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/fa/ - Fashion

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6109960 No.6109960 [Reply] [Original]

>Love traditional clothing, wool sweaters, leather boots, waxed cotton jackets, etc

>Love tech clothing, backpacks with MOLLE attachments, merino hiking jackets, modular motorbike helmets, etc

Can this kind of thing be combined into some kind of horrifying dadcore/techninja hybrid?

>> No.6109970

yes. But not by you because you're autist and have no sense of style.

>> No.6109975

I know right? I have no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.6110014

lurk more. On here and also find blogs you like.

>> No.6110016

holy fuck OP i know that feel. not just in clothing though. but also in interior design. I love rustic traditional but also ultramodern, tech shit

>most autistic thing i'm willing to admit
I have a leather biker jacket and boots, but I want the pads and armor under it, as well as a ruck with MOLLE and i have a modular helmet already

I'm missing the bike(if i get one) ;_; i'm such a fuccboi

>> No.6110027

to add onto my autistic fantasy. I want to do it, and put speakers in my helmet so i can play background music while out riding around//walking/adventuring whatever the fuck i'm doing

theres this huge ass apartment/city complex thing i live near with a tram and other shit. even though its only a hotel. but it looks like a castle. for some reason i'm drawn to it. Like i have visions of going there dressed like that at night. in the cold. because....i dont know. im a fucking autists obviously

>> No.6110028

buy a ALICE pack, much better looking and just as functional.

>> No.6110030

Alice are fairly impractical for daily use.

>> No.6110036


good read

>> No.6110037

yes, you can combine items with different overall aesthetics. In the real world no one uses the terms dadcore and techninja

>> No.6110038

Wearing military issue clothing & equipment when you're not in the military looks fucking stupid. I remember last year at a party some cunt was dressed in number 2's, complete with a mountain of medals but was oblivious to the fact he looked like a sack of shit walting cunt. Needless to say me and my mates kicked his cunt in later on for being a massive wanker.

The only time it becomes acceptable for civvie cunts is when you genuinely need an daysack or bergen to carry large loads without shitty retail backpacks snapping under the weight.

Source: Army Infantry.


>> No.6110041

>put speakers in my helmet so i can play background music while out riding around//walking/adventuring

Why would you do that

Why would you tell people that

>> No.6110042
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>> No.6110043

Uh, who said anything about military issue clothing and equipment?

>> No.6110044
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>> No.6110046

Good lord what a massive case of unwarranted self importance

>> No.6110053

because i'm anon and it doesnt matter because you faggots can't stop me

to make it worse its the Halo 3 and reach soundtrack

let me have my autistic fantasy

>> No.6110054


Please stop telling me this

>> No.6110057


I'm a Soldier, i've worked harder in a morning than you have in your entire fucking life you cunt.

I don't have any respect for civvie cunts like you because you deserve none.


>> No.6110060

>You are the reason /fa/ sucks

>> No.6110063

What the fuck are you talking about? What the fuck are you even angry about?

>> No.6110064

nigga you cray cray

>> No.6110065

I think you're either misunderstanding something here or just an idiot.

>> No.6110067


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.6110072


and the drive soundtrack. I dont have toothpicks or some gay ass shit. but I still drive to it.

it would just make me feel safe dude. pads and all. i'd get a black visor so you wouldnt have to look at me.

its not like i hangout in those kind of clothes. its just...a fantasy

>> No.6110076
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>and the drive soundtrack.

Did I wrong you in a past life?

>> No.6110079

Why not offer a solution, instead of an insult?

>> No.6110081


I don't think there's a problem with wearing apparel if it looks good on someone, like I used to be in the Aussie Navy and it does not bother me one bit if I see people walking around in any form of 'military issued clothing'. If it looks good on you, it looks good on you - no questions need be asked.
Sounds like you have a bad case of 'I was in the army therefore I am better and a harder worker then everyone else.' syndrome. Might wanna get it checked out.

>> No.6110087

I don't even think he was in the army.

Not to mention nobody actually said anything about "military issue clothing"

>> No.6110105

Unless you are frontline infantry or driving convoys getting iedd to shit, Fuck you your just as bad as women say yea we are army now! Womyn strong. Work those wrenches.
If you are actually fighting you are fighting for nothing. There is no honorable war anymore. You are protecting profits.

