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File: 18 KB, 338x429, feeeeeeeeeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6126740 No.6126740 [Reply] [Original]

How do you justify expensive purchases? People always give me shit when I tell them the amount of money I spend on clothing.

>> No.6126769

i never tell them, someone asked me what shoes my rick dunks were and i just tell them old adidas.

they dont need to know.

>> No.6126775


I buy exactly what I want and never settle for less. I spend more, but I spend far less often.

>> No.6126795

Just don't tell them, plebs can't comprehend dropping a large amount of cash on an a piece of quality clothing and instead would prefer to spend the same amount on a bunch of shitty mall polo's and prefaded jeans.

>> No.6126822

You get what you pay for. Inexpensive clothing looks cheap because it cost little to produce. There's no point in trying to look good if I'm going to settle for inexpensive clothes.

>> No.6126843

you don't.
there will always be that extra 'hollow' money because of the designer, prices are never 'justified' really

>> No.6126845

>it's just a hobby man like riced-out cars or collecting americana."

>> No.6126861


or you could just spend money on what you want instead of trying to find reasons to justify your purchases to other people

>> No.6126875
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Just ignore them OP. Hehe

>> No.6126881

This guy hit the nail on the head.

>> No.6126908
File: 102 KB, 579x527, plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't need to know.
If they pry just say you paid what it was worth/enough.

>> No.6126944

my work friend was giving me shit about wanting these raf simons velcros i showed him
i asked him how much he spent on his drumming and skating gear in the past couple months and it came out to roughly the same price

it's one of my hobbies and interests so it's what i want to spend money on. everyone has their own

>> No.6127648

I don't pay an unreasonable amount. People might think it's weird to spend a hundred dollars on a pair jeans, but it's not that far out, it's not like I'm spending 300 (because I buy things when they're on sale). The only things I've spent a great deal on have been shoes and that's because I don't have a ton of options when it comes to footware.

>> No.6127670

Tell them you have nothing else to spend it on since you already paid off your house and your ferraris

>> No.6127931

I don't really spend too much since I love finding deals but I just try to explain the difference in quality/fit. It gets lost on lots of people but my friends are starting to get used to it.

>> No.6127961

This. Everyone has something they spend money on and on interested, for some it's fashion, for some it's computers, for some it's cooking, or whatever. Everyone has something their interested in, and value is relative. As long as you're not putting yourself into debt buying clothes, there's no problem with it.

>> No.6127997
File: 142 KB, 1066x1600, sdklfjds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking to a friend
>hey, nice shoes
>thanks they're rick owens
>how much?
>a little over a thousand
>dude that's a waste, you could've bought nike hi-tops for $70

all of my rage

>> No.6128005

Oh weird...
It's that autistic dude from the nzblog ._.


>> No.6128007

>telling people the actual price

Are you sure you can pass the Sally-Ann test?

>> No.6128023

>implying those shoes aren't ugly as fuck

>> No.6128025

You're a fucking retard and rick owens sneakers are ugly at best

>> No.6128080

those shoes are ugly as fuck

>> No.6128088

it is a waste

>> No.6128098
File: 177 KB, 500x500, 1363849132456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I got them from a thrift store."

>> No.6128101

hi samefag

it's funny how once someone mentions rick owens the entire thread goes from "people spend money on hobbies" to "HURHURR IT'S NOT WORTH IT CUZ I DONT LIKE THEM"

>> No.6128226

Its none of their fucking business if they aint paying for it

protip: they be jelly

>> No.6128287
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no, idiot. spending over a thousand dollars on on sneakers is just stupid.

>> No.6128291
File: 19 KB, 370x179, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong fucking picture

>> No.6128297

>I-I found it.

>> No.6128298

"I can afford it bitch nigga"

>> No.6128311

i ask them how much they spent on (hobby item)

if they don't have any hobbies i tell them they wouldn't understand

>> No.6128318

i play it down, of course. generally people are more impressed with my choices rather than disparaging of how much i spent, but that's probably just the crowd i hang out with.

maybe you should stop hanging out with insecure people, OP, but then again, you seem pretty insecure yourself.

>> No.6128322

end yourself.

>> No.6128338


why? i'm pretty attached to my existence, but if you could provide me with a compelling argument i'll take it into account

>> No.6128353

Well, you should never tell anyone what your clothes cost aside from to close friends that also share a fashion interest. If people asks me where I get my clothes (Raf Simons, Rick Owens usually what I'm dressed in) I just tell them I thought the piece looked cool so I ordered it online, and if they ask me if it was expensive I just say something vague like "well I guess it was a bit expensive".

