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/fa/ - Fashion

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6049501 No.6049501 [Reply] [Original]

>waiting for the bus
>see car crash in the distance
>black benz destroyed his headlight
>dude comes out
>drop crotch pants, black sneakers, leather, givenchy rottweiler tee, black hat
>looks like a typical "streetgoth"
>his dad comes with a towing company
>dad wearing visvim grizzlies, raws, coat and big-ass scarf
>pretty /fa/ dad
>younger dude takes Prada nylon rucksack and Holt Renfrew bag out of his totaled Benz and goes somewhere with his dad

7/10 experience enjoyed watching

>> No.6049513

how old did the street goth guy & dad look?

>> No.6049524

street goth 20s maybe
dad idk 40s early 50s

was it you if yes you're pretty /fa/ bro

>> No.6049521

how is that a /fa/ story? you were just a fuccboi staring at rich niggas

>> No.6049535

wasn't me lol, just wondering. mainly wanted to know how old the dad was, /fa/ old dudes are awesome

>> No.6049538
File: 160 KB, 901x675, la+modella+mafia+Givenchy+Rottweiler+T-Shirt+1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found your younger dude.

>> No.6049546


>> No.6049562

pretty similar but his leather jacket looked cool as fuck
it looked like balmain and I usually hate balmain but shit this one was so good

>> No.6049603


>be at charity fashion event
>actually bullshit runway show with bullshit "models" and bullshit clothes
>one outfit looks amazing though
>very similar to rick
>TOO similar to rick
>model still shitty as fuck (doesn't put feet one in front of the other, smiles, does a little 80s model turn when at the end of the runway, all in all shit)
>go to see chick that modeled the clothes (because the models had to make the clothes) to say her clothes were cool
>"hey nice outift you made" "th-th-ANKS" "mind if I look at them" " yea-eah they're really fragile... so-sorry"
>start getting suspicious
>observe clothes from a distance see rick tag
>decide to not be a snitch but give her a dirty look

>> No.6049611

at least u can spot rick now

>> No.6049621

Which tag? the two vertical lines of the long ass drkshdw...along with ricky himself?

>> No.6049628


rick himself,
not being mainline doesn't minimize her being a lying and cheating bitch though

>> No.6049629

>shopping w/ female friend
>walk into some boutique
>notice some p. cool leather jacket
>tell friend to try it on
>we agree it's an amazing jacket
>check out tag
>Rick Owens
>first time seeing anything dick ovens in person, and i noticed it out w/o even knowing

>> No.6049637

So how was that a /fa/ story?

>> No.6049640


>> No.6049651

oh of course not, that's absolute that she would actually use another designer's clothing and claim it as herself.

Was this in the middle of buttfuck nowhere? I hope she wasn't expecting to get away with something like that in a big city.

>> No.6049655

he realized rick is not hype

>> No.6049661

lol not really, Toronto

>> No.6049671

What was the event called?

>> No.6049681

jesus... i hope you got photos. POST

>> No.6049693

>implying he has a dad

>> No.6049717

>My daddy say when you see clothes, close your eye lids

>> No.6049812

oh god haha there are some photos on fb I just cbf to go get them
it was a thing at my sister's high school forgot

>> No.6049819

Post fb link

>> No.6049824
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>not quoting the part where he compares his dad to the guy the pursuit of happyness is about

>> No.6049839

>every word a rapper says in his songs is true

He grew up with a single mother.

>> No.6049843


>> No.6049861

>be ausfailian
>from a rural town to boot
>never see anything /fa/ ever
>go on european holiday
>first place is Prague
>holy shit /fa/, /fa/ everywhere
>all dem cool boots
>all dem jackets
>all dat glorious layering
>even the fucking old men with pipes have great outfits

Not much of a story but I urge everyone to go there.

>> No.6049874

He had a dad too, anon. Just didn't live with him

>> No.6049879

Eh, he looks like a clown. I'll fitting clothes.

>> No.6049888

u'll fitting clothes what

>> No.6049889

yeah eastern europe has pretty /fa/ malls

>> No.6049937

i have no /fa/ stories
even when i go to holt renfrew i just see dads wearing armani exchange looking at ugly shawl collar rag & bone sweaters
closest thing i have is some guy working at club monaco asked me about my n&f back when i was a fuccboi and still wore raw denim
fuck this city

>> No.6049952

>blames the city because he cant find the secret spots
top lel, you prolly dress like this anyways

>> No.6049963

where do you live

I felt the same way about montreal way back, until I found out I was DEAD wrong

chances are it's pretty /fa/ if you have a hr

>> No.6049964

where are the good spots in calgary
only stores with decent stock i know are holt renfrew and gravitypope
plz enlighten

>> No.6049979

its a pretty big city but in terms of (men's) fashion i feel like it's p. much a flyover

>> No.6049995


you have a holt, a the bay (kind of ok)

idk man lurk around main street

>> No.6049996

I think I might have seen Rick's waifu walk out of a store once, or it was a guy carry a brown sex doll

>> No.6049997

Where are the good spot in Montreal? I am actually in the same state of mind...

>> No.6050004
File: 78 KB, 334x258, 1337766247779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that one, breh
>Fresh outta high school
>Still can't dress for shit because no money and Australia
>Go to Europe
>Overwhelmed by how well everyone's dressing
>Buy a pair of grey Vans, a slightly-too-large pea coat, and a scarf to try and fit in

One of the guys who went with me bought 4 of the same style of sweatshirt, but in different colours in the Zara at the Duomo Cathedral in Milan.

