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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 8 KB, 586x306, meepisbest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6053304 No.6053304 [Reply] [Original]

Who are your Favorites?

>> No.6053313

Denim Dan

>> No.6053323

Denim Dan

>> No.6053324

fuck off hampus

>> No.6053335

fuck off dan

>> No.6053340

fuck off dan you fat piece of shit

>> No.6053346




none, they all attention hos

>> No.6053352

forgot mifune also

>> No.6053357

They're all shit

>> No.6053366

shit tier

denim dan
matt helders

>> No.6053371

Komme 5ever
U will b in my heart always

>> No.6053376

komme was dadcore af

>> No.6053377


>> No.6053378

nig with an e30

>> No.6053388

They're all dreadfull, attention whores. They all namedrop and shitpost and most of them have horrible advice and fits.

>> No.6053397


based hated is cool

ok -

james, tinfoil, ct, rei, uhhhh


shit city slicker
matt helders
nig with an e30
that aiouh guy forgot his name??

>> No.6053421

>recommending brands is namedropping

>> No.6053438

yes someone recognized me
but why is nig in the worst category
he's actually a good poster

>> No.6053448

Does Matt have a tumblr or blog or smthn?

>> No.6053443

prob because he's black and anon is racist

>> No.6053455


I believe it's called mango chutney.

>> No.6053462

love you bruv

>> No.6053464


wtf am i not entitled to my own opinion this is a democracy fuck

>> No.6053465

>mango chutney
y u gotta lie man

>> No.6053471

mamma död
twerk it

>> No.6053478


worst trip in a while

>> No.6053484



>> No.6053485

no lie

>> No.6053489

yea mango-chutney.tumblr.com

>> No.6053496

das better, proportions matt? u r my inspo~~

>> No.6053506
File: 259 KB, 447x750, tumblr_ml99fe4RKp1r9bm4oo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>matt you are my inspo

>> No.6053501

Do you have a tumblr? I like your fits.

>> No.6053502

I don't know any tripfags

>> No.6053512

>mango chutney
lol, is that a reference to New Girl?

>> No.6053516

the shoes ruin the fit

>> No.6053522


lol thanks
im ~174cm and weight 155lbs or so

>> No.6053535
File: 1.25 MB, 1480x2540, 1366116880765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hero

>> No.6053549


samefag as fuck dude

mechninant or whatever ur trip is just put it back on

>> No.6053550
File: 100 KB, 393x750, tumblr_mhnbj7Jyu21r9bm4oo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c these pants mayne?

>> No.6053558

get any black jeans and get them hemmed and tapered

>> No.6053573

this is not gaia online, please don't make your shoes the same colour as your jacket.
you too! if this is true and it's samefag, wow man stop doing this. I know the shoes don't match as much in this photo but try a darker breed ffs.

>> No.6053586
File: 1.77 MB, 1280x1593, billbrandt3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mate, i have a tumblr but it's not about fashion per say , though i upload a bit of fashion photography every once and a while.

Art, Photograph. 90% original uploads, with sources and in a high resolution.

>> No.6053589


I`m not him dudes

>> No.6053583
File: 183 KB, 958x684, tumblr as fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


commencing dump

>> No.6053602

is the pentax kx a good camera

captcha is matthew 436 lol

>> No.6053603
File: 220 KB, 1228x816, shrugs you dun goofd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6053609
File: 823 KB, 1224x1632, 1356974093516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6053619
File: 41 KB, 1252x192, space-chan on fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6053612
File: 966 KB, 1224x1632, 1356974766902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6053614


>> No.6053624
File: 29 KB, 580x348, reacfacecar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mike is my favorite because his haircut is so cool

>> No.6053634

what sweatpants?

>> No.6053647

this guy
that one guido
that one guy that wears lots of givenchy
that one guy that always posts pics of his girlfriend in exotic places

>> No.6053655

no this is the internet

>> No.6053656


I hope so. /p/ Advised me to buy one when i inquired for a compact film camera (vacations and shiet). I have yet to develop my first roll of film i shot with it so idk.Built quality is excellent though and it looks great.

How do you know that i own one btw? I just bought it.

>> No.6053658


>> No.6053659

Damn, those are some nice photographs. I don't even have a Tumblr but I might have to make one just to follow you or however it works on Tumblr. Are your fits on there?

>> No.6053667

> Note: compact in size, it's a SLR.

>> No.6053676

Denim dan

>> No.6053677

Y'know that Nial business that was going on? It your name actually Nial? What was that all about?