>> No.6128421

why do you give a shit

is it their money or yours?

>> No.6128440
File: 88 KB, 426x640, im ashamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hilarious

>> No.6128457

top lel

>> No.6128478

how did he afford 2 pairs of rick footwear rofl

>> No.6128522

"i got it at a thrift store."

>> No.6128526

ha i ljust posted the same fucking thing then read the thread.

>> No.6128546

The guy is the biggest fuccboi.

Wait until you see him posing near a basketball hoop in his pristine condition geos he's had for months.

i really try to like those facets of the auckland fashion scene but shit is so deplorable.

>> No.6128544 [DELETED] 

He's the biggest fuccboi.

wait until you get to the shots where hes posing next to a basket ball hoop in pristine geos and SIMON 68.

this guy is fucking...just idfwghjgfwel

>> No.6128570

some o dem fotos were in wgtn, disapoint ive never seen him.

>> No.6128578

Yeah the pop up store or w/e?

Seemed to have p.goo stock tbh

>> No.6128579

hm wat pop up store lol?

>> No.6128583

Oh nvm.

I thin on the seccond or third page it talks about children of visions pop up store in welli.

might've misread your comment ;s

>> No.6128585

depends who you ask, i don't see an issue with it if you have the money. it is in fact a hobby

>> No.6128589

are you the same guy that ranted at someone who tried out geos and made a thread yesterday saying they were okay but not worth the price or is it just that all the Rick Owens fanboys on this board are whiny bitches in the very same annoying way?

>> No.6128590

how does the price even come up in a conversation? when i'm asked i tell the the brand or designer, i don't include the price with it. if the price was asked i'd just be straight up i don't get why you feel the need to justify it who cares

>> No.6128599
File: 89 KB, 427x640, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't get that far lol omg

it's so annyoing to see ppl in rick and damir and look complete shit

>> No.6128604


that guy is a total fuccboi

i want to sell my geos now

actually no i dont look like that in them.

>> No.6128611

Mfw that's not even regulation net
Mfa he's in a kiddy court

>> No.6128613
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>> No.6128615
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>u ain' mirni his sik V fad
also chek dat aas~

>> No.6128617

Holy shit I've never seen someone look so uncoftarble in thier clothes before

>> No.6128619
File: 64 KB, 303x640, Zambesi 1 edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg i shouldn't be devoting this much time to this guy

>> No.6128622

Fucking saved

>> No.6128621

Talking about how much money you spend on clothes is so tacky. Talking about money PERIOD is off limits to me. You just don't talk about that sort of thing.

>> No.6128628
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>> No.6128625

u ain gt no herms chain aight dawg

>> No.6128626


Does wealth define a person?

>> No.6128633
File: 111 KB, 533x800, IMG_8644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those thick sxc legs

comforts me knowing he wears the same silent tshirt + rick shorts and shoes in every fit

>> No.6128642
File: 64 KB, 426x640, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Transcending legs.

>> No.6128649

forever nxtlvl

>> No.6128651
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>> No.6128655

i cant get over his hair how have i not seen this fooshbwa

>> No.6128660

nvm the branding, the whole thing in itself scream try fucking hard. face, pig ugly. chubby? absolutely. he's look disgusting naked.

>> No.6128659
File: 96 KB, 533x800, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spend more time in back alleys sitting on random peoples cars.

>> No.6128664

hahah omg ur in deep son

>> No.6128661

>paying more for "quality"

>> No.6128668

Looks like someone is telling him to cross his arms and he's doing it wrong

Also tfw he probably gets free gear cuz he's a blogger

>> No.6128671

this, except i bought about 3 pairs full retail at 500-600 and haven't given a fuck about them since delivery. stuck somewhere in inventory

network and find people who share similar interest. separate your associates and friends. eventually cutting off dead weight, people you know who bring you down. its somewhat ticklish at first young grasshopper

>> No.6128673

he doesn't get shit.

nz bloggers might get invited to a NZ show or some and maybe wear a sterling steel ring from Karen Walker for a picture.

>> No.6128702

murk him on the streets, repetitively
strip him of all he's presently wearing, spare his underwear
covert photography
dry clean and sell his shit

>> No.6128707

I have discretionary income I put aside after the bills, the mortage and other essentials are paid for.

What's left over is for entertainment and clothing.