>> No.6050032

oh boy

you in da 514 too?

tell me what kind of clothes you like

>> No.6050039

there's a Zara in the city
and the adress starts with 666

>> No.6050082


>> No.6050124


top lel

>> No.6050127
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>Be on school trip
>My highschool is the "richer" school in town (not really)
>I ask people in one conversation why we are called the rich school
>Some dude brings up that some kids have expensive clothes.
>Others agree
>I am confused and express my confusion
>I think of dentist sons who wear penguin sometimes
>Dude says lots of kids wear under armour
>And under armour is expensive.
>under armour
>most kids wear pic related
>and aeropostale, the cheaper version of hollister and ambercrombie.

>> No.6050154

SSENSE has a flagship in old mtl (with a whole topman/topshop section)
Reborn is in old mtl gothninja shoppin all day
Pretty much all old port has cool boutiques
The Bay on Ste-Catherine has Topman, J Brand, and some middle tier brands + one of the only 3 locations in Canada that sells Margiela perfumes. Good perfume selection and if your gf wants a Chanel or Dior makeover here is the place
Ste-Catherine has pretty cool places, alongside shit (Louis Vuitton Boutique, Ogilvy selling cool menswear and womenswear, also not fashion but we have one of the coolest Apple stores in the world imo)
A Holt Renfrew, when you don't have the time to go to Barneys or Saks
A Harry Rosen, for your menswear needs (nice selection of Prada footwear and Tom Ford perfume)
Tons of cool thrift shops on the Plateau, Mile-End, etc.+ cool boutiques from mtl designers (Denis Gagnon selling simili-gothninja for example, but I'm skipping over a ton)
In Westmount, boutiques everywhere sell rich old lady clothes (Hermes, Chanel, Dior, etc.)
plus various other boutiques there that sell Acne and other contemporary brands and a James Perse boutique (yay tee shirts) on Sherbrooke in Wstmnt
Tons of American Apparels because the founder is from here and a AA warehouse where shit is usually 90% off
Cool edgy hair salons that don't fuck up weird requests
Cool restaurants
Cool subway
Edgy politics
Most educated people speak 2 languages
Top 20 worldwide University

mtl is best

>> No.6050191



I'm jelly man. Milanese people are great.

Met a few girls from there at the city-wide New Years Eve party in Venice, even the 'cockblocking hambeast' of the group was fairly hot and enjoyable to be around

>> No.6050221

Sorry im a bit late, I dont know if you still there... Yeah i'm in the 450 actually wich is worst acually!

I have a kinda goofninja ispiration but really toned down, simple fits but a focus on the materials and cuts.

>> No.6050226

Ok wow thank you very much YOU are the best

>> No.6050228

yeah bro look at my other post>>6050154

my condolences for you being in the 450

carrefour laval has a simons which has a very small section with designer shit. Go to the Ste-Catherine Simons the designer place is much bigger

>> No.6050230

>out drinking with work friends
>new qt girl at work is there
>friend makes comment about how i spend too much on clothes because theyre 'designer'
>new qt asks me about it, turns out shes into designer
>we discuss raf, inasice, patty, lim, lots of others
>fuck her that night

i never thought id find a badbitch designer clothes qtpi

>next morning find out she has a kid


>> No.6050231

no preblem :)))

tu parles francais je suppose?

>> No.6050235

I know what you mean, man. /fa/ and styleforum have really messed up my perception of how much things usually cost. It's been literally a year since I bought shoes that cost less than $700 per pair, and that's when I bought converse and vans for the summer.

It doesn't even change much when you go to college. Ray-ban sunglasses become way more common, but they're still considered super nice. Any shoes that aren't sneakers are "nice," and a Barbour jacket is the fucking holy grail of girls all across campus.

>the girl working a minimum wage food service job is being friendly and talks about how she saved up and bought a "really nice" jacket for $50
>tfw you have no idea how to react
>tfw she grabs your sunglasses and asks to wear them for the day without realizing how expensive they are

>> No.6050239

Haha cest sur! Tes de quel coins?

>> No.6050245


feels bat man

>> No.6050250

i burst out laughing ahahahah get out of there

>> No.6050266


>> No.6050258

how olds the kid

>> No.6050278


jesus fuck did you fuck a 50 year old

>> No.6050285

what the fUCK

>> No.6050286

>knowing what every piece of clothing is and their brand name


>> No.6050284

Montréal, je vis dans un petit appart dans le Mile-End haha

T'est a Laval, Longueil?

>> No.6050287

No she was 31.

>> No.6050292

I can't help it though

>> No.6050288


>> No.6050302

Patrick Bateman taught me how to deal with girls trying to take your expensive shit.


>> No.6050315
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shit this shit kills me

tfw been picking up basic bitches all year

>anon where do you go shopping?
>show her mr porter, far fetch, bring her to haven shop

>> No.6050318

Vaudreuil, mais plus souvent chez ma blonde à Lachine ou chez des amis

Omg je pensait pas un jour parler de ca sur 4chan!

>> No.6050325
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>> No.6050326

>had a kid at 14
mother of god holy shit oh my god what the FUCK

>> No.6050335

p. common nowadays

>> No.6050336


are you an idiot bro

yohji family that slut

>> No.6050340


>had a kid at 14



wtf no this isn't the 1800s

>> No.6050341


>> No.6050344
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I cringe hard every time someone says they saved up for clothes less than 400 dollars.

