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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 19 KB, 368x534, JEssex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6026375 No.6026375 [Reply] [Original]

/Fa/, why is everybody better looking than me? I've actually had enough of this... Every guy I see is at least 5 points above me. Looking as good as this guy is something I can never achieve. I'm just not good looking enough to be in this world. Women only lust after model looking men of which there are thousands whilst guys like me just don't make the mark.

>> No.6026377

i want /fit/ to leave

>> No.6026381

That's silly. There are plenty of women with men less attractive than that.

At the end of the day, you're right that you're never going to be him. You're also never going to be Ryan Gosling, George Clooney, or Hugh Jackman. Do you know what you can be? You can be the best possible version of yourself. Dress well, stay in shape, find engaging hobbies, and you'll find women that are interested in you eventually.

>> No.6026383

Change shit about your face. I found I looked better with stubble and glasses for example ( because of slightly weak chin and wide set eyes )

Try a getting a tan, lowering body fat, and trying different facial and regular hairstyles. You can look completely different.

>> No.6026384
File: 90 KB, 499x750, simonurmyeverything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, that guy you posted if ugly AF even with photoshoop and pounds of bronzer. Secondly, lose a shit ton of weight and build from there into otter mode while acquiring a taste that fits your personality.

>> No.6026394

My body isn't so bad it's my face... I think I'm totally maxed out, I have stubble and everything, I have tried countless hairstyles... But I have horrific features. And my hairline is receding. My nose is fucked up and my ears stick out... I could get my ears pinned back but then it throws the rest of my face out of balance and I actually look WORSE.

>> No.6026398

>what is confidence

>> No.6026405


Get started on hair medication.

But other wise. It seems you're dwelling on your features too much. Post a pic so we can see if you're worrying too much.

>> No.6026406

Picture of your face or gtfo.

>> No.6026407

Even with a wack face a lot of niggas can still easily pull. Just make sure you get on that $ flow and prepare for your dick to get wet.

>> No.6026429
File: 94 KB, 199x329, Casual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6026440

Lmao man you're over thinking it. You're definitely not a model or anything but you're not ugly at all. Just a typical jabroni.

>> No.6026448

you look avereage which again means you are in same range as most other guys in terms of beauty

>> No.6026449


>> No.6026450

lose weight, your face has no sharpness or structure to it at all.

it's like a sad blob.

>> No.6026453

stop sitting down all day

>> No.6026454

That's not good enough in this day and age... And I look fucking disgusting from the left side.

>> No.6026462

Ok so fuck off then mate.

Take your ugly face to


>> No.6026465

doesnt't even make sense. people have always valued looks and always will. build a bridge.

>> No.6026467
File: 82 KB, 960x720, AvBloke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, and how is R9K going to help?

>> No.6026469

The poor average man on the left is outcasted.

>> No.6026471

r9k doesn't help it's just a place for people to complain about their insecurities etc, which op is doing
(i think, i don't really visit)

>> No.6026472

Sounds like it makes sense... What do you mean by build a bridge?

>> No.6026473

They're not, nobody is going to help you. They're just better at babysitting self loathing autists like you. There are people in the world with serious medical conditions who can't live normal lives and you're whining on internet forums about not looking like a model.

You're fat, you're ugly and your personality is apparently trash.

Help your self out you sad sack of shit.

>> No.6026475

>Implying autism isn't a medical condition that stops people from living normal lives

>> No.6026479

It's not, it's a pseduo-condition created to justify why some people don't fit in with the rest of the world.

Yes, the government recognizes you as being "sick" and sends you your autism bux in the mail every month, but that means nothing.

You're a fucking loser.

>> No.6026485

The fuck's wrong with you, go take a time out, not even OP.

>> No.6026488

I'm getting trolled into a frenzy here.

>> No.6026489

Git a clue m8. I have struggled my entire life with autism and social anxiety sometimes it's so bad that I am paralyzed from talking and have panic attacks in every day situations like going to the shops, in short fuck you

>> No.6026492

So? Take it up with your parents then. I didn't raise you to be an aspie.

>> No.6026499

Yeah okay, I'll take it up with my dead parents who died in an accident when I was around 14 which left me completely traumatized and withdrawn from society more and more until I couldn't even leave the house without sweating and getting a lump in my throat.

