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/fa/ - Fashion

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6080720 No.6080720 [Reply] [Original]

Have anyone ever said to you that you are beautiful /fa/?

No one ever said it to me, and actually, genuinely, meant it (which referenced my girlfriend). And I don't know why it fucking bothers me so much. It's silly, I'm a man, I should be concerned with things like do people respect me, if I should be concerned what others think of me at all. But I do care, and it does bother me. Like, I know I'm average, I know that girls/women don't actually care about face THAT MUCH that they need to have absolutely perfection as their man, but it just bothers me. And it's pathetic.

So, did anyone ever said to you that you are beautiful, and actually meant it? That includes moms, sisters, aunts.

>> No.6080733

nigga u gay

>> No.6080740

I know what you mean OP. I grew up believing that beauty is not universal, that I would be someone's "type". It stings a bit to be aware that your significant other find some actor (I guess that you posted Robert Downey Jr. as a result of that frustration) or, worse, some other guy more attractive than you, and beautiful. But that's just the way things are.

>> No.6080745

not really relevant but i posted about a girl hitting on me a year ago saying i was beautiful
and she was 8/10

i found her again and im going to hit it
im gonna hit it HARD
wish me luck /fa/

>> No.6080748

post pics of chick

>> No.6080756

It is relevant, I find you lucky already. Good luck.

>> No.6080757

men kissing isnt gay

>> No.6080750

Spot on. (the whole post, and the Robert part) Shit sucks.

You sure? But I look at two men kissing/fucking and cringe like I'm in pain. Maybe I'm just a regular straight faggot?

>> No.6080765

mkay, but the fucking part surely is

>> No.6080776
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Yes people have said I am beautiful, but people have also told me I am not. To be honest, I do feel like a lot of it comes from confidence. Perhaps I had gained confidence being a good looking kid but after puberty, the ugly came for me.

In an asap rocky interview, he said something about how he is weird looking but he calls himself a pretty mothafucka because he wants to tell himself that. I try to apply a similar concept, I embrace any uniqueness about my looks. I tell myself I look good and I try to feel good about how I look. That's the best you can do and in the end it is yourself that will make you feel beautiful or not.

>> No.6080789
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Women are also not as visual as men. I think having a great personality and confidence will make you more attractive. Your non-physical characteristics can have such a huge impact on your appearance.

>> No.6080801

A lot of it comes from uncertainty. Like, I know I'm probably average. But I'm like HEAVILY biased about my face. One day I'll think I'm a pretty mothefucka, and the other I'll find my flaws so fucking ugly. I cannot look at my face objectively, something I learned on this board is actually not that common. Most are aware of big noses, eyes too far apart, ears to small, weak jawline, I don't know. I have no idea what I look like to another person, it's weird. (I ain't postin pics btw, I don't think I can /fa/ criticism well yet)

>> No.6080807

Yes, I am very well aware of that. I know that they don't care that much, but it still bothers me and fucks up my confidence big time.

>> No.6080815

i was an exchange student in the us when i was 17
everyone kept telling me how pretty i was, and one guy even went as far as saying i was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen
i'm p sure most of these people had never seen a scandinavian before, cos back home i couldn't possibly be more average looking

>> No.6080818

Lot's of girls have hit on me, said that they liked or loved me, that I'm good looking and also straight out that they wanted to fuck. Still, I've only been able to actually get that ass like 10% of the time because I always pussy out. I fucking hate this

>> No.6080843

I don't know how to put it but it's all in your head. This board will make you feel worse. I personally have a asymmetrical jaw, and asymmetrical ears. It has bothered me in the past but I don't really care anymore. I would rather be a badass then a pretty boy.

>> No.6080854

That is a cool way to put it, thanks. But, it does not bother you that could've been both?

>> No.6080877

You can always choose to change your level of fitness. You can never change your face.

>> No.6080873


Man, have you ventured to /fit/ in the last 2 years? Talk about making you feel like shit, this board is like browsing on a cloud.

>> No.6080901

I don't visit fit.
There are so many things both materialistically and physically you could or could not have. Dwelling on them will only make you more depressed. I aspire to accomplish things because that is what makes me feel better. Work on things you can control. Once you get to certain level of achievements, it really doesn't matter what you look like.