>mother comes to visit
>go shopping
>she sees a 'nice' blazer at a department store for about $500
>"whoa anon let's go somewhere else this place is ridiculous"

>> No.6050346

loled. I don't think I'm mean enough to go full Bateman in that kind of situation, but on the other hand I don't let people mess with my stuff, either.

>can I wear your sunglasses?
Tell her no and that they look better on me, anyway.

Dude, I know that fucking feel.

>anon why are you in such a good mood?
>I'm getting a pair of boots in the mail today after almost four months of waiting
>why did it take so long to ship them?!
>it didn't. it took that long to have them made for me.

Of course I'm always autistic and end up saying something like "yeah well I guess I just live my life on a different level," but I've gotten to the point that my friends presume that all of my shit is really expensive, when really it's just a few pieces.

>see qts on campus
>none of them appreciate their potential
>all of them basic bitches

Serious question: Do you just settle? I have literally the nicest shit on campus, by a hilarious margin, and I don't know if I should keep looking for a girl who actually knows how to dress, or to just settle and mess around with a more "normal" girl.

>> No.6050352


>> No.6050358

there is more to life than just clothes man
i appreciate that its a big part of ur life but srs there are successful people who just wear normal shit

also post a fit

>> No.6050357
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>> No.6050381
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I can't even tell my friends how much my stuff costs anymore, because they freak out.

>roommate's girlfriend asks how much my new boots cost
>tell her
>awkward silence immediately fills the room
>turns to my roommate and asks "why am I dating YOU?"
>"what are you saying? that I'm poor?"
>mfw I feel the drama growing as she looks at him and says "yes" and later asks me if I have a girlfriend

>> No.6050379

>Grew up poorfag
>£12 for a t-shirt was expensive to me
>Got older, got to university
>Started buying £30 t-shirts and other, to me at least, expensive shit
>By the time I discovered /fa/ I was paying £100+ for Japanese raw denim and £60 for a t-shirt
>Seems cheap next to some of the stuff posted here

This isn't going to end well.

>> No.6050380


to put it bluntly, for now, yeah.

and honestly, the only way to remedy and get over it is to no longer allow 'high-fashion' or your 'taste' to cloud your judgement of another individual. different people have different priorities.

some of the richest guys i know don't give a fuck what they're dressed in but drive fuckin lambos. no joke.

fashion can't be your only hobby. i'm sure there's a girl out there that's so great that her lack of mto or highend boutique clothing won't even phase you.

keep lookin', but actually get to know a girl before you dismiss her.

>> No.6050391

U will say exactly the same as ur mom in a couple years/months when you an no long put up with trends.
Also trends in the future will be faster and faster.
U a cunt as well.

>> No.6050394



before i started looking at style forum i thought hugo boss was the bees knees

wore it to my semi-formal, prom, graduation, etc.

mfw pleb

>> No.6050397


this didn't happen

and if it did, you probably shit your clarks desert boots then and there

>> No.6050412
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you should fuck her and then take her to uniqlo or h&m

>> No.6050413


only like 18 months or some shit

she got knocked up first year at uni

anon dont lie

>> No.6050418

>Serious question: Do you just settle? I have literally the nicest shit on campus, by a hilarious margin, and I don't know if I should keep looking for a girl who actually knows how to dress, or to just settle and mess around with a more "normal" girl.
In my case, I settled. . . but the girl I'm dating is more of a traveler / international type. She looks like an employee of Conde Nast, so she is dressed like a "refined hippy". I wouldn't call her "normal", and she isn't a basic level bitch. Of the both of us, I'm definitely better dressed.

But anyways, there is a point where you can be too intimidating for some women. It depends on the environment you're in. If you are surrounded by a shitton of Midwestern in desert boots and Northface jackets, you will easily be the most stylish lad on campus. And I don't think women know how to handle a person who is better (or more uniquely) dressed than most people on campus.

Note: I don't know if I'm making sense, because I've had a few whiskeys too many. Insomnia fucking sucks.

>> No.6050421

Makes sense. Clothing isn't my only hobby, but it's definitely my favorite. And obviously most people don't care about it, but I can't help but check out everyone's fits in hopes of finding something nice. Thanks for the advice, mate.

/fit/ has forced me to be a basic bitch in terms of shirts and pants because I literally burst out of my clothes every few months. Shoe/accessory game is getting on point, though.

Believe what you want. Nothing came of it, anyway, because she and I are completely incompatible. She definitely wishes her bf had more money, but not enough to leave him for someone whom she only likes because of money.

>> No.6050426

>be 2008
>buy cdbs
>go to friends gathering
>"omg anon your shoes are so hipster! haha hipster anon!"
>goes on the whole party
>be 2009
>everyone wears them

>> No.6050428

what an asshole person

>> No.6050431

>keeping the baby at first year of uni
>confirmed for retard

>> No.6050449

Shit nigga I fucking hate this.
>get a HY years ago
>friends laugh at it and call me a punk
>they all have HYs

Fucking late adopters.

>> No.6050454
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>> No.6050453


considering the fact that she's into high fashion she could probably afford it

to be honest i feel like the #1 reason most babies are aborted are because of financial woes

i mean, that's how i see it from a womans perspective. baby's are fucking expensive bro.

>> No.6050460


anytime dude. if you do happen to get lucky and meet an /fa/ waifu

don't fuck it up

you'll lose the ability to "settle"

>> No.6050475

Actually you're making perfect sense, mate. I haven't worn DBs in ages, but I wear shit like dress boots every day. Can't remember the last time I wore sneakers if not going to the gym.

