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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 138 KB, 466x550, lucky strike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6074378 No.6074378 [Reply] [Original]

What does /fa/ smoke?

>> No.6074394

I'm curious too. I'm pretty sure Camels.

>> No.6074414

I used to smoke American Spirit yellows, but now I roll my own. So much cheaper.

>> No.6074410


>> No.6074423
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I'll smoke Camels when I can get them, otherwise I roll myself, or Marlboro Black if I couldn't be bothered. Trying to roll on a windy night is not fun.

>> No.6074433
File: 1.91 MB, 2136x1929, A Spirit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And nothing more.

>> No.6074436

Mellow yellow spirits & marijuana

>> No.6074440
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>> No.6074464
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Serious question here, no hate or anything
Do you only smoke to look /fa/ or do you actually enjoy it?
What got you started?

>> No.6074468

nothing because i'm not a faggot

>> No.6074472

most of the time on social gatherings i'll smoke to look cool/fa/, sometimes when I want to smoke it because of smoke is when i'm drinking coffee.

that's it. I RARELY crave for it otherwise.

>> No.6074475

Nobody fucking gets tired of this thread everyday? Fuck, this isn't even slightly fashion related.

>> No.6074482


Yeah, I occasionally have a cigarette to accompany a coffee or to socialise at a party. A twenty pack lasts me for several weeks, minimum.

>> No.6074480

I broke my foot a while ago. I was stuck at home while everyone was at university. I smoked when I was out but not really that often. But being stuck in the house I had to do something to take the edge off, and I didn't want to turn into an alcoholic.

I still enjoy it, but I crave a smoke at least once a day.

>> No.6074488
File: 25 KB, 300x300, rød.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you only smoke to look /fa/ or do you actually enjoy it?
I enjoy it, I've smoked for 10 years.
>What got you started?
Being an edgy 12 year old.

Pic related is my current choice, it used to be camels 5 years ago.

>> No.6074495

I started when i was 16, when you could still smoke in pubs in England.
It was the only way i looked old enough to get served, so i always approached the bar, fag in mouth, complaining about aches and TAX and shit.
It worked.

I would never refer to it as fashionable. More social. I try not to smoke alone other than being in stressful periods of time.

>> No.6074503

camel gold

>> No.6074512

I smoke for the nic buzz & I like feeling lightheaded, dizzy, & dumb

True shit

>> No.6074509

got started because it's a known habit builder and I needed to build a few habits. Continued because it was pleasant (only smoked while walking). Stopped because I realized I was steadily increasing my rate of smoking to make up for the fact that I was getting used to the nicotine
Started up again after a month, it was pleasant within one cig again. Patterned since

>> No.6074522

If you ain't smoking camels you ain't cool.

>> No.6074528

Are you retarded or something?

>> No.6074536
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Used to smoke just when I drank because it was a great way to be social and smokers were always nice.
Started actually smoking a few weeks ago to calm my nerves after a long shift at work. Nothing really more than that.
Usually go through a pack in 2 weeks or so.

>djarum blacks when drinking or being social
>any menthol for nerve calming

I've actually stared to find the act of even holding a cigarette and bringing it up to my mouth to be comforting, which I'm assuming is a sign of addiction.

>> No.6074543

That sounds awfully autistic. We were allowed into pubs after our GCSEs if we took our school tie off.

>> No.6074548

who are you saying is the autist? The bar guys enforcing the law or the kid assuming they do

>> No.6074563

The idea that the only way the poster got served is if he had a cigarette. I really doubt the bartender cared what age he was, a cigarette doesn't make a 16 year old two years older. Plus how did the rest of his friends get in, did they start smoking and talking about taxes too, like all 18 year olds do?

>> No.6074564
File: 88 KB, 407x405, 1286272429628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol Smoking hasn't made anyone look fashionable for 40 years?
Where are you from, btw, North Korea?

>> No.6074567



>> No.6074578

NAS Perique blend (black) reporting in

>> No.6074583
File: 67 KB, 630x419, 003-cesare-attolini-autumn-winter-2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey you ⇡,
I meant this:
for you;
not you:

>> No.6074590

Really focused on the finer insignificant details there didn't you..?

There was a direct correlation between when i was smoking and getting served, and not smoking and getting kicked out. The rest of it was an attempt at humour (always smoking to get served, taxs ...), but i guess an autist would probably miss that.

>We were allowed into pubs after our GCSEs if we took our school tie off.
Well done?

>> No.6074595

Hell yes. I used to smoke them all the time until I switched to unfiltered at the assurance of my friend. I smoked Camel unfiltered for quite a while and I would switch on and off with Lucky Strikes. Now I'm more devout in smoking Luckies. Camels are still great, but they're just a step too harsh without offering much more in flavor.

>> No.6074606

>lol Smoking hasn't made anyone look fashionable for 40 years?
This isn't even related to what I asked
I don't know if you meant to put the '?' or what, but please rephrase that

>> No.6074614
File: 166 KB, 1024x680, OM58v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm still not finished with my first pack of camels. It's been 2 years in fact since I first bought it. I keep it with me always. The first and second I smoked at the graves of my mom and dad. The third and fourth while travelling. I drink a lot though, really can't resist a scotch.

>> No.6074621

dif guy
the question asked
>Do you only smoke to look /fa/ or do you actually enjoy it?
He's essentially responding that since smoking hasn't been /fa/ for 40 years, the only logical option of the two given is that they enjoy it (although its implied that he's simply ignoring any other thing, just countering the one point)

>> No.6074631

nothing but the cannabis now.

>> No.6074633

Camel unfiltereds are pretty tasty, but Luckies are a spur of the moment kind of thing for me. I usually smoke the whole pack in a day though

>> No.6074635

Implying that would be pretty dumb, smoking has always make people look ''cooler''

>> No.6074646


>> No.6074654

If that's the truth, that's pretty awesome guy.
Save the last 6/16 for when it all turns to shit. and you choose to exact revenge on your enemies. Who just happen to be cyborg ninja here to take over the world, or some shit.

>> No.6074663

doesn't that shit go stale

>> No.6074669

I had my first one at 14. One of my friends had a sister in high school who had taken us under her wing, and she smoked and would give us one or two of hers from time to time. I thought she was the shit and wanted to emulate her, plus it made me feel like I was getting one over on my very controlling and invasive mom.

I started doing it regularly in college, after I joined the theater stage crew; literally everyone (except the one militant vegan) did it and I found it to be pretty good for stress relief.

>> No.6074691

Lucky strike, half a pack to a pack a day.
Started when i was 16 for all the reasons 16 year olds begin with smoking. A resentment has been growing though the past few weeks and i feel my smoking days are numbered.

It is odd though to drop a habit which has become such a part of my adult life. My non-smoking days lie so far in the past i hardly identify myself with that person that didn't used to smoke. Just some random thoughts and slightly off-topic.

>> No.6074710
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I like the romance of that. Just what I wish my life could be, an adventure.


I dunno, probably.

>> No.6074787

Yes they will. Tobacco expires like anything else. If not faster.