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/fa/ - Fashion

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6088424 No.6088424 [Reply] [Original]

>prioritizing the aesthetic value of tools intended to keep you warm and obscure your genitals
>spending money on the aesthetic value of tools intended to perform functions when one could save the money instead, spend it on food and/or shelter, or donate it to charity

I seriously hope you guys don't do this, as that would be illogical.

>> No.6088432

confirmed for aspergers

>> No.6088438

imma do me

u do u

>> No.6088447


nah imma wait until before bed to do me

>> No.6088455
File: 65 KB, 1024x576, Adam-Baldwin-as-Animal-Mother-in-Full-Metal-Jacket-adam-baldwin-11600012-1024-576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all fucking nerds must fucking hang

>> No.6088468
File: 24 KB, 300x300, sigmund-freud-picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are you so angry?

Tell me more about your mother.

>> No.6088474
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Mfw Freud fanboys

>> No.6088480


OK, lubed and plugged.

Now what?

>> No.6088485

>implying OP isn't a 15 year old who just had his first pseudo intellectual thought

>> No.6088510


>implying OP isn't right

>> No.6088517
File: 95 KB, 500x500, 1365212599158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying this prioritization isn't part of what keeps the civilized world from descending into chaos

>> No.6088520


Elaborate. How does it do that?

>> No.6088523

Trivial bullshit like art (which covers /fa/) is a prime factor in separating societies from more primitive forms of human organization.

>> No.6088525

>implying his shitty point cant be used for any consumer leisure product
>implying anyone didnt know this
>implying this is an original thought
>implying he didnt read it off some shitty blog and tried to play it off as his own
>implying you arent OP

>> No.6088531

I HATE expression, no matter its form.

I spend my time and money fulfilling needs in the most utilitarian ways that come to mind (spending time trying to imagine new or more practical solutions is waste).

>> No.6088533


That wasn't denying he was right.

>> No.6088537


But are we more or less free as a result of modern society, anon?

>> No.6088543
File: 701 KB, 683x1024, tumblr_mba0crfic31rxfhz4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of shelter, anything more than a thatch hut is frivolous finery, so why are you only applying this bullshit to fashion?

>> No.6088544

did i say he was wrong?

>> No.6088546


That's bullshit.

The singular factor in separating societies from more primitive forms of human organization was agriculture.

>> No.6088547
File: 101 KB, 834x937, rick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll say he's wrong.

>> No.6088553


>implying ability to withstand mother nature isn't a practical concern re: buildings

>> No.6088550

we don't all live in california

>> No.6088551

More, in general. Your opportunities are expanded and your risk of dying in pursuit of any task is greatly diminished.

>> No.6088555
File: 497 KB, 500x280, tumblr_mjzdz4mFOS1s4znkyo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are the tartars and tuvens not societies?

>> No.6088558

It comes with the territory.
Also, "a" prime factor, not "the".

>> No.6088560


Capitalism relies on the market of superfluous items.

Even ignoring that, what >>6088531 said as well is right. And not only for functions of society, but our higher level of thinking as well; as in, we are so self-aware and of high thought that the 'trivial' stuff are essential even merely as distractions from the opposite: living a primitive life that focuses solely on surviving and reproducing, which, obviously, would be chaos for our modern brains.

>> No.6088562
File: 65 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m7usgfykHu1qlwlpco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, let's redefine the baseline as a concrete bunker.

windows compromise structural stability. no windows for you.

>> No.6088567


No. Art is not a factor. There is only one factor and that's agriculture. That is what caused society to rise in the first place. That is the only factor.

>> No.6088572
File: 1011 KB, 1536x2048, Thorsberg_Trousers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art predates agriculture; societies exist in the absence of agriculture
i would argue that language is the crux, and then, only spoken language

>> No.6088573


>implying sunlight for health and air flow aren't perfectly practical concerns which can allow for a logical, reasonable compromise in structural stability based on the location of the structure and the weather/earth-related risks accompanying said location

>> No.6088574

That's so blatantly incorrect I wouldn't know where to start. You don't even have to agree with me to know that's wrong.

>> No.6088579

are you still in highschool?