I'm on a college campus where almost everyone is in chino shorts and boat shoes. Bow ties here and there, but it all boils down to nobody having the pocket money to throw down on nice clothes, so I end up wearing fits that cost like 10x what other people are wearing.

>there is a point where you can be too intimidating for some women
>I don't think women know how to handle a person who is better (or more uniquely) dressed than most

Okay, I thought of something like this a while back, but decided that it was my narcissism getting to me. Is there really a chance that girls could be intimidated by someone due to clothes? They're obviously not the only thing I have going for me, but even I had to pull back when I started to consider that I was scaring people away.

It DOES kind of make sense, if you think about it. Girls are so used to being the "nice" looking ones in relationships, so wouldn't it follow that they would freak out if a guy outdressed them every day? Dressing nice could be a quality that attracts girls, but can you take it "too far" (in the sense of looking too good, rather than trying too hard and not dressing for your environment)?

>> No.6050476

You from Buying Selling Kicks MTL?

>> No.6050481

Where in the 450? Auteul, Laval represent

>> No.6050493

>Buying Selling Kicks MTL
nah whats that

whyd u think so

>> No.6050499

There are a few girls with decent (not great) fits on campus who aren't exactly my physical type. Would it make more sense to go for them instead of a girl who's more my type (physically) but who's basic?

>tfw everyday fits finally nice enough to be able to consistently approach girls and compliment their outfits and be met with "oh my god, me? really? wow that's so nice, thank you. what's your name?"
>tfw will never again have the feeling of "if only I didn't look like shit today I would talk to her"

>> No.6050501

Because the people I've met that know about high fashion shit are all members on that facebook group

>> No.6050505


Interesting idea. I go to a relatively wealthy school on the east coast, but the majority of people go with the 'normalcore' chinos and boat shoes look (granted, probably better fitted than the regular populace). But every now and then, I'll see a guy wearing Rick or Thom and pulling it off quite well.

It's not so much intimidating as it is nice deviation from the norm, I guess. I don't really think there is a thing as 'too /fa/' until you just start to look comical.

>> No.6050518

Okay maybe "intimidating" is too strong of a word.
>Girls are so used to being the "nice" looking ones in relationships, so wouldn't it follow that they would freak out if a guy outdressed them every day?
You hit the nail on the head. Bingo. Bullseye. I couldn't have said it any better.

As a rule of thumb, I always reference other people . . .
>I'm on a college campus where almost everyone is in chino shorts and boat shoes. Bow ties here and there, but it all boils down to nobody having the pocket money to throw down on nice clothes

Think of it as "levels". If people are wearing first level, I'm gonna wear second level. It doesn't hurt to be a step up from other people.

Now if you were truly nxtlvl and started wearing, like Raf Simons / Rick Owens/ Damir Dorna / etc etc. around a bunch of pleb college students you would be a total ass.

>> No.6050519

>illuminati recruitment initiation phase
>filled with supernatural powers
>put on carhatt long sleeve, tight jeans, purple wayfarers, obey 5 panel
>blaze kush high af
>go 2 better mall in city
>literally everyone staring, mirin, quiet af when i walk thru
>buy some fossil and banana republic
>time 2 leave
>literally everyone staring, mirin, quiet af when i walk thru

>feeling rush
>go 2 uglier mall in city
>literally everyone staring, mirin, quiet af when i walk thru
>buy nothing
>15 yo girl with bf tries to hold my hand lmao
>enter hollister
>qt employees tryna get some d
>no thx bye

>go 2 party l8r
>lamebros h8in
>pussyboners errywhere
>dick sucked almost immediately
>fuccboi tryna fite

>> No.6050521

>Hugo Boss
>Designed uniforms for the SS
>Implying they're not /fa/ as fuck

>> No.6050525

are you me?

>> No.6050548

i wear raf and rick and go to college

am i a dick

>> No.6050545


>> No.6050549

>the majority of people go with the 'normalcore' chinos and boat shoes look
Man, the only people who wear that on my campus are frat boys, borderline gay kids, and nerds trying to be "le classy gentlemen". The fits are never the same amongst three groups:
The fits fucking suck. I don't know how these people fuck up a simple outfit. Holy shit. It's like they stole their dad's khaki pants and shirts.
Hey . . . they look pretty good.
Okay. . . it is obvious that you were wearing WalMart jeans and running shoes the previous week. How did you completely transform your wardrobe in such short time?

>> No.6050554
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Why is there so much hate for "basic" fits here?

I'd rather dress like pic related than sorority-core clothes, uggs, and f21 patterned twee junk that I see on campus.

>> No.6050551

they WERE /fa/

not anymore

>> No.6050562


no, i wear rick dunks/tees to class all the time, theyre comfy and no one knows what they cost, and whenever people ask what they are i just say theyre old vans or nikes or something.

>> No.6050556

Cool, thanks for the input.

>You hit the nail on the head. Bingo. Bullseye. I couldn't have said it any better.
Awesome, it's nice to know that I'm not totally fucking nuts. It's gotta be weird for girls to joke about how "he's kind of a mess, but I like to keep him around, haha" and suddenly deal with a guy who actually looks better than them.

But is that enough to feel intimidated/worried about dating a guy? Are girls that insecure?

