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/fa/ - Fashion

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6084716 No.6084716 [Reply] [Original]

>he bothers dressing up
>but he doesn't even have a 4-year University degree

>> No.6084774

>shes had six cocks in her vag by age 26

>> No.6084836

Yes. I really want to get into 90k of debt to impress two dumbass bimbo blond whorebags

>> No.6084869

>tfw no debt
>tfw don't spend much on crap anywa

>> No.6084875

more like 16.

>> No.6084878

lel since when is 90k something to worry about?

>> No.6084974

this is not really an accomplishment these days, it would be closer to 160

i knew a girl in high school who fucked 22 dudes in a single summer, and she was fat with bad facial aesthetics

>> No.6085016


i make 300k starting

>> No.6085024

doing what

>> No.6085032

any job he wants

>> No.6085038

that makes no sense

>> No.6085093
File: 356 KB, 500x750, 1335063547365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Did you know he has a PhD in physics?"
>"Wow! I wouldn't expect that after seeing how well he dresses"
>"Let's get drunk and fuck his brains out tonight!"

If only the last part was true...

>> No.6085120


any job i want i'm a math major

>> No.6085129

>not getting scholarships
>paying anything for your education

>> No.6085145

>4 year degree
>parents paid so no debt
>50k in bank
>no bills
>about to start working

>> No.6085172

>not having a professor father so tuition is half off
>not being covered in scholarships
>not studying philosophy 800k starting

>> No.6085183

dude I just graduated philosophy, it's more like 1200k starting. Philosophy is, after all, the foundation of mathematics.

>> No.6085189

I dont believe so. I was accepted to NYU with a decent scholarship but it was still not worth the atleast 150 grand in debt.

>> No.6085198


>mfw math majors dont realize fine arts painting is a guaranteed 650k starting

>> No.6085213

>tfw actually studying physics

>> No.6085222

Masters degree in mathematics.
Working on getting /fit/ and improving my /fa/ggotry by buying a new outfit once a month.
I am a writer who has some of his work published.

Come at me sluts.

>> No.6085241

Not all of us were too dumb to study while in high school.
>Full scholarship, niggers

>> No.6085238

God am I thankful that my parents saved up a college fund for me.

>> No.6085250

Shit im with you there

>a degree
shit man that would be the life

>> No.6085254

>dumb in high school
>parents saved up college fund for me and my three siblings
>tuition in canada is dirt cheap
>one year from convocation

>> No.6085256

>A degree
>now girls will like me!

shit nigga get some priorities

>> No.6085273

I am still intimidated by the fact that I can now wear clothes that are cool. As a former fatboy I used to just wear anything and cool clothes were for 'other' people. I just need more time to acclimatize myself with clothing.

Gyms are easy. You go there, lift weights, and see progression in two weeks.

We are all going to make it! (;_;)7

>> No.6085281
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>tfw starting to study History after Summer

Scary feel, what have I done

>> No.6085315

oh god man me too
I used to be so skinny. It was a terrible feeling, taking off clothes and seeing my boney body. Not being able to wear tee shirts for fear of scaring people off with my bony elbows and wrists.
It feels good to know that I can wear tee shirts and shorts in the summer, and not freak people out. I used to be so conscious about myself. Now when I look in the mirror I'm reminded of how far I've come. It feels good to not only be desired by others, but ultimately desired by myself.

Having a degree is just the icing on the cake.