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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 18 KB, 310x554, 1363062073526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6017622 No.6017622 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you guys wear what you wear?

Most people think this goofy black emo clothing looks goofy or creepy, why spend a fortune to look terrible?

>> No.6017629

why do anything

>> No.6017630

I'm pretty sure most people think I look good, I wear very expensive brands.

>> No.6017639

Why actively try to look as terrible as 99% of the stuff posted makes you look?

>> No.6017654

Why not just dress like a regular human being?

Do you derive pleasure from looking weird?

>> No.6017645

because i'm 24 years old and feel more out-of-place dressing like i'm 16 than i do feeling dressing like the adult i am. i'll never look good per se, but at least i won't look like a manchild.

>> No.6017648

Because my dad touched me in my no-no place as a child.

>> No.6017656

hey uhhhh, just a quick question. do you know if your tb sweatshirt is actually loopwheeled?

>> No.6017657

Goofninjas 4 lyfe, don't fuckin label me

>> No.6017659

but WHY

if it was to get chicks or something i'd get it, but no girl wants some 20 something goth dressing weirdo

>> No.6017668

Because I dress myself and not others. Stop being so self conscious fuccboi.

>> No.6017672
File: 239 KB, 717x1024, God of fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dress myself and not others

This line never gets old.

>> No.6017674

>Because I dress myself and not others
You spend a fortune on horrible looking clothes, they literally serve only to make you look bad.

>> No.6017697

>if it was to get chicks or something i'd get it, but no girl wants some 20 something goth dressing weirdo
ahehehe, are you like 14? do you participate in any form of art(music, painting, ect.)

>> No.6017699

I was just 'avin a giggle m8, goof ninja is shit. I'm a business casual man because I got my edginess out in my teen years.

>> No.6017705

Fashion isn't art, it's clothing. It should serve a purpose, far be it from me to stop you wasting money, but damn.

>> No.6017710

fashion is art you can't even make that argument m8

>> No.6017719

>fashion is art
If you have a loose definition of art maybe.

>my shit smeared on this wall is art
>the clothes that im wearing is an art lel
>video of me jacking off is le art
>i painted a dick on a wall, its art tho

grow up, learn what art actually is

>> No.6017724

Yeh and just like art some is good and some is shit (ie goof ninja)

>> No.6017726


Barney stinson detected

>> No.6017739

>Loaded question by OP
>Stock image from google
>people actually replying to this shit
3/10 Holy fucking shit /fa/ is awful

>> No.6017743

Ikr, fookin Goofninjas

>> No.6017746
File: 27 KB, 243x300, 1363061762220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know who Penn Jillette is
>into the trash he goes!

>> No.6017749


look at the filename

>> No.6017750


i don't think i dress "weird." i dress like i believe normal people dress, although my clothes fit a little better and i have an affinity for boots.

all i really took from this board is how to know when something fits you and the ability to develop my own personal taste. nothing i do is groundbreaking or ever will be, but at least it looks okay.

>> No.6017759

I rarely see posts containing those types of clothes. That's why I'm confused.

>> No.6017763

yes it is

>> No.6017766


if you haven't noticed, little to none of this thread is responding to his obvious troll on "goof ninja." most everyone in this thread is either replying legitimately to the first question and/or making fun of those people.

stop being dumb.

>> No.6017780
File: 20 KB, 842x655, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


welcome to /fa/, enjoy your stay

>> No.6017786

What is dadcore?

I'm a grill btw

>> No.6017799

ty, i'm between these and mccoys ones. going for tb because dem stripes

>> No.6017802


all of those names are what the particular demographics use to strawman each other. dadcore is overly conventional/formal casualwear, swagfaggotry is overly youthful/rap-influenced clothing, and goof ninja is obvious if you spend enough time here.

and i'm a hamburger, lemme get in that 8)

>> No.6017804

for tb probably*

>> No.6017811

So dadcore is "classy" or well dressed in the conventional sense?

>> No.6017822


more or less. like i said, all the labels are basically just pre-packaged strawman attacks.

>> No.6017829

Yes, swag fag is dressing like performers on bet and goof ninja is grim dark naruto cosplay

>> No.6017846

Does anyone ACTUALLY dress emo ninja in real life? Is it just a internet joke?