>if you were truly nxtlvl and started wearing, like Raf Simons / Rick Owens/ Damir Dorna

I say godspeed to the guys who wear that, but it's not my thing at all. But I see your point.

>> No.6050559


FUCK gay people's internalized assumption that they dress better than everyone simply because they like dick. Fucking tacky gay men trying to make me think ur eurotrash D&g and basic bitch lacoste polo make u better than me THINK AGAIN u probably don't even know what a diffusion line is smdh

>> No.6050569

Whatever . . . like I said, it all depends on your environment. Take, for instance, my pleb university (University of Kansas). If you wore raf and rick, you would look like a total ass. Your style would be too nxtlvl for the farmers' daughters. You would scare away the WASP community.
Now, if you went to a totally cool university, like in NY I don't think you would stick out. I think people would dig your outfit.

tfw Dressing better than the rest of the campus is easy . . . TOO easy.

>> No.6050570

Is it me or did Raf owens and Rick simons blow up in effay recently

>> No.6050576

Also the frat boys wearing bow-ties all the time, and never wearing them well.

Some of the gays on my campus are among the worst dressers we have. Basketball shorts + square toed dress shoes + glasses without lenses + bluetooth earpieces (no I am not kidding). It actually offends me that they're stereotyped as dressing well, because they don't appreciate how much effort it takes.

>> No.6050581

What the hell do you mean? There's this 12 year old girl that's pregnant in my little brother's middle school. It's pretty common nowadays bro.

>> No.6050584

>Basketball shorts + square toed dress shoes + glasses without lenses + bluetooth earpieces

i swear no one dresses that badly

>> No.6050585
File: 31 KB, 500x353, 1362197756647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Dressing better than the rest of the campus is easy . . . TOO easy.

Bittersweet feel. I love how easily I stand out, because almost every time I meet a new girl she mentions that she's seen me around and loves my clothes. But I'd love to be with other people who look nice.

>tfw spend an hour in the dining hall being autistic as fuck and just staring at everyone who walks by, looking at fits
>1000+ people walk by and nobody looks good
>feels sad man

>> No.6050594

shit wtf that is actually the worst outfit on earth

>> No.6050600


Np, you're welcome.

>But is that enough to feel intimidated/worried about dating a guy? Are girls that insecure?

I wouldn't say that I'm insecure about the guy I'm seeing dressing better than me, but moreso about my fellow girlfriends finding out how much I actually spend on clothes. Granted, I love the wardrobe I have built so far, but I don't really discuss clothes with people since it's hard for people to understand why I would blow 4 months of savings on a Jil coat, especially when some of my friends need a lot of financial aid, one of whom is almost on the verge of getting kicked out due to not being able to pay the bills.

Current guy I'm seeing wear a weird mix of Tom Ford and Club Monaco. I don't really care.

>> No.6050606

Not fucking kidding. And the glasses are a pair of those wayfarers that get handed out at parties. Also, I forgot to mention that he finishes off his fit with a hoodie.

Before coming to college I never imagined that someone could manage to offend me with only his/her outfit. It's impressive in a way.

>> No.6050607

>But is that enough to feel intimidated/worried about dating a guy? Are girls that insecure?

Oh mannnn. I think we're about to enter /r9k/ and /adv/ territory.

Anyways, from my experience, being well dressed is a good conversation starter.
>Oh! You look good today, anon.
>Hey, thanks.
>[reciprocate compliment in some form]

Being well dressed makes you more approachable. I think. Then again, there is a fine line between being approachable and being nxtlvl. AND yet again, we should only consider this opinion on a case-by-case basis.

>Are girls that insecure?
I don't even want to talk about insecure girls. They are boring as hell, even when they are so easy.

>> No.6050609

How u dress?

>> No.6050615


Did you start using /fa/ like, yesterday?

>> No.6050610

stop being autists and go to stores instead of ordering online. then u wont have to be a fag saying "hows the fit??" everybody has dif body so it will fit u differently.
>also befriend qt store assoc

>go to saks
>look at mens sneakers
>dont have designers i like
>head of shoes calls me fa and asks that i email him designers so they can expand
>i dont do it

>befriend chanel makeup girl
>she gives me free shit

>befriend makeup artist at neimans
>he does my makeup complimentary whenever i go to events
>discusses margiela and mcq w me

>befriend sales assoc at sunglasses hut
>he is rly fa
>wears prada goggle lookin glasses w his name engraved
>i interupt him tryin to make sales and give him hug
>often run away cuz spaghetti spilling out of the drapes in my skirt

>black dior doorman always remembers me and my violin
>nods at me when i pass dior in the mall

>barneys girl will email me when new collections/pieces from designers i like come in
>also when a piece i might like is on sale

>invited to a jimmy choo party charity
>models sitting on couches wearing black and white clothing from various designers from what i can tell lots of armani and dolce, choo shoes obv
>no time to go home and change (coming from class)
>ann d white tank, armani leather jacket, tapered drop crotch, zanzotti sneaker wedges,
>attendees wearing cocktail dresses and shit
>get mistaken for a model
>male model chats w me gives me his number and a kiss
>drunk society woman thinks im a prostitute
>be at a concert
>qt guitarist
>give chat w him tell him i enjoyed it
>write my number in eyeliner on givenchy perfume test card for dahlia noir
>give it and leave
> dinner d8 later
>he modeled for prada in hs

>in hs had a feminazi teacher
>shit on me for reading vogue, h8s fashion and men
>asks where i got a maxi dress, its ro, say i bought at barneys
>passive agression cuz she pleb af
>graduation i call her out on massive bullshit & hypocrisy
>patrician feels

>> No.6050623
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They'll always get a free pass for this.