>> No.6026502

Ok, keep whining on 4chan then. I'm sure it'll improve your condition.

>> No.6026508


>> No.6026544

Yeah, I know, does it make you feel better about your own failings to laugh at others? Consider suicide

>> No.6026549

U mad, fuccboi?

>> No.6026552

I don't know; what are my failings?

>> No.6026553

Wow I'm not even autistic u retard. I just want to improve my aesthetics

>> No.6026556
File: 113 KB, 612x612, fact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill just leave this here

>> No.6026557

Sounds good to me, thanks

>> No.6026562

But I wanna bang Alba and I've never smelt her

>> No.6026565

Dude we aren't all born with completely symmetrical faces deal w/ it. My eyebrows are too low any my nostrils are too wide. Yeah I'm ugly compared to a model but that's like comparing your athleticism to an pro athlete. If you lose weight and dress well and act with confidence that's the best you can do unless you hate yourself enough to get facial surgery.

>> No.6026566


Geeh, now it sure must be true.

>> No.6026571


>> No.6026584

This is probably bullshit but if you try to look good and not dress like shit and have an ounce of confidence it's pretty hard not to be attractive unless you are disfigured. Attraction is only about half dependent on your face. There are plenty of people who are extremely attractive but you dont notice it because they dress, act, sound and/or smell like shit.

you will never know that feel when gyno so count yourself lucky. You could have a wardrobe filled with button ups and pray for winter to roll around each year.

>> No.6026586

last part was directed @ OP

>> No.6026597

It's hard for a guy to look terrible, and if you work oj your personality a girlfriend isn't hard to get. You think you have it bad, imagine being an ugly girl.

>> No.6026595
File: 165 KB, 616x960, that feel for everyone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gyno
>tfw always wearing a v-neck under t-shirts

I know that feel, bro. We're all going to make it.

>> No.6026601

I don't know; what are my failings? It makes me feel good, generally, if that answers your question.

>> No.6026608

start smiling,

>> No.6026609

>/Fa/, why is everybody better looking than me?
Do you live in modelville?
I am by far not the ugliest person where I live, even if I don't take downies into account

>> No.6026631


why don't you go watch that dove forensic drawing man video and feel better about yourself.


>> No.6026670

Clothes and style can change up your appearance and emphasize traits you want or give a different image and bump you up a point. Posture, body language and confidence can bump you up another point. Personality, humor, sociability, and competence can bump you up another point.

Put in some effort and you'll be surprised what happens.

>> No.6026719

women don't put that much importance on face. if you are tall and charismatic then a 5/10 face can still get women

>> No.6026723

i find it hard to believe that wemon find tall men any more attractive than we find tall women

>> No.6026743

I'm so sorry

>> No.6026766

wheere are you gettig that from m2

>> No.6026790
File: 93 KB, 334x230, 1366420414758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugly dry looking hair that wont lay down. looks like a bristles
>chin overbite
>ugly dry cheesy skin full with acne
>brown soulless eyes
>potato nose
>too big lips
>hamster cheeks
>no defined cheekbones or jaw
>overall too round boring face
>fat thighs
>slight gyno
>short legs
>short in general

nature fucked me over bigtime. i try not to think about it but when I do I feel so angry and sad. It hurts so much to see beautiful girls knowing that they will never find me appealing. It sucks so hard that I will never get a compliment on my looks. I hate how you cant choose your looks. I wish i was never born. I know that there are ugly guys that get laid but i want to be able to look in the mirror and be content with my appearence. I want girls to get wet when they see me. I want them to think fantasize about me. Instead I am just a below average joe. I hate going out and beeing under other people. I hate my sub human self so much.

>> No.6026809

Hey murdoc.

>> No.6026836

post pic

>> No.6026842

First thing, you probably don't look nearly as bad as you think. There will be girls who are attracted to you for sure. You can sort out your acne and lose weight. Don't just aim for that though, start eating healthily all the time, the healthier you are the better you look. If you treat your body well your feel and look better.
Just do everything in your control to improve yourself and you will give off Great vibes and people will enjoy being around you. Combine this with wearing nice clothes and positive outlook and you can have anything you want.