>> No.6110111

What are your hobbies?

>> No.6110135

hear hear, 'God Save.

>> No.6110141

do it anon, do it for all of us.

be the man we want to be.

>> No.6110253

Half the military style shit people wear on the street isn't even used by 1st world nations any more.

As for the shit that is currently in use you can have it.

The US Army hasn't looked good sense the Iran-Contra Scandal.

>> No.6110276

btw that backpack is TAD Gear FAST Pack Litespeed. Love their stuff.

>> No.6110281

It's nice looking but the prices are fucking absurd

>> No.6110286

yeah just wear them dude

this dude knows

>> No.6110327

OP, you have good taste.

>> No.6110355
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If you're not going to contribute anything then get the fuck out.

>> No.6110405
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>TFW neomilcore

>> No.6110422

go die for Israel

>> No.6110464


That VSS is very sexy

>> No.6110557
File: 72 KB, 396x691, 1367653044784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my shitty campus internet keeps going out. so i moved to a new building.

I made the mistake of telling two girls this.

one laughed at me. the oher had sex with me. but she wouldve done it no matter what i said to that girl

whats wrong with the drive sound track

i know. real human bean. but it really helped me find similar music(miami nights 1984, anoraak, etc)

its not like i'm entirely some weirdo in real life.

but in addition to that outfit
I wanted to buy the Nuttybuddy or shock doctor cup

no armor ever covered your groin. so i found it. i told a cycle forum and they pretty much laughed at me.

i just wanted to feel safe. same reason i'm going into engineering to design exoskeletons and armor and automatic baristas. to feel safe

also OP

check out GORUCK

and huckberry. they have alot of traditional clothing stores go through there. and Tellason raws are always on sale there*

*sale meaning free shipping and thats it

>> No.6110568

Why are you wearing this motorbike armor again?

>> No.6110577

thats not the point retard
the point is versatility and utility

it can look alright as long as your not overweight and do overdo it to the point where youre impersonating an officer. then its just autism tier

i forgot to add. For goruck. they make Kit bags, and alot of special forces spec backpacks and rucksacks. i'm getting a GR1 for school. they have a lifetime warranty kinda. they encourage you to try and destroy it in a creative way. if its cool enough. they'll repair it for a free or reduced cost

>> No.6110591

I like to wander in it. I wear the helmet so no one recognizes me. But in general its just to feel safe. I'll go out around like 9 and just walk around the city, near highways, in the hillcountry, or wherever and just...walk. enjoy. maybe go in a few stores but don't talk. i pull up the facemask if i need to speak to someone. but ive never had to.

my favorite spot i mentioned is that fancyass hotel place. it has a fucking tram system, shopping center, grocery store and colorful pools and parks and shit. it also has a nice view. almost no one lives there. so i sat there alot around christmas. listening to the christmas tunes coming out of the fake rocks.

it was serene. and the milfs were nice.

i'm serious. it has towers and shit.

maybe i've just been sheltered too much. idk man

>> No.6110603

>wearing moto helmet inside.
>lifting visor only "when i need to"

Dude what the fuck

>> No.6110602

>I like to wander in it.

The fuck

>> No.6110609
File: 12 KB, 225x265, Special Needs protective helmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you might need to swap that motorbike helmet for something a little more "you"

>> No.6110611

Best trolling I've seen in a while. I'm highly impressed, anon.

>> No.6110613

i havent told anyone this but those two girls. and they ended up hating me for different reasons.

>bohn adventure pants,
>bell revolver evo helmet
>xelement buffalo distressed classic biker jacket
>chippewa distressed boots
>xlement gauntlets
>kayeffeh or whatever
>drayko drift kevlar jeans
>Venom torso armor
>AA tee shirt
>journeymans leather belt
>GR1 backpack soon
>but right now its just an all leather Jansport from the 80's or 90's i think.

I don't conceal carry yet. I'm only 19 but I own a .44 anaconda. which i'd carry if i could.

>> No.6110629

no dude i'm serious.
its what no friends does to you. as well as no car(not the case anymore)

I have a decent amount of friends I guess. and I dont launch spaghetti when talking to others. I'm still introverted and thats fine.