>> No.6017886

Some really sad people spend thousands on that crap.

>> No.6017888

I've only seen it on here but I'm sure some Autists do it somewhere. I'm mean people actually dressed as scene kings at one point

>> No.6017893


>> No.6017902

fashion is a hobby for some people, just like how sitting around playing vidya or watching MLP is yours

>> No.6017923

>implying most bronies don't browse /fa/
>most autistic hobby

>> No.6017926


Not nearly as shit as swagstep or steam punk 2 electric boogaloo

>> No.6017936

I've seen maybe one bronie post on this board, and he had Dick Converse shoes. That's hardly "most bronies".

>> No.6017940

Why is it shit, what is better than it?

>> No.6017943


prove it

>> No.6017954

Just look at the clothes people are posting, full on autistic shitty clothes, only people I see wearing that crap love MLP.

>> No.6017956

That would explain all the good ninjas

>> No.6017958

to blend in. I hate looking out of place

>> No.6017959
File: 186 KB, 640x640, Streetwear 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6017966

Goof* fuck you auto correct, you don't know me.

>> No.6017969

That guy looks terrible, his pants are too short, his jacket looks stupid, and he has a polka dot button up.


>> No.6017971


so basically what you're saying is that you don't like my little pony or goof ninjas so they must be related. either that or there's some cosmic secret i'm missing out on because from what it seems like, you're just being a fucking retard.

>> No.6017972

talk shit post fit fuccboi

>> No.6017973

Are you from /g/, you ruseman?

>> No.6017979
File: 54 KB, 471x548, sydney1966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur pants are too long

>> No.6017986

I'm being 100% serious, and I know for a fact most people would agree with me.

Especially the pants, they should be longer so he looks less goofy.

>> No.6017987
File: 135 KB, 497x750, Streetwear 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6017993

Nurse shoes, a dumb hat he isn't even wearing correctly, and he is not 80's gansta enough to wear his jacket like that.

Straight busta.

>> No.6018000

I'm glad we got away from wearing ugly suits.

>> No.6018003
File: 38 KB, 480x364, 1362463200751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel this guy is le master ruseman xD !!1

>> No.6018010
File: 232 KB, 683x1024, pradass13(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah thank god we're finally through w/ break

>> No.6018013
File: 260 KB, 1280x1920, Streetwear 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


u funny

>> No.6018015

Enjoy looking like crap.

>> No.6018021


>nurse shoes (lol?)
>wearing a hat "wrong"
>not authentic to [some demographic you're autistic about]

cool critique.

>> No.6018026

Suit isn't fitted correctly, shirt looks like crap, he is too scrawny to be showing any chest what so ever. Terrible haircut.

>> No.6018028

this du look like a cardboard cutout shopped onto the background

>> No.6018031

yeah pants should be shorter but otherwise the fit is good
post a fit pic

>> No.6018034

Generic hat/jersey garbage w/e, pants look like shit (crotch isn't fitted correctly) shoes are alright.

>> No.6018045


it's streetwear. having pants that fit you correctly might make people think you care about your appearance and thats hella gay, dawg.

>> No.6018051
File: 76 KB, 341x600, Streetwear 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you look like shit

>> No.6018054

Maybe if you're a faggot.

>> No.6018062

dumb sunglasses, sweater is too big/effeminate, "sweat shorts lel" makes him look 15, nurse shoes, dumb looking hat worn incorrectly, not even a little physically fit

3/10 because edgy kids might like to look like that

>> No.6018070
File: 78 KB, 500x748, tumblr_mkbokyp0PG1s9z7l1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: hear absolute pleb/10 critique an outfit you post

dare you to find something wrong with this one, fuccboi. you still haven't posted a fit, btw

>> No.6018074


i just really find it funny that grown ass men are emulating a style that started with rebellious schoolchildren. really sticking it to the man, bro. fight the power

>> No.6018076

Hide thread and sage.

>> No.6018081


hella gay

>> No.6018079

do you define all non-formal shoes or, non-skateboard shoes to be "nurse shoes"?

>> No.6018080
File: 299 KB, 1200x1800, Streetwear 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you should post a fit

>> No.6018082

yeah how dare everyone not dress like you

people enjoying different things? haha they must be autistic, the fault couldn't possibly lie with you.