>> No.6080907

yes you can. lifting, eating right, not smoking 20 fags a day, sunlight, enough sleep, good shaving and simply taking care of your body makes a fuckton of difference, also for your face

>> No.6080911

Yeah, I guess that really is why I feel like shit. Thanks man, that was really inspirational!

>> No.6080917
File: 255 KB, 497x406, 1365965351752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol that pic

>> No.6080926

Whatever. They make you feel shit about your body, and you'll ALWAYS be able to change/manipulate your body to make it look different.

But you can't do anything about your face being busted. Shit sucks, /fa/ made me realize all the ugly qualities everyone has.

>> No.6080934

I'm pretty okay with my body. I almost unlocked ottermode, and don't plan to stop there. That also means that's the limit my face has. Fat is not the issue.

But, I'm 20, and I've been told I look younger than my age. The best thing someone ever said to me came from the mouth of one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen "You're cute now, but will be beautiful later. You look too young now, but it will pay off later in life.". That felt really nice.

>> No.6081226

lol babyface

>> No.6081251
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My mother's friends say i'm very beautiful, i think they are just being nice.

>> No.6081252

I haven't had a lot of experience with womynz but the few I have been with said I was gorgeous. :3

>> No.6081262

>tfw when you were born a very good looking kid and always being told so, and you grow up to be an average looking adult

>> No.6081289

people have whispered "Hes so cute" to me.

>> No.6081311

I had a girlfriend in high school who thought i was beautiful. I still cant imagine anyone more attractive than her.

>> No.6081338

"hollywood good looking" is the closest i've gotten. i don't think women think that men appreciates to be called "beautiful".

>> No.6081496

I get called manly and handsome. A lot of the time even from random people.

I hear "you are the coolest motherfucker I've ever seen" a lot, too. Now I sound like a gigantic douche for admitting it though.

>> No.6081527

They've used the word attractive instead of beautiful, but yes OP

>tfw too manly to look pretty

>> No.6081539

not the same.

>> No.6081543


Iktf bro

>born with glorious white skin and thick blonde hair
>now have tanlines, and brown, receding hair

>> No.6081548

work in retail
people tell me i have great hair everyday
one woman said i had a handsome face
i get girls numbers as a cashier so i think yeah im probably handsome

>> No.6081559

Def bro.
>Born Aryan master race and told I could be a model.
>now have weak chin and slightly big nose

>> No.6081578
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Very often. And in fairness i am. Despite my shyness and introverted personality traits, which is brought on from being somewhat chubby in my early teens.

Apparently i look like jared padalecki and Kurt Cobain's love child. And before anyone asks me to prove it ...


Though i personally don't see it. Ignore the camwhore angle, i was drunk.

>> No.6081589

i often get comments in public about my hair/eyes, was at a friends house for dinner once and she told me that her family kept going on about how attractive I was, have had friends of friends who I don't know say that I'm attractive, sometimes get hit on in public

so I guess I should feel good

but I also have a hard time leaving my room sometimes. the idea of people even looking at me used to borderline horrify me, and there are days where looking at myself in the mirror is literally mortifying. ugh

>> No.6081595


You look like a cross between a 70s porn star and a falcon

>> No.6081594


holyshit does your name start with M?

>> No.6081599

Y'no ... my last name does though

*sighs* I know. my hair naturally does that super gay thing where it parts down the middle and sweeps back along the sides.

>> No.6081610


I'm jealous. Mine parts in two spots and is receding

Yours looks like it'll always be like that

>> No.6081612


fuck. you don't work with glass, do you?

>> No.6081625

Parts in two spots? That sounds quite interesting. Where and where? And don't worry about that, a lot of guys look very mature with shorter or receding hair lines.

Musician. Sorry.

>> No.6081672

someone called the me 'the coolest fucking guy ive ever seen in my life'

is that a compliment to my looks?

>> No.6081686

I think I recall a while back, reading about an informal meta study done by OK cupid with the attractiveness ratings people received.
The average, or cute people were rated the most consistently favourable; while beautiful and extraordinary people received the harshest criticism and least consistent ratings.
Take what people say with a grain of salt, assuming people are actually giving you opinions about your relative attractiveness.
Why not just ask opinions of the people who matter?

