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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 488 KB, 700x932, 6a00e54ef964538834014e89bf9f19970d-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6057025 No.6057025 [Reply] [Original]

Think back on the past week. Be positive.

What kind of compliments did you receive on your appearance this past week?
If nobody complimented you in real life, did somebody enjoy something fashion related you provided online?

>> No.6057056

Dyed my hair white this week.

Lot's of random people complimented me on it.

It almost makes it worth the chemical burns on my scalp.

>> No.6057057

Yeah, some people appreciated some advice and compliments i gave on /fa/

>> No.6057075

I work with ms. ghana from a few years back (i know wtf) but she complemented me on my hair.

thats all i remember that was out of the ordinary

waddupp mike

>> No.6057071

I overheard some girl talking about how well I dressed. But a part of me thinks that it was just my imagination and I'm going crazy.

>> No.6057078

no and no

>> No.6057080

>post a fit bait the thread

>> No.6057086


newkidsonmycock11 called me ugly and it hurt more than it should have

>> No.6057090

I don't think I got any compliments the past week. I decided to post some suggestions on /fa/ for a few anons though.

>> No.6057091

girl told someone she liked my hair.

was told my fit was good today, but now its covered in dog hair because I dogsat :(

>> No.6057094

My friend circle is too small for me to receive any compliments, haven't really contributed anything online that people have liked.

Hard to find motivation

>> No.6057103

>What kind of compliments did you receive on your appearance this past week
"You pull things off well"

>> No.6057105

I'd be interested in seeing a picture. That sounds cool.
What up mike.
I don't understand?
That's why I own tarantulas. They don't shed.

>> No.6057107

Ppl think I'm gay cuz I care about what I wear


I might as well wear loose jeans and a sweatshirt like other guys who get more pussy than a fuccboi like me

>> No.6057110

>implying i left the house

>> No.6057119

Someone said I had nice arms. :3

>> No.6057123

some fedora tier pleb casual complimented my backpack the other day on the train. felt great

>> No.6057128

u know what, u do that, dress for girls

b u

>> No.6057154
File: 318 KB, 1405x945, The_Greasers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You shouldn't wear your hat so much, your hair looks nice"
>"Those are some sick sneakers dude"
>"I like your shoes"
>"Your eyes look really blue today"
That's about it. I caught up with my friends again hiking, that was pretty fun.

Best week I've had in awhile, I guess.

>> No.6057161

>Anon, you are always well put together

coming from a decent looking effay girl.

>> No.6057177

this is a great idea for a board mike thnx bud yr doin a good thing

i wore a crop top 2day for the first time in my life n felt qt as fuq so im gonna pay myself a compliment :-)

>> No.6057192
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Enough about ourselves, how was your week, Mike?

Good, bad?

I'm here to feel, lay it on me.

>> No.6057202

I have had neither compliments or any notable amount of praise for anything posted here this week but I did feel Alpha as fuck in the fit I put on for clubbing on Saturday night. Other than that the only other thing that really made me feel good this week was a chick thinking I was 22 when I'm 18 and I usually think of myself as a young looking 18 y/o, felt good but idk why.

>> No.6057215

I showed up at my workplace in my "normal" clothes. I got a lot of compliments regarding my style.

>> No.6057212

Haha I love it when I overhear girls talking to each other about me in a good way, don't get it as often as I'd like though

>> No.6057226

Crop top as in showing off your midriff?
It's the end of the semester and I'm graduating in less than a week. I drank Wednesday - Saturday night. If only I had a camera crew to follow my crew around, it was very ridiculous.

>> No.6057222

I chuckled sorry m8

>> No.6057228

my friend said i looked fly B^)

>> No.6057235
File: 18 KB, 402x402, Sigmund-Freud-9302400-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's your love life, Mike?

>> No.6057230

someone told my mom my hair looked nice

>> No.6057232

> You look like a model
> You're a handsome lad
> You have nice arms
> You're beautiful

I don't understand, I don't even look good.