>> No.6018099


did i ever say anything was wrong with emulating a style that was started by rebellious schoolchildren? nah, i'm not that self-absorbed to believe that my opinion is fact. however, i have as much of a right to think people are fucking idiots for doing something as they do to do it.

you must think you're pulling one over on me with that standard 4chan pseudo-intellectual objectivist bullshit but you're barking up the wrong tree.

suck my dick, take your swaghurt somewhere else.

>> No.6018111

Mall ninja/10

>> No.6018120

Be cool bro he's a ninja, it's not worth it

>> No.6018136

i doubt it, the shoes alone cost more than a mall shopper's entire outfit

>> No.6018139



>> No.6018177

Oh yeh I forgot that the first tenet of ninjutsu was poor fiscal management.

>> No.6018188

Everything she(?) Is wearing looks bad, all blqck and grey looks lame or weird btw

>> No.6018196

All white shoes that look pleb are nurse shoes

>> No.6018216

af1's aren't pleb tho

>> No.6018220

Because people know your opinion is worthless.

>> No.6018224

If they look bad in context they certainly are

>> No.6018230

i don't get this thread, is this the equivalent of a raid? plebs from another board lurking in this thread trying to bash on styles they can't grasp or physically fit into so it's automatically bad & all people who dress that way are autistic

>> No.6018232
File: 918 KB, 1000x1498, Maria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they never look bad

>> No.6018240

Are you getting flustered? Some people just think those pics looked shitty, grow up son.

>> No.6018252

Stupis sweater, wrong weather for clothing, ugly nurse shoes, pants too short (or not sho th enough), 6/10 because shes cute

>> No.6018264

my point still stands

you admitted there's nothing "wrong" with it, but you're calling people fucking idiots. sure you have a right to, i guess, but that doesn't make it particularly justified. it's angry ultra-conformist shit to actually find people idiotic for dressing a way you don't like.
and you can parrot that "rebellious schoolchildren" thing all you like, it won't magically become truth

>> No.6018265

Talk shit post fit faggot

>> No.6018268

>looks bad, lame and weird

yeah your opinion is worth literally nothing

>> No.6018279

post a fit. i don't even care if it's a picture of you or not, find a picture of what you consider "fashionable"

>> No.6018282
File: 245 KB, 1500x1480, 1366075677958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what it is? It's plebs getting annoyed at people for having the confidence to do what they like unaffected by autists online. They are amazed that there is a community on 4chan where you don't get spammed with childish gay insults by insecure little boring tards.

They refuse to have a discussion or lurk because they don't want to learn. They are angry and they want to poke a hole through your logic to justify it.

"Why do you spend so much on clothing?"
"Do you know you're the only one who doesn't think what you're wearing looks stupid?"
"Nobody cares how you dress."
"Taking pride in yourself enough to make it a hobby is gay."

If they weren't so insecure they wouldn't care.

>> No.6018283

All black and grey rags, yeah I aint got to explain shit

>> No.6018300

Nigga im postin through the phone

>> No.6018306

Hey buddy, looking like crap for tjousands is on you.

>> No.6018324

Looking like crap to whom? I've never spent that much on clothing and I don't plan to in the near future. Bud, you opinion is totally worthless to me.

>> No.6018328

Goofninjas spend all kinds of money

>> No.6018336
File: 263 KB, 1573x1147, 1366585170508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You shouldn't judge people by their look" doesn't hold up because in reality people judge others by their look. The reality is harsh so to maintain such ideal, just slap 'caring about clothing' attitude as vain.


>> No.6018340

What else should they spend their money on? Video games and bacon and fleshlights? Why do you care what other people do with their money?

>> No.6018344
File: 3 KB, 125x112, 8999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel ya OP

That's what I've been saying for the past month 90% of people in this board dress like goof failures.

This has to stop.

>> No.6018348

>just slap 'caring about clothing' attitude as vain.

sorry but i dont get this is this a typo / autocorrect or something

>> No.6018355

Top Lel, I can tell some people don't take pride I themselves because they are anorexic. They literally care about fitting into Kuwaiti ugo waist 26 pants so much they are willing to risk there physical health for it.

