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/fa/ - Fashion

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6112888 No.6112888 [Reply] [Original]

Mike Jeffries, batshit insane CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch, hates fat people:

>"... That’s why we hire good-looking people in our stores. Because good-looking people attract other good-looking people, and we want to market to cool, good-looking people. We don’t market to anyone other than that,” he said.

>Jeffries also told Salon that he wasn’t bothered by excluding fat people. In fact, he said that not limiting his ideal demographic would make his clothing less desirable.

is he /fa/?

>> No.6112898

didnt we just have this thread?

anyways props to abercrombie for hating fat chicks, their clothes are still shit tho

>> No.6112903


>> No.6112910

If he doesn't apologise for what he said, that's pretty cool. It won't stop the fatties from buying the shitty clothes though.

I can't wait for the day that obese models are compulsory on the catwalk, I expect to see a lot of cow print.

>> No.6112916

lol sorry didn't see it

just saw this girl on my newsfeed and thought it was pretty funny

>> No.6112941

totally agree, if i was a designer i wouldn't want fat people wearing my clothes either. it's just not part of my vision and image of the people i want to market to / wear my work.

>> No.6112956
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once the clothing is released to the marketplace you have no control over who purchases it, so long as they can afford it or borrow the money for it. you could cut so fascistly that only the skinny could fit it, or, you could focus on making beautiful work for the runways and let the retail customer do whatever they want because it ceases to be your property once it's sold.

>> No.6112957

its like a midget going into the big and tall store and bitching about shit not fitting him

except the midget is a midget by choice/laziness and is less attractive

idk why fat ppl even bother with clothes/hair/makeup tho tbh, i think society has just brainwashed them into thinking that they can look good

>> No.6112973

im just saying that would be my ideal audience and while i would be greatful to anyone that buys my clothes, i wouldn't specifically be catering towards an audience inclusive / encouraging of fat ppl

>> No.6112983

>mfw trolling the shit out of the SJWs on facebook

>> No.6113008


the clothing is designed to look a specific way. if you can rock it in that specific way than you are the ideal consumer. if you rock it but not in that specific way you are also ideal because your still roking it in bt in ur own way.

if you cant it doesnt matter because you wont be representative of the label anyway/no one will care because ugo and more money for the label to further express itself.

tl;dr it doesn't matter because ultimately is clothing represents itself and projects its own image on the consumer if good, good. if bad, not so good but still good. just more money.

>> No.6113015

I feel like the "fat version" of clothes are like the main platform video games that get a second version for handhelds by some shitty second developer. Why bother? Fatties should go to stores that make clothing exactly for their platform and not just wear shitty (pret-a-)portes.

>> No.6113032


lol im sure whoever designs tshirts for walmart or target makes more money than rick or raf

who would u rather b tho?

>> No.6113049
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he shouldnt be allowed to wear his own clothes. his face ruins the brand.

>> No.6113063

how fuckin dum are u

>> No.6113072

not the sri lankan feeling like a squashed nigga

>> No.6113078

selling plebe shit to plebes will always get u more money

most ppl are plebes bro

aston martins might sell for more but toyotas making more money

>> No.6113086

What are you talking about?

People value different things. Wallmart values lots of money. Rick and Raf also value money because it's a means to something they value so on that basis they need to want it to some level.

But I'm sure the wallmart director will want money much more than Rick or Raf.

This is sort of a convoluted issue but...

tl;dr someone makes a business because they want money. each person wants money for different reasons-->value money differently.

In terms of having a lot of money? I would want to be the wallmart whatever because he has lots of money. In terms of being exceptionally satisfied with your career? I'm sure Raf and Rick have that.


maybs without so much work to do and less procrastination.

>> No.6113091

>if you can rock it in a specific way you are the ideal consumer

That's not how the world works.

The ideal consumer is the guy that buys lots and often.

>all thus bullshit about representing the label

You're a fucking idiot.

If it sells, it sells.

This is why Walmart is worth 450 billion dollars while Chanel is worth 7.

>> No.6113109

So are you telling me that you would get fulfillment and satisfaction out of protecting the 'integrity' of a fucking LIFESTYLE BRAND?? Do you think that matters? Do you think that's important?

Get your head checked.

>> No.6113114

Not every business is interested in LOADS A MONEY but every business needs money.

>> No.6113123

>whoever designs tshirts for walmart or target makes more money than rick or raf
Nigger, I could probably do that job, and I know fuck all. I bet those dudes make like barely 6 figures, tops. They're completely replaceable, and you're payed largely based on replaceability.
Raf and Rick, not really replaceable at all.

>> No.6113130

Jeffries was saying that if fatties and old fuckers wear A&F, prep douches won't, and when the prep douches don't, the fatties and old fuckers won't because it won't be cool.

>> No.6113129

I don't know what you're talking about or what a lifestyle brand is either.

I think people value different things and money is a universal means to getting 'things' they value.
Everyone appreciates 'things' to a different extent so the value of money to get these 'things' is only derivative of their appreciation(?)

