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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 426 KB, 1750x900, the-great-gatsby-movie-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6039582 No.6039582[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's going to be a fucking train wreck of a movie, but I have never been this ready for a film's wardrobe.

>> No.6039602

the costumes are the only reason I'm going to watch it. and Gemma Ward.

>> No.6039665

I actually think he could win an Oscar for this.

From what ive seen he's got the character down to a tee.

>> No.6039686

i think they fucked up gatsby's wardrobe bigtime

only suit ive seen that would be remotely gatsby would be the pink one

>> No.6039826

> you will never live in the based 1920s, back when men dressed like men and not in sartorially bankrupt shit like Rick Owens and Givenchy SWAG.

>> No.6039850
File: 145 KB, 1000x750, overlook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As period piece the shining did a far better job in terms of wardrobe for the 1920s. That last shot with the group shot is spot on.

>> No.6039857

That's Kubrick for you.

>> No.6039866
File: 558 KB, 1300x960, comparison-to-the-treatment-of-african-americans-in-the-1920s-and-treatment-in-not-without-laughter-source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad most white men acted like children back then

>> No.6039885

you only feel that way because it has been presented to you as such.

>> No.6039890

>implying protecting your own culture qualifies as acting childish

hey OP, why the fuck do you think it will be a train wreck? It'll be fucking magnificent. The only qualm I have with it is that Lana Del Rey song

>> No.6039889
File: 42 KB, 600x369, shining-600x369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably because that photo is from the 1920s with jack superimposed into it

fucking retards

>> No.6039913


>> No.6039922

It's crazy how low rape and violent crime was in those days.

>> No.6039933

i always imagined the cast of how i met your mother when i read gatsby for the first time. barney as jay, ted as nick, marshall and lilly as tom and daisy.
would be a pretty cool final season

>> No.6039965

i thought they just put him in there lol

>> No.6040018

fun fact, the guy right behind him is probably young teddy roosevelt

>> No.6040096

wow why are you faggots concentrating on the lackluster brooksbrothers suits that the guys in the movie are going to wear, when Miuccia Prada is making the female costumes

PRADA is making the female costumes

miuccia bby

>> No.6040130

>dat carey mulligan

>> No.6040131

sounds like something a redditor would come up with

>> No.6040148

>Nero producing soundtrack
my ears are ready

>> No.6040160

source or are you just a retard?

>> No.6040196
File: 907 KB, 1648x2464, 04_RTW_MI_MARNI_053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't Gemma Ward supposed to be in this? Haven't seen her in any of the trailers.

>> No.6040214

>Soundtrack for great gatsby

>> No.6040252

yeah but if you actually read the book, Gatsby is black. The more you know.

>> No.6040276

What the god damn fuck

>> No.6040306

w2c : the movie

>> No.6041528


Every single actor in this movie is shit tier.

>> No.6041532


are you fucking with me?

>> No.6041534

Get ready for another influx of "classy" autists.

>> No.6041544
File: 71 KB, 720x960, swag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see all the fedora threads already.

>> No.6041545

>by Michael siefferman


>> No.6041549

>how do I dress like DiCaprio from Gatsby good gentleman?

>> No.6041551
File: 149 KB, 327x464, MM00243_BURGUNDY_1_G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brooks Brothers releasing Gatsby-inspired line of apparel. Get ready for neckbeads adapting the style en masse like the Drive scorpion jacket.

>> No.6041554

Is it just me or does anyone else feel that nobody knows what this book is about?

Its about a guy who destroys himself through obsession to a woman who doesn't even care about him, but somehow everyone thinks it is about a rich guy who throws loads of parties and has a great romance with a woman who loves him.
I guess it is just this generation of teens who put so much importance on YOLO PARTY SWAG

also yes the autism CLASSY will be horrible

>> No.6041552
File: 42 KB, 400x600, 00077586-y600px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6041556

Spiderman is the only good thing about this movie.
Also gastby was black, now gtfo.

>> No.6041557
File: 59 KB, 400x600, lookingood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least they will be easier to spot and stay away from

>> No.6041564

iirc a big part of the book was about old money culture and new money culture in the US and how wealthy people behave

I don't remember what the lesson was

>> No.6041566


they can't afford that shit

and neither can i ;_;

>dat pick stitched navy blazer

all my want

>> No.6041563

the ads are portraying it as such to make $$$$$

its gonna b shit

>> No.6041569

About this, is there anything people say when trying to be /fa/? Like how people new to /fit/ say they want to look like the dude from Fight Club?

>> No.6041571

You aren't the only one. Keep in mind that a good portion of the general populace is utterly retarded.

>> No.6041579
File: 139 KB, 327x464, MM00241_PINK_1_G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Store nearby is advertising that shitty line. Top lels if I see anyone around in the pink suit.

>> No.6041584


if it didn't have ULTRAPEAKED lapels and it was way slimmer it wouldn't be horrid


those lapels why

>> No.6041590
File: 45 KB, 400x600, 00077277-y600px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6041587

I would bet money that that's one of Buchannan's suits in the movie

something about those lapels screams aggressive dick to me

>> No.6041594

did you even read the book, Gatsby has a pink suit and Buchanan shits on him for it.

>> No.6041591

People didn't wear it back then.

>> No.6041598

>MFA trying to be classy like Gatsby, how'd I do?