Also the other points you raised are kinda valid too. It upsets you to ponder them because you may not like the answer you get from yourself.

Finally get off of your high horse, I see plenty of shit posting here everyday. This isn't some chic cafe sur la champs de élysées, where the latest and greatest fashion comes from. It may make you feel better to act like it is, but it's not.

>> No.6018362

Because people want to ignore reality where people judge others by their look, "caring about clothing" or "dressing up" is considered vain. Feminine, effiminate, gay.

>> No.6018366

So why put so much effort into a negative message

>> No.6018369

what do you dress like?

>> No.6018375

When exactly do you anticipate this stopping? Post a fit or leave. If you had better places to be you would be there.

>Top Lel, I can tell some people don't take pride I themselves because they are anorexic. They literally care about fitting into Kuwaiti ugo waist 26 pants so much they are willing to risk there physical health for it.
>Also the other points you raised are kinda valid too. It upsets you to ponder them because you may not like the answer you get from yourself.
I've seen this thread a thousand times before. The points are shallow. There's not much to ponder. I look like shit to people so I should stop dressing how I choose to. Great! I'll just take everyone's opinion into consideration when I do everything. The point "People don't think I look as good as I do" takes about 5 seconds to ponder.
>Finally get off of your high horse, I see plenty of shit posting here everyday. This isn't some chic cafe sur la champs de élysées, where the latest and greatest fashion comes from. It may make you feel better to act like it is, but it's not.
er, so I can't have a discussion? Not going to respect a stupid argument.

>> No.6018392

I also like how shit like this is posted everyday and I have to deeply ponder it but if I go the other way I'm on some soft of high horse and my points aren't worth shit.

>> No.6018398

The points in favor of your position are just as shallow cakeboi.

>> No.6018418


>> No.6018437

Clothing jusy seems a waste past a certain point, im not saying its all a wash, but goofninja and similar du mb looking styles is just wasted money imo

>> No.6018441

I have my own style I don't follow retarded /fa/ trends.

Hopefully this goofninja bullshit stops by the end of this year if it doesn't moot might as well close this rubbish board.

/fa/ died years ago anyways..

>> No.6018450

what did you go out in today?

btw this """gothninja""" has been posted on /fa/ since before it was even a google-able term. You can hate it all you want but don't delude yourself into thinking it's only been popping up recently

>> No.6018453

it's just people spending money on their hobby or because they want to be set apart from everyone.

>why would someone waste all that money on a ferrari when a honda civic gets the job done
>why would someone waste all that money on a mansion when an apartment gets the job done
>why would someone waste all that money on a battlestation computer when a thinkpad gets the job done

>> No.6018459
File: 24 KB, 210x200, 1366500894340.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have my own style

>> No.6018464

Those things can actually demonstrably provide value, when does dressing like an efgeminate poof provide value?

>> No.6018465

>why look the way you want instead of the way society perceives is right and 'normal'

yeah thanks op ill keep that in mind conformity is great creativity is bad hail stalin

>> No.6018466

Yeah, it seems like a waste to you because you don't care and it doesn't interest you. I keep telling you. You are grand decider, faggot. Nobody cares what you think.

>> No.6018463

>i have my own style
>disrespects any that aren't his

>> No.6018467

Art major here, you're dumber than an art major, peace

>> No.6018470

I just dont get where youre deriving the enjoyment from. Doesnt make any sense.

>> No.6018474

>when does dressing like an efgeminate poof provide value?
People who care about fashion will notice.

see >>6018466

>> No.6018476


i dont get where people derive the fun in hunting from, but im not retarded enough to think theres no fun in it

>> No.6018483

how are you this fucking dense?

>> No.6018484
File: 52 KB, 422x317, 1358337112782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So why put so much effort into a negative message
People subconsciously judge others by their look. Dressing up, treating yourself to better quality clothing will always be seen as faggy to some people (who themselves dress sloppily) but for others it'll make them like you better (job interviewer who look for more dependable, educated hire with taste will choose the suit guy who knows about fitting over the graphic t-shirt guy)

For some it's also / or just personal or creative expression. There are many reasons to clothe yourself.

>> No.6018492

I don't care tho? You're just refusing to see it from my perspective to protect your feelings. Stop replying to me and leave.