>> No.6057238

>"Anon, did you get a girlfriend? You've lost a bunch of weight and look so much better!"
>N-no, thanks though
>"Oh, you got a boyfriend? Great news Anon!"
>I'm n-not gay, ha ha
I actually did get a gf but fuck those nosy bitches at work

>> No.6057239

>all dem HY mires

>> No.6057254

also I asked a qt girl to prom and she said yes
doesn't really fit the thread but made me kind of happy

>> No.6057249

In the past week, I was told that I have a nice nose, nice cheekbones, nice lips, nice shoulders, a nice bag (just a filson), a nice watch (just a daniel wellington), that I could be a model, and that I have a nice body.

I usually shower once every five days or so, although this week I showered three times. it's really all about genetics.

>> No.6057262

>Your hair looks so different to everyone elses, but in a good way.
>Yeah its like a sideways mohawk

I almost came close to saying its a hitler youth even though it really isnt

>> No.6057264

Maybe this is the wrong board for this but I had 3 friends that I hadn't seen in awhile ask me if I have been working out. Feels good man

>> No.6057267


why would you lie? is your gf fat? i guess i'd lie, too, if my gf was fat

>> No.6057268

yeh midriff

whats your major mike

>> No.6057277

People compliment me all the time, mostly girls. To be fair, the bar is low when it comes to style around here.

>> No.6057285

A girl told me that I was "visually striking"... Lol. She said my skin tone and eyes were perfect
>tfw didn't ask for her number after she stood there for a good 2 seconds of awkward silence before moving along ;_;

>> No.6057292

Nope I just hate my personal and professional lives mixing. I have never pried into their business, they can stay out of mine.
Also I dropped from 205lbs to 160, my days of wine+dining chubbies and hoping for awkward handjobs in my car are over.

>> No.6057294

I got complimented by my friend's sister on how clear my skin was.

>> No.6057297

oh, and its mostly lie ''You dress in such nice clothes!'' and ''Just about nobody but you wears nice clothes here''

>> No.6057306

my hair gets complimented a lot. $13 from some old dago

got a few compliments during the week at work and a couple this weekend

expecting to get a suit for a wedding soon and ordered some plebtier shit that should arrive this week

i rarely get responses in waywts. maybe i should start posting my face like the other attention whores

>> No.6057308

I don't want to talk about that on 4chan, but I guess most people would consider it good. This board is archived by somebody other than me now remember.
Computer Science

>> No.6057316

ECE here
mein neger.

>> No.6057318

do it

>> No.6057322

that's probably one of the best fucking feels

>> No.6057330

i have to agree.
>hold a girl's hand
>OMG your hands are SO soft!
metrosexual feels are best feels

>> No.6057340

kids at my school did a skit for their presidential campaign and asked me to be an actor. they said it was because the way I dress is so unique that people know me for it.

positive feel

too bad the skit was super fucking awkward.

>> No.6057349

also two girls told me they liked my shoes and a different girl obsessed over my hair for like fifteen minutes.

come to think of it a lot of girls commented on my shoes.

gettin' bitches.

>> No.6057357

give dem the D niqqa
Give it
they want it, its obvious.

>> No.6057366

My fucking niggas.
>go to gym
>say hellos to gym rats
>gym rat 1: bro, this might sound gay, but your face looks perfect, like no pimples of any of that shit. what do you to keep it clear?
>gym rat 2: yeah man no homo but shit's pretty damn smooth looking.
>me: change your pillow cases and lay off the protein shakes
>gym rats 1 & 2 simultaneously: hell no!
>gym rat 1: except the pillow case idea, that sounds pretty easy

>> No.6057371

"hey i like your shoes where do you get them i saw a pair just like that in a catalogue except the platform was higher and the heel was a little bi-"

"suck my cock."


>> No.6057376

the hair one, at least

>> No.6057379

>I like your shoes
>you look nice, as always
>what shoes are those? I like them
>you look sharp, so put together

I always worry that I'm ungrateful for these, I always say thank you and return a compliment if they have anything complimentary

>> No.6057382

bitch complimented me on my tortoise shell glasses
I think another middleschool asian complimented me on my flyknits
I agree this feel is amazing
the compliment would resonate within me for at least a week

>> No.6057383

what shoes?

>> No.6057388

got my hair cut, tried something new.
tons of people notice.
"hey did you get your hair cut? it looks really good on you."

