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/fa/ - Fashion

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6050047 No.6050047 [Reply] [Original]

How was/is ur weekend /fa/?

>worked, spilt coffee of some little kid who ran into me
>played xbox waiting to get paid
>stared at forums and watched seinfeld
>3/10 weekend


>> No.6050078

it's been raining for the last 7 hours

>> No.6050077

tfw fuccccccccccccccccccccbudi passed out nd dun no whter to sleep or stay awake hoping that she wakes up and wants some spontaneous fucccc

she has a thing for being woken up via fuc doe

>> No.6050089

friday, fun day at uni, went camping and got trashed.
saturday, played tennis with the girl, messed around with some kids 8-12 at the park, they loved us, no pedo.
Fun, oh shit how could I forget rock climbing on friday, that was FUN AS FUCK.
btw I've only wore short shorts this weekend.

>> No.6050101

uni 8am-10pm
lurking /fa/
sruli recht

>> No.6050104

im sad now

>> No.6050121


wake up at 2pm
go to driving range, slices everywhere shitty day
buy another cheapo guitar to modify
head over to MTG tournament get there late 7:45-1am didn't do too well

sat. wake up at 3 pm
head over for another day, get a few cards signed, try on a few suits, buy a pair of selvedge levis for cheap $85 on sale...

come home chill out on /fa/ and play some vidya

>> No.6050129

>gym twice on saturday
>makin' all kindsa gains
>house party saturday night
>got drunk and obnoxious
>got told to leave because everyone was going to town
>me and my friends just wanted to stay and listen to tunes and they didn't trust us in the house alone
>slept on friends floor
>hung over until lunch time
>wander around town until 2ish drinking coffee and talking smack

>> No.6050171

>Study for exams
>keep studying
>go to comedy show
>take exam
>more studying

I've had worse realistically

>> No.6050207

>>wake early Saturday morning
>>work all day
>>Friend's dinner party
>>Be only straight man with a house full of gays
>>GF finally comes after a girls night
>>the gays love her, probably want to be her
>>take her home and make sweet sweet love
>>wake up Sunday, drop friend off at airport for her return trip to London.
>>GF and I go check out Museum of Contemporary Art for William Eggleston
>>Drop her back
>>Get home
>>Gonna chill before I clean the place up.
>>1:26PM Sunday

>> No.6050211

what comdey show?

>> No.6050213

It was just a small sketch thing on campus for free. Better than what i expected

>> No.6050222

Where are you? I'm always in the market for comedy

>> No.6050233

>wake up 7am
>do an essay 'till 2am
>walk into town
>watch Liverpool trash Newcastle
>come home (~4:30am)
>continue on essay
>due tomorrow (Monday)
>probably won't sleep

Shouldn't have left it this late.

>> No.6050237

just got back from shopping for 9 hours. took a tea break half way through. got some nice stuff. stuff i like and know i'll wear. i'll probably do fuck all tomorrow

>> No.6050241

>watched sunset with girlfriend along lakefront yesterday
>helped a neighbor move shit, went swimming, lifted with some bros, paid off minor debts, watched doctor who today
>korean bbq with a friend tomorrow
Pretty okay weekend, 7/10

>> No.6050242

then look in the mirror

>> No.6050246


mifune bro how do i into motivation/success??

>> No.6050247

>played my cello at a uni 2 hours away
>did homework
>cello lesson
>watched anime /read
>purchased new glasses and a 1tb hard drive for only $20
>Went out for noodles
>Got set up to go to prom with qt3.14 asian sophomore
>8/10 weekend

>> No.6050264

It was okay. Finally got started on a game for my phone. Planning it out was a bitch.

>> No.6050268
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>> No.6050372

>lazy day off
>epic irish feast w/ gf
>get drunk, catch up on shameless
>dawn of the second day
>go to work
>fuck, they opened the patio
>12 hour shift
>get home
>fuck, dem dirty dishes
>clean half, go do laundry
>play XCOM
>go on /fa/

Yep, pretty boring

>> No.6050385


>> No.6050387

>woke up early to go to the bank
>had breakfast
>took care of the kids all afternoon
>watched the fight with some pizza
>now browsing 4chan

>> No.6050396

>stared at forums and watched seinfeld

Holy shit, are you me?

How old are you, what do you do with your life?

>> No.6050406

>fail at it

>> No.6050429

The fuck?