I don't know where this is going

>> No.6113140

imagine if rick only wanted fat people

>> No.6113156
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ITT: High-fashion skinny designer clothing

>> No.6113162

>implying its possible to be fat and into fashion
This is why you don't see fat people in Rick Owens.

>> No.6113164

>nice flower shirt dan w2c
thanks dan

>> No.6113175


>> No.6113189

You don't know where this is going because you're thick.

I'm not saying that there aren't different ways of assigning value.

I'm not saying money the end all of value.

I'm saying that *your* idea of value is fucking stupid.

>> No.6113208
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I'm never going to wear their clothes but I completely support this guy. I can easily find a size 40x30" in jeans at almost every single fucking store here in the U.S, but I can't find my size of 30x34" in stores but only online. 30x34" isn't even my real size. I'm more like a 28 or 29 but they don't make a size that small enough with a 34" length.

>> No.6113221
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Which one of you fuckers did this?

>> No.6113223

iktf but i have a ridic long torso instead of super long legs

30x32 fits but finding shirts, fuck

>hey this fits pretty well
>oh wait it comes up to my belly button
>hey this fits pretty well
>oh weight its made for someone who weighs literally twice as much as me

>> No.6113224

>oh weight


>> No.6113227

I never expressed my idea of value...

I expressed how I think people derive value in regards to money...

But if you just want to look for an excuse to call me thick that's cute too but...At least call me out on my syntax or something ;s

I'm sure you can define what a lifestyle brand is, don't worry anon. (◕‿◕✿)

>> No.6113231

prolly a mad fat chick

>> No.6113252

man iktf
not as tall as you but i'm 6'1" 140lbs and usually somewhere between 28/32 and 30/32
i just want t-shirts that don't fit like tents and don't turn into belly shirts when i sit down
anyone know w2c

>> No.6113264

squids told me that buying xxl and sewing the back works, u could try that

but im just gonna start making my own, summer is the perfect time, dont have to worry about sleeves

>> No.6113270


Fuck off turnleft. You are the worst fucking trip this board has ever seen.

>> No.6113276

too lazy to sew shit
and not enough of a fuccboi to ask my mom or grandma
i might just start copping voidthebrand or some other cheap wannabe goth ninja shit

>> No.6113307

sewing isnt hard at all du

it would take u literally 10 mins to sew up the back of a shirt

>> No.6113315
File: 658 KB, 493x836, omfgfat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I only hate fat people that try to push fattacceptance and try and push their idea that "being fat is normal".

I also hate MOST fat people that try to be fashionable.

>pic realted

>> No.6113330

>brand that attempts to embody the values and aspirations of a group or culture for purposes of marketing.
thanks b

I still don't know what you're talking about with the lifestyle brand and protecting shit since that wasn't brought up (I don't think?).

I don't even know what...

I guess I'm thick B)

>> No.6113334


is dat a grill?

>> No.6113348

I'm 6' 2" and 134 lbs. Finding 30x34" is literally a pain in the ass and I completely know how you feel.

>> No.6113344


>> No.6113445

>I'm 6' 2" and 134 lbs.

Why not just work out to find better fitting clothes? Props for tall height though.

>> No.6113538

>provides XL and XXL clothing to men but not women
At least hate all fatties equally if you're going to

>> No.6113548


>implying those sizes are for fatties and not bears

>> No.6113557

>implying men can be fat
Only fat women are fat

>> No.6113572

Only fat people would get mad at this and stop buying their clothes but not like it would matter because they never carried their sizes anyways.

>> No.6113592

Isn't there some sandnigger fashion board you can go, where your failure to grasp English won't make you look like a complete fucking tool when you rant about whatever it is that goes on in that head of yours?

When most normal people fail to understand something they sit down and shut up. You wield your ignorance and incompetence like a fucking hammer.

>> No.6113598
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>> No.6113617
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#shots fired

>> No.6113623

are you fucking stupid

>> No.6113624
File: 338 KB, 713x981, #shotsfired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go

>> No.6113628


>> No.6113644
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>> No.6113657
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y bby whats wrong?

>> No.6113658

Walmart/Target designer so that I can get that Raf Simons, Rick Owens usually what I'm dressed in steez.

>> No.6113783

That's fine and all but what about the tall people? Can we have clothes that fit?

>> No.6113858

how tall are you BP?

>> No.6113889

lel, demin dan

>> No.6113919

Jesus. He's like an uglier Gary Busey.

>> No.6113949


I saw one bruh

>> No.6113963

That was a long time ago.

>> No.6113967

lol twrk

>> No.6114963

Good post.

>> No.6114970

wanna mess homo

>> No.6114977
File: 187 KB, 1457x465, spaghety symph..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch urslf

>> No.6114987

u should be asking me w2c a life

>> No.6114988

His clothes aren't /fa/, but his personality is /fa/

>> No.6114989

should have done this with the one that called you an autist jon snow, was funnier

>> No.6114994

I think it's up on fuuka.

I'll find it.

>> No.6115003

I found ur mum on my dick

>> No.6115038
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Best I could do.

>> No.6115065

10/10, gold medal, congrats on all your success