>> No.6057390

oh god iktf
what the hell am i supposed to say after they compliment me
wtf niga
social interactions are hard, man

>> No.6057392
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>mfw i realize how much you get complimented correlates directly with how much you talk with other people
>if you don't have friends, don't talk a lot, or don't seem approachable it doesn't matter how well you dress, you won't get compliments

>> No.6057415

If someone compliments me on whatever I just say "thanks, that's really nice of you to say". That way you don't have to think of some specific thing on the spot, but you're still making the other person feel good

In my country any sort of kindness like that is extremely rare outside of close friends and family, so it's something to treasure

>> No.6057417

one pair I really don't like that much (cream boots with a medium heel and military-style buttoning on the front), another was just a beaten up pair of combat boots that I wore to walk around in that some punk chick said were cool.

some guy said something like "you got some dainty feet" when i was wearing some basic bitch black heels.

here's to hoping he doesn't rape me.

>> No.6057423
File: 39 KB, 456x356, 1352158543867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I used to be sociable; everyone and their mother (literally lol) used to tell me how handsome I was
>mfw come to uni and become recluse hermit; very few compliments only from extrovert sororstitutes

>> No.6057436
File: 16 KB, 640x524, noted fashion designer rick owens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cream boots
>medium heel
>military-style buttoning

>> No.6057441

>go to a party
>drunk qt tells me she likes my beard
>feel good for a bit
>realize she's complimenting everyone's beard
>feel bad bc my beard isn't special
>later realize she just has a huge beard fetish and i could've totally gotten it in


>> No.6057453
File: 53 KB, 280x335, raf mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people kept saying i have nice hair

i got called elvis tooo

>tfw "wheres your guitar"

>> No.6057471

We're in this one together, anon.
Keep the faith, let the moment of disillusionment pass, be who you were then, now, whatever the response from your environment. You had something going at one point, now keep working at it.

>> No.6057472

cream balmorals with a thick heel sound pretty nice actually

>> No.6057487

>study at BU
>get mired by grills and gay guys all the time
>girls think I'm gay
>gay guys actually hit on me
>yesterday, a gay dude walks towards my table
>(I was eating alone this time)
>as soon as he approaches and before he says anything i tell him, with a pissed off look
>"I'm not gay, no thank you"
>he looks at me and his face turns crimson red
>he leaves all embarrassed

Why is this school fool of stupid, stereotypical, vapid, vacuous people? Fuck the U.S., honestly.

Although I must say, I get off on rejecting these faggots that hit on me. Seeing them feel like shit feels pretty good. But these chicks, man. Anybody here in an art school or an Ivy?

>> No.6057497

repressed homo spotted

>> No.6057499

Rape a bitch and then the women will know you're straight

>> No.6057503

Met a girl through a mutual friend
>I see you around campus all the time, and I always love your clothes

Told a girl I consistently liked her fits
>stops mid-chew and blushes, finally swallows food
>Me? ...Really? Oh my god that's so nice. I'm [name], by the way.

Told a different girl I liked her fits
>Oh my god, thank you. And I love your haircut. And your glasses. And those shoes. Your whole outfit is great.

Chatting with a gay guy I just met on Friday night
>You have a great body
>You're so masculine
>I know you're straight, but do you want a blowjob?
Not even kidding about the bj. That was an awkward conversation.

It feels good to have slowly realized that I look good enough on a daily basis that I can use clothes as an opener for literally any girl I meet out of the blue.

>> No.6057508

>art school
oh boy

>> No.6057509
File: 90 KB, 493x750, Brazeeeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being rude
Dude you know you can be friends with gay guys without engaging in sexual activities? It's actually good to befriend gays because they're close with almost all women (attractive ones as well) and they can hook you up or tell their "girlfriends" about you. Lrn2socialize.

>> No.6057513

>I'm not gay, no thank you
>he looks at me and his face turns crimson red

iktf. Is there I kinder way to say this? I always feel like an asshole for bluntly rejecting gay guys but at the same time I don't want to lead them on.

>> No.6057520

>mfw it also has to deal with looking approachable
>I never look very happy

>> No.6057524

>not accepting the blowjob
a true patrician ascends society's ridiculous notions of sexuality

>> No.6057532

>9 random people telling me i smell nice, 6 being women

people just love dem iris basenotes of dior homme

>> No.6057539

i got compliments on my preme x cdg 5panel, my reigning champ hoodie, my plokhov shirt, and my suit
feels good mang

>> No.6057546
File: 129 KB, 800x600, 1362181367006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a complete cunt

>> No.6057548

maybe you should stop looking so gay you faggot

>> No.6057542

You sound like a cool guy, I'd buy you a beer and ask for a bj from you

>> No.6057543

Who said anything about worrying about society's "notions of sexuality"? I just don't want to fuck dudes.