>> No.6053681

they're the iloveugly zespy trackpants in charcoal

>> No.6053693

>no tripsk
>no rumple
>no curlgurl

what happened to /fa/'s qts?

>> No.6053689

good thanks, ordering right now

>> No.6053703

these? http://www.iloveugly.net/bottoms/zespy-pant/zespy-pant-dark-grey-2265.html

sold out in black
only available in xl in dark grey

>tfw everytime i wanna buy a sweatpants i can't

>> No.6053708

>ugly (fat)
>ugly (plain ugly)
>ugly (crossed eye + generic)

>> No.6053715

ilu has missed out on so much money by never having those in stock

>> No.6053719

yeah they dumb as fuck, son
finding a sweatpants is so hard these days

>> No.6053724

yeah thats them
they usually sell out fairly quick its such a high demand for them i dont know why they dont work harder to stock more but i'm sure they have reasons
order a size down
(i'm wearing size small which says 28 waist but i'm 30/31 waist)

othshop has some in small and XL currently i think thats the only place you can get right now
the picture on othshop looks shit because they're wearing a size too large i think


>> No.6053733

I bought mine from othshop.ca just a few days ago
They look like shit on the model, but that'd because they are a size too big

>> No.6053738

you could buy em from void

I'm a 30 waist and have mediums, the look fine and definitely not that bad

>> No.6053750

yeah i dunno how they managed to make them look like that on their model

>> No.6053758


>> No.6053774


she is dry as fuck

>> No.6053799

typical case of a highschool loser that posted a couple of pics on /fa/, had a couple of neck beards reply saying how hot she is (when she really isnt) and now she has the ego up to the moon and thinks shes the shit
Shes one of the most pathetic trips in /fa/

>> No.6053814

Chill tier, in no particular order:
>Denim Dan

Okay, I don't mind you or care about your opinion that much tier:
>nig e30

Absolutely cannot stand tier:
>Holy Spirit of Dax Riggs or whatever the fuck his stupid name is

>> No.6053845
File: 58 KB, 720x960, 1360977262141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot about mike, but i'd imagine he doesn't want the attention

>> No.6053869
File: 271 KB, 240x180, 1361513983753.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl-/ type jolien. nothing shows up ;_; tfw I gotta try harder.

The trips I like the most are
twerk : Sorry for having ruined a lot of threads you were in :)
uuuuhhhh: Gave me decent advice.
Dan: Was nice to me.

I know pepyn isn't a trip but <3

>> No.6053885


i hate this fucking faggot

>> No.6053890

everyone has demon eyes in that photo

>> No.6053903

who are you, again?

>> No.6053910


I'm way to new to be recognized. Was jokingly typing something to say before my list. I mostly just lurk a lot of different threads. Posted a bit in waywt's and posted a pic of me crossdressing in some cop or not thread. :3

>> No.6053916

Thanks Dan

>> No.6053915

I don't know who you are, but you sound like a whiny little bitch so I filtered you.

>> No.6053919

good taste

>> No.6053920


>> No.6053936

Haha I didn't actually want an answer.

>> No.6053937

oth only delivers to usa canada :( thx though
is 1959 reliable? never heard of them but the sweatpants look nice

>> No.6053934

What happened to matt helders?
Did he die or some shit?

Also does anyone have some waywt pics of uuuuhhhh? I have never seen him or his fits, ecxept for that one where he has a blue oxford

>> No.6053945

darn I got rused... good job.

>> No.6053948

Someone found out his real name was Nial and he left forever

>> No.6053956

what happened to mike?

does he have a tumblr? also does shrugs have a tumblr?

>> No.6053968
File: 308 KB, 554x603, 1351150693365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he died

>> No.6053971

Mike, bb, u a tru pimp bru

>> No.6053987

waaaaaaaa, nooooooooooo

>> No.6053991

i dont have one i dont have enough original material to warrant it
i assume mike is just around posting without his name or reading but not posting, or maybe just busy with his life but i'll see him post every now and again although not for a while now

>> No.6053995

Thats his tumblr

>> No.6054016
File: 529 KB, 810x977, tumblr_mhzie7VSEd1r9bm4oo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a little too much black matt

>> No.6054044

yeah lol i left that hoodie in a taxi anyway :-(

>> No.6054049

what brand was it

>> No.6054050

>dat forward neck

Such shit posture, matt needs to try going to the gym and a bit less time on the /fa/.