>> No.6128708

>dry clean and sell his shit
ya blew it

>> No.6128713
File: 655 KB, 496x948, 1364337402785 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no he blew him

>> No.6128832

If they believed you, why didn't you just buy some old adidas?

>> No.6128834

>dressing for others
get out

>> No.6128846

>sitting on friends couch waiting for movie.
>Notice holes in the back of my rick shirt.
>'anon there are holes in your shirt.'
>'haha, yeah i dont really mind them'
>'haha cool deisgner scrubs'
>designer scrubs

this isn't really entirelyrelated.

>> No.6128853

didn't you tell me how great ricks shirts are once? i'm still looking for a black long sleeve btw any tips?

>> No.6128858

Your name is anon?

>> No.6128860

i might have(?)

season sales are happening in like 1-2months I think so until them begin saving around atleast 200USD

go to fashionsauce, type in rick owens and note down all the stockists.

inkclothing is one of my personal favs.

>> No.6128871


>> No.6128875

idgi your friends must be assholes if they care that you spend big money on clothes

>> No.6128890

the way i think about it is

say I just copped a coat for £200 (i did), my average night out is £30-£40 (including absolutely everything), do I value this coat as something I'll appreciate more than 5-6 nights out? if yes then I'll buy it and not go out (just go to the pub and go home rather than bars/clubs) as much for a little while and it'll make no difference

>> No.6128903

cool thanks

>> No.6128906

Second for Ink. A must stop if you're ever in Hong Kong

>> No.6128911

>£200 for a coat
nigga i drop 6 times of that
u poor or something?

>> No.6128916

So what makes the shoes worth $1000+ ?
Exceptional build quality?

>> No.6128923

well yeah obviously

>> No.6128949

If you can find silk/raylon blends GO FOR IT
Shit is mad comfy.

Cotton is okay but really...My first rick peice was a silk/raylon black long sleeve and man...best purchase ever.

>> No.6128952

do you have to handwash it?

>> No.6128957

Only the customer can decide if its worth it by paying for it. For me I can't because I don't have that kind of money. If I was making lets say, $100,000 a year, I would buy them in a heatbeat for the aesthetic appeal.

>> No.6128965

Whenever it gets sweaty or something or i feel ick in it I full a plastic tub with cold water, squish it under and let it soak for like 40miins-1hour then squeeze water out and lie flat in a DARK area to dry out.
(Don't put it in sunlight or it WILL fade)

I try clean it every now and then.

Soaking it also shrinks it a bit which is nice but will usually stretch out again after the first or second wear.

>> No.6128994

depends on the shoe
if you buy some guidi shoes you get what you pay for which is a really high quality shoe that will last you forever
the guys who buy geos etc are plebs who don't care about that kind of thing yet pay the same price

>> No.6129042

y do they only stock ccp footwear

>> No.6129058

they stock bbs, rick etc I'm pretty sure.

Or they have.

Anyway ccp is gr8.

TBH I haven't been able to check ink for like 2months, I keep getting security threat redirects when I try to open other pages from the mainpage.

>> No.6129067

ye but it's all sold out + dem prices hangin off dem drips

>> No.6129068

I thought they didn't Stock CCP anymore?

>> No.6129071

oh werd

what are you looking for specifically?

>> No.6129073

maybe this thread is the right place to ask:
how do i buy stuff at atelier new york and do they ship to europe?

>> No.6129076

Wow wtf miff have you checked out yoox recently?

Seriously stepped up their game.

halfheartedly plugged in Lumen et umbra and they stock(?)

>> No.6129079

wow im retarded i didnt scroll down lol. their ccp is sold out so i guess they don't carry it ne more

i want some dd sneaks and some rick dunks if i find them

>> No.6129080


they're p.pricy though

>> No.6129082

DD sneaks on yoox but the current season ones r prety shit imo. i wud skip

>> No.6129081

Yoox's been off my radar for a while, will have a quick look now

>> No.6129085

any alternative? i love all the stuff they sell because it's mostly black and more minimalistic than ink which reminds me of goth and kind of grosses me out

>> No.6129086

>paying 1 grand to look like a retard with ugly shoes

>> No.6129094

wow Yoox...


if these weren't Crepe sole would snapped these up. 683 is dirty fucking cheap for TBs

>> No.6129098
File: 111 KB, 540x400, ddsilent2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lookin for last years skates or 2010s if possible (yeh right lol). waitin for oki nis sale cause they have my size

waht sites do u nz/aus kids hit first on end of season sales?

