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/fa/ - Fashion

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6045262 No.6045262 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw have been lurking for 6 months
>have fits that i want to post in the WAYWT
>know you're going to get shit on and dont want to become a meme or something


>> No.6045269

Criticism, although often harsh, can be key to improving your dress sense.

>> No.6045267

So you blackout your face OP

>> No.6045374

>fear of rejection

>> No.6045387

Grow up faggots.

>> No.6045381

man up
getting shit on is good as long as its a quality shitting and not just 'bad' or something like that

>> No.6045401


This and this. Now fuck off and post your shit.

>> No.6045421

Constructive criticism maybe
/fa/ criticism however is tantamount to yelling 'faggot' on xbox live

>> No.6045468
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>Listening to the retards of /fa/
>Any year

>> No.6046189

that's true if /fa/ wasn't just a better dress /v/ with more confidence

>w-what do you guys think of my fit? it's exactly like how you guys said to dress
>it's shit faggot

>> No.6046199

we've seen worse bro, I guarantee it

>> No.6046224

>model figure/holocaust-mode
>perfect face, or at least 9/10
>top tier brands
>great fit
if you are missing any one of these you'll get shit on in waywt. don't post in those threads, they aren't there for constructive criticism, it's just a circlejerk for people who know they are already super /fa/.

>> No.6046223

youre not gonna be a meme unless you post a truly truly TRULY awful fit and caption it with a really bad line

most likely you are gonna get like 1-2 comments and life will go on

>> No.6046239

>nice pants fuccboi
>he doesn't even raaaf seeamins
>dadcore mfa

>> No.6047022

Meh, I blur out my face and wear shit from thrift stores and I get mostly positive feedback.

>> No.6047208
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> tfw someone said my juilus leather jacket looked cheap

>> No.6047217

julius is pretty shit quality

>> No.6047272

>post in waywt
>1 reply asking for id on jacket

>> No.6047318

I'm p. sure they're the opposite

>> No.6047406

>have been lurking for 6+ months
>have a small but humble wardrobe of clothing
>every one of my fits in the WAYWT threads have been unanimously /fa/ approved

>> No.6047463

If someone is missing a great fit, what do you expect? Praise?

>> No.6047481

>lurking for maybe 5 months
>have only bought plain v-necks, AF1s, and chinos
At this rate h-how long until i can p-post in the WAYW

>> No.6047714
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the problem is almost everyone just says "bad" or "its shit"
i occasionally try to do real constructive criticism on every fit that i believe is real
and then i just get yelled at for making a long post
am i doing something wrong

>> No.6047715

Buy a supreme 5 panel and boom you are now basic streetwear