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/fa/ - Fashion

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6067093 No.6067093[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hoï remember me ?

I'm the fuccgurl with a crush on this lonely effay boy from the library of the university ...

>Dat feel when putting on your best outfit to finaly talk to the boy you have a crush on and not getting any reaction

>Decided to follow /fa/ advices and went to talk to him, i put on the smile I've been practicing for weeks and went for it ...
>"..Hey..I've notice you for quite sometime..and I wanted to ..errm..what are you reading right now ?"
>"..." he opened his mouth but no words came out
>"..." then he didn't even made eye contact
>Is this happening for real.jpg
>"ermm..goodbye then...have a nice day...u too"

And I gtfo !!!
Wtf what happened ? Why didn't he even glance at me ? Like He saw me and didn't answer and I stood there blushing, he didn't have his headphones so he heard me Wtf ?!

Longest 18 seconds of my life i keep playing the scene on my mind

>> No.6067103

this isn't /r9k/ you stupid bitch

>> No.6067107

lets see the outfit you wore

>> No.6067112

Ha he was nervous
Don't worry you did fine, if he has half a brain he'll talk to you

>> No.6067116

He's probably awkward as fuck and introverted.
You might be terribly unattractive though.

>> No.6067118

I honestly can't believe that he didn't say anything.
Are you sure he isn't deaf or mute?

>> No.6067113
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>> No.6067115

holy shit, that's some massive spaghetti spillage.

what facial expression was he wearing?

>> No.6067124

Maybe he was too surprised, maybe he's autismal, maybe he doesn't like you, maybe he's gay.

>> No.6067125

lel, that'd be hilarious

>> No.6067133

pls be in london
lets see the back
fuck off you fat piece of shit.

He's probably awk as fuck if he didn't say anything back to those shorts.

>> No.6067129

weeaboo core

>> No.6067138

Are you the real mike with the cool haircut ?

I was so nervous too !! Like we stood there both in awe during 5 seconds of silence, and I said goodbye and gtfo dropping massive spaguettis ! I was upset because I idealized this moment too. It was yesterday and today unlike the other day I've not been in the library ..

>> No.6067144

he was prolly scared

he prolly wet himself

>> No.6067147

ur too hot for him
the thigh gap was intimidating

>> No.6067149

I'd be terrified and awkward if you came up to me like that, but at least I'd say something. See if he says anything tomorrow, and of not then possibly try again.

>> No.6067151

post face. r u asian? doesnt matter just curious

>> No.6067154

op confirmed for mutant facial aesthetics

>> No.6067157

Maybe I was playing weird scenario in my mind all this time, like sometime we made eye contact when I was mirin' him but maybe he didn't even calculate me ...

>at least mike answered to my thread made my sad day ;_;

>> No.6067163 [DELETED] 

OP, you might want to check this out, it might be the guy,


>> No.6067158

>sitting in train
>qt3.14 sits next to me
>not desperate or anything, just happy that not some bum or something sits next to me
>when train train stops, she gets up
>she doesn't leave the train, but goes to the next wagon.
happened like 20 minutes ago, still sitting in the train. man, that was pretty hurtful.

>> No.6067160

he was trying to act like driver. you left too soon. he would have said something really cool and simple if you had waited another minute or two

>> No.6067165

just try again tomorrow or something

he doesn't sound like good company anyways tbh

>> No.6067171

got to put the board in front

>> No.6067172


did u fart or something?

>> No.6067175
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>> No.6067178

maybe she simply wanted to be alone?
Pretty sure it wasn't "oh god gotta get away from this gross dude" going through her head.

>> No.6067182

If I were him I'd be in dat bet by now.
Don'tworry you did good he alreadynoticed you.
Now let's see dat back.

>> No.6067179

Yes I guess that is me.
He might be just be incredibly shy. If you approach him again and he does this again, he's a lost cause.

Give it another shot though.

>> No.6067181

this. this isn't a 'cute' outfit. it's rather offensive and intimidating.

>> No.6067192
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Here's what I'm wearing today and I never wear make up


are you this mike ?


>> No.6067188


>> No.6067189

maybe she was beta and she spilled her spaghetti in front of you!

>> No.6067201

you're very pretty

>> No.6067200

yes, it's him, jesus fuck

>> No.6067199

Yeah that's me in the video.

>> No.6067198
File: 233 KB, 458x650, LOL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


u obviously aint on his level girl

>> No.6067194

ah maybe you shouldn't have left so quickly
oh well, talk to him the next time you see him

>> No.6067193

op, you got to be more aggressive. put on a skirt, take off your undies, stake out a seat in his eyeline and just slowly spread your legs while glaring at him

>> No.6067196

are you the indian chick from battlestar galactica?

