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File: 157 KB, 477x447, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6116277 No.6116277 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you run on regular bases so you can look better in clothes?

>> No.6116286

lift dont run, runners are small so their clothes dont fit

>> No.6116290

lol she runs in that

stupid bitch

and yeah i do, but not for physique thats what the gyms for

i just run to relax and unwind, get that #fresh air

>> No.6116297


I find it clears my head too. It's therapeutic.

>> No.6116302

yeah man

got another two hours of work then i can go running

gon b gud

>> No.6116316

Yeah running for extended periods of time creates endorphins and relieves stress.

>> No.6116337

Running makes my head hurt and I feel groggy because I'm a fattass.

>> No.6116350

I go dancing instead, it's less efficient but since I go for 4-5 hours several times a week it probably works out.

>> No.6116366

what dance style

>> No.6116382

I like running but get terrible blisters. My shoes fit fine although I could do with better socks. Anyone got any tips for preventing/dealing with blisters?

>> No.6116388
File: 86 KB, 780x582, RICK_owens_thevisuallyintriguing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what /fit/ actually believes

I work out at the gym every second-third day, run there and away. Listen to Rick:
"Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead."

>> No.6116389

fuck running its tedious af jump rope is GOAT cardio get into that

>> No.6116395

what is the point of your post? is english your seventh language or something?

>> No.6116412

I used to run every other day, then I got shin splints and stopped for a while. Now I run twice a week and go to the gym

>tfw no jumprope
I got an urge to do it last week, couldn't find any although I swear I have at least one

>> No.6116413

fucker thinks he's a cultured cunt quoting rick lmao

>> No.6116418


>> No.6116424


Depends on the venue. I know foxtrot, waltz, tango, East Coast Swing, West Coast Swing, Charleston, and a little bit of salsa and cha-cha. I do jumpstyle and my own style hip-hop. I'm working on shuffle and tecktonik.

>> No.6116427

>thinking you can only either do cardio or lift
Just do cardio on your rest days.

>> No.6116425


>> No.6116429

I run. It's pretty much the only exercise I do. Combined with a healthy diet, it keeps me pretty fit and healthy.

I need to do it more often though. I'm only running twice a week. Need to bump it up to 3 or 4

>> No.6116434
File: 29 KB, 751x902, 1367848586863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start running in stability shoes
>knees destroyed and shin splints
>fix form and switch to 4mm shoes
>fuckin feet destroyed

fuck running back to yoga

>> No.6116438

apparently running barefoot is 'better' than with runners with those stability shit it strengthens your knees or some shit like that

>> No.6116467
File: 25 KB, 385x473, buh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not running5m everyday+calisthenics+an physical art
yall aint bout that life

>> No.6116482


its way better on your knees but it fucks your feet

>> No.6116505


Learn to mid- or forefoot-strike when you run

Going barefoot and heel striking though is BAD, repeated impact on your heels without padding can cause some nasty injuries.

>> No.6116511


I was forefoot striking in the 4mms.

>> No.6116522

i always found running to be depressing. left alone with my thoughts they tend to run towards negative thoughts.
I just starting lifting, which is nicer because I can read between sets.

>> No.6116543

>read between sets

nigger you're not working hard enough if you can plop down with a fucking magazine.

>> No.6116552
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well then I don't know what's wrong. if you're >>6116434 though, I know some of your feels. Got shin splints a while back and had to stop running. I would honestly just like to swim but chlorine fucks with my skin

>> No.6116671

>not doing heavy strength training at 80%+RM
>not taking 3-5min rest between sets for optimal CNS recovery
it's like you don't want to be strong.

>> No.6116676

what does that even mean? it's not hard to sit on the bench and look at a book

>> No.6116680
File: 92 KB, 720x900, guile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not listening to Guile theme on repeat in your home gym

it's like you don't even want to progress

>> No.6116685

Cardio, yes. But not running. I've been unkind enough to my joints with tennis. I bike instead. I'd swim, too, but I'm not a particularly skilled swimmer and it's not relaxing to flop around.

>> No.6116689

I run about 3-4 times a week and ran my first marathon distance some time back. But i do it to concentrate on the projects i'm working on.Running long distance gives time to think and the clarity needed. Its pretty gr8

>> No.6116755

>not going swimming instead of running

enjoy not mirin qts underwater

>> No.6116772
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>> No.6116789

yea I run and do zumba 6 days a week so that I can look good but eat a lot

>> No.6116799

>Not using an elliptical machine

Enjoy what's left of your joints and shins.

>> No.6116803

>to look better
u run while lifting or u'll get twinky big legs small upper body body

>> No.6116824

only qt cardiobunnies and old korean moms are permitted to use ellipticals

>> No.6117145

True though just lifting is not fa either. Need that eternal cut mode

>> No.6117148

Cardio + caloric restriction = that fa fuccboi look

>> No.6117158
File: 18 KB, 361x376, marathoner_sprinter2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain this

>> No.6117166


They're bodies built for two entirely different athletic activities.

>> No.6117172

What good is being cut if you don't have any muscle?

>> No.6117174

Cardio workouts give great calves what are you guys talking about

>> No.6117189

Yes, I run Cross Country

>> No.6117217


>> No.6117231

Facial aesthetics fuccboi

you permabulkin or what?

>> No.6117289


Sweet. I'm looking forward to this

>> No.6117316

i do about an hr of jogging every day. this has many benefits outside of looks.

>> No.6117495

The more I know about you, the more awesome you get.
+1 for dancing, too. It's incredible exercise.

