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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 166 KB, 1024x256, PicsArt_1367414545281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6071734 No.6071734 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6071736


Far right.

>> No.6071739
File: 91 KB, 420x420, travis-fimmel-as-ragnar-lothbrok_420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this.

>> No.6071740

What product do you use to slick your hair back?

>> No.6071743




>> No.6071746

Id Hair, the grey one. My hair is thin as phuk tho', so my advice might just get you nowhere.

>> No.6071749

My hair looks pretty much the same as yours. Curly and thin.

>> No.6071750

Id Hair, the grey one. My hair is thin as phuk tho', so my advice might just get you nowhere..

>> No.6071751

i can do the same, ha

too bad i'm ugly as fuck

>> No.6071748

Far right or far left, right is superior.

>> No.6071752

>4 great hair styles
>the style on the left

lol, pls go.

>> No.6071755
File: 76 KB, 402x402, Far right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Far right.

>> No.6071756

Id Hair, the grey one. My hair is thin as phuk tho', so my advice might just get you nowhere...

>> No.6071774

3rd and 4th suit you the best

>> No.6071779

far left is adorable aw
cute lil curlies, would kiss

the second one makes u look like u like boys,
if you do, that's fine, but if ur into girls, then yeah... not that one

third one is great, probably the best one
attractive, but not adorable like the first one
but seeing as most guys get annoyed when i call them adorable, i'm just gonna assume ur the same way

far right makes ur forehead look too big, not feelin it

>> No.6071788

fuck why doi have such thick hair that can't style so fucking easily
i wish my hair was thin

tell me the steps to achieve #3 mang, do you just twist strands and overlap them? errytime I do it they look like shit.

>> No.6071797

I have become this feel. OP, how did you get your hair to look like that in the far left and close right?

>> No.6071803

To be honest, I straighten my hair and apply wax.. no secret

>> No.6071806

>wake up
>gorgeous fucking curls all over

>> No.6071831

Far left is cute. No homo, I swear.

2nd left looks effeminate.

The next style looks effeminate also.

The far right style is superior.

>> No.6071842

Definitely far right. Ignore the anon who said your forehead looks too big in that picture; the kid has probably never seen a truly big forehead or is jelly of yours.

>> No.6071846

Damn man, how many bitches do you get?

>> No.6071861

go with second to far right for casual and far right for non-casual occasions

wish i had your fucking face

>> No.6071867

why would i be jealous of a big forehead, which is a masculine trait, when i'm female

far right would be best for formal occasions, but i don't think it'll work for him with any casual outifts
sort of makes him look older, and not in a good way
third one is the way to go

>> No.6071938

its for a different style pleb

>> No.6071954

>i'm female
Stopped reading there.
Your opinion is worth less than dirt.
Fuck off, cunt.

>> No.6071962

1st one for nxtlevel runaway look

2nd one for basic british pretty boy look

3rd one for tumblrcore look

4th for swedish teenager look

>> No.6071963

Shit nigga, how do you get those lovely little curls in the first pic?

>> No.6071966

Pretty much this.

Fucking gorgeous facial features.

>> No.6071970

Do you have a penis?

>> No.6071973

far right/ thread

>> No.6071985

Far right looks stupid and highlights the ugly lines under your eyes, ignore whoever's saying otherwise. Far left is meh, 2nd left is okay, 3rd left is good.

>> No.6072000


>> No.6072008

Far right is the best because you look like a man who knows what he wants. It also draws more attention to your face, showing that you have nothing to hide.

This faggot referred to the 3rd pic as the 3rd left. Don't listen to him.

>> No.6072018

far right isn't optimal in his case though
makes him look like he's borderline balding due to the hairline
2nd or 3rd picture it is

>> No.6072016

you're beautiful OP, the only person on 4chan whose facial aesthetics rival my own.

>> No.6072023

shut the fuck up, please.

>> No.6072027

tfw hair that isnt one thing or the other. straight at the sides, wavy on top and hair that goes its own way at the fringe.

>> No.6072037

Op i want to be your friend, i feel like we could conquer things together, hang out and be beautiful, fuck bitches etc.

>> No.6072042

You're stupid, please leave

>> No.6072046

Last and second one, definitely.
9/10 would bang (don't worry i'm female)

>> No.6072055

ITT: /fa/ discovers peoples tastes are subjective

>> No.6072056

No homo but I want to fuck you in the ass if you know what I mean

>> No.6072066

is your hair naturally blonde?
if so - do you dye your eyebrows?
i have problem with my invisible eyebrows, my hair is almost white

>> No.6072067


>> No.6072069
File: 195 KB, 2358x1571, OALne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damnit you're really really ridiculously good looking.

>> No.6072091

Both hair and eyebrows are natural!

>> No.6072100

they all good except for the third one homie

>> No.6072102


>> No.6072106

You're not helping him by deflecting legitimate criticisms. He came here for advice.

>> No.6072111


2 and 4 are the best. 4 especially.

>> No.6072139

are you using any product on the third one?

>> No.6072143

Yes, a very small amount of ID hair wax.

>> No.6072153

2nd from left

>> No.6072171 [DELETED] 
File: 248 KB, 500x751, 1323300075550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good hair product for thick hair? I'm looking to achieve this style/texture.

>> No.6072184

Start your own thread mate.

>> No.6072191

Love the far left, far right just looks too flat and you're lucky to have those curls. As long as back and sides are short, keep far left full fringe.

>> No.6072194

last pic.

>> No.6072195

2 & 3 suits you really well

>> No.6072192


>> No.6072201

agree with everything here

>> No.6072210

One and three is dope.

>> No.6072222

far fucking right. holy shit even considering anything else. people saying your forehead is too big know nothing about facial aesthetics

>> No.6072284
File: 58 KB, 882x952, IMAG0643-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps this?