>> No.6041599


it's been a while

>> No.6041606
File: 31 KB, 335x497, banditocore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they didn't?

and the line shouldn't be props, it should be themes from the movie with the designers own input and modern touches

>> No.6041614
File: 32 KB, 448x544, MM00242_NAV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also i really dig this blazer tho

>> No.6041618

inb4 gatsby fashion cringe infographic like the drive gosling scorpion jacket

>> No.6041621

time to get a buzzcut and burn everything except my underwear wait are longjohns /fa/?

>> No.6041622


ugh bb is selling fucking canes

you have to be an old fuck to pull off the cane

>> No.6041623

i can only hope, Drive and the Yesstyle one make me laugh so hard

>> No.6041627

I don't expect much from this film

as soon as I saw that first trailer I knew it was gonna be shit

>> No.6041628


someone post the yesstyle one with the parka and the apple

>> No.6041629
File: 78 KB, 404x594, disickcane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6041632


fuck no please
also inb4 'classy' 20s themes being integrated into social events after this film

>> No.6041639

the biggest try hard ever

>> No.6041638


he's not even pulling it off

it looks tryhard

you HAVE to be a decent looking old dude

>> No.6041637

Wait was the Scorpion jacket one?

>> No.6041635

he doesn't pull it off

>> No.6041646

he was indeed considered by many scholars to be black. but there is still some speculation

>> No.6041649
File: 104 KB, 594x460, phantom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying hes even trying

>> No.6041669


>can't afford 2tailor my sportscoats tho

money don't buy taste 4sho

>> No.6041684
File: 154 KB, 481x764, scott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be this /fa/

>> No.6041685

>implying you have better taste then lord disick

What's jealousy like?

>> No.6041698


so much wrong here AHHHHHH

wrong way to contrast colors with a shawl lapel, don't get me started on the paisley and that disgusting tie knot

also >matching contrast lapel color and tie color
>matching pocket square and tie color

this is what happens when trust fund kiddies grow up

god help us all

>> No.6041701

> lord disick
how does sucking the media's cock feel like?

>> No.6041702
File: 63 KB, 346x594, Scott+Disick+Kardashian+Clan+Enjoying+Busy+QV8tE5qjRiLl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his son is 20 times more /fa/ than you will ever be

>> No.6041699

The final edit looks good you dummy. It tested much much better than the first cut.

>> No.6041704
File: 61 KB, 712x657, 1365924072379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6041706


"Dark skinned" != black in the 1920s. Go back to SRS.

>> No.6041707

not really, most newcomers on /fa/ seem to get that they need to learn the basics first. Either that or they retaliate strongly to heavy critique after asking "am I /fa/", generally by stating bullshit like "alright well, that's just your opinion" or "so should I just kill myself then?".

I think it's because /v/, and presumably /b/ makes fun of that kind of misunderstanding 'gentlemen' wear, and i'd presume most people pass through those two boards before even thinking of /fa/

>> No.6041705

You sure are pleb, aren't you?
In what world that car is middle class?
What kind of bureaucrats drive it?
Ingnorant as fuck
Gtfo pleb

>> No.6041714


>those douchebag ULTRAPEAKS



i seriously want to buy that coat

>> No.6041717

>being so /fa/ and so confident that you can wear goofy stuff like a floral blazer and carry around a cane

Even if it doesn't look good, how can you guys hate him? I would love to have that much confidence to wear something crazy and not give a fuck.

>> No.6041724


>floral blazer

and it just looks bad

confidence isnt all there is 2 pulling shit off

it has to be neutrally good or good too

>> No.6041728

Is english your second language?

>> No.6041752

that and that rich people act dumb (to put it simply)

>> No.6041803


it is about the american dream, our expectations of fortune and success and how achieving them sometimes requieres doing what is morally questionable.

And the character of Nick couldn't be more gay.

>dat elevator passage.

>> No.6041844

Post the drive one, haven't seen it

>> No.6042009
File: 998 KB, 2048x1536, DSCN6419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to be an old fuck to pull off the cane
Shut up nerd.

>> No.6042011

Nick is gay and Gatsby is black. I'm so glad Fitzgerald decided to go against the status quo and challenge a CIS based society back in the 1920s

>> No.6042030

The Great Gatsby is such a fucking boring book.

>> No.6042052
File: 25 KB, 300x300, 2119410-Yeah-well-you-know-thats-just-like-your-opinion-man_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay pleb, and always wear a rubber

>> No.6042056

>I read it in High School so it has to be the best thing ever.
I couldn't get past the first 10 pages. Not even LOTR was so boring.

>> No.6042069

Great Gatsby shows how delusional and fucked up life can be but also how meaningless yet profound everything can be depending on your delusion.

>> No.6042078


your best looking piece of clothing is the burger king crown

>> No.6042095



Get the fuck off of this board.
>>>/lit/ for the rest of the year.
Fuckin pleb.

>> No.6042100

You're the one defending The Great Gatsby. Nigga, get educated.

>> No.6042454

>I couldnt understand it in high school and I cant even read.
Aww look at you you pleb

>> No.6042479

>Like how people new to /fit/ say they want to look like the dude from Fight Club?
ahahahahha, poor /fit/

>> No.6042604

He's not. Nick calls the only two black guys in the book negroes.

>> No.6042617

The fit is fairly modern. The gouge on that pink suit, for instance, are far too high to be considered period accurate. The jackets are also far too short in length. Also, these garments are hardly full fitting. They're are pretty slim. Then again, I guess /fa/ still does consider everything xbox huge that isn't skin tight.