>> No.6026838

>everyone keeps telling me I should smile more
>every time I do i look like a jackass especially when I show off my ugly teeth
so i just look like I'm bitter and angry all the time

>> No.6026864

There is no need to. I am not an insecure teenager that secretly wants to get told he doesnt look as bad. I am objectivly below average.

I am still normal on the bmi scale, but I do want to lose 10kg. Still this wont change my overall body shape and proportions.

Like I said I know that if I tried and worked on my personality I could get a GF but I feel like I would just be lying to me. No matter how good my personality would be, no matter how alpha I would get I would still not look good. I wish I was born with a model tier face that people would admire.

>> No.6026866

they do.

>> No.6026868
File: 64 KB, 500x297, 1366757356837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is only a very few percent of people who are genetically incredibly handsome or incredibly ugly

Most people are just average.

You could look million times better with losing weight, proper skincare, good hair, and most importantly a better personality.
How well your nice and attractive charm comes off your face, how secure and confident you are makes your face look much better. Problem is, you can't just "get" it like everything else I mentioned. If you are 20, didn't learn either, you probably never will. Even if you tried, you'd need like 5-10 years to get on the level of a 16 year old, and its not like there is a training course for it, you just need to go out with good quality friends. Don't have those either? Well sucks to be you. Treat your face well, work out, and hope somehow some 7/10 feels pity on you and takes you for your body, coz nothing else will work

I knew so many, so many delusional people, so it is better if I'm just straight with you

>> No.6026877

An ugly girl who can easily hook up with top looking guys because men aren't picky at all?

Why do you think gays are so happy? Men are easy to get into bed.

>> No.6026883

>If you are 20, didn't learn either, you probably never will.

I am 21, have no friends, havent had a private conversation in 3 years, never had a gf, kissless, handheldless, obviously a virgin
i just cant approach people and i have nothing to talk about
everybody tells me to man up but i know that i am a lost case

>> No.6026889

Well, there are therapists, ask them. They might recommend a sanatorium or a psychodrama group or something. It won't do much, but it will give you enough confidence and skills to hit on an insecure fat chick in a library you already kinda know

>> No.6026890

It doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.6026894
File: 123 KB, 920x617, Cara-Delevingne-Jeremy-Young-Mia-Goth-Pepe-Jeans-SS-2013-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know any and my standards are too high.

5ever a virgin

>> No.6026898

>tall means manly
>men don't like tall women because they are manly
>women like tall men because they are manly

Not rocketscience

Well, if you don't even try, sure

The more you wait, the less time you'll have to live

>> No.6026897

Have you seen who zyzz hung out with? They all have objectively below average faces, but still end up looking ok by working out. You're a fucking guy, it's more important how you carry yourself and how you look overall than how your face looks. Gyno is a bit of a shame, but mostly if it's lopsided

>> No.6026900

I know that this sounds lazy but I just ask myself why I have work out for a year with a strict diet and jump over my shadow by working on my social skills just to score and average girl while others are natually looking good and social and get good looking girls naturally. But yeah life isn't fair. Nothing new. Whining doesnt really do anything. But I just die inside when I see good looking men.

>> No.6026904


>Implying good looking men don't have standards as well

hahahaha no.

>> No.6026907


Nothing is natural about them

You think they were born with huge pecs? they were born with gel in their hair? They were born with a pua lexicon emprinted in their brain and their first word was "yo bitch pull dat ass up"?

They worked just as hard, they simply don't mention it, because male culture is about mannign the fuck up and not whining all day, so they were conditioned to just do it without a word

>> No.6026911

Nobody is naturally sexy, some are more inclined to looking good, but all of them work out frequently or at the least do calisthenics.

>> No.6026915

Why? Because you are a loser, L-O-S-E-R; that's why.

>> No.6026916

>just to score an average girl
only if you set your sights that low
also don't go on a diet, that's the wrong attitude. Change you way you eat. I'm guessing by the fact that you think you need to "go on a diet" that you don't eat well now. Can you cook well?

>> No.6026917

Are you kidding?
Men care way more about looks than women do.

>> No.6026919

While many do, there are still a lot that really don't. Don't tell me you never knew that guy in highschool, who was super popular but only dated ugly chicks because they were easy and "good enough"?