>> No.6050628

Yikes, man. That is a lonely kind of feel.

Somewhere in this thread ^^^ somebody talked about college kids having different priorities. It sounds like your prioritize looking good over being sociable. Is this true? I hope not.

(Also, I feel like an ass profiling you just based on a 4chan post I read late at night.)

>> No.6050629


were you the girl posting that story about balmain sandals? I remember this for some reason lol

>> No.6050631

Holy shit I love that, unpretentious but not sorority core or indie. Would ask out to dinner.

>> No.6050633

ur a grill rite

>> No.6050639

>stop being autists and go to stores instead of ordering online. then u wont have to be a fag saying "hows the fit??" everybody has dif body so it will fit u differently.
This is the most basic bit of advice regarding clothing, and yet half of /fa/ has forgotten this.

>> No.6050652

not everyone can a) buy shit full price or b) even have access to places they want buy from in person
fuck u and fuck pretentious sneakerwedge femanon

>> No.6050657

a guy in a boutique told me 2 go online 2 find my some sneakers for cheaper lol

>> No.6050658
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Fair enough. It definitely gets weird when people are trying to pick up extra hours at their coffee shop job while in the back of my head I'm still trying to decide if I should pick between three different pairs of Thom Browne sunglasses, or if I should just buy all three.

Oh, I totally agree that clothes are a great conversation starter. Especially as someone who at a glance seems to care about them somewhat, it's really easy to start talking to girls about their outfits; once they realize that you're not some chump just looking for an opener, they're usually really happy to chat.

But it seems to me that most girls are too passive to make the first "move," even if they only intend to say that your fit is nice. They always need some opener, like being introduced to you through a mutual friend. Just a few weeks ago I told a girl that I liked her daily fits, and she immediately rattled off three or four compliments directed at me. It was nice, but at the same time made me think "If you had that shit up there just ready to tell me, why didn't you just walk up and say so?"

Same guy from above who's a basic bitch as far as shirts/pants go due to /fit/, but it's all based around menswear. Pic related are some of my boots. /fa/ can talk shit about menswear being boring all it wants, but if you genuinely like it, you'll be pleasantly surprised by how many people appreciate the style. It's so old and "classic" that almost every basic bitch on the street appreciates it to some extent.

>> No.6050659


not the point, still go to stores even if you have no intention of buying the clothes at full price. its a completely different understanding of garments when you can see them in person than as just pixels on your screen. Texture is important

>> No.6050661

see b) here>>6050652

>> No.6050666

the fuck? girls cream shit over well dressed guys
you must be ugly

>> No.6050675


thats the post i replied to fyi, check the number.

>> No.6050684

I mean, I obviously socialize with people who just wear jeans and hoodies; if I didn't, I would have basically no friends.

But, to an extent, yeah. My desire to socialize with people is definitely affected by their outfits. Just a few days ago I chatted with a fairly cute girl whom I know through some friends while she was in a nice dress, and the next day I saw her in sweats and immediately thought "well that's that."

It just feels unfair that some people are inconsistent with their fits, even if they look nice sometimes. I know that my baseline is pretty good, and I don't know how I'd deal with someone who wore something cute one day, and gym shorts another day.

Reread those comments: That's exactly what we're talking about. Obviously it's an attractive quality to most girls, but we were discussing if it can be "too much" and if it can intimidate some girls to the point of being scared to talk to a guy.

>> No.6050698
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when did i say that full price was necessary?

i do that too but i avoid buying shoes without trying them on first.

>> No.6050700

u didn't read point b) tho

>> No.6050701

Wowwowowoah . . .

Chill out, brah.

I'll admit points A and B are very valid, but some of the "hows da fit" posts are often and unnecessary, I feel. A lot of fit information can be found on retailing websites. All you need to do is find the proper link or read some reviews.

A: It is nice to get things on discount online.

B: If I wanted to buy a nice leather jacket . . . like from Acne or something, I would buy it from a store. I would like to feel the quality of the material, inspect the quality of the stitching, etc. And then, of course, I would check out the fit. I have a near-stupid tendency to over-inspect every fucking detail of my clothes.

Of course, an Acne leather jacket would be hard to find in my plebby fly-over state. Fortunately, I do travel a lot, and I do visit more stylish cities. I always make it a point to visit a store that stocks whatever item in question.

>> No.6050711


oh, well did you post the first part of your story here before?

I read something about a college girl going to an higher-end department store where the manager asked her for recommendations after she couldn't find stuff that she wanted.

>> No.6050717

Nice, except I hate the Rottweiler tee that thing is pure hype.

>> No.6050720


yeah i know, i was just addressing the first part, if you live in a place without shops you cant go whether you have the money to buy things or not.

>> No.6050723

>Just a few days ago I chatted with a fairly cute girl whom I know through some friends while she was in a nice dress, and the next day I saw her in sweats and immediately thought "well that's that."

Seriously? Holy shit, man. Not everyone can be at the top of their game everyday. I wouldn't reject a girl just because she was wearing sweats for one day. :/

>> No.6050730

Is Praque really that /fa/?

I'm studying abroad there next year.

>> No.6050732


What were the boots, and how much did they cost?

