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6043603 No.6043603[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw blowing off two groups of friends that want to hang out this weekend so you can stay in and do work

Feel like such an asshole

>> No.6043615

>STEM feels thread.
I know them all too well...

>sage'd tho soz bro

>> No.6043634


>nah man, i'm busy all weekend. Hmu next weekend though, i'm free.

now that was hard

>> No.6043635


you could've stopped it /fa/

>> No.6043644

>do work
you mean watch anime, fap and play video games

>> No.6043653

Most of /fa/ doesn't buy from primark/walmart/kmart

>> No.6043696

>>i truly know how you feel
>>Started working at 7am
>>now it's 4pm I got most of it done and will go to a barbe then come home to finish work
>>tfw it's Saturday

>> No.6043704

think of the stacks b

ur goin 2 make it

>> No.6043713

>tfw had an amazing day with some friends today

>> No.6043719

>tfw big project due on monday and exams start right after that
>tfw graduating and have no idea what to do next


>> No.6043731
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Let me share my shitty bullshit greentext stories with you all. This all has happened in the last month or so:

>tfw one of my buddies give me a ride home every friday
>he offers and insists even though i'm totally fine with walking down the street
>everytime he drops me off he mentions how he's going to a party or hanging with some friends and invites me
>"yeah I'm down dude, just hit me up when you're going over"
>"cool I'll call you in an hour"
>third weekend in a fucking row he's flaked on me

>My other buddy who I used to smoke and drink with all the time is always busy
>everytime I ask him to hang out he always has something important to do
>"dude why are you always so busy?"
>"I'm going to be busy for the next 3 months dude, sorry"
>we used to be close as fuck.

>Girl in my class always wants to hang out with me
>always vibin on me, puppy dog eyes and everything
>everytime I txt her to chill, she never responds
>everytime I call her to chill, she says yes and then flakes on me
>Last time she did this I had buddies over and we ended up waiting on her making me look like a total faggot when she never showed up

>Another girl comes over to chill out
>explicitly tells me she wants to fuck me
>literally, "anon, I would totally fuck you"
>"yeah I'm down, let's go"
>start taking off my shirt
>"no anon, I'm in a relationship"
>tells everyone I was hitting on her and tried to fuck her and totally reversed the story

>4/20 rolls around
>dealer gets arrested literally the day before
>all my friends are dry (probably lying)
>one of my close friends who always has weed phone was broken
>another close friends phone was stolen
>no fucking bud
>ended up smoking hookah with some other friends, mad as fuck

>fuck up my back somehow doing my OHP
>can't do dick now, even walking hurts like hell
>everyones inviting me to skate and hang out now, but instead I'm stuck inside

I'm beginning to think there is a giant joke being played on me that I'm not aware of.

>> No.6043767

I cant be the only one who imagined OP in a bukakke blowing a bunch of guys when I read his post. am i gay?

>> No.6043774


are you me?

>> No.6043786


do you get the vibe that everyone dislikes you, or thinks you're weird?

>> No.6043795

>make plans with girlfriend
>girlfriend's friends from college are doing something and tonight will probably be the last time she sees them before semester ends
>try to suggest that I come along and we all hang out instead of just a date together
>texting is a terrible form of a communication
>end up accidentally cancelling date and staying home by myself
>won't be able to get out of the house for a week because of finals and work

fuck I'm an idiot

>> No.6043800
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>sitting at home trying to model an engine hoist in solidworks using finite element analysis

>havent done anything fun in months

>gotta finish heat transfer hw after this shit

What the fuck am I doing with my life

>> No.6043799

Shit man recenty start a new regimen, 'twas going great, seeing good gains, then I fucking pulled a muscle in my lower back. Know that feel bro

>> No.6043810


Studying for STEM job that's not even there.


>> No.6043815
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>> No.6043814

haha i do bro, but it's fucking tough.

Like I need the business to expand more so I can have more people under me. I recently missed a mate's wedding in Paris cause a last minute work thing. It actually made me cry, cause I had no choice. I HAD to choose work over friendship. It fucking sucked.

>> No.6043817

>implying i dont have an internship
>implying I didnt get highered to a consulting firm

Dont try and bring me down bro

>> No.6043846

Nah, quite the contrary. I'm frequently told that I'm popular and have a good reputation. Up until recently people have had the tendency to cling to me and want my attention. Now it's the opposite and it's quite a kick to the dick and balls.

I'm also usually pretty perceptive, so I can tell when someone likes or dislikes me. However, recently I've been feeling that people aren't being honest with me. I'm not really sure, I think I'm just being paranoid.

yeah probably

Yeah dude, I ordered some creatine and was ready to get dem max gains and literally the day before it arrived I puled a muscle. On the bright side it's given me time to reaffirm my diet and start on a bulk comfortably.

>> No.6043849


>comp sci not able to find jobs
>comp sci here
>find a job anywhere i go instantly
>uncle is also has degree in compsci
>he has no problems either

Maybe you should just try harder

>> No.6043860

Nice anecdotal evidence bro.

>> No.6043866

Top lel, baby news


Check job number 2 in the list baby
>LA majors will use anything to justify their shit degree

>> No.6043873

>tfw not spending any time doing work and instead procrastinating and posting on 4chan

>> No.6043883

BBC is the new Pravda bro.

>> No.6043890

>mfw it turned into one of these threads
>it's all about connections

just make sure to talk to your lecturers often about stupid shit like any ol' question.

just set appointments with well regarded lecturers and talk to them haha.