Even those that have relatively high standards don't need women as good, as good looking women need men. I knew a few guys who spend twenty hours a week in the gym, thousands on his clothes, and dates fat women because "that fucking ass man, hnnnnnn"

Hell, me being a bisexual, I can easily score a 9/10 pretty boy much easier than a 7/10 chick.

>> No.6026922


>> No.6026920

Idk. There are plenty of guys that look good and dont work out at all. They dont have huge pecs but you dont need them when you have good proportions and a good face.

And I dont really imagine that they worked hard to aquire social skills. They just came naturally to them through parenting and their enviroment.

They are if they have a good looking face.

>> No.6026927

Your question is pointless

What's the difference if they worked or not, huh? Only thing matters that YOU need to work either way, so get to it

>> No.6026932

No women are just as, if not more shallow than men. Men have low as fuck standards even 8/10 looking men will fuck any average girls.

>> No.6026935

How do you know my name?

>> No.6026938

just because they aren't huge doesn't mean they don't work out, Ottermode is hard to achieve

>> No.6026946

No, have you even hung out with women, all they say is "that guy is cute!", "that guy is ugly!", "Ooh look at that guy he's cute!"

>> No.6026952

Woman are shallow, but not about someone's fucking face.
You just have some outstanding expectations for what a girl should look like if you always see 9/10 men dating 5/10 girls.

>> No.6026947

this is the #1 falsehood perpetrated by anonymous virgins on the internet. women can't easily get laid. neckbeard virgins on the internet who have never been approached by women think it would be great if they were. i much prefer being a male and having society tell me to approach rather than be approached. it gives me more control over the relationship and my life

>> No.6026954

Fuck medication, it's expensive, stressful and dodgy. If your hair is going, you should just go buzzcut.

>> No.6026957

No i mean they are just thin. No ottermode.

Eh makes sense but right now I am too busy to school. Dont really have time to work out. I mean if I really really wanted I could but I dont want to burn myself out and waste huge efforts just to get a girl that never had to do anything to become attractive.

>> No.6026963

this is false and the lie is still being perpetrated by society.

women and men are both incredibly sexually driven. women love sex. many women have higher sex drives then men.

>> No.6026964

skinny fat looks bad, they can't be sexy.

>> No.6026967

but girls dont really care because thin is enough for them as long as you have a good face

>> No.6026968

This is fucking bullshit

I knew so many ugly girls, so many, that got laid by 7/10 and 8/10 guys it isn't even funny. I knew one that had a literal fucking mustache until she bothered to shave it off, and an ugly face. All she did was add some basic makeup and nice clothes and went to the prom afterparty, standing awkwardly around. Now she is in a 6 month old relationship with a 8/10 guy. If I knew any guy do who could do the same I would kiss his fucking feet - but you never see it

Yeah, it is not "easy" per se, but still much easier than for a guy o get laid. All they have to do is wait and say yes

>> No.6026970

>never had to do anything to be attractive
have you never heard of makeup?
attractive people just carry themselves well and seem casual, doesn't mean anyone who looks good doesn't work to look good in some way.

>> No.6026979

Can you pull off a buzzcut with a receding hairline, or do you have to go completely bald to not be a freak?

>> No.6026987

Don't go completely bald unless you are fit, and i would buff up fast if I was balding

>> No.6026989

no fuck that do it is super /fa/ the chicks will cream

>> No.6026996
File: 37 KB, 360x450, statham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buzzcut is THE haircut for receders.

>> No.6027009

actually yeah for receeders buzzcut is the way to go; any shorter only looks good with thick head of hair

>> No.6027016

I probably should do this soon, but I'm scared shitless. I've had mid-long hair for all my life.

>> No.6027021 [DELETED] 

>>6026790 I want girls to get wet when they see me. I want them to think fantasize about me.
>>6026864 I wish I was born with a model tier face that people would admire.
>>6026900 I know that this sounds lazy but I just ask myself why I have work out for a year with a strict diet and jump over my shadow by working on my social skills just to score and average girl while others are natually looking good and social and get good looking girls naturally.
>>6026957 I mean if I really really wanted I could but I dont want to burn myself out and waste huge efforts just to get a girl that never had to do anything to become attractive.
Every post you make diminishes what little sympathy I had for you.