>> No.6067202


>> No.6067205

holy fuck is this for real? my school uniform consisted of the exact same socks, same sweater and blue skirt

>> No.6067207

let's see the back

>> No.6067208

this confirms a girl can be forever21core on fa, look attractive and have all these juicy niggas bumping this thread to limit

but OP lets see the back

>> No.6067210

What an ungratful faggot he is

>> No.6067211
File: 1023 KB, 389x230, 11432346654.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is such BULLSHIT for fuck sake

this happened with that acne jacket thread and the trickster made a thread on /adv/ pretending to be the culprit


>> No.6067212

thanks, I still feel pretty horrible about it though. I don't even know why this bothers me so much.

>> No.6067213

post a pic pls bb gurl

>> No.6067215




>> No.6067220

That's not even OP, dumbshit.

>> No.6067216
File: 101 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw he speghettied because a girl talked to him and he was too nervous to speak

>> No.6067218

its alright yo, shit happens, u gotta brush it off and keep gawnin

>> No.6067221

u wot m8

>> No.6067222

what? it's impossible for a guy to reject a girl? get the fuck over it

>> No.6067223

hey bb posted one yesterday on the copped thread <3

OP i think the guy might have just been too shy to react

>> No.6067225


>> No.6067226

Hermoine Granger on summer holiday core.

>> No.6067227

what i didnt see... :(

>> No.6067228


i like the Pyrénées I might go there to do volunteering helping disable people this summer
We don't use School Uniform in my country I like them too


Beside CaseMod I don't know any tripfag but you mike do you have a Qt3.4effayGf.jpg ?

I might go back here later my potatoes are ready and i'm going to post picture of them in /ck/ brb and please post your feels too so that we can share our loneliness /fa/

>> No.6067235

>"..Hey..I've notice you for quite sometime..and I wanted to ..errm..what are you reading right now ?"

I never really realized that girls could be sperglords too

>> No.6067233


2/10 taking to Mike

>> No.6067237

She wanted you to talk to her and you didn't. Girls are stupid, you shouldn't read into their actions.

>> No.6067245
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>> No.6067239



sage, hidden and reported

>> No.6067260
File: 11 KB, 172x412, 55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry forgot 1 for pi ='_'=


u jelly fuccboï ?

>> No.6067261

>mfw girls are so intimidated by my 6'2" model frame and stunning light green eyes (paired with a majestic brown mane) that when I make eye contact with them they drop ALL of their spaghetti and blush.

>> No.6067262

In my opinion, you're like an 8or9/10, so you definitely have has attention, so don't worry about it

>> No.6067273

Lol you like like you're on some slutty Hogwarts type shit hufflepuff-ass hoe

Get at this wand though, I can teach that chamber of secrets somethin nahmean?

>> No.6067282

she might be petrified from your basilisk


>> No.6067295

>all the whiteknighting ITT
sometimes I forget how underage/new most /fa/ggots are

>> No.6067303
File: 358 KB, 300x169, 1367172989613.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jelly of what, u getting turned down by a beta faggot nerd reading books (its 2013 who reads books haha) and cant afford a good phone with a decent camera nah i aint made bitch i can buy u



>> No.6067316

damn yo, why u letting some chick rustle u

acting real beta right now bruh

>> No.6067328


dude i didnt get even get angry idiot

>> No.6067340

why did you call him an idiot tho? rude he didnt even do anything

>> No.6067347

You seem like a nice enough girl but holy shit the way you type infuriates me in a way I can't fully understand

will u marry me

>> No.6067345



>> No.6067356

ya wer suuposed to be meen to girls XD


>> No.6067359

damn girl dressin like that im surprised he didnt just stand up and walk away or bust out laughing.

>> No.6067372

>hfw he didnt say anything because he was trying to hold in his laughter

>> No.6067377

seems like you know your place then

>> No.6067382
File: 132 KB, 405x538, fat simons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao it's a trap

mf white knights get too excited

>> No.6067402

its even better that way....

>> No.6067409

Heya OP... he's a mute

>> No.6067410

We're supposed to be just as mean to girls as guys when they look dumb.

>> No.6067421

This is so obvious it hurts. Not even gonna say it.

>> No.6067425

OP this really isn't that hard to understand, you didn't do anything wrong the boy is just shy and super introverted. You gave it a shot and he didn't take advantage of the situation there is nothing more that you can do.

>> No.6067429


>> No.6067436


>> No.6067442
File: 14 KB, 219x520, 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks everyone for all the answers, I'll try one last time the next time I see him, like I'm going to go over say hi and give him my phone number on a pretty cute Bookmark I'll made myself

>> No.6067446

You left him speechless, he was intimidated by you.

Dont take that in a bad way, he probably didnt want to seem creepy so he didnt want to gaggle at you, youre obviously very attractive

>> No.6067447


>> No.6067451

I'd tap dat.

>> No.6067452


The first step to identifying a troll using someone elses pictures.

1. look at file name, if they are random numbers like 28, 66, 44 it is most definitely a troll.

This has been how to identify a troll thanks for listening.

>> No.6067470

except a lot of times that's how shit saves off a phone

>> No.6067472

she's posted fits in the previous thread

>> No.6067477

stop bumping this shit

>> No.6067485