>> No.6050764

There is no reason to be mad.
Consider the validity of "how's the fit"
Are u rly gonna base ur purchase off of someone else's experience? On an anonymous board how can u tell that person has a similar body to u, or knows how something should fit? U hav no idea if the information you're getting isn't bull shit.
>quality info on 4ch
6/10 I replied.

Probably it

>> No.6050778

are u so paranoid u think someone would lie to u about the fit

>> No.6050829
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Yeah man. I don't even think everyone has to look fantastic all the time (although that would be nice), but I just don't see an excuse to wear sweats: Jeans are just as easy to pull on. Wouldn't it bother you that you consistently look good if your girlfriend looks like hell half the time?

And another thing (which I know you didn't mention, but which I want to bring up) is cost. A lot of people say that money prohibits them from looking nice, but have you ever been to Forever 21? I just went there for the first time a few months ago, and while it obviously wasn't really nice stuff, a lot of the pieces there were cute and outrageously cheap. Pretty much any dress or top+bottom combo maxed out at like $40. I can't speak for your environment, but my school is full of a lot of kids who are at the very least "comfortable" as far as money goes, so what excuse could there possibly be for not looking decent when the cost isn't even that prohibitive?

Carmina balmoral boots in Ruby shell cordovan, and they cost a little over $900.

>> No.6050840


All the natives are fully /fa/.

They are a few pleb turks that get around

>> No.6050844

fuk so jelly. want those in black but won't be able to get them for so long. you dig them?

>> No.6050845

duh u wear sweats when ur lazy and are not in the mood to give fucks
i still make sure to style in my sweats

>> No.6050854


Nice choice anon, I'm jelly as fuck

>> No.6050869

That makes me much more excited to go there. I've heard the filmmaking programs in the area are really good, so that was my main drive to go.

>> No.6050884

No I just wouldn't ask someone how a garment fits on them cuz it won't fit the same way on me. Also wouldn't ask someone who potentially doesn't kno what they're talking about

>> No.6050892


Oh also the food there is fucking amazing.

Heavy meats, breads, and this tasty as fuck stuff at all these stalls (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trdelník)

>> No.6050917
File: 140 KB, 500x500, 500x1000px-LL-e76c3039_8168777670_02a1fae5d7_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man, they're my second pair of bal boots (first was the brown calf/suede pair I posted above), and I love the style, the color, and the smell/feel/look of cordovan, which is a pretty new experience for me. They're surprisingly easy to dress down, which is great; I just wear mine with cuffed chinos and a t-shirt to class or whatever.

I don't know if you'd be interested in a textured leather, but I have a deposit put down for pic related. Same brand and boot style/shape, but scotch grain calfskin with a Dainite sole. They'll run about $675 and will come with pretty nice shoe trees (not the basic cedar kind).

If that interests you, keep an eye out here http://www.styleforum.net/t/277505 or just leave me your email address and I'll let you know when the pre-orders start (I just got my order in early). If not, no worries.

Thanks mate, I appreciate it.

>> No.6050936

>. . . so what excuse could there possibly be for not looking decent when the cost isn't even that prohibitive?
If there is such an excuse, it will come from someone who doesn't even give two shits. Another thing to point out is that people think that dressing well is "too hard", that looking good requires "effort".

I don't think that's true.

Take my opinion with a grain of salt, but once you've "mastered" the basics of clothing you'll end up looking good no matter what. Take a look around some towns, malls, campuses, wherever . . . a vast majority of people can't even conjure up a basic outfit. They end up looking mediocre, as described in:

Most of my wardrobe is comprised of basics, they aren't too flashy or fancy, but it's not offensive either. I could blindly reach into the closet and come out with a nice looking outfit. Of course, color and fit are taken into consideration.

>> No.6050948

sorry for butting in here, but just wondering since i havent read the entire thread: so is it actually viable for grils to be turned off or "intimidated" if du is dressed too much better than them? i swear on me mum, if its true then thats the worst reason ever for me to not have a qtgf

>> No.6050959
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some anon posted similar to those before, they looked super sick. i won't be able to follow up on them for like a year or two. they look like really diverse boots as you said, can be dressed pretty much however you want

>> No.6050960

Your question will be answered by reading this thread. In short, though, the answer is yes.

Just read the previous posts.

>> No.6050963

they're carminas btw

>> No.6050967


>> No.6050979


aight i guess ima read

>> No.6050978

Kind of, but I'd imagine it would only be so if the girl was pretty beta which probably means she's bad looking / not confident in herself which would probably mean she's not worth dating anyway

>> No.6050982


This is going to sound pretty neckbearded, but

Many girls are intimidated by anything they don't expect to outdo them.
Men have the stereotype of being dumb slobs that only care about beer and football - so when a well dressed guy who's into [insert fashion designer here] comes around they don't know what to do

>> No.6051017

Agreed on all counts. Especially since I've been outgrowing my clothes so often, I'm usually just dressed in chinos and a tee, but the fit is on point and my modest but still decent collection of shoes and boots allows me to always put something nice on my feet without wearing the same pair too often. Toss in some accessories that can be worn regularly (sunglasses, scarves/gloves if it's cold, a watch) and you can look phenomenal with almost no effort, just like you said.

I'm actually really excited to be getting a watch from France within the next week or so, because I've been lusting after it for months, and know that it'll make my outfit just that much nicer every day, and will only require a few seconds to put on in the morning.

People just don't want to try, because then they'll have to admit that they fail from time to time. I was a disaster when I started: skinny jeans, pieces that fit terribly, graphic tees, a nyan cat scarf, etc. For over a year I looked like hell, but I got through it and can absolutely and honestly say that I'm better off for it.