>> No.6050430
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>slept through my alarm
>still make it to work at 7:30 to open the gym
>manager waiting for me at office to babysit me for no good fucking reason
>invited to a birthday party
>subtly uninvited to said party
>"ya uh anon we aren't having a party at the place we thought we would
>still no word
>I've been browsing 4chan for 7 hours now
Things are getting worse /fa/

>> No.6050512

>>Wake up at noon
>>Walk my cocker spaniel, Coco, with my mom
>>Apply for internships for a bit. Get two interviews from yesterday's applications. Nothing special, but what can I say when I started looking in late April...
>>Drive with mom to my sister's house. Take a walk with my baby niece and mom to Tom & Eddy's. Give my sister and breh-in-law a chance to go out for sushi. Eat awesome burgers and disgusting raspberry Coke.
>>Everyone fucking loves you when you're pushing a baby stroller.
>>Go home. Fill my DNA test kit with saliva and ship it out. Excited to get my genome sequenced.
>>Alternate reading a book and watching Ted talks until 5am.

>>Realize that finals are in like four days and I still have shit tons of stuff to do if I want to maintain this 4.0.
>>Do work all day.
>>Call the cops on my shady ass neighbor who I think is a terrorist. (Not really though, but he's a faggot).
>>Turn on police scanner and lul for a bit.
>>Do more work.
>>Eat sushi.
>>Take a 4chan break and write this.

>> No.6050635


>> No.6050664 [DELETED] 


>> No.6050672 [DELETED] 

test ;p

>> No.6050679

>text gf
>watch godfather

i'll do something tomorrow tho

>> No.6050713

>got off work
>went to the club
>got way too drunk
>puked on myself in a cab
>lost my debit card
>couldn't go to a beerfest today because I slept in and didn't have my debit anyways

Not effay at all ;_;

>> No.6050755

What's odd about both of those?

>> No.6050992

teach me how to live

>> No.6051050

>went to a pool party
>made out with hot guy
>got high as fuck
>felt really fat in a bikini even though I lost a lot of weight
>now i'm riding out my high watchinfg arrested development

>> No.6051210

r u a grill?

>> No.6051450

>went shopping with a friend
>did my radio show
>had a gig
>drank in a park with gf

>go to some thrift stores
>work at super hip restaurant
>free food and beer at work
>driven home by some gay dudes

7/10, pretty /fa/

>> No.6052530

>Hungover saturday morning, smoke a joint with housemate to start the day
>Clean up room and leave for home
>Pass by a small wine degustation with 50 bottles before heading home, taste all of them
>Buy a couple for family dinner
>Big family dinner drinking and laughing all around
>Leave for countryside farm and sleep there
>Go to mass and walk around the fields this morning
>Have swim

Eating and lurking right now. Will have to study this afternoon.

>> No.6052538

>fucked gf condom broke
>spent saturday getting morning after pill
>watched toy story
>working again

>> No.6052544

>Spend all Saturday DMing my D&D group, then go to my little sister's hockey game
>Sunday: Sleep until 1 pm, then get everything ready for my flight to Edinburgh on 7 pm.
>3pm: Browse 4chan.

>> No.6052549

>get my gun
>got a new contract
>shoot the nigger out
>get paid

good weekend

>> No.6052563

Are you a hitman?

>> No.6052571

>postponed important essay

>> No.6052584

>Smoked a fat blunt with my dealer and watched him freak out after taking 2 bangers
>Was absolute lols
>Went to my best friend's and we got a nick and 5 20mg adderal pills for $20.
>Snort 1 1/2
>Come home and lay in bed all night awake
>I'm going to wake and bake in a second or two, any bros trying to join?

>> No.6052590

>Friday night, getting stoned with my friends before going to a party
>Get chased by police who see us at smoking weed in a little abandoned shed on the outskirts of the wood
>Run through the woods to escape, but I fall and cut open my hand
>Escape and go to the party
>Kid we know gets arrested for carrying knife just outside the party
>Unable to text girl I like due to cut hand
>She gets mad
>Next day tells me she's staying round some guys house
>Go to see Iron Man 3 to get my mind off
>Lose my phone on the way home
>Get my friend to call my phone and meet a saint who found my phone and gave it back to
>tfw girl I like is angry again for ignoring her texts when my phone was lost
>miss the last bus home and have to walk 5 miles back to my house
>Today mother calls and tells me her and my father are divorcing

Fuck this weekend.

>> No.6052596

2 late

>> No.6052600

>Friday: Rugby club AGM, followed by drunkening.
>Saturday: Won Scanlan Cup final and then went to a ball at the Waldorf Hilton and drank my weight in champagne.
>Sunday: Hungover

>> No.6052601


Typical day for a nerd.

>> No.6052623

What are you smoking this fine morning?

>> No.6052627


You sound like a cunt

>> No.6052631

You seem to have your life in order from top to bottom, congrats.

