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/fa/ - Fashion

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6058169 No.6058169 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this board so fatshamey and gross?

>> No.6058181

why are you so fat? B)

>> No.6058175

pick one

>> No.6058187

what is fatshamey?

>> No.6058207

that's irrelevant

>> No.6058219

/fa/ needs to learn to walk a fine line. We want to be able to tell people who are looking for advice that, if they are overweight, that's the first thing they need to take care of. But where /fa/ is right now, we have a bunch of skinny, immature faggots trolling each other with:
>lose some weight, you fat sack of shit

Not too long ago, /fa/ was a better place where you could come for some honest-to-god criticism, unfiltered and brutal, but honest.

Now it's just:
>post a fit #nxtlvl #rekt let see the back pls be in london dick ovens raff simmons

>> No.6058255

Stop fucking projecting you fat piece of shit

>> No.6058296

>being a bigot

>> No.6058311

>Not too long ago, /fa/ was a better place where you could come for some honest-to-god criticism, unfiltered and brutal, but honest.
Sure it was.

>> No.6058313
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cuz /fa/ is full of malnourished aushwitz beta males and anything that deviates from that norm is labelled as ugly so that they can reinforce the delusion that being 6'7'' and 120lbs is something you should ever want

>> No.6058376

Fucking smelly, lazy piece of shit.

>inb4 muh thyroid condition

>> No.6058381


>> No.6058440
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I bet your lazy too anon, or do you count eating 900 kcal/day a workout?

>> No.6058454

tbh, of all the races, fat people are the least aesthetic. thats the haert of the issue

>> No.6058491


>> No.6058546

The whole thing is really to do with looking good, and the mentality that you must be a stick in order to look good. There are some Anons on here that understand you don't need to only drink water and smoke cigs to look good, but a good number of the young, highschool type think that anything beyond 130 pounds for a guy is massive.

It is kinda a fucked up culture, they mock the fit kids for being fit, the average kids for being fat, and each other for being fat. It is weird.

I'd say it is mostly fueled by the fact that the majority of the people posting here have weight issues, or more appropriately, body image issues, and that these issues are projected on everyone else here due to their own frustration with their own weight. It is a sad little cycle, but whatever.

It used to be better for that actually. Before, average people could post here without getting their asses chewed out. Now anyone that isn't at least slightly Ethiopian gets destroyed for being too overweight.

>> No.6058551
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>fat people
>heart... issue