I'm >>6057503 and I know your feels, bro.

>all gay guys on campus know me
>hit on me
>flirt with me
>gossip about me
>tell their friends that I'm hot
>tell me I have an amazing ass

And, like you said

>girls think I'm gay all the fucking time

It was funny the first 2-3 times, but it got old really fucking fast.

>> No.6057550


>> No.6057553

I've had two beautiful girlfriends, but whatever dude.

>> No.6057559
File: 145 KB, 500x665, chico1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm constantly sporting the "model pout" ;_;

>> No.6057560

Gay guys hang out with dancers like half the time. Befriend them rather than pie them, might get some 10/10 pussy out of it

>> No.6057571

Well, the girls at RISD are much smarter and creative that these dumb bitches. I've actually hooked up with a few when I've visited my friends.

>> No.6057568

I would let Francisco rape me.

>> No.6057574

>dior homme
took note

>> No.6057578

I was told by a possibly gay black man that I should model. A friend of a friend complimented my eyebrows saying they're very expressive and bold.

>> No.6057582

I have friends, a lot actually, just none in my current university. People I've met here are fucking bland.

>> No.6057575

Not him, but it's not that I don't want to be friends with them, I just don't want them to have unrealistic expectations and get let down later after I accept their initial advances. I just want things to stay on the friend track rather than veer onto the boyfriend track.

>> No.6057591

That's actually awesome. Good eyebrows can be a huge deal for facial aesthetics.

>> No.6057599

You shouldn't feel like an asshole. It's their fault for conforming to these generic gender roles and assuming (just like sororitibitches) that a man with a sense of style must be gay.

>> No.6057606

It's not just gays and sorority girls. It's fucking everybody. If you don't look like shit, people think you like dick.

>> No.6057605

Yeah i was happy with that one. I had just started plucking and it makes a huge difference. Not one that is totally noticeable, but makes an impression.

>> No.6057607

stay plen

>> No.6057614

I know that feel anon I had a sports injury during my first semester of college and my confidence died and I haven't really been able to reclaim it.

>> No.6057621

Lucky duck. I have fairly weak eyebrows that are also quite blond (thankfully still visible), and I dream of having nice, thick, straight eyebrows.

>> No.6057616

I had a mexican chick say I had great eyebrows and then go on to suck my fingers until I pared her. I've also led a gay guy on to buy me all my drinks on a night out, left with a chick I danced with while he was queuing at the bar.

>> No.6057617

Yeah, it's really frustrating. I just want to leave this country once I graduate, anyway, this place sucks.

>> No.6057623

I was as my asian mate's house, and his family were over. All the women were like, "you so handsome!". I didn't know what to say.

>> No.6057624

poorfag without designer clothes detected

>> No.6057638

Try to hold a smiling, happy expression as much as possible when you're alone, using the computer, etc. To do it properly, think about raising the sides of your face straight up. Relax your lips as much as possible, let the cheek muscles do most of the work. You will feel them fatiguing after a few hours or so, but keep at it. The goal is to strengthen those muscles just like any other you would work out. The result will be a tighter resting position and a happier, more energetic default expression.

>> No.6057639

bring up how attractive you find some random woman, and act completely ignorant that the guy is gay.

>"Damn, did you see that chick that just walked by? super sexy, am I right?"

>> No.6057648

Know the feel, I had two guys who were the only guys to come out in my high school year both have crushes on me. All the chicks thought I was gay because those guys would talk about me and say things like "I think he's bi, I bet he is" and shit. I only found out about this months later when I became friends with a guy they were friends with, these gays probably cost me pussy that year...

>> No.6057643
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>If you don't look like shit, people think you like dick.

>> No.6057644

yeah i actually want caras brows

>> No.6057651

Well, that's only in the U.S. and many places in Latin America. Ever been to Berlin, London, or Barcelona? Much more sophisticated than this shithole of a country (Excluding NYC)

>> No.6057655

Vote Republican

>> No.6057661

Americans are shit. Seriously.