>> No.6052633

Judging my how this weekend treated me, clearly a higher power agrees with you that I'm a cunt and is punishing me for it.

>> No.6052810

>Thursday, head into town with qt3.14 find a korean coffee joint
>Friday, play dnd with friends
>Saturday, go to qt3.14's house near the beach, chill near beach and fall asleep in the sun
>Sunday, fucking nothing yet, should be doing college work.

6/10 it was alright

>> No.6052815

> Watched Parks and Recreation, finished season 4.
>Finished DMC, was 6.5/fuck you
>Did some writing, studied
>Browsed /fa/

>Started replaying MGS4
>Picked up prescription
>Felt bad about girlfriend dumping me

un/fa/ as fuck.

>> No.6052820

post pics of girlfriend

>> No.6052834

I deleted them all

>> No.6052831

Friday: got home from school (inb4 underage, I'm 18), napped, gf came round, spent the night
Saturday: gf left at 3pm, ate, went shopping, bought some tea
Sunday: woke up at 1, bought food for the week, cooked some chicken and drank some tea, might go for a run later

>> No.6052843

>friday: had wine with my friend, went to a club, got drunk as fuck, had fun, didn't get home until six in the morning
>saturday: slept until 1, felt like shit (am i getting to old to party?), stayed in, didn't even get dressed, watched a few movies
>sunday: got up around 10, haven't left the flat, should probably study for physics exam

>> No.6052881

>Friday: Huge fight with husband, almost broke up. Got mad, went for a walk, copped nice sunglasses to feel better. Went home with flowers and chocolate, made up.

>Saturday: Stayed home chillin', played videogames, went to the movies. Watched 'Mama', mfw I can use this for inspiration (am in Fashion Design college)

>Sunday: Woke up, had coffee. Played more videogames. Need to work on vintage Balenciaga-inspired dress. Too lazy so browsing the chon.

And such is the life of this /fa/g.

>> No.6052901


>having a husband
>eating chocolate

stop it

>> No.6052933

Why did my post bother you, exactly?

2/10 for making me reply.

>> No.6052943
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>sit inside browsing /fa/ and /tv/
>watch some game of thrones

>> No.6052946


i listed the reasons in the last post

also 2/10 for making me reply

>> No.6052970
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>saw my gf for 4 days
>back at home, 600 miles away from her, 2 days ago
>yesterday she told me that she wants to break for some time 'cause she can't handle distance
>I cried the whole weekend like a shit, and had nothing other than "I love her, I don't want to lose her, I want to kill myself" in my head.
>∞/10 pre-weekend
>1/10 weekend

>> No.6053001

Yeah, I read your post. I want to know why those things bother you.

>> No.6053017

>work for 8 hours p. busy
>play p4g , stuck on kanjis shadow
>order stuff from amazon but only 1 thing came
>qt hits me up on fb
>at work atm , i finish at 6

>> No.6053034


This post made me hate you.

Wherever you are, I hate you.

>> No.6053056
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>listening to music and browsing 4chan since friday night

>> No.6053057

Judging by your answer, I believe things are not alright in your life at the moment.
I hope everything works out for you, angry stranger.

>> No.6053065

>spilt coffee of some little kid who ran into me
I wish something like that happened to me. There are 12 years in my HS and little fuckers constantly run around in the hallways. They don't even bother to apologize when they bump into you with full speed.

>> No.6053071

>Went to Paris for a concert
>Chilling along the Boulevard Haussmann
>Went to Uniqlo, bought some nice linen shirts
>Eels concert
>Drank a cocktail with my girlfriend on the coffee shop's terrasse
>Went back to the hotel

I would rate it 10/10 but it's maybe subjective.

>> No.6053076


>Went to Paris to see Eels

Do people still listen to Eels?

>> No.6053084

Of course. Not TRILL enough for you?

>> No.6053094

>school for 2 periods
>lunch at a nice little cafe with my parents
>party in the evening but I ended up leaving because it was fairly boring
>told myself I would study for my upcoming exams
>watched films all day
>essay writing

School is a drag, but i've got less than a week left and then I get to leave and never return. Thank god.

>> No.6053110

it was shit thanks for reminding it to me

>> No.6053136
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>went to Chicago yesterday
>bought a skinny fit suit from topmans
>greyish blackish blue.
>fits well
>mfw only guy at prom with a blue suit
>mfw one of the only guys that will have a well fitting suit

>> No.6053175

>gf tried to kill herself this Friday
>try to comfort her she gets all distant and says shell "come to me" next time
>text best friend (female) about this all weekend
>text gf all weekend
>watch every episode of 10 items or less
>watch some of season 4 mad men
>play with cats
>order a nice pocket tank top with a galaxy print

H-hold me /fa/

>> No.6053212

I woke up in a puddle of my own vomit today and a 5 hour-lasting blackout. It's also my birthday.
Pretty okay.