I'm pretty sure those are the exact same boots as the ones I posted: Same lining and everything. That's completely possible, since they already did one run of these boots that got delivered a few months ago. Check out the thread I posted and see what you think. If you ended up considering them, you'd only have to come up with $350 for the deposit, and the remainder would be paid 3-4 months later, so that could be a bit easier on your wallet. Either way, good luck; bal boots are a really cool style that I've literally never seen besides on the internet and on my feet, so you'll be sure to be unique in a really nice, subtle way.

>> No.6051021

No omg stop thinking this. Girls aren't intimidated because they want to be the better dressed ones. If this is your conclusion for why you don have a girlfriend you need to rethink shit. Maybe you're a pretentious asshole. That makes you unattractive.

>> No.6051036

>go out with some friends to a different area then where we usually go
>one anon says "everyone is so hipster here" everyone agrees
>they are wearing the most basic fits and have slightly longer hair than avg

>> No.6051059
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yeah i will give it a read. i wasn't sure if they were the same or just similar haha. i wish i could lol! do any other companies make balmorals boots like that? i've only seen lower ones that aren't as pretty

>> No.6051060

Not that guy, but who said that's why he doesn't have a girlfriend? It's possible that it's just one factor out of a whole bunch of issues.

And the point we're dancing around isn't "girls want to be the better dressed ones" but rather "girls are so used to being the more attractive ones in a relationship, and upsetting that status could freak them out."

Especially at a young age, girls are used to being in charge. They usually rule the relationship, because they're a "catch" while the guy is just some chump who is easily replaceable. But a guy who's genuinely interesting/attractive/stylish upsets that norm; now the girl is dealing with someone who ISN'T replaceable, and she knows it.

>> No.6051083

>girls are used to being in charge
you couldn't be more wrong
"especially at a young age" girls are taught they must function within a society where they are only valuable as sexual objects and childbearers. they are given no power or ability to be "in charge" of their own

>> No.6051105

Carmina is the cheapest reputable company I've found that makes bal boots, but I honestly haven't looked too hard because I like their quality/price value. You might want to check out the SF bal boot thread here: http://www.styleforum.net/t/37559

Specifically look into Alfred Sargent, Meermin, and Rider. AS and Rider should be around the cost of Carmina (maybe higher, maybe lower, but I'm not sure), but Meermin is definitely cheaper but definitely has cheaper materials/construction.

Have you ever been on a college campus? I see where you're coming from, but come on, a girl who's 20 and hot knows she can drop her current guy and find someone else who wants to fuck her, no problem.

>> No.6051107

that has little to do with romantic relationships doesn't it? as the other guy said, guys approach the girl they would really desire. they're held up in these situations as the superior while the guy leaves himself vulnerable

>> No.6051112

>Especially at a young age, girls are used to being in charge

what the fuck

>> No.6051118

because the majority of girls are attractive, right? the majority of girls who get posted on /fa/, maybe

it has everything to do with romantic relationships because that attitude (which is an attitude drilled by our culture into girls of all ages but especially young girls) is the attitude on which a woman will base all the decisions she makes

>> No.6051121

dont for one second think that girls are superior in this notion, they are just as vulnerable as the guy

>> No.6051128

not when she's flirting

>> No.6051131

nat you are literally the worst

>> No.6051135

>because the majority of girls are attractive, right?

I was operating under the assumption that we were talking about attractive girls; I don't know why we would even bother discussing them otherwise.

How so? I don't necessarily think girls are better off, because their typically passive nature often limits their dating pool to whichever guys approach them (and that doesn't mean that those guys are the guys they like). On the other hand, guys are the ones being judged/evaluated when they walk up to girls.

>> No.6051133

smells like betas in here
idk bout yall but its very easy to pull 10/10s based on my looks alone
stop making me question my practice

>> No.6051137

lol <3

>> No.6051139

>I don't know why we would even bother discussing them otherwise.
sage for insecure beta neckbeard

>> No.6051143
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>I was operating under the assumption that we were talking about attractive girls; I don't know why we would even bother discussing them otherwise.

>> No.6051144


>> No.6051158

>wasting time discussing uggos in a board that revolves around aesthetics

Wat. Why would you not solely discuss pretty girls? Why would ugly girls be the ones who come to mind when you think of girls you want to date?

>> No.6051160

I wasn't disagreeing with you, that other post primed you.

>> No.6051176

what is the argument in this thread cuz im confused

girls don't want guys who look or dress better than them? what is this nonsense. i cant think. yes they do. i'm p sure. grills dont even know what they want, u decide 4 them

>> No.6051189

they want the dick

>> No.6051190

Girls never want to be figured out, if we feel you are going to put is in a box, define us, then we'll become unstable.

>> No.6051198

>implying girls aren't unstable all the time

>> No.6051211

lol i literally judge girls 25/8

>> No.6051223


its almost like girls are people and have their own opinions and ideas and arent a homogenous hivemind!

idk just throwing out ideas

>> No.6051232

yeah but we're all crazy too

>> No.6051248

not to go all r9k but all women/girls are essentially the same person

no distinguishing characteristics between any of them, bland af creatures

>> No.6051253

so girls can confirm that girls are enigmatic creatures that can never be understood?

>> No.6051276


yeah, exactly like guys. its not that complicated.

>> No.6051393

If you're still here,
I too live in kansas. Where are good spots to pick up some non-shit clothes?