>> No.6129099

julius by tatsuro horikawa
attachment by kazuyuki kumagai
The viridi anne
Lumen et umbra
alexandre plokhov

idk man these r all p.relevant but really priceu

>> No.6129104
File: 18 KB, 240x360, IMG_6917-240x360[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, want to cop a m.a.+ bag so much. Too expensive for me though. Acronym would also be nice.

>> No.6129103

oki ni pricey as shit.

tbh the last thing I bought online was a julius pair of trousers from shopnumber4.
Another great shop tbh.

Umm...I know a few sources so I just spring onto them whenever I feel like to scout out.

>> No.6129110

>those poorfag related m.a+ feels
I really want to cop myself a nice guidi leather bag too ;_;

tbh currently looking more at m.a+ shoes, look p.solid.

BTW if i remember correctly there is a rick tank on nagnagshop go for like 100euros in size 44.
100% cotto, need paypal thogh. someone check n cop

>> No.6129112

u keepin dem hush?

>> No.6129113
File: 152 KB, 600x800, tumblr_mi3iu0GKoA1qgiyt6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$256 for a shirt isn't really pricey
>tfw no inaisce backpack
i love the ss13 collection so much i would probably cop 5 items
>tfw inaisce isn't what ur usually dressed in

>> No.6129114

I don'thave them written down somewhere but if you're looking for anything in particular which fashionsauce is asking about I might know a source(?)
I haven't been really renewing my memory on stocks recently though.

>Searches thom browne first
cunfrmed 4 daqdcore B)

>> No.6129116

ok cool. i pretty familiar w/ online landscape, gonna be my first end season sales tho

>> No.6129117

>tfw no inaisce at all
guyiconsignment has a few hoodies going around 300 i think

what shirt are you talking about?
256 is pretty pricey for most shirts...unless some nxt lvl LUC or smoething.

>> No.6129119

keep an eye out and make a shitty emaila nd sub to all the sites and check the email once every 2days or s/t.

>> No.6129125

>tfw no inaisce at all
i know this feel
inaisce is the reason why i started getting interested in fashion but hate everything else now
i don't want so spend money on things that i don't really like and rather save up and buy fewer pieces
ann d shirt

>> No.6129129

recently ann d has been weird

check myhabit right now ann d sale w/ shirts.

migth be some in your size.

>> No.6129131


>$368 for Damir Doma Falco Hi-top

holy shit, yoox has a lot of cheap alternatives.

>> No.6129154

holy fuck, they usually go for 1000€

>> No.6129160

What the fuck...

Really...people..get a grip of the market.

Current DD isn't sellinf as well because it's made poorly and a lot in portugal.

you shouldn't be paying premiums.

>> No.6129173

Silent bruv, mainline DD is fine.

>> No.6129187 [DELETED] 

w-what? I bought silent dd shorts a couple days ago for $300... ;_;

>> No.6129189
File: 12 KB, 280x420, 31397M045001_1_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-what? I bought silent dd shorts a couple days ago for $300... ;_; they haven't arrived yet but will tomorrow. am I in for disappointment?

>> No.6129190

SS13 and AW13 mainline is terrible too homie.
AW13 is a bit better though.

a lot of the RTW pieces have gone p.bad.

well if you liked it then that's okay...but iduno

>> No.6129194

well if you dont have better than no

if you do...good chois anon pls dun b sad ;_;

>> No.6129205

naw silent is nice just not as good as mainline

>> No.6129200


>>SS13 and AW13 mainline is terrible too homie.
AW13 is a bit better though.

SS13 pieces were fine in terms of quality. I've never handled any silent stuff

>> No.6129207

Yeppo, Silent is essentially a different Beast. I rememebr reading that there actually isn't much to do with Damir at all

>> No.6129212

Silent is decent
Detail and quality construction has always been nice
I still think Silent is the best basics for the price
Good quality stuff that can just be thrown around and worn whenever then just thrown in the washer and dryer

>> No.6129214


SS13 was terrible m8, from design 2 construction.

wut i handled of AW13 was p.bad too ;s

hasn't been for the last 2 years.
They've switched up their market.

Silent used to be more about Damir now it's just rehashing hoodies and long sleeves under the name of Damir Doma hoping people will eat tat shit up.