>> No.6053320


>> No.6053923

fuck off

>> No.6053938
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>improvements morpaye

>> No.6053946
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>> No.6054053

>go clubbing
>get drunk and high as shit
>don't remember most of the night
>apparently ordered 350$ la morir sunglasses at some point from my cell

fuck why

>> No.6054511

>was at replugged
>got to know some ppl
>did parkour

pretty good weekend for my social status.

>> No.6054633

>Got off work went home showered cleaned up lookin /fa/
>Went to friends, realize liquor store was closing raced to store and got 1800 tequila 1.75L coconut (good shit)
>Went to store to get limes smoked a J with friends while driving
>Proceed to drink bottle with friends
>15 or so shots ea. everyone's pretty gone. Bottles gone. Faggy meth addict stealing kid shows up randomly, recently stole bunch of weed from friends there.
>They take him out front and beat his ass bad.
>Kid goes home friends who beat him up spark up and drive home. (Friend got DUI and paraphernalia charge on drive home with his friend)
>Sleep on couch cause I'm not a bad person even though I was pretty sobered up.
>Go get Jack in the box with friend
>Go home workout (bicep day)
>Buy UFC 159 fight card money well spent.
>Discover friend got DUI spend day cleaning up his mess and making sure it doesn't get out.
>GF won't leave me alone while trying to watch UFC 159 wants to Skype, won't fuck off.
>BItch about life with friend
>Smoke cigarette and have a few beers with friend go to bed.
>Going to look at new house today pool and 4 bedrooms sounds really nice actually good price to.
>Get on /fa/ to kill time see this thread spend 10 minutes typing up this shit almost don't even post it.
6/10 weekend would be higher if not for that DUI

>> No.6054682
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>worked out
>played some 2 on 2 ball at the park
>tfw 3 point jumper is starting to come through
>plan on buying a five panel and working out in a bit
>listened to a bunch of new music
No complaints.

>> No.6054691

>track meet Friday night
>run like shit, go home and sleep
>get up at 5 AM for work
>right after work, going out to eat for prom
>barely have enough time to get ready
>date is in a shitty mood, none of my real friends came with me
>end up in a shitty mood
>go home, sleep
>wake up, browse /fa/

and here I am now.

>> No.6054706
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>had a mediocre trip on some nbome on friday
>did homework all saturday
>doing homework all today

>> No.6054711
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>Go to house party with some friends
>Get blackout drunk
>Puke on a street curb
>Sober friend got me McDonalds, which I got all over myself
>We go to his place or a bit before he apparently drives me home
>Don't remember how long we were at his house or the drive home or getting into bed

>Still drunk when I wake up at 9, lingers until around 11
>Feel like absolute shit
>Have gf come over and watch It's Always Sunny with me while I lounge around in hungover misery
>gf leaves after a few hours, go hang out at friends work
>Go to another friends house, play Magic: The Gathering for a bit
>That night, same friend, gf, and some other acquaintances meet up at another friends house
>Everyone is sipping on 40's and giving/getting stick and poke tattoos
>Drive some drunk people home around 1
>Go back to my place
>Bone gf and take her home

>Wake up at 11
>Browse /fa/

>> No.6054715

forgot to rate

>> No.6055230


What events and times?

>Fri: Went to Krispy Kreme with friends and played hide and seek with the security guard in a gated community for shits and giggles
>Sat: Track meet
>Huge prs, made it to finals in the 800
>went around with friends and asked people to buy alcohol for us
>Some guy does it
>have vodka now
>Go to usual place out in middle of nowhere
>cops sitting there waiting for us
>they don't do anything
>go to second spot
>cops there
>fuck it
>Go home after taking a quick swig and fall asleep
>wake up, Sunday now
>house to self
>Buy a dozen get a dozen doughnuts free at Krispy Kreme
>Twice in a weekend
>Fuck the haters

>> No.6055304

>go to see friend in another state
>get smashed and talk about shit
>go out
>go back to her house and sleep
>travel home
>look 2 cop new bicycle
>no work for tomorrow

Best weekend I've had in a long time

>> No.6055325

Pretty good,

School is closed for a week so i can't use the screenprinting facilities. I'm going to use one at a printing club so i can still work but that's pretty expensive. To get the most bang for my buck i've been working out some designs/sketches so ill can keep busy for a week.

