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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 222 KB, 500x380, Colombian Necktie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6031761 No.6031761 [Reply] [Original]


Rick Owens is the God of /fa/.

Expand your mind, witness his greatness. These are his 10 commandments.

>> No.6031769

everyone has read this shit

if you want an inspiring quote go find that one about a shy woman opening up in front of her husband while trying on rick's work

>> No.6031768

wow you are late as fuck bro these quotes have been getting posted here since that article came out p much

>> No.6031812

there are new people here all the time, it's for them

post it, sounds interesting

>> No.6031834

i cant find it

>> No.6031848

plz post this quote
also i personally like thsi one by rick
“The coolest thing is when you don’t care about being cool anymore. Indifference is the greatest aphrodisiac - that’s what really sums up style for me.”

>> No.6031868

rick is amazing

>> No.6031875

>reading that post
>black background
>come back to /fa/ tab

>> No.6031884


>> No.6031943

>tfw at the age of 15 i sewed a bunch of big pockets inside my jacket
>tfw I carried books and sandwiches around in them

i was always #nxtlvl

>> No.6031949

but that's not even an idea.
he's just regurgitating the basic trope of what it means to be cool.

>> No.6031953

Rick is a fucking hack and it gets old listening to you drones sucks his cock.

If you're going to look up to a designer, pick someone who's actually talented and highly respected like Tom Ford

>> No.6031957
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may as well namedrop burberry while ur at it

>> No.6031968
File: 291 KB, 800x488, Tom-Ford-Menswear-Spring-Summer-2013-Lookbook-Collection-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6031971

tom ford is pretty cool too, i liked that he ventured in to cinematography.
rick is still interesting. i really liked fw2009, the colors were great. but his personality in general are what are so enthralling. I love his perspectives on life, and he's always great with whatever he's talking about, whether it be with clothes or words.

what is the "basic trope of what it means to be cool"?

>> No.6031992

cool is when you don't care about being cool.

>> No.6032000

May as well be another /fa/ drone while ur at it

>> No.6032005

>mfw rick owens has that /fit/ mentality that /fa/ rejects.

body > clothes

and yet he is /fa/'s idol

>> No.6032009

most of /fa/ are /fit/ already

rick just says be in shape, not get fucking trex quads

nobody mentions it because everyone who wants to be taken seriously here already has a nice body, the only fat people you see posting are fags looking for new haircuts, not regular posters

>> No.6032010
File: 72 KB, 683x1024, tumblr_ly8s5aZNxG1qao0izo1_1280_zps69b97f7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do u explain the models

>> No.6032020

Tbh Rick is just going off shock value and it's working. Kind of like Marilyn Manson in the 90's, every singer that was popular was good looking and had a bit of color. Rick is the Manson of the fashion world.

>> No.6032023

wow holy shit that was stupid

>> No.6032024
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>> No.6032025
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A lot of people don't think rick uses a lot of colour and think he's ugly

>> No.6032029

yo twerk what's kvk mean

>> No.6032033


thats not it at all

lol = lel = kek = kvk
also lel = ;e;


>> No.6032035

>Tbh Rick is just going off shock value and it's working.
>oh god
>he put a hood
>on a cardigan
>the shoes
>theyre like nike
>but the swoosh


>> No.6032036


i feel like tom ford is just taking the piss out of everyone with what he presents as his aesthetic

>> No.6032032

like your face

Rick is far from using shock value he is just the king of fashion so you can say he is the Elvis of fashion.

>> No.6032039
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I second this. Watch his interview and tell me the guy is not a fucking natural. Dude was dressing his mother and arranging the furniture as a kid.

>> No.6032043

but is he gay

>> No.6032044


>most of /fa/ are /fit/

lol, low body fat != fit.

>> No.6032045


if you take rick owens dick out of your eye for a minute you will realize there are more colors than black black and black

>> No.6032049


>implying every male designer isn't

>> No.6032048



>> No.6032051


>implying Rick doesn't ever use colorr

>> No.6032052



>tfw rick will never appear on your doorstep trying to shock you while wearing a fully zipped gimp and dunks on his hands

>> No.6032060
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prepare your anus

>> No.6032062
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some of those colors are even on ricks runways!

>> No.6032069

thanks bruh. damn this shit gets confusing

If you see the interviews there is clearly a direction and purpose to his designs. You could try and argue that he made up some stuff to cover up the fact that he goes off of shock value, but the fact remains that his designs are different and innovative and that's why they get attention. Rick himself is pretty out there--but the brand itself stands on the merits of its pieces. Fashion is about constantly pushing forward, and you can't say he hasn't done that, much more prominently than many of his peers.

>> No.6032088
File: 172 KB, 416x611, tumblr_mg0q9ofJ161ru6dsho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so cool designer quotes and stuff thread?

>> No.6032103

>pretentious shit
yeah, nah. Fuck off.

>> No.6032136

"A few times in my life I've had moments of clarity, and I can feel rather than think."
Tom Ford.

>> No.6032147
File: 88 KB, 710x1024, fucking faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit tom ford's significant other is an old man who looks like he is a skellington... fuck that is so gross, just imagine them fucking and the skeleton guy is all like "not so hard tom I'll throw out my hip" and then lets out a cough.

>> No.6032165

WTF LMFAO ur fucking description made me lol so fucking hard
but props 2 tom anyway cool guy

>> No.6032169
File: 2.20 MB, 400x225, funny (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Peace and Anarchy

>> No.6032173

geez.. what made that come to your mind. funny though.

>> No.6032207

Just one date with Selena is all I ask for.. ;_; I could literally die and be happy then.

>> No.6033155


rick carries his gameboy color

>> No.6033165

inb4 new wave of fuccbois going to /fit/.

>> No.6033170

>2. Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead.

This is where 98% of /fa/ screws up

>> No.6033173

I wish I knew

>> No.6033202

4chan x and a theming script nigga

>> No.6033200


>> No.6033232
File: 18 KB, 90x90, shindance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

numma five is my favorite

>> No.6033248

he had cancer

its a good look tbh

>> No.6033263

Rick Owens = faggot and false prophet

>> No.6033285
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>> No.6033420


So fucking true

>> No.6033458
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Because dropping cash on clothes is easy

Building muscle is not/

>> No.6033515


no. See rule 10

>> No.6034910

None of his ideas are new or surprising, besides the one about big pockets. Rick is an ugly hack.

>> No.6035820

Implying the guy doesn't look awkward and bulky in clothing.

>> No.6035860
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>> No.6035874

>one forearm bigger than the other

>> No.6035886
File: 66 KB, 360x594, 1333319806624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6035901


>> No.6036065

Dropping cash on clothes isn't the point. You'll still end up looking like shit.