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File: 42 KB, 338x430, 1367622064427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6088246 No.6088246 [Reply] [Original]

How do you score with tumblr girls?

>> No.6088252

talk to them about Balenciaga

(i'm doing this right now lel)

>> No.6088261

pseudo deep tattoo phrases on you

dress in stupid trends

be in high school

be in a "band" just learn like 3 cords then strum randomly on any acoustic, doesn't even have to bea fender or Gibson

just tell them you gotyour first act guitar (from walmart) at a cute little vintage store you want to show them some time (beatit up with some sand paper)

and weara bunch ofrubber bracelets and make up stories for them

ride a fixie conversion

have gauges

wear skinny jeans

>> No.6088267
File: 106 KB, 302x292, fucking alpha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better not be trying to steal my chick, you piece of shit.

What's her name?

>> No.6088269





>> No.6088273

they're all thirsty sluts with the sameish standards

>> No.6088275
File: 3 KB, 200x200, pic-gun_to_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, she talked to me first.

>> No.6088285
File: 1.30 MB, 3000x3077, uwot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's prob. different chicks so don't wor

>> No.6088281

You must first check your white cishet male privilege

>> No.6088293
File: 79 KB, 707x729, rick owens daughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I be sure?

>> No.6088298


because I met the chick IRL before her being on tumblr

she ain't a tumblr celeb

>> No.6088307

Neither is the one I know. What's her first name?
>inb4 "it's too unique you'll find her"

>> No.6088310



>> No.6088314

Whats the difference between a tumblr qt and a regular qt?

>> No.6088319

Michael? Is that you?

>> No.6088325

give them pro-zac
pretend to like the same shitty music as them
pretend to like the same fashion as them
pretend to like them

>> No.6088320


lol no

>> No.6088340

is that actually dick's daughter? she does kinda look like him..

>> No.6088342
File: 28 KB, 390x310, Onion smells himself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6088347

A tumblr qt's diet consist primarily of penis.

>> No.6088354
File: 187 KB, 500x323, tumblr_m6lqfgFT4y1r2974do1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is it a given that every tumblr chick is fucked in the head?

>> No.6088390

40oz Van visor
Hood By Air cutoff tee
Pyrex speedos
Visvim Albino Elk Leather sandals

>> No.6088400

Tell them you're a transracial photographer living under a downtown abandoned stripclub

>> No.6088411

literally the quickest way into her panties.
good job anon

>> No.6088425

Kinda. It's a site solely devoted to attention whoring. Do some inductive reasoning here anon.

>> No.6088460

1) Be attractive;
2) Be handsome;
3) Don't be unattractive;

>> No.6088466

>have gauges
Don't listen to this one. It's stupid, looks ugly and women aren't attracted to fucked up earlobes.

>> No.6088473

Don't fuck with us Michael

>> No.6088475

Go back to Reddit. That joke isn't funny

>> No.6088479

I'm not joking

>> No.6088487

>implying fender of gibson are significant of your guitar playing abilities
>reading a sieg post
>replying to it
>deer lord
>im about to hit submit
>fuck you

>> No.6088498

that turns me on
loot at her bending over ready to take it
need to go on fb and msg around to try and get laid
it never fails

>> No.6088651


>> No.6088656

how the fuck is he projecting?

>> No.6088666

Emulate everything they post on their tumblr.

They post pics of guys
>look like them
they post pics of their fav food
>learn to make it
They post lyrics
>learn the bands
They post awful gifs of their fav show
>watch the show

>go to a party or something that they go to.
>Give them alcohol.

im not in the least fucking kidding. And if you're ugly or fat, dont even waste your time with the above tips, you'll never get in.

>> No.6088677

tumbr bitches are all insecure af and will suck your dick as soon as they get a single drink into them

you literally have to do nothing but act kind of tumblr-y, confident, and be near them.

>> No.6088688

what's the qt tumblr skanks natural habitat?
never seen irl

>> No.6088694

inside on their computer making edgy tumblr posts

you might also catch them at school/university

>> No.6088693

they don't leave the house

if they do it's usually at parties of their bigger brothers or relatives

>> No.6088722

/r/ing tumblr qts to follow
my dash is lacking qts

>> No.6088730


>> No.6088764
File: 4 KB, 221x23, jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Matt,
you okay with me using your face as my avatar? Could change it anytime.

>> No.6088776

u lil rascal