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/fa/ - Fashion

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6024378 No.6024378[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Joe rogan destroys you faggots who think its cool to spend thousands of dollars on clothing:

>> No.6024394

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails

>> No.6024392

>caring about what some old ugly fucker thinks

Another one of these threads? Please die.

>> No.6024400

I own my clothes, they don't own me

and this could be applied to p much everything.

>> No.6024407


>> No.6024405

continue supporting dat slave labor

>> No.6024408

isnt this the nigga who wears affliction tees and true religion jeans on live television hahaha

>> No.6024423
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>> No.6024425

Ooooo monkey monkey like

>> No.6024450

I think he's incorrect about us being at the end of the Kali Yuga. From my theological studies, we're barely into it. But a lot of what he says is pretty true.

I also think he's talking about people who define themselves through materialism. You can have a passive interest in this shit, but still be into substantial topics. Stop being so limited with your thinking...

>> No.6024467


/fa/ in a nutshell

babyfaced upper middle class suburban white kids who try to act hard and listen to hip hop

>> No.6024470
File: 46 KB, 561x145, shit-kicker is this retarded 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shit kicker is a pretty heinous example though

>> No.6024477


The pessimist already had his sails half reefed because he expected a nasty storm.

The optimist didn't bring any life jackets and drowned.

The realist checked the fucking weather report.

>> No.6024481

>people shitting on other people for the way they choose to live
>not realizing that's the equivalent of prison inmates literally throwing shit at one another, while trapped inside of the same prison

>> No.6024569

can I 'see shit-kicker is this retarded 1' please?

>> No.6024772

Most of /fa/ look fucking horrible in clothes cause they're just skin and bones. You need muscle to be properly aesthetic in clothes if you're just an every day citizen. Also, it seems /fa/ has all become /fa/ggot goth ninjas which is just insanely pathetic.

>> No.6024800


>> No.6024809

are there actually people whose lives are so mundane they need to care about what other people are doing w/ theirs

>> No.6024815

You must not be aware of the recent onslaught of new posters within the past few days

>> No.6024811

Prove me wrong with pics of you skinny fucks then. You can't. A guy that lifts to get proper muscle (think ottermode) will always look better than someone with little to no muscle while in clothes.

>> No.6024854
File: 111 KB, 500x668, tumblr_mamyv5EAZ71qbthy1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why isn't that true then?

skinny guys even look better in tanktops

>> No.6024857

Did you find that from a meth lab bust?

>> No.6024864

/fit/ pls

go do squats and never come back

>> No.6024865

a higher percentage of both men and women will prefer more muscle on that look. they'll also look better and compliment the clothes more.

>> No.6024877
File: 139 KB, 500x334, tumblr_lvusx82YFa1qa1sqfo1_r2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta get on meth asap

>> No.6024878

>they'll also look better and compliment the clothes more.
no they won't

>> No.6024882
File: 122 KB, 500x544, 1347372311163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idc what they think

>> No.6024883

you know nothing about fashion then. thanks for proving your incompetence.

>> No.6024892

If you didn't care what they thought then you wouldn't even be wearing what you are wearing. You wear what you wear because you care.

>> No.6024895

yup that's why runway models are muscular men and curvy women

>> No.6024894
File: 112 KB, 225x449, c6b95e2dea37e79819257b6a1b4bdc18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i bet ur thighs touch

>> No.6024909
File: 762 KB, 446x750, tumblr_mfzku2tnfq1qbdx2po1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wear what i wear because i like looking at myself

>> No.6024912


>> No.6024913

>hurrhurr optimism is bad
whats it like never developing past your cynical high school autist face

>> No.6024918

high fashion, where super skinny models are primarily used, stays on the run ways. you don't see those styles on everyday people. again, you know nothing about fashion

>> No.6024927
File: 411 KB, 821x543, Picture27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high fashion

so the one that matters?

>> No.6024933

>these laughs
are these guys literally autistic?

>> No.6024952

You mean the one that only a select few people actually are exposed to? You're trying to dress celeb status without the being celebs. Makes you look like dumbasses.