>dude uncircumcised dicks are so weird
>why do you even care about clothes?
>I want to study abroad but I'm worried that I won't be able to wear pajamas to class
>dude I just bought a bunch of PBR; let's get hammered

It's a whole fucking country of mongoloids. The more time I spend in college, the less surprised I am that Americans are shit at travelling internationally; they're often entitled cunts who have no appreciation for, or even acknowledgement of, cultures outside their own. I'm an immigrant who was raised by European parents, and I just can't connect with Americans when it comes to clothing, socializing, drinking, or even shit like study habits.

>omg anon why are you never working

Because I don't fucking lurk in the library for six hours at a time while just texting my friends, you fuck.

>> No.6057678

Hm, I'm keeping this one in mind. I hate acting like that, but I'll compromise for these situations. Thanks.

>> No.6057696

I'm sure there's a much less douchey way of doing it

just as long as you express attraction to a woman you should be golden

>> No.6057698

I hate my country to. I know everyone hates on France but I'd love to move there in my later life, or London.

>> No.6057706

Hate to break it to you but it's the same in pretty much any western European country from my experience, and I imagine anywhere where you don't need to be particularly smart to get into Uni. Things might be different in China, if that sounds appealing to you.

>> No.6057713

"y-you too"

>> No.6057718

Oh shit dude, I reciprocate those feelings. So many of them solely study and have no other interests. I've had better luck when I've visited more elite colleges, but it's usually the international students that have the most substance.

>> No.6057725

>your hair looks really good
only compliment I can remember
Also someone told me I should grow my hair to shoulder length wtf

>> No.6057738


>> No.6057732

>Hating on Paris or Monte Carlo
only philistine would (not you)

>> No.6057735

Dude, this will get a lot of hate because most of /fa/ went to tourist spots here, but move to LA. Everyone here is accepting and, especially West Hollywood/Beverly Hills, most don't look like shit. It's all about location.

>> No.6057736

Did you do internships?
>compsci major here in his 2nd year
>trying to land his first internship for a fall position
thanks and god bless

>> No.6057746
File: 156 KB, 442x663, 1360552498751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst part for me is that the gay guys at my school don't even look good. Why is it so hard to imagine a guy who likes girls...and clothes?

Agreed. Or something like pic related.

>gays probably cost me pussy that year

I shudder at the thought of how many girls think I'm gay because of how I dress, and because I hang out with gay guys. Fuck.

France could be fucking awesome. Lots of places in Europe at least have some culture.

I definitely romanticize Europe, since I haven't been there in years, but at the very least I'd like to go somewhere where people can socialize with alcohol on the side, rather than drinking for the sake of getting shitfaced. My roommate last semester was a Canadian who spent the four months fucking disgusted by how American kids drink.

>> No.6057765 [DELETED] 

Re-read what I said, unlike others I love France which is why I WANT to move there

>> No.6057774 [DELETED] 

Wait "not you" what are you saying, have I just confused myslef with ur reply or wut omag head aehurts a

>> No.6057792

I'm in one of those schools that some faggot labeled "public ivy" and most people here are boring and awkward as fuck.

Maybe not "boring," but really easily figured out.

>sorority girl
Oh let me guess, you have a boyfriend who's in a frat and who wears boat shoes, you run and do yoga, and your facebook says something like "I love to have a good time!"

>resume padders
Always off to some bullshit meeting for some club. Always rushing. Always giving me shit for taking it easy and having the time to just sit and do nothing if that's what I want to do.

No surprises there.

Friday was our last day of classes, and we had a big cookout on our "quad" or whatever it's called on most campuses. Most people were drunk as fuck, wearing neon tank tops and the kind of wayfarers that get handed out for free. I popped into the library to see who was there, and it was just a handful of asian kids. THOSE are the fuckers who actually study, not the girls who sit and gossip for hours on end and then bitch about how much work they did.