>tfw talking to world leaders in medical fields about literature, travelling along side their research and careers.
>tfw making it good w/ lecturers-->internship positions.

>> No.6043902

I agree but I have to say its always the STEM haters that start this shit. We were just trying to have some STEM feels up in here

>> No.6043909

mfw ur not saging

let the STEM feels flow bro but ths bord ain 4 it

but seriously.
>mfw theyr probs doing arts B))))))))))))))))))))))))

>> No.6043911

>tfw too stupid to come up with any questions

>> No.6043932

I think its Armani fw 11 12

>> No.6043922

aight bb since u so nice bout it

>> No.6043923

>Relies on schmoozing

Such is "progress."

>> No.6043927

Just ask them anything

Seriously I just asked them about how the last test was marked.

Went in and showed respect/polite etc (as you should be to any well standing researcher) ended up talking to one of mine about trips to Paris, English History and proteins used in HIV therapy (ones his research group helped develop).

>> No.6043935

that is how it's always worked you dumbass

>> No.6043937

>we don't have common interests.
In a class of atleast 100-300 you need to make the effort, they won't care about you otherwise.

Stop being so full of yourself.

>> No.6043956

So are you a leftist?
But we claim we're a meritocracy!!!

>> No.6043974


Iunno man. Sort of out there and may not be related, but you may find it helpful if it does relate: I have this a friend who thought he was the absolute shit for the longest time. We all let him stroke his ego because at his core, he's a truly cool guy. He's one of those guys who takes control over situations by being an cunt to everyone so they just back down because they get annoyed. Over time we all just got sick of his shit so anytime he'd be an autistic shithead we'd call him on his act. Long story short, that shit backfired on him now and pretty much everyone hates him and he seriously cannot figure out why.

>> No.6043987

Yeah, I've got a friend who's kind of similar. I'm actually just a down to earth guy that goes with the flow. I rarely take control of a situation unless something is obviously out of hand or wrong. Most of the times I'm just down for whatever anyone else feels like doing.

I can be a dick sometimes when I'm a bit more familiar with someone, but not out of spite and it's usually a mutual thing. We just rank on eachother and say funny shit to laugh and some of my closest friends and I use insults as terms of endearment. Obviously this doesn't happen everytime, but if it's late at night and we're all bored and chilling we'll start fucking with eachother.

I've really become introspective lately to try and remedy the situation. I'm good at being honest with myself and for the life of me I can't figure out what's wrong.

>> No.6043990

>had my two compsci exams that i was sure i was going to flunk
>tfw i got the second highest and third highest
>tfw still expecting to fail the class and already planned my repeated course schedule for the following semesters
>get grades today
>end up being gpa boosters

gotta love that curve.

>> No.6044007


maybe its nothing. Sometime life just throws you a curveball, you know? Try finding some new people to hang with while you're at it. Never hurts to make new friends

>> No.6044026

Out of curiosity how old is he?

Also he should have known, if you were his friends and you were telling him he was being an autismal fuck all the time, he should have listened in the first place

Yeah I get that feeling I dont really click with anyone, I like different stuff all the time and people percive that as edginess and just trying to be different or being a know it all because I read shit.

I kind of started to realize that I dont really click with people because:

- we dont have the same interests so there is nothing to talk about

- I like introspective talk and that freaks some people out

But I say fuck it, just keep looking till you find good people bro

>> No.6044034

>grilfriend's brother is in his 4th year in compsci and goes to prestigious university. i go to university that sits in his university's shadow.
>"idk man school is so hard i dont think ill be able to get a job after i graduate im so scared, anon."
>he hasn't done any internships
>he doesn't have any side projects
>he doesn't know how to write a proper resume or cover letter
>he hears that i'm in my 3rd year on my 3rd internship and that I have two job offers lined up after getting my degree
>"well he goes to anon university so why is he even relevant"

it feels good to know that these are the types of people that I'm competing with.

>> No.6044055

Bragging on an anonymous image board. Its nice to know these are the types of asshats that look down on you.

>> No.6044057

Yeah you tell yourself that...

>> No.6044062

I know this feeling

>go to decent state school
>gets shit on by students at the local top university
>always felt bad
>start learning that my ME counterparts are completely useless at everything other than engineering
>have multiple internships because I network and am proactive in looking
>shitheads at the top school didnt bother to apply for jobs/internships beforehand because they were so stuck up they thought jobs would be offered to them

Feels good man

>> No.6044066

Lmao u go to WSU don't you..?

>> No.6044248
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Fuck, why did you have to shit on everything like that?

>friend told me this week "I still think you're pretty fucking weird, but you're cool dude"
Can't tell if people hang out with me because they feel bad that I'm awkward, or because I'm actually just chill.

>> No.6044302

I have a feeling that you're awkward, but you're aware of your awkwardness so you can use it to lighten up the mood. With that in mind, they invite you to social gatherings so that they could use you as the social lubrication so that they can all have a good time with eachother through your awkwardness.

I had the same thing happen to me. I used to be so random and awkward but i timed it well so that we were always having a good time. I'd call my friends up, etc. and get a date to hang out with eachother. Then at the last minute they'd flake out similar to your situation. I later realized that I wasn't inviting the right people (ie. person A wanted person B to come and won't go to anything unless person B comes and the only way for person B to come is for me to invite person B since person A is too shy). You can't make real friends (or even relationships, for that matter) if you're random/awkward because no one takes you seriously.

I stopped being random and awkward and met new people that I could be myself around and not have to be so random around to make a good time.

Take my advice with $0.02.