>> No.6054054

would work with better everything

>> No.6054069

it should be

>> No.6054081

how do you fix a forward neck? even when i stand up straigh this happens.
I push my head back, but then i look likea fat shit, and i am not fat. 5 11" and 135

>> No.6054082

What a difference 1 white/coloured piece would have made in that outfit. Not that I dislike this that much. Where is the hoodie from?

>> No.6054104


>> No.6054133

why would that fix it

also doesnt deadlifting give you wide hips?

>> No.6054165

it pretty much forces you to have good posture

>> No.6054188

What brand is the hoodie please?

>> No.6054196

bad genes gives u wide hips

>> No.6054220
File: 358 KB, 300x169, 1363492421328.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt deadlifting give you wide hips?

>> No.6054232
File: 83 KB, 424x750, city slickin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mamma dod
twerk it


denim dan
basedprophet (vomit)
natalie portman
chloe fiend
shit kicker city slicker (pic related)
dax riggs

>> No.6054239


>> No.6054246
File: 65 KB, 783x529, niggaithoughtitoldu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got named in this thread. cool. Good or Bad im still happy bout that.

bretty much all the trips are cool on here. if they post annoying crap i usually dont let it get to me.

i dont want to name anyone bc i feel like as if im slobbing on their knob and i know some of yall are homosexual and would enjoy that but no thank you. but yeah if i have interacted with you positively on here chances are i like you

everyone else can suck a dogs dick

>> No.6054254

Go back to /a/ you fucking fat cunt

>> No.6054264

I haven't been mentioned at all :0

hashtag trip

>> No.6054261
File: 91 KB, 364x500, enhanced-buzz-24996-1278016328-19_width_600x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>privileged white kids in dresses critiquing rap from the perspective of its actual audience

>> No.6054269

I'm squids

>> No.6054273

I cant into trips :-(

>> No.6054278

I never ever browsed /a/though.

>> No.6054295


>> No.6054287

name followed by 1 # or 2 #s (for secure trip) followed by "password" phrase
no spaces

>> No.6054309


drop your trip and stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.6054311

Nope, sorry man. I don't really save my old fits. I might have a few lingering about on my laptop but that's about it.

>> No.6054308

>second favorites
>least favorites

>> No.6054317

uniqlo undercover

i dont actually stand like that irl

>> No.6054314

/fa/cist /fa/ggot

>> No.6054324

>drop your trip and stop embarrassing yourself
Stop being so angry I never did anything wrong to you.

>> No.6054337

no one's angry you just don't contribute anything or are valuable enough in any way to justify tripping

>> No.6054341

let's see

>> No.6054346

>tfw uniqlo doesn't deliver in your country

>> No.6054362

rei and squids and all the other supremefags

>> No.6054354

That's such a good looking backpack, hnnng.

>> No.6054360

I'm working on it. Gimme a chance will ya?

>> No.6054364

then stop tripping till you get there

this is a really simple system jesus

>> No.6054370

work on it w/o your name if you don't want to be insulted

>> No.6054371

what brand is it

>> No.6054373


whatd i do 2 u ;_;;;;;

>> No.6054381

wearing yr bag like thats gonna mess up your shoulders rl bad matty

source: it happened 2 me

>> No.6054382


>> No.6054383


I believe it's KVA x Eastpak


you uploaded that disgusting fit

>> No.6054391

lol yeah i finally yanked it up a little the other day and it sits where it should now

>> No.6054398


thats the only objectively horrid fit ive ever uploaded tho

>> No.6054397

you posted this

>> No.6054411



stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.6054404

drop your trip you fucking nerd

>> No.6054413


anonymous is easy mode fgt

i trip because then every single fit i make, shit or not shit is tied back to me

>> No.6054820

Oh okay, Where do I cop tat beige sweater you wore in one of your recent fits?

>> No.6055705


does anyone have any fit's from uuuuhhhh
I havent seeen anyting from him

>> No.6055744
File: 16 KB, 355x231, happy-owl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the shoutout, anon-kun.

>> No.6055758

drop trip or start contributing to board plz u did good by dropping trip in that one thread but then ppl were like HEY UR OWL FUKER

>> No.6055781
File: 394 KB, 809x1186, wayidot222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh this one? It's by COS, inversed sweat. From last years collection. They don't sell it anymore.

>> No.6055783


Define 'contributing to board'.