>> No.6024944

that's not what we're talking about, you said muscles compliment clothes more and that is obv not true as you see in high fashion

>> No.6024961

honestly stfu retard
post a fit pic or stop posting

>> No.6024960

>Joe rogan destroys
What time?
I'm 2:13 in and it's getting boring

>> No.6024967

And I said we aren't talking about high fashion. Being an every day citizen dressing like you're walking down the run way just looks ridiculous and incredibly out of place.

There's a reason high fashion stays on run ways and other couture venues. It's not for every day use.

>> No.6024969
File: 51 KB, 414x625, 1363839357545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck man

>select few


>> No.6024972

You must be the same guy that brought up Will.I.Am in the other thread. Give up.

>> No.6024977

lmao, nice come back. you just know I'm right. While you're skin and bones dressing like you're a run way model you just get laughed at. The only ones that think you look good are other teenage fad followers that aren't cultured.

>> No.6024985

where's the fit pic

>> No.6024981
File: 33 KB, 600x800, 1363133866614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why haven't u posted pics

where the muscle men at???

>> No.6024984

from the video: "I've become so rich that things don't matter to me anymore." Yeah, real fucking easy to say when you actually have money. When you don't you need shit. You need clothes. You need a house. You need food. You need nice clothes to get a nice job and buy food. I mean, we could argue against this but your argument against this is null and void because you're replying to me from a computer that you (or your parents) paid for, with an internet connection, in a house, and you're wearing clothes, and you're eating food, and you've got material things. I used to subscribe to the same bullshit philosophy that joe rogan talks about in the video but once you grow up and live on your own reality kicks in a shit gets real. You want to actually follow the dude's advice? Go live in the fucking woods and subside on fucking tree bark.

>> No.6024982


lol look @ the pleb who doesn't even kno what couture means

>> No.6025004

Remember this thread and what I brought up all you ninja retards after you grow up and get out of your teenage years. I'll continue walking down the streets of NY in my classic dadcore mode getting looks from everyone. That's what a true /fa/ citizen does. Cause I lift and keep my body in shape to compliment the clothes.

Continue wearing your trash bags and getting looks from people that think you're a homeless person or escaped from a mental asylum.

Classic style + proper ottermode body will always win out. Quit being delusional and thinking you're "oh so cool" cause you wear "high fashion" while in the suburbs.

>> No.6025009

I really don't understand these people who are actively going out of their way to criticize people who like geobaskets or gothninja attire. There's a difference between casually saying "wow, I don't like that" and going out of your way to post threads outwardly criticizing others.

Is it satisfying? I'm not so sure it is, if you're continuing to do so, with ever increasing fervor.

>> No.6025099

really is a problem with most /fa/, they shit on any style that they don't like.

that said, you >>6025004 are part of this shit. just stop posting, you sound dumb and arent adding anything of value to the board.

>> No.6025153

More info on this please

>> No.6025176
File: 148 KB, 488x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a few retards having the same conversation as every stoner ever

>UFC affiliation
>calling others retard monkeys

>bashing those who display superiority through wealth
>while implying his own superiority through pseudo-intellectualism

>> No.6025228 [DELETED] 

Because I'm lazy, I'm going to just link this bit from wikipedia

tl;dr - the kali yuga is 432,000 years long; it's suspected to have begun around 3,200 BC, so... yeah... Interestingly enough, even though the ages don't accurately correspond with contemporary or mainstream historians, archaeologists or anthropologists, our 'cycle of time' began roughly 4.1 billion years ago, which actually corresponds to the current understood age of Sol.

>> No.6025277


it's funny that he stopped posting right after his photo was posted with that caption. the incongruity really just hurts.

>> No.6025321


i want 2 bend him over and yuh

>> No.6025429

Only miserable shitstains take the shit they spew to heart. Main reason he is known is because of the mass media system in place that said he was fit for mass consumption, and tools like OP are just playing into the rhetoric.

Joe Rogan is a pretty cool dude tho. He's figured out the game, and if you listen to what they say, you've lost.

>> No.6025457

Joe Rogan is brophilosophy incarnat

>> No.6025474

Joe Rogan is a man who always flies first class, owns a Shelby GT500 and has a $10,000 dollar isolation tank in his house. I love the guy, but come on.