I can't wait to get a better camera though. I'd love to take decent pictures. I'll be getting a J1 soon. fuck dslr

>> No.6110642

That's actually some pretty sweet gear bro

>> No.6110648

>no friends
>decent amount
I just noticed that

I also havent slept in like a day. I have an exam soon. my GF is all buttmad because she can't handle the fact I like to be alone, read alone, build alone, and stuff. I know i could never take her with me

shes into that rockabilly style or whatever. but her low self esteem is just so fucking murder.
>i'm so ugly
>pay attention to me!!
everyday. oh well. either way. taking her with me would be
>my feet hurt
>this is boring
>these hobos are weird
>i'm not gonna jump on that train!

so i just don't bother telling her.

sorry this is un/fa/

i just kinda started ranting. Concerta and NERDS are all that are keeping me awake. I'll delete my posts in awhile if I remember

>> No.6110658

like the whole faceplate flips up. not just the visor. "modular" design.

>> No.6110661

Stop it, you're sounding too much like me

>> No.6110663
File: 280 KB, 1050x1700, 1367481076071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this style /fa/ or fuccboi?

>> No.6110670

Eh, I'm not a fan of tucked trouser legs to begin with unless they're behind a gaiter

>> No.6110677

shoes are way too red for the rest of the outfit imo

baggy pants + those tops doesn't work

is he wearing fucking goggles around his neck? and leather gloves?

>> No.6110681

its alright. the headphones are alittle much

i wanted to buy those same boots. but got the chippewas instead.

the jacket throws it off alittlle. but it works. its like 2 1/2 steps above basic bitch.

i know thats not you though. i've seen the pic. try not look like a fucking autist. if any of those fit wrong.
you will

>> No.6110683

It's knoch dummy
His aesthetics are good enough to pull off autism tier steam punk goggles

>> No.6110684


Top isn't bad and fits in a very flattering way. The color and proportions of the bottom just look like a mis-dressed extra from MASH.

>> No.6110687


We all know that, but we're still discussing it.

>> No.6110705

I'll post a fit in a few days under skinwalker

my birthdays tomorrow. so i might get muh camera

>> No.6110709

holy shit why am i still talking

>> No.6110713

now that I see that they're headphones I think it's OK

still don't like the pants and jacket combo but I'd probably think a guy dressed like that looked cool if I saw him

if it was knoch i'd be too busy taking photos of his beautiful face to notice his fit

>> No.6110748

Fuck off. You are the cancer that is killing /fa/.

>> No.6110789
File: 89 KB, 500x725, tumblr_m5jnrfmHVW1qc0h08o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga please

knoch likes baggy bloused pants and steez like that

slim top and baggy fit has been around forever

>> No.6110814

where can i get his outfit?
shoes, pants and jacket?

>> No.6110817

...why wouldn't you wear leather gloves when it's cold? are you from the desert or something?

>> No.6110829
File: 989 KB, 1280x1579, tumblr_m7zjjfaYGb1rvhwhbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6110835

ITT: Proof the English are a bunch of angry monkeys who cannot grasp the simplest concept.

>> No.6110856

it was kind of reaction i had to those in combination with what i thought were goggles

i just gave me the impression of some aspie wearing them for no reason and totally killed the fit for me

but yeah if it's cold out leather gloves are fine w/e

>> No.6110861

i think this only works with higher boots like >>6110663

>> No.6110879
File: 52 KB, 499x800, 1333287157632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're boring

>> No.6110884

what boots are this? (from pic)

>> No.6110902

i want to say they're corcorans. but with brown laces.

i could be wrong. but thats what I assumed.

>> No.6110945

thanks m8

>> No.6112216

w2c jacket

>> No.6113972

in an era that isn't our own

>> No.6114768

what da fug

>> No.6115596

Just looks like a plain jacket to me

>> No.6115611

Army infantry too. Who fucking cares. I mean really man.

>> No.6115623

Only people with personality disorders care. Unwarranted selfimportance, welfare queens etc.

It's mostly common in the US but since other militaries try to mimick them this started in other countries too.

It's nice to see someone be normal for once, even as a soldier.

>> No.6115766
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>>6110355 see >>6110014

>> No.6116001

Saying "rely on people besides me" isn't exactly advice

>> No.6116047


W2c jacket?