>> No.6117591

I swim a mile and a half everyday and lift 3 days of the week...FUCK RUNNING

>> No.6118166

it is. I switched due to shin splints, but you have to ease into is a change gradually, otherwise feet destroyed.

>> No.6118171

i run in jeans, a t shirt and plimsoles

seriously man you're not doing the splits it doesn't fucking matter what you're wearing

>> No.6118377

im sure running in jeans will make your skin reaaally sore

pic kinda related

>> No.6118382
File: 27 KB, 550x413, bloody-nipples3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6118389

Does that actualky happen?

>> No.6118397

Been there. Everytime i go over 2 hours i get really raw nipples untill they eventually start to bleed. Nothing a bit of vaseline can't fix but that makes it look like i've been lactating.

>> No.6118417


yeah, it's the salt from your sweat that eventually starts grinding on them, iirc

>> No.6118419

this gave me goosebumps

now imagine instead of nipples, it being your balls

>> No.6118430
File: 33 KB, 560x375, browne060821_560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is essential /fa/ viewing

>> No.6118438

why does this happen? the friction with the shirt?

>over 2 hours
You mean with big spans of breaks and walking in-between

>> No.6118448

o my godDHAHAHA

wtf i been running for years and ive never even had any nipple discomfort whatsoever

do u have puffy nipples/gyno?

>> No.6118449

Freaked me out when I saw it in my first marathon too.

Shit's p.funny though, sometimes makes out like really pained faces on the shirt ;s

>> No.6118462


ps. i thought you meant that running on your actual knees was the best way to do it and got a hilarious mental picture

>> No.6118461

he looks so stupid

>> No.6118473

If i saw that in person while on a marathon I would just faint. Not even kidding (im hemophobic). Im actually getting the shakes just thinking about it

>> No.6118475

Like 2 hours is a big deal, nice projecting mate.

Nope, nothing out of ordinary about my nips. It's pretty common, or so i'm told.

>> No.6118487


mother fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.6118490

>2 hours
>of running
>not a gigantic endeavor of will power and endurance

If I jogged at a slow pace non-stop for 25 minutes I would be reaching my last breaking point, and I would have been panting all the way up to then, nobody believes your fantasy world of merrily running for 2 hours non-stop

>> No.6118498


>> No.6118505
File: 109 KB, 2048x1179, 489546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the solution

>> No.6118504

Are you made of gravy or something?

>> No.6118499
File: 88 KB, 334x500, Bloodynipple1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6118501

i genuinely believe that u really cant jog for 25 minutes heres reply where i greentext cant jog for 25 minutes to make fun of u on 4chan and get internet mad at u (e-mad) for saying ppl cant jog for 2 hours and get mega trolled dude

>> No.6118512


pps. as a smoker who doesn't really do any exercise at all i can still run (at a slow pace) for like an hour, so someone that runs a couple of times a week should really be able to run for 2. obviously not sprinting, but just running at a steady pace shouldn't be too hard if you're healthy and somewhat fit?

>> No.6118514

damn thats an awkward run lmao

>> No.6118525

I run every tuesday, and I bike for 11 kilometres at the very least every monday-saturday, today I biked 48 kilometres.

>> No.6118581

I am actually underweight for my height/not much muscle.

I go to the park often and I don't see anyone running such long distances non-stop, 2 hours is fantasy. Granted the terrain I go to is more rugged and uphill, but not that much more difficult than a treadmill slightly raised. At the 3:30 mark my body begins to tell me to stop and have to breathe faster, I can keep going up to 25-28 minutes until it feels like all holy hell is unleashed.

Anyway you are both filthy liars because I see joggers who are very fit not going more than 5 mins at a time.

>> No.6118588

just put some vaseline/plasters on your nipples you dumb fucks

>> No.6118618


most of the times when i actually bother to go running i do interval sprinting, never liked running at a slow pace for long periods, just saying it's not impossible or even unbelievable - maybe your just very out of shape?

>> No.6118628

When I began running I had not done any physical activity for 5 years, AT ALL. I did 3,4 km in 18 minutes without stopping to catch my breath. Me and my friends are working up to running 10 km at a decent time this summer.

If they look very fit, they might just be starting out with cardio. And even if they aren't, they probably move a lot quicker than you do. Just keep at it and you'll become better.

>> No.6118635

what the fuck are you on about
what do you think marathons are
even a half marathon could be more than 2 hours

>> No.6118660


uuuhh i've been reading so much this last week i can't really pay attention to what I'm writing, I'm not actually illiterate, I swear.

>> No.6119080

how is that even an insult?

>> No.6119128

disgusting mediocre folks make me sick

>> No.6119139

agressive compliment.

>> No.6119160
File: 19 KB, 233x350, 187595c6ea0335de7cedbe3b6ddff5d4_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this all I see when I see someone running?

>> No.6119282

I run for clothes

>> No.6119305

because u live in america

>> No.6119389

yes fuccboi

>> No.6119533

>shin splints
Nah man, unless you can't walk then you don't have shin splints. Just run harder you bitch.

>> No.6122658

You fucking dumbass. Why do you even think he is running? Give it a year and he'll probably be in a better shape then you.

>> No.6123082
File: 62 KB, 468x665, JfZt9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best thing to do is combine calisthenics with running.

>> No.6123108

Wait a fucking second

do people wear leggings while running because it's cold outside and they still want to wear shorts?

I always though it was just fucking retarded good ninja shit

It all makes sense now..