabric sheet between the layers to make them soft and fresh.

>> No.6127652

oh, but if you decide to machine wash turn everything inside out. it helps a lot. seriously.

>> No.6127650

so the dye can potentially transfer onto lights?

>> No.6127660
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it's abrasion that causes color loss. soaking in water, for example, will result in nearly no color loss.

you might consider the special run of no fade jeans from pure blue japan, but honestly, i just redye my blacks when they lose their color.

>> No.6127676

i have a pair of acne roc chinos that i've worn consistently for quite a while now and they haven't shown any signs of fading yet. i try to wash them as infrequently as possible

>> No.6127682
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>i just redye my blacks

do you use a particular brand of dye, twerk?

>> No.6127688

yes i would like to hear about what dye you use

also, how does this sound: soaking clothing in a tub of water and gently scrubbing at any mark or stains with ______

what would fill in the blank?

>> No.6127690
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you can have it done professionally as well.

>> No.6127691

new ace cash owner, didnt know they're easily prone to fading. would dry cleaning work if i ever need them cleaned?

>> No.6127693
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the side of the bucket or another piece of the garment itself, as it would in a washing machine
nothing abrasive, no washboards.

>> No.6127706

can i use dylon for dip dyes? would you recommend it?

and lol at that teeth quote, did michelle say that?

>> No.6127726

Alternatively, I have a brand new pair of black jeans and I really hate how new they are. What can I do to lighten them up a bit? Without shrinking em...

>> No.6127749

Jeans will always fade, to make the color last longer just wash them less

Black jeans are for plebs anyways

>> No.6127758

>not owning black jeans

prolly the most versatile pair of pants you can own

>> No.6127799

i think dylon is blue based just so you know. so it won't be black to grey to white if that's what you're shooting for.

>> No.6127817
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i've never tried gradient dying.

*all* black dyes are either blue or purple.

>> No.6127826

do you know how to get grey then? i thought i heard someone on hear say there are charcoal based dyes or something that are true black.

>> No.6127834
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>> No.6127853

If you have ink on your hands, what does putting them under hand dryers do to the ink? Now what happens when you run them under water and scrub them?

>> No.6127851

Holy shit is that rick owens? He was a 9/10

>> No.6127866
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>> No.6127876
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ha that makes me feel so stupid, that makes a lot of since when you explain it like that

>> No.6127930
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>> No.6128065 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6128082

I lol'd moar then I should have.

>> No.6128134
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>> No.6131206

>pure blue japan nc

>> No.6131230


my sides