>> No.6055790

>Ctrl+F myself
>Ctrl+F patrick bateman
>ctrl + tripskank

>Shit it's like we don't even exist anymore.

>> No.6055804

Yeah, that's the one. I've been lusting after it since I saw your fit. Oh well.

>> No.6055805
File: 5 KB, 200x200, 1362181134535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


who the hell are you?

>> No.6055811

>trust fund kiddie
>cam whore

no one even ever cared

>> No.6055808

dont worry, just an irrelevant old fag

>> No.6055809

You were all shit anyway

>> No.6055814


This is pretty much how I feel whenever I see a tripfag thread on /mu/.

>> No.6055816


i don't even know why they do it, its like they expect to be known

i know most of the old fags and never heard of 'jeannie'

>> No.6055927


fascist (†)
AG (†)
sieg (†)

lol omg

>> No.6057870

punp :D

>> No.6057879


>> No.6057882

I swear to god, i thought that was ross geller from the thumbnail.

>> No.6057884

if anyone has the dunes clip w/ the tripfags mde the othrr day pls upload


>> No.6057901
File: 596 KB, 511x460, 1365106774572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard they one of them has aids.

That being said I don't make friends with attention seekers.

>> No.6057942

remember lostgamer?

whatever happened to that kid? used to make me lol so much

>> No.6057948

hey went back to >>>/v/

>> No.6057957


does slater still post there

i miss him too

>> No.6057967

Oh yeah whatever happened to him

I missed him

>> No.6057997

Shut up you new cunt.
Also sage for autism thread.

>> No.6058160

I tripped for about a year; mid 09- though mid 10.
I never posted pics though (much like PB)

>trust fund kiddie
You mean PB?
He was a lawyer iirc.
Who are you?

So none of my contemporaries continue to post?

>> No.6058430
File: 12 KB, 330x24, Screen Shot 2013-04-29 at 12.09.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctrl+F myself
>Ctrl+F patrick bateman
>ctrl + tripskank
>Shit it's like we don't even exist anymore.

I don't see an issue with this.

Picture related to what I don't see an issue with.

>> No.6058466
File: 20 KB, 300x100, tripcodes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone who uses a tripcode on 4chan is a dumbass

>> No.6058477

shut the fuck up you ugly irrelevant retard

>> No.6058509

Thats more like it! Rebel young Anons, REBEL!

>> No.6058545

no, you are a fucking faggot
no one misses you
gb2 fucking fat chicks you obnoxious dweeb

>> No.6058626

i like tryhard. why don't you go away

>> No.6058651

fuck off tryhard

>> No.6058686
File: 333 KB, 1024x668, fa is the mind-killer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yr lucky i have this

>> No.6058700

P.s I fucking hate this movie.

>> No.6058698
File: 1005 KB, 500x556, tumblr_mimri3MApL1rrwcn5o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one misses you
picture related

Cheers, I like you too.

Like Shaggy said, it wasn't me!

>> No.6058702
File: 1.50 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20130331_093618_668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that one guy that always posts pics of his girlfriend in exotic places

I wish that guy would trip

>> No.6058771

its not a great movie but its campy enjoyable fun and probably lynch's best.

also, where would rick be without the overt dune references in his work?

>> No.6058803

>where would rick be without the overt dune references in his work
damn explain

>> No.6058840


>> No.6058849

Hey guise

>> No.6058889

But Mifune does trip.

>> No.6059030

Good trips
nig with the e30

okay trips

annoying and overrated

can't stand
denim dan

>> No.6059066

>lucky u haf it
luky i mad it u losr

>> No.6059077
File: 333 KB, 1024x668, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6059081
File: 504 KB, 400x561, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nattie's face when

>> No.6059083

How do you know what tryhard looks like?

>> No.6059085

slater doesnt post here anymore
tryhard doesnt even post fits

>> No.6059091

I used to post fits
Maybe he saw dem?

>> No.6059090


He's listed in the credits.

u dun post fits eithr

sl8r is a anon

>> No.6059102


i cant keep up with this stuff


>> No.6059125

Can we start a petition to ban turnleft like what happened with case?

>> No.6059134

go to moot
ask him u dum fuq

wer nt ur mum wer nt the bos of u now
wer not the bos of u now
nd wer not so big

>> No.6059328

w2c jacket

>> No.6059349
File: 92 KB, 500x366, 1336260852153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6059440


I don't usually post in these thread... but dude saving me is cool but my gf too?? lol

Glad i ain't posting her face.