>> No.6081706

>tfw compliment whore

fuck i've gotten beautiful, hot, cute, sweet, rad, badass, swag, cool, perfect, asshole, puta, pussy master, twerkstar, sexy, fucking sexy, so hot, confident, tall, smart, really smart, faggot, so smart, brilliant, beautiful, damn, 'flaming essence', cute, so sweet, genius, i want u, fuck me, stylish, feels 2 good

dam this is now my goal

>> No.6081720

Probably jealousy.

It's been known that you can be "too good looking" in some situations.

>> No.6081723

Not that often as i would like it to happen(may be because i don't go out of my flat this much), but it happens sometimes. A girl even told that she loves me one time. The only problem that most of the time it is average girls hitting on me, the girl who said that she loves me was 7\10(8.5\10 body, 5.5\10 face). Also, medical workers hit on me for some reason, once 2 or 3 nurses flirted me almost at the same time i was lying in hospital, one of them was p.cute, the problem is i was concerned with different problems

>> No.6081726
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Girls have told me cute, attractive and handsome. Never got beautiful though

>> No.6081728
File: 109 KB, 284x283, 1365819302037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a girl told me last night that I was beautiful and followed it with "as always."

feels good man

>> No.6081734

god I hate that fucker so much

>> No.6081740

post your pic here, i don't open urls on 4chan

>> No.6081743

Can only people from opposite sex rate you on OKcupid?

>> No.6081749

seriously? as far as performances go alfie allen is absolutely killing it, I think he's consistently one of the best actors in the show.

if you hate theon I can sort of understand but the kid really just has a tough break, in the end he has nothing but love for the starks

>> No.6081803

I am told constantly that I am beautiful/handsome by colleagues, by my gf, by my friends.It feels good for a while but eventually you just stop giving a shit and you kinda just say thanks to be polite. I liked it before but that's not to say I hate it now, I just don't care.
>6'6", skinny, blue eyes

>> No.6081829


>> No.6082181


It parts on either side, at the tips of the 'M' hairline. And I don't want to look mature, I'm 18 dammit, I want to look young and pretty

>> No.6082236

my fwb says I look super good but I just can't believe it at all. Anyone else get this? I feel bad because I feel like she must be lying.

>> No.6082284

Yes. I have a huge ego from it.

>> No.6082312
File: 31 KB, 164x284, pleaseneverreturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one has ever called me beautiful.

i only come here to look at beautiful people late at night, eat peanut-butter, and cry.

i enjoy a successful life, with a moderate amount of friends, and am generally happy.

but i will never be even moderately attractive.

oh god, hold me, /fa/

>everyone elses face when they see me walk in the room

>> No.6082328


almost every mudskin I meet ends up comparing me to a ken doll. white people do not do that though.

>> No.6082331

>have really close friend
>everywhere we go, girls follow him around, flock around him, talk to him, touch him, flirt with him
>never even notice me

abloo bloo bloo

>> No.6082342

Yeah I know this feel hard aswell. I wish I was beautiful looking. I don't even care about things I can change, I just wish that I was beautiful in a way that transcends fashion. You know how you sometimes see those people who look beautiful but have zero taste in fashion and still look miles better then you? Fuck, I would trade places with them in a second (even if it meant having to be unfashionable the rest of my life)

>> No.6082445

>I should be concerned with things like do people respect me

>> No.6082858

This is very much true. Works great for me, my lady-friends have all been of considerable attractiveness and generally out of my league. Apparently i have some charm and because of that they let me nail them.
It's a good thing to care about your appearance, but working on your being is also important.

>> No.6082869
File: 27 KB, 310x310, whattofeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mom just called me cute a week ago.

>> No.6082875

pics of mom on toilet?

>> No.6082884

lust and long for her. Do her.

Then share it with us.

>> No.6082889

I've been called hot by both girls and boys, ppl tell me i have the body of a greek god, also couple of ppl suggested i become a model (they have no idea how models look these days)

But No. I was never called beautiful (well mom doesnt count)

>> No.6082892

A slightly obsessed girl left me a voicemail saying I was beautiful while I was planning to break up with her. It was so weird that it sealed the deal for me.

I've never been a real good looking guy, either. I was /fit/ as fuck back then, but you wouldn't call a Jason Statham or Russel Crowe type beautiful no matter how built he was, right?

>> No.6083092

A 7/10 told me that im really good looking while she was drunk... but i guess that doesn't count, another picky kind of a girl called me not that bad but that doesnt count either, but i did have some quite cute gfs so suck it niggas

>> No.6083095

Yes, multiple times