>> No.6057867
File: 1016 KB, 296x225, 1366170074208.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"wow i like your sneakers, what are those?"
>"i just realized you have really pretty eyes"
>"woooww ur sooo HOTT!!!"
>"oh my god you are beautiful"
>"u look exactly like psy!!! from gango style!"
>"jiminy crickets youre so gorgeous! how?!?!"
>"wow ur ripped can you flex for me haha"
>"those jeans are dope u look like a million bucks"
>"wow ur the best counterstrike player ever"
>"wow ur so much better at counterstrike than my bf!!!"
>"how did u get so good at counterstrike???"
>"wow u dress so...i cant rly describe it its great"
>"i cant believe ur so good looking and ur good at counterstrike"
>"where can i get a fedora like that??"

was a pretty crappy week overall ill do better next week

>> No.6057880

>good at counterstrike.
niiiiiiiiiiggggaa tho.

>> No.6057889


some girl who works at the semi-expensive pizza joint compliment my

givenchy shark hoodie.

was underneatth my jacket she has a good eye.

>> No.6057888


>> No.6057905


hey man ur my favourite poster :)

>> No.6057906


Screencapped and reported for samefaging

>> No.6057910

She wants the D

>> No.6057915

Fucking lol, nigga u gay?

>> No.6057921

Wait, off he's gay...
>WWE gif

>> No.6057922

what r u trying 2 say???


stop this isnt tight
stop samefag
same guy again!!! stop its not tight dude stop

overall just stop it man

>> No.6057924

>being this jealous of no

>> No.6057933
File: 97 KB, 500x500, hanamontanama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm syin hop on. And you should really consider pickin up a trip m8!

>> No.6057932


@ an ivy, but whatchu know bout that, nigga?

BU is state-tier lmao

>> No.6057971

i mean REALLYy


>> No.6057972
File: 431 KB, 1100x768, 1355089182840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gays compliment me on my watch
>Play along
>They can't tell if I'm gay or not
>All the girls mirin and smilin at me
>Why do none of them ever approach me

>> No.6057994

What watch? I'm getting my first watch hopefully next week.

>Why do none of them ever approach me
Know that feel. Girls are passive and often stupid. If a guy likes the look of someone, he'll think "I should talk to her," while a girl in the same situation usually (not always) will think "he should come talk to me," and then feel disappointed when nothing happens.

You have to initiate. Seriously. I hate it as much as you do that girls never walk up and just introduce themselves, and that that's always up to us, but that's just the way it is.

>> No.6058002

wore a shirt that wasn't fitted and got a shit ton of compliments from girls. I slept in it the night before, making it wrinkled a bit, it was from brooks brothers but i dont think that matters. I wore a thick knit blue sweatshirt from jcrew and was told i looked like i should be going to yale.

>> No.6058032

they want the D

>> No.6058080

Nope, you probably have a gay personality.
Unless your hanging out with 40 year olds or poor kids i don't see how they would have that kind of logic.

>> No.6058127

will do

>> No.6058133

Yeah I worked the summer between my sophomore and junior year, and also between my junior and senior year.

I'd say that was paramount to me getting job offers now. You need to try and get internships.

>> No.6058182


because you have to approach them. Stop waiting for them to do the work and get your ass out there and do it yourself. The sad truth is that most bitches believe that its the mans job to approach. unless you're an extremely chill guy and they and everyone else are getting good vibes from you, or your like 20/10, they aren't going to appraoch you. Sorry buddy, this is something you're going to need to put effort into. Its fun though, try it out. Even if you fail you just find another hot chick with the exact same personality. Its almost like talking to the same chick all night.

>> No.6058191

I get complimented on my makeup a lot. But on Saturday I had to wear a certain makeup look to work that was pretty ridiculous. Sparkly green and shit. But I got complimented at least 10 times.

>> No.6058214


>be at bar with buddies
>Some random faggot comes along with us
>don't like this guy from the start, hes a real fuckin prick
>Starts fuckin with me
>"nice jonas brother hair buddy"
>"says the man with no hair at all, ask any girl here what they think of my hair
>"Lets do it you fuckin homo"

Long story short bitches were running their hands through my hair and stuff telling me how much they like it and that guy ended up feeling like a bitch.

Sure must suck to be a stupid fuccboi

>> No.6058216

Cool. Yeah I'm trying to fill up my resume with side projects and school assignments. I have a bit of side projects (working on a game) and hopefully school projects work in my favor. Problem is that I want to get into reverse engineering but there aren't many internships on that. Most are just the typical software dev or QA test.

Are you going to work as a software developer? thanks in advane.