>> No.6027029

>I want girls to get wet when they see me. I want them to think fantasize about me.
>I wish I was born with a model tier face that people would admire.
>I know that this sounds lazy but I just ask myself why I have work out for a year with a strict diet and jump over my shadow by working on my social skills just to score and average girl while others are natually looking good and social and get good looking girls naturally.
>I mean if I really really wanted I could but I dont want to burn myself out and waste huge efforts just to get a girl that never had to do anything to become attractive.
Every post you make diminishes what little sympathy I had for you.

>> No.6027045

I'm in the same boat. I'm telling myself I'll do it once I'm fit enough.

>> No.6027106 [DELETED] 
File: 378 KB, 768x644, pizdaural.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


25 yo

hold me

>> No.6027128
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>> No.6027151
File: 1.92 MB, 2000x837, fuuuuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22 here. Have to deal with acne AND balding.

>> No.6027162

Too high body fat, start working out properly.

>> No.6027191

Also would anyone recommend me a new haircut? Except for buzzing it of course (weapon of last chance).

>> No.6027195

Join the buzzclub. Life's too short to worry about balding.

>> No.6027232
File: 38 KB, 300x400, justin_timberlake buzzcut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to be a sick muscle head to look good with a buzzcut. Just a little muscle with low fat and you're fine.

>> No.6027227

IKTF but honestly I don't think I'm balding. None of my relatives had gone bald and my hairline has been p much like that since I was 15.

>> No.6027240

My hairline's looked like yours for the last 6 years, it's not THAT bad.

>> No.6027247
File: 76 KB, 448x336, odd looking people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you're not as bad as you think you are.

>> No.6027250

that acne looks painful.
You should get some medication for it.

>> No.6027253

It wouldn't hurt to smile.

>> No.6027257

Actually women go less for looks than men.
I dont go for looks (unless really fucked up) and my girlfriends all do the same.

>> No.6027263

women don't go for anything. men have to approach women. so they say

>> No.6027261

The only way to make your face better is to lose fat and take better care of your skin. 25% bf to 15%bf is a point and 15% to 8% is a point. Low body fat brings out your jawline. Christian Bale isn't that good looking and doesn't have a strong jaw but he makes it look good by keeping his body fat low.

>> No.6027265
File: 163 KB, 582x587, fucking nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you just have to have the face of a pop artist / actor.

>> No.6027267

this picture looks funny but Im sure with with a nice hairstyle and a smile I would consider you attractive! (Girl her)

>> No.6027269

5 and 6/10s will approach you because they get hit on less and have to.

>> No.6027275

girls approach me sometimes but idk if they're just being nice

>> No.6027276

Lose fat an you'll look like the guy from 21 jumpstreet.

>> No.6027280

I always thought JT was pretty normal looking. Feels like a down-to-earth guy.

>> No.6027283

probably the latter you manlet 8)

>> No.6027284
File: 68 KB, 720x960, hitler bus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you using joey essex as an example of male beauty?

>> No.6027285
File: 99 KB, 700x508, Justin_Timberlake_Shirt_Off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Justin Timberlake: 6'1" ( no weight listed)

>> No.6027300

>Justin Timberlake

5'11" at best. I saw him stand next to Justin Segal in Bad Teacher.

>> No.6027309

*Jason Segel

>> No.6027312

You just have to be rich and famous with a personal trainer and stylist.

>> No.6027320

Segel is 6'3 timberlake is 6'1

>> No.6027336

There is no way Timberlake is actually 6'1".

>> No.6027341

Well, he is.

>> No.6027349

con you find a picture of him looking short to share here?

>> No.6027393
File: 81 KB, 446x594, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, I didn't realize Cameron Diaz was so tall. How did they make Tom Cruise not look hilarious near her in Knight and Day?

>> No.6027417
File: 204 KB, 1000x807, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They put him in heels and her in thin soles.

>> No.6027562

Segel's also 6'4 not 6'3

>> No.6028405

He means be an engineer/scientist do something great that doesn't have to do with your looks. People turned on you because they tried to be positive and you disregarded it.