>> No.6129218

ill eat it up, shit is nce

>> No.6129223

ain my $ B)

>> No.6129224

silent was made because Damir wanted a ~lifestyle~ diffusion line to wear when hanging out and chilling with friends and playing sports he said
it's like a separate brand from damir altogether tbh

>> No.6129231

I disagree, SS13 is a good collection showing that Damir can do more than the purely ethnically inspired collections.

Where did you handle AW13?

>> No.6129234

when was the quote taken?

Looking at what silent produces now and markets towards indicates something totally different.

>> No.6129232

>They've switched up their market.
that is a valid point but in this case i don't think that anon will be dissatisfied with those shorts. and i like their rehashed hoodies and twisp long sleeves even though it would probably be more relevant as a standalone than a diffusion

>> No.6129241

Ordered a few pieces.


Just a pants and jacket etc. Disappointed.

SS13 was really poor. Why does DD need to prove anything?

>> No.6129242

from like last year i think?
he admits that it (obviously) has evolved since the creation of it though
>When I started SILENT, it was because I needed some things I could wear to do sports, to hang out, to be easy, you know? And so that was the beginning of the collection - it was extremely successful commercially within the first season, so we have added a new product group every season. In the second season, it was the knitwear, in the third season we started adding shoes and bags, and then we added wovens. Two or three seasons ago was, for the first time, a full range of SILENT products. Especially last season, and also this season, it got a real “look” and there is a story behind it. It’s not just loose product any more. I think that’s the success story of SILENT - that it’s not competing with the mainline, because they are created for different purposes, one is something more elegant and sophisticated, the other thing is something more easy and cool, more casual, modern sportswear. They can really exist next to each other for the same person; they are meant to be for the same person.

>> No.6129243

Lol as if you can tell the market

Stop talking out your ass

>> No.6129247

turnleft you are fuckin so full of shit.

worst fucking tripfag ever.

>> No.6129252

Look at DD silent pieces 3-4 yeasrs ago and look at them now...

Anyone can tell...

>When I started SILENT

where do half assed long sleeves, sweater, hoodies, shorts, boots etc fit into this story? He's sugar coating it
>modern sportswear
wtf is this

silent is different, yes.
is silent good value for price point? No, I don't think so.

>> No.6129257

Shut the fuck up, youre saying anyone can tell and yet youre saying that damir himself is talking shit? Jesus christ

>> No.6129260

Believe it or not people lie to make money

He is sugar coating it. Is modern sportswear to you mroe hoodies, shorts and sneakers? Hasn't that just been what people have worn for decades.

>> No.6129263

Regarding Silent: I own its sweatshirt and it's wonderful, I mean how it's knitted. Due to wear some pieces of thread were loosen from my sleeve and it is as thin as I almost can't see it. Thin, beautiful, fragile, reminded me of some annd tees.

>> No.6129265
File: 125 KB, 560x490, silent-ss12-arrival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is modern sportswear to you mroe hoodies, shorts and sneakers?
what do you consider modern sportswear?

>> No.6129266

You are a moron just stop

You dont even know the context he used modern in.

>> No.6129267

Rick owens.
umbrella knuckles

>> No.6129281

>told my dad a week ago how much i spent on a rick double layer
>he still hasn't stopped laughing

>> No.6129282
File: 257 KB, 2025x2700, Silent-Damir-Doma-Poff-Black-Shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're going to first generalize sportswear into the type of pieces, and then.. designers?? i could give pieces from any of those brands/designers that aren't sportswear. be specific, what do you consider sportswear? and again with the anon above, "modern" is pretty broad and could be used in different contexts

>> No.6129284

modern is a time ref.

you asked me what I considered mdoern sportswear.
i put down what i considered
what is the confusion?

define sportswear.

>> No.6129286

why would you tell him tho

>> No.6129291

he asked and he buys expensive suits and i thought he would understand ;_;

>> No.6129292

>nice shoes
Why would you lie on 4chan?

>> No.6129293
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>not skating in damir

>> No.6129294

>expensive suits
how expensive ?

>> No.6129296

savile row tier

>> No.6129322

You realy are a fucking moron

>> No.6129323

Well, savile row bespoke suit is about 5-8 grands depending on wool quality. Rick double layer tee is about $400. Why would he laugh?

>> No.6129324

You are definitely worse though.

>> No.6129349

Put your trip back on turnleft, we all know you like to samefagg
Matthelders caught you

>> No.6129356
File: 50 KB, 1213x458, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

report hide sage cald polis fbi cia mi6 taliban dad mum osama hezbila alqaeda

>> No.6129361 [DELETED] 
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