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6109826 No.6109826 [Reply] [Original]

That feel when you accidentally ruin your favorite clothes.

Post stories.

>> No.6109856

>at party
>fuck yeah jungle juice
>walking with cup through party
>get bumped
>jungle juice everywhere
>all over my white ralph lauren polo sneaks
>get shitfaced
>wake up look at sneaks
>red brownish stains all over
>remember why i stopped buying white shoes

>> No.6109870

did you a favor

>> No.6109899


>> No.6109915

>wearing shoes you care about to a house party

>> No.6109934

>letting your clumsiness dictate what you wear

>> No.6109981

So many pants ruined from bicycling.

>used to have one horible bike that only barely worked
>seat is completely worn out, lost all padding, revealing nails/grippers underneath
>don't buy new bike because poor
>several small holes torn in the back of my pants by the nails in my horrible seat
>holes gradually expand
>one time sitting down on my bike
>the tip of the seat hooks onto one of the holes
>huge tare down my leg
>two miles from home and my favorite pair of pants is ruined
>exposing my ass and thighs

Bicycling in general is pretty stupid in your most treasured cloth. If not for the wear, you're making them dirty from all the filth being flung up by the tires.

>> No.6109985

just a few days ago I spilled tuna on my favorite short jeans and favorite t-shirt.. fuck my life

>> No.6109986
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This happened about a week after I went on a big shopping spree in an attempt to rework my shitty wardrobe earlier this year.

>Walking to bus stop to get to uni
>Look down at shirt
>Yellow spot on it
>Try to brush it off
>It smudges
>Lick thumb and try to rub it out
>Permanent dark spot now rubbed into shirt
>I never found out what that yellow spots was

>The next day
>Walking to bus stop to get to uni
>Look down at pants
>Two dark spots
>Looks damp
>Try to brush it off
>Sitting at bus stop
>Stare at it, trying to figure out what it is
>Look back up to see if bus is coming
>Look back down
>More dark spots that won't move
>Over the rest of the day, spots grew in number whenever I wasn't moving
>Won't wash out either

>> No.6109999

what the fuck, that sounds awful

>> No.6110010
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>Spontaneous drinking with a cousin
>Wearing new pair of $100 chinos for the first time in public
>Have a real good night
>Hook up with some qt
>My cousin's girlfriend drives us back to my place
>I'm sitting in the back of the 2-door car, so when we arrive, my cousin has to lean his seat forward for me to get out
>I sit behind the chair and don't get out so that I can laugh at him in his awkward pose
>Call him a "bitch boy"
>He turns around a smacks me over the head
>Clap him on the cheek and jump out of car
>He chases me
>"You'll never catch me, bitch boy!"
>He sticks his foot out and trips me as I run to my front door
>Skid across the road, tearing up my hands, knees, shoes and my trousers
>"You deserved that, dickhead"
>They leave me in a puddle of my own blood, tears and shreds of my lucky pants in the middle of the road in front of my house
>Sleep outside because too ashamed for dad to see me like this

>> No.6110023

My favourite sweater has marks from hotpot splashing.

>> No.6110071

My girlfriend spilt red wine on my favourite polo shirt.

>> No.6110075

what's a hotpot

>> No.6110099

I never go out so my clothes never get ruined B) B)

>> No.6110121

I hope that story was made up you deseved it.

>> No.6110125

get blood on raf sweater
put hydroxide on it
good as new

>> No.6110905

you sound like a cunt

>> No.6110990

>not stealing someone else's saddle and mudguard

>> No.6111022

>doing laundry
>favorite shirt is wrapped up all around the spinner in the middle
>left arm hole is a fucking wizard sleeve now

There were so many shirts in that wash i didnt care about
And thats why I only use HE washers now

>> No.6111044
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Scuff mark on my white Charles Tyrwhitt button up.

>inb4 get off the internet dad

Soak it in bleach for 5 minutes. Then start rubbing it out with a magic eraser. Keep rubbing because it is slowly coming out suddenly I rub through the fabric.

>> No.6111053

Magic erasers are like very fine sandpaper, brother. Between that and the bleach...

>> No.6111052

Next level shit right there.
Sell it, some fuccboi will buy it if you say it's #rare.

>> No.6111057


>> No.6111059


Why would you soak a fabric in bleach instead of diluting it and just spraying some on it?

>> No.6111063

>White/grey Etro long sleeve button up
>Go to dinner with 7.5/10
>Too cool to tuck in cloth under collar (would look like a faggot/10)
>Tell her I'm embarrassed
>She says, and I shit you not, "Why don't we go back to your place and get that shirt off then?"
>shirt is tucked into black pants
>waiter brings check back for me to sign
>waste time to lose boner
>everything went better than expected
>ruined a $500 shirt though...

>> No.6111071
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>decide to wash all my blacks that don't need to be handwashed
>an hour later take them out of the washing machine
>find pic related, except it was some kind of paper towel that broke up into tiny as shit pieces that took forever to take off

not really ruined but i didn't wear black for a while.

>> No.6111072
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>dryer rips zipper off somehow

>> No.6111076

>going to dayglow paint party with bros
>wearing favorite tank at the time
>friends assure me paint will be washable and won't stain anything
>pink and yellow stains on shirt, can't wash out
>GF asks to keep tank

>> No.6111078

that chick is smooth

>> No.6111091


I did dilute it but the bottle said to soak it.

>> No.6111094


Why use both a bleaching agent AND an abrasive? Use one and then the other if it doesn't work.