>> No.6058224
File: 24 KB, 698x672, 1359132271301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a hot latina from the cosmetic department at my job told me that my hairs look good
that was cool
>my friends that I don't see a lot and some people that I went to high school with told me that I should be a model for Urban Outfitters.
t-thanks I guess..

>> No.6058227

past week

>you look like elvis
>how do you get your hair like that
>dude your jacket's sick (lol asos bomber)
>your jawline is insane

feels gud mayne

>> No.6058231

Shit son, you've actually motivated me to become semi-alpha. I've always thought being 6'3" is probably intimidating to most girls, put now I've got to turn the tables and make it work for me.

>> No.6058234

got my haircut and a lot of people complimented me on it
went to a party and got called a hipster because of my clothes
I also got called handsome by a hot chick a couple of times

>> No.6058239

>told me that I should be a model for Urban Outfitters.
You're not the only one brother... I didn't know what to think of that either...

>> No.6058248

at least they think that we look good

>> No.6058269

I was told i look hot by my cousin...

>> No.6058258

Side projects are good, just link to them on your resume and be sure to relate interview questions to those projects, as well as an intern work you get. I'd focus on just getting an internship doing anything CS related. You can specialize when you're a senior, or after you graduate when companies will pay for you to get a masters in fun stuff. I'm going into the cyber security field.

>> No.6058263

Got two different people complimenting my facial aesthetics.

>> No.6058266

>Why do none of them ever approach me
I think playing along with the gay dudes is your issue.

>> No.6058273

last hour

>omg ur shoes are so nice i just wanna fuck u
>i can imagine you having a very large penis
>are you a style god?
>are you a model? do you know francisco lachowski?
>your face is a combination of brad pitt and zeus, mirin
>i just turned gay for you
>you are a 10/10
>that was the best sex i ever had, please make me your sex slave

overall pretty average

>> No.6058285


Your little brother sounds cute

>> No.6058305

8/10 Filipino chick at my school set me up to go to prom with her 8/10 qt3.14 asian friend. I took it as a complement.

>> No.6058298

You're absolutely right. Getting my foot in the door should be my main priority right now. I could dive into stuff that interests me later on, but right now I should just do my best to land an internship.

Thank you for your advice, I really appreciate it. Hope your career is successful, and congrats!

>> No.6058299


>> No.6058307


intimidating? No, they LOVE it. I'm 6'2 myself, and they alll talk about how i'm so tall and what not. Seriously. Just go out there and fail til you win.

>> No.6058310

>equivocating that hard

>> No.6058322

is your cousin hot?
tfw only have fat feminist cousins

>> No.6058325

why not both.gif

>> No.6058337



>> No.6058341

kind of
we used to be pretty touchy and playful and have sleepovers, etc. but now whenever her boyfriend visits he sits between us

i think hes jealous lmao

>> No.6058344

Thanks. Stick with it. It pays off in the end.

>> No.6058345
File: 109 KB, 500x505, uwishuwereme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'll fail
Nigga I'm 160 lbs, ottery as fuck, and my face is a 7.5/10
>mfw I'll probably beta out ;_;

>> No.6058349


My cousin has sever autism


Seriously though she is a piece of shit, i fucking hate her. I know its the autism but i don't give a fuck. Autism or not she treats everyone like piss and shes rude as fuck. It may be fucked up but fuck her, i keep her out of my life for good reason.

>> No.6058359


No, you probably will fail because you have no game. We all do. Over time you just get better and better.

>> No.6058362

I am on 4chan, do you think I could ever pull that off?

>> No.6058371
File: 298 KB, 500x750, 34384385438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always thought that. Like is there any point to being Lachowski tier if your game is horrid?

>> No.6058438

i go to bu and im straight w/ no friends. wanna hang? im pretty /fa/ youve prolly seen me around and mired

>> No.6058460

>mfw getting an offer like this is one of my greatest fears

What if your /fa/ levels don't match up? Does one leave in shame, while the other thinks "scum" and you avoid each other?

>> No.6058481
File: 50 KB, 300x349, Glen Plaid Producer Suit - Express.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought pic related for $420. I done goofed.

But got compliments.