>> No.6088581
File: 55 KB, 350x511, Issey-Miyake-Pleats-Please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clothing contributes to the emotional health of the wearer, when the designer's aim is empowerment and not the exploitation of insecurity
ergo, thoughtful clothing is a valuable commodity. at least as valuable as windows. possibly as valuable as chairs. certainly more valuable than a television. probably roughly as valuable as a good book.

>> No.6088580


Human kind did not form society until agriculture was invented. The invention of agriculture was the sole driving force behind the original formation of human society. Thus agriculture is the sole factor separating society from other forms of human organization. Period.

>> No.6088585

shut the fuck up you're all middle class suburban kids barely out of highschool

you know nothing.

>> No.6088584
File: 131 KB, 640x960, 601523_420857154611597_88858586_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again, tuvans and tartars.

>> No.6088589

Nope, try again.

>> No.6088594

that's still wrong kid

>> No.6088596


>implying their history extends back as far as the agricultural revolution (10000 BC)

It doesn't.


>clothing contributes to the emotional health of the wearer

Maybe if you have some kind of brain disorder.

>> No.6088597

You're thinking of Language.
There are plenty of non agricultural indigenous societies, even today. Some groups never started farming and never saw a need to. While agriculture may be considered a form of technology and therefore of crucial importance to culture, it post dates language - one of the earliest technologies - by god knows how long.

>> No.6088601


>> No.6088600

shut the fuck up you're probably underage

>> No.6088602

I sentence you to wear shit stained wool all year long for the rest of your life.

Let's see if that affects your emotional health.

>> No.6088607

>their history

....what? this has nothing to do with anything.

>> No.6088603

clothing DEFINITELY contributes to our emotional health.

>> No.6088608



>> No.6088609
File: 485 KB, 500x207, tumblr_lkr6ebEwPy1qh1sico1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you took my quote out of context because, in context, your argument becomes untenable

>> No.6088613

>save money instead
Why would I treat a medium of exchange as the equivalent of runescape combat levels and work merely for a number and not as a means?

>Spend it on food and/or shelter
Are you under the assumption that /fa/ lacks the financial means to acquire either and buys cloths instead?

>or, donate it to charity
Why would we do that, OP?

>> No.6088614

look good, feel good

I start to think you aren't a very social person.

>> No.6088619


>Why would I treat a medium of exchange as the equivalent of runescape combat levels and work merely for a number and not as a means?

Saving money is a means of preparing for the unexpected.

>> No.6088620


I understand the value society places on personal appearance.

That doesn't make placing that value logical.

>> No.6088621

if you can't figure that one out for yourself you might be on the wrong board.
It keeps us warm, it keeps the sun off of us when needed. It holds out the rain, it makes us feel more beautiful, it makes us feel safe to look attractive and be protected from the elements. It is our armor in social interactions, it can serve as an expression of the self. It can help us keep tools and valuables on our person, thus making life and work a bit easier.
It can camouflage us or make us stand out, it can alter the way the world sees us, as we see fit.
Come on, the reasons are endless.

>> No.6088623

Life isn't logical, buddy.
STEM does not always apply to things that defy quantification.

>> No.6088624


You only feel good when you look good because you're aware that others place value in physical appearance and thus are aware that others judge you based on it.

That feeling hinges on the entirely illogical concept of society placing such importance on physical appearance in the first place.

>> No.6088626

Actually, I feel good because I enjoy art and clothing.

Nice projection though.

>> No.6088631


Well, art is illogical too, so, OK.

>> No.6088636

Austim: The Thread

>> No.6088641

Pleasing yourself with something you enjoy is not illogical.

>> No.6088645

you got problems dude

funny thing is you probably play halo on an xbox and jack it to little anime girl pictures

>> No.6088647

Jesus christ I thought exactly like this when I was 14-15.

Needless to say I still idolized beauty and stared myself blind at girls in pretty clothes.

>> No.6088657

>living life in fear
me sides
Why prepare for the unexpected?

>> No.6088675
File: 663 KB, 976x624, Kitagawa_Utamaro_male_escort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saving money is just about the least practical use of it

>> No.6088696

Donating to charity isn't illogical? lel.

Compassion and materialism are two natural things and aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.6088727