>> No.6111149
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>grease spot
>dryer shrinkage
>cig/joint burn
>resin stains

>> No.6111197

>Thinking the paint shit will wash off

Ya done goofed
You gotta buy target tier haines shirts my nugga
I got nikes blue af from The Color Run

>> No.6111221

>friends mom washes three pairs of worn twice raws.

>> No.6111224

I dont care for raws but that sucks man

>> No.6111236

deoderant embedded in the armpits of my black bape tee. i have hyper hydrosis so i tend to apply too much. was very angry when it happened.

>> No.6111256

I couldn't get mad at her she was trying to be nice.
But yeah those were the last pair of raws I bought.
>look at all this ink everywhere.

>> No.6111380

I just got a bit of seagull on my suede shoes.
Green text for your convenience:

> driving on highway, jamming to zebra katz speeding a bit
> massive fucking colossus of a seagull hits my windshield.
> i pull over, clean the bits of debris with a window wiper.
>most of seagull drops and hits my shoe.

Left a stain. So i gave them to my lady friend who is working her magic on them right now. Drove home barefoot which is surprisingly nice.

>> No.6112355

Same here man. Fucking sucks. No anti perspirant properly works and even the expensive ones that claim to not leave marks or cause yellowing etc eventually damage the material and wear it away. I only get cheap as fuck t shirts for this reason.

>> No.6112381

>wearing nice shit
>getting drunk
>ethanol stain down whatever.

>repeat with other articles of clothing I like


>> No.6112391

cooking container

>> No.6112394

I had a similar problem w/ a few rick tee's.

Mifune suggested I change to a deoderant w/o traces of metal etc or any 'no-stain' deoderants.

Now use a 'no-stain' roll on deoderant and the problem hasn't ever occured to the extents it use to.

What REALLY helped thorugh was just soaking the garments in cold water after wearing it.

If okay:
squeeze out water but be careful if fragile, lie flat somewhere to dry NOT IN SUNGLIGH AS WIL PROB FADE.

Les sstains probs. Saved me from amany stain

>> No.6112397

>cop new Jordans
>immediately play a game of basketball in them

why did I used to be so dumb

>> No.6112448

oh man, i remember some faggots puting toilet paper in random waching machines when i was living in dorm. not like id have balls to do anything about it but id like to know who the fuck was doing that shit

>> No.6112603
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>be at jacuzzi
>be with a 9/10 PacSun model
>she wants to dip her feet in
>she rolls her jeans up to her knees
>I try rolling my raws but my calfs wont let me
>dip my raws into the water because #yolo
>make out with her
>get home, the chlorine ruined them completely
>date her

S'all good

>> No.6112642

>at friend's house
>wearing favorite pants, shirt and sweater
>go to bed
>"hey anon, wanna take a gram of benadryl?"
>a gram
>1000 mg
>"why wouldn't i want a gram"
>take it all, start hallucinating after thirty minutes
>put on his clothes for some reason
>his mom drives me to bus station
>i'm in full trip mode
>sitting at bus stop
>think my clothes are snakes
>i cried when i got home

>> No.6112650

Whenever people ask you why they look like that tell them that story

>> No.6112710
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i used to have some white leather shoes, got em all kindsa dirty but cleaning was just as simple as using a damp rag and drying with a dry rag :)

dilute some dish soap and soak the clothes in it
laundry detergent doesn't have degreasers in it so it's not so effective at getting out food stains or even the ring around the color from the grease on your skin

you can still do the dish soap thing with wool, just don't agitate it
place it in the bucket and just let it soak up the soapy water until it sinks
take it out after maybe like fifteen minutes and submerge it in clean water to rinse out the soap. change the water until it stays clear. pull it out and lay flat on a towel in its original shape


if it's a white shirt get some of that oxy bleach, dilute it, and apply it directly to the stain before tossing it in the washing machine
cool water
if it still smells bleachy run it through a rinse cycle
then hang dry
stains will never set this way B)
don't use it too often tho even oxy bleach is p rough

could have saved it :\

close all zippers and buttons before using machines

lol my pbjs were one wash and they faded fine stop harpin on this six month bullsit

nah du you'll just have sick #ombre fades
tell the story of u gettin ur dikk wet


>> No.6112750

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.6112781


>> No.6112800

>in 7th grade
>let girl borrow my sweater cuz she said she was cold
>never get it back

>9th grade
>brand new all white hoodie
>at school, lunch time
>friend gets mustard on it
>get mad and throw an open mustard packet at him
>hits a girl in her hair and she screams
>boyfriend throws a burrito at me
>food fight
>hoodie 4ever stained in beans mustard and fruit punch

>> No.6112807

wait i did not know benadryl was a hallucinogen
how did you not fall asleep?

>> No.6112841

I want to hear the followup from that guy who's roommate's gf ruined his Acne leather

>> No.6112853

cus u see spiders and shadownerds

>> No.6112870
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It's not a hallucinogen per se, it's technically a deliriant. The hallucinations you see are detailed and persistent. You can talk to them. Quite unlike any other drug out there save for other scopolamine derivatives.

>> No.6112877
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>let girlfriend borrow damir doma sweater
>"i want it to smell like me anon"
>in a stupid love haze, let her do it
>get it back a week later, it's shrunken beyond wear because she washed it the pleb way

>> No.6113192
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Bump for dudes torn leather jacket

>> No.6113220

But it's true mate.
I still wear them around though, fuck it.

>> No.6113272

post gril

>> No.6113296

i know that's what i'm saying
it gives you a story to tell
now ur fades are super duper unique