>> No.6058484

ehh i've kind of plebed myself down lately and i wear the same shirt like every day

from what i can tell the dude is like asian or soemthing though and so i wouldn't be intimidated by him

>> No.6058507

Ha, know that feel.

>yeah well I'm tall and white so you can just fuck off faget

>> No.6058518

>implying I've had human contact this past week

>> No.6058764

tfw a sort of friend's girlfriend very clearly wants me and told me i was cute as fuck last night but im too in touch with feels to cheat

got a lot of compliments on these white teashade glasses i was wearing too

>> No.6058770


that guy is good looking enough that girls will literally do everything it takes so they can fuck him

>> No.6059206

>what if hes asexual

>> No.6059237

not really

its all a myth

if they didnt know who he was they would think he was attractive, yes - but they wouldnt go to those lengths

>> No.6059270

>Buying Suites from Express
HOLY SHIT MAN, return it right away

>> No.6059301

Got lots of compliments on my beard.
Got a compliment on a fit on here
Dude from school told me he liked my winter wardrobe and that it made him want to be more adventurous
Got a few compliments on my shoes

>> No.6059325

The cutie at the my fav. Thai restuarant complimented my McAllister Wingtip. The lady at the salon said my hair grew out nicely while she was cutting the sides and back.

>> No.6059333


you fucked up

>> No.6060547


>> No.6060581 [DELETED] 

my flatmates said they liked the shirt i was wearing but that i was the only one of them would be pull it off which is obviously reference to ny good looks lel
some bitch said i think im the shit(best way too give someone a big ego is to tell them they have a big ego)
some girl said 'i look good' in a nightclub and theres probably a few other drunken ones but i dont value them like i do the first two
this is really sad why am i typing this

>> No.6060585

my flatmates said they liked the shirt i was wearing but that i was the only one of them who would be able to pull it off which i took as quite a big compliment actually
some bitch said i think im the shit(best way too give someone a big ego is to tell them they have a big ego)
some girl said 'i look good' in a nightclub and theres probably a few other drunken ones but i dont value them like i do the first two
this is really sad why am i typing this

>> No.6060594


are u at plymouth zach i might be coming there will u show the pussy

>> No.6060637

I was slutting it up mad hard on /soc/ the other day and people said I had beautiful eyes (and a nice cock).
I also put a hairbrush in my arse, but that was a shitty idea.

No compliments on clothes but I'm not very effay because I'm poor and a loser :)

>> No.6060648


>> No.6060679


>> No.6060686

Was at a coffee place here and an old gentleman(german) and his wife(spanish) started talking to me in spanish and he said he knew as soon as he saw my "beautiful smile" that i wasnt german (cause he says germans are cold as ice and i agree)


>> No.6060701


>> No.6060720
File: 251 KB, 500x560, srslyme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6060757


you make me feel physically ill

>> No.6060766


how is your underdeveloped wasteland treating you

>> No.6060771

hows that mandela shirt you dont have?

>> No.6060777

Why's that? Have I wronged you in some way? Do you not agree with my camwhoring?

>> No.6060780

>underdeveloped wasteland


>> No.6060790


Spain is an underdeveloped wasteland. Every time I go there on the train I pass a million supermarkets/construction sites that are abandoned and half built.

>> No.6060795

i was on da bus n some peng tings passed me and said mmmmm he's nice and got off the bus


>> No.6060796

Im not in Spain and Im not from there either

>> No.6060841

Not exactly a compliment, but I passed through the gay street(s) of my city today and I literally got stared at by SO MANY GAY GUYS

It was kind of weird and made me feel like what I imagine good-looking girls get all the time

>> No.6060844

did you like it?

>> No.6060847



>> No.6060876


At first it was like "yeah at least I'm attractive to gay guys", but, maybe because it was outside a load of gay bars, the ones who were checking me out just made no attempt to be subtle at all and it got creepy

>> No.6061242
File: 180 KB, 750x1000, 1364163322710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was asking a girl for advice if I should keep my hair shorter or long-ish. Not metal kind of long, more like pic related kind of long.

She said that I would look good in short hair and it's a bit more practical, but with longer I look more stylish.

I g-guess that's a compliment r-right?

>> No.6061251

Oh, and some other girl said something similar too - not about the hair though. I tend to hear complements about my style, "you are stylish" or stuff along the lines. Can't recall anything else though.