>> No.6055333

*I =/= Ill

>> No.6055335
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Renovated one of my dads property's
Came home
Its night
Played cards with the family and lost

>Today (Sunday)
Opened up one my dads houses and did a showing for potential tenants
now im trying a p-nut butter sandwich with a glass of almond milk
>5yr as fuck


>> No.6055417

didn't do anything I can remember really
>woke up
>went to band practice to play bass in a my new band for the first time
>went alright, my drummer might be autistic tho
>came back home, went to buy some groceries
>talked to my friends on skype
>fell asleep watching futurama
>woke up, went to do some school group work thingie
>came back home
>listening to the new Wayne Szalinski ep now
thats it basically. the ep is great by the way.

>> No.6055487
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>party friday night
>bowling saturday morning, walk on pier afternoon, couple of beers and a movie with girlfriend at night
>tennis on sunday and school work

>> No.6055572

Friday I went golfing with a friend and after that, a few friends and I went bowling til about midnight. Saturday morning I volunteered at my local YMCA kids day. Hung out at a friends place shortly after. Later in the day, I went longboarding around town. Stayed at a friends house overnight, and went longboarding again today. Got home about an hour ago.
I'd rate it a 7/10 would do again.

>> No.6055583

friday: saw one of my fav bands, prolly one the best nites ever, body still in pain, incredible
saturday and sunday: resting


>> No.6055594
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>Dont go to class because fuck it.
>Read the screenplay for Only God Forgives, movie is going to be intense and violent as fuck.
>Go to dentist to get some of my teeth fixed. (I was run over by a car and lost 3 of my front teeth, It looks hideous, trust me.)
>Eat some spaghetti sauce because its all I can muster to eat with my swollen jaw.
>Spend the rest of the night looking in the mirror and feeling insecure about my new teeth.

>Sleep in untill 2pm.
>Feel incredibly unhappy about my new teeth.
>Forced to go to my dads company BBQ because I promised.
>Try to flirt with one of the waitresses. Fail.
>Feel even more insecure.
>Have an invitation to some party on a boat but decide to stay home instead.
>Drink myself to sleep.

>Wake up early but dont have breakfast.
>Cry some more about my teeth, decide to give the dentist a call on monday and ask him to fix this mess.
>Spend most of the day watching movies.
>Cry on /fa/.

>> No.6055607

>a morir
you must be a self-hating drunk

>> No.6055631

pls be in london

>> No.6055645

Went to the fashionable part of town on a saturday night and realized I was just a nerd that goes on the fashion board on 4chan

>> No.6055655

>Read some more of To Kill a Mockingbird friday night
>Saturday, woke up early and went out to get some coffee at my local coffee place
>browse clothes online
>probably going to buy a hoodie and a windbreaker
>played Papers, Please
>pretty fun
>stayed up late reading and drank an ice cold bottle of coke
>got up early today and went to the mall
>went to half-priced book store, bought Brave New World and The Stranger
>7/10 weekend

>> No.6055654

>read larry niven
>chilled with my best friend all day
>took my other friend to a party, convinced him to go to the college I do w/ party
>met up w/ fuckbuddy
>went to sleep
>Woke up, fucked again
>got breakfast w/ friend and took him home
>went home and napped
>went on a hike w/ friends (it was beautiful)
>smoked bowls at summit
>got dinner w/ friends afterwards
>went home and napped
>went to another party
>met up with fuckbuddy again
>woke up, fucked again
>got breakfast on way home
>watching Aeon Flux animated series for like 3 hours

8.5/10 weekend

>> No.6056055

>stared at forums and watched seinfeld
>early morning shopping spree, bought two sweaters and two shirts
>stared at forums and watched seinfeld
>walk around city, nice weather, t-shirts, shorts skirts everywhere
>stared at forums and watched seinfeld
>terrasse booze
>stared at forums and watched seinfeld

>> No.6056098
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revise for CPA

revise for CPA

revise for CPA
cry myself to sleep because i chose a shitty career

>> No.6056155
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>get drunk Friday, attend music festival, go to work drunk later that night
>attend music festival on Saturday
>festival is kind of gay
>go to friends house
>shotgun beers
>go to bar
>meet my bros there
>we go to fraternity house I no longer live in, being a senior
>get shithouse, rip roaring drunk
>smoke pot
>do line of adderall
>drink more
>argue about population of Kansas City with this bitch from Kansas (we're at Ou)
>run around the house actin the fool
>argue about bit coin with my dumbass frat bros
>get txt from sorostitute down the street
>stumble to her house, hook up with her in her car in the parking lot
>finger her but don't get laid
>sleep on couch at sig house

7.5 weekend. It was mirthful, but loses points because I didn't get it in

Picture related