>> No.6072290

Samefag: The Thread.

>> No.6072295

youre perfect

>> No.6072298


this, far right is qt as fuck

p-pls respond

>> No.6072299


>> No.6072306

>far right makes ur forehead look too big

COMPLETELY disregard this

obviously the best choice

>> No.6072310

3 with somewhat buzzed sides. 4 looks also nice but you'd look much more cuterererr in 3

>> No.6072316

What do you want from me

>> No.6072313


>> No.6072342


nothing, really

just go with the far right, it adds to your attractiveness. hope the hair works out, have a nice day.

>> No.6072364
File: 40 KB, 570x362, Eric-Northman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is a big forehead. How is considering OP's forehead in the same category as my related pic any helpful to him? I'm not disconsidering what the anon said because it is criticism, I'm doing it because I believe calling his forehead big is wrong.

>> No.6072370

Holy shit dude, you look like the lebensraum version of me its scarry.
I guess is tru we all have a double somewhere after all

Anyway I use my hair like far right most of the time.

>> No.6072380

proof that women don't know what they are talking about

>> No.6072403

You're gonna need to post a pic now!

>> No.6072412

you are probably the most pretty male guy i've ever seen

>> No.6072423

Thank you so much!

>> No.6072425

ITT: /fa/ going full homo.

>> No.6072441

Depends on the clothes you wear, they all look pretty good. I think i like the third pic the best but it is hard to say.

>> No.6072515
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1367318238784s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: /fa/'s first time seeing a scandinavian.

>> No.6072521

Requesting a selfie, anon

>> No.6072556

So no one is going to call him out for being 15?

>> No.6072565

I'm sensing some samefagging in this thread. He's not really that good looking and all these faggots are praising him like he's RJ King.

>> No.6072568

fuckkkk op where do you live

>> No.6072574

OP how old are you?

>> No.6072582 [DELETED] 


>> No.6072576

He isn't even goodlooking

I'm havong a panic aamttack

>> No.6072577


>> No.6072579


>> No.6072585


>> No.6072599

>wake up with gorgeous hair
I h9 you

>> No.6072619

Gtfo it's 18+
Seriously though, if you want girls your age go with 2. If you want to look like a faggot try 1 and 3. Try 4 if you want to be a try hard douchebag with a fivehead.

>> No.6072720

can you go sideway of this one ? plz!

>> No.6072732

Vidste det!>>6072515 (my earlier post)

>> No.6072751

>Seriously though, if you want girls your age go with 2

Everyone here has some sort of slicked back HY

>> No.6072764

mein neger

>> No.6072849
File: 317 KB, 1024x512, PicsArt_1367432289822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That could mean two things... So i brought you both!

>> No.6072883

Where do you live? I'm coming over to scalp you if thats cool. Not going to kill, I just need the scalp.

>> No.6072906

How do you get it to be either curly or straight? Do you use a curler or straightener?

>> No.6072923

I mean the sideview ;) but that's ok too. Thanks! It look's good.

>> No.6072945

Natural curls, i use a straightener.

>> No.6072962

>would take home and make babies with

3rd looks good, but you might get the "BIEBER" comments.
4th is great too, but might be a bit too formal for all occasions.

>> No.6072978

I do dress rather formal tho..

>> No.6073304

/fa/ dad core formal, or suit and tie formal?

>> No.6073358
File: 40 KB, 967x727, ghhw43g43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you take a picture of you pulling your hair up? I am particularly intrested in the length of the back part of the top (see pic).

>> No.6073390

Mild case of dadcore.

>> No.6073409

Girls are retarded.

>> No.6073459

god, why do u people keep saying that, despite there being other posts in this thread saying p much the same thing as me
taste is subjective, this has nothing to do with me being a girl

>> No.6073470
File: 625 KB, 1024x1024, PicsArt_1367438367197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a rough time with this.. This is the best i can do. Roughly the same length on top tho.

>> No.6073476

ey girl can i fuck your boy pussy?

>> No.6073487
File: 119 KB, 792x1054, 1357067873104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks m8, appreciate.

>> No.6073700

Thanks m8, not the guy that asked but this'll be useful.

>> No.6073716

so much envy.

I'm growing out my asian hair so i can do a brilliant slick back like yours. ;-;

10/10 would date.

>> No.6073736

Draco Malfoy, what cut do you get?

>> No.6073765

godfuckingdamnit how do you do that if you have 3b hair kill yourself??

>> No.6073771

Undercut, nothing special.

>> No.6073787

Sweet ty, I'll be getting that done on friday

>> No.6073805

Good to hear mate, undercut Jaa never let me down. Vett versatile!

>> No.6073812

That was really bad. Fuck my phone sideways

>> No.6073827

how can i describe your haircut at the barber op? tapered at the back and short on the sides?

>> No.6073839

do you straighten your hair homie?

>> No.6073850

>tfw not Scandinavian

>> No.6073866

Yes sir.

>> No.6073859

You'll be asking him for a normal undercut, only a bit lower. Distance from top of ear to where the longer hair is should be 6-8cm.

>> No.6073879

I do too. Any special tips? My hair is always so dry after I straighten it.

>> No.6073918

When applying wax, mix water and wax in your hand and rub it in your hair. Really does things for me! You could also use some shine-wax along with your normal one!

>> No.6073926


What's the point of mixing wax and water given that they don't emulsify together at all?

>> No.6073936
File: 304 KB, 500x363, 1366947481231.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

far left or far right

>> No.6073939

Mate, that shit does things for me. Dont go bringing science into it.

>> No.6073964

Hey OP, I'm not even into younger guys, but I want you to call me Daddy and let me bury my tongue up your ass.