>> No.6018502

OP just fyi being able to see other peoples perspectives is literally a 7 year old cognitive development milestone. not being able to do so is a serious sign of down syndrome and autism.

might be time to get tested

>> No.6018504

i understand with activities how someone could find something fun that I don't, but for what purpose does a man dress up like emo raggedy ann and spend a months worth of wages on this clothing, when 99.99% of people just thinks he looks silly, what value is he getting from the clothes

>> No.6018508

And the people criticizing you are the shallow ones. I think your skinny jeans may be restricting blood flow m8

>> No.6018513

I am just trying to pinpoint what exactly IT is that is found to be so enjoyable as to spend the money, I keep getting vague answers so I am confused.

>> No.6018514


>understands how activity could be fun
>doesnt understand how activity such as dressing up could be fun

op you're literally retarded holy shit master ruseman 9/10

>> No.6018519


everytime people tell you why they enjoy it you just tell them they're dumb and wrong. having to deal with you irl must be horrifying.

good luck making friends in life you 5eva alone neckbeard autist fuck. seriously fuck off back to /r9k/

>> No.6018520

>has never actually worn any remotely skinny jeans

they're mad fucking comfy

>> No.6018524

So it's the playing dress up aspect of buying these clothes, it has nothing to do with any social aspect of clothing?

Am I wrong?

>> No.6018525

>still thinking skinny jeans are weird

fat neckbeard confirmed

>> No.6018528

>people tell you why they enjoy it
Yeah, no, I'd like some straight answers pls

>> No.6018532

They make you look gay, mostly, no skin off my nuts bitches don't really dig guys who look like women.

>> No.6018533

ITT: close-minded fuccbois

Looks like we're too patrician 4 u skrubz

>> No.6018538

>still thinks only gays wear skinny jeans
>never even tried on a pair b/c too fat

>> No.6018539

lel, in any other context it would be fine tho right?

Like if I bought a V8 twin turbo car and knew that it would take car people to see my appreciation for was justified and didn't except my Mother to care.

No you're not. You're a fucking autist who thinks thinking logically is not having discussions and always being right. I bet you're the type of person who try's to debate the nonexistence of God so you can show off your superior debating skills. You're an idiot if you can't understand by now. I don't fucking care what you're trying to pin point. Please leave.

>> No.6018540

>dressing according to what women like

>> No.6018541


>> No.6018549

>try's to debate the nonexistence of God
I've never done any such thing.
>You're an idiot if you can't understand by now. I don't fucking care what you're trying to pin point. Please leave.
No need to get your panties in a twist, I'm just trying to talk to some anons about fashion.

>> No.6018553

Nah bruv 30" waist, sweet straw man.

>> No.6018558

>dressing according to /fa/

>> No.6018559

I used to be able to wear them, then I got the thighs of Zeus from deep heavy squats. At least I got dat ass out of the deal, otherwise it's not that cool.

>> No.6018561


bitches like it too. quality bitches.

>> No.6018563


>> No.6018567


because it makes me feel good. what's your excuse?

>> No.6018576

Now this is an answer I can understand, thanks for the frankness anon.

>> No.6018583

At least I look good unlike you bro

you fat piece of shit

>> No.6018585

>No need to get your panties in a twist, I'm just trying to talk to some anons about fashion.
People like things you don't like because people have different outlooks on what they hope to achieve.

You keep insulting the clothing. Why? Because you don't like it? Why? I want a straight forward answer. Not because of how it looks but why it effects you.

>> No.6018594

I never claimed it effected me, I am not being forced to buy such things, I was asking others why they bought things that looked silly, any answer would have sufficed. Instead I got vagaries and non-answers or le fuckboy not patrician.

>> No.6018614

>fat piece of shit

How was treblanca cake boi?

>> No.6018615
File: 41 KB, 395x445, 1365552945930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything effects us, Anon. Answer the question please. /fa/'s choice in clothing caused you to make this thread.

>> No.6018636

The only people who insult Rick don't know Rick. Even a pleb would find pieces he loves in the DRKSHDW line. Not everything is autist wear. You're telling me you don't like Rick hoodies?

>> No.6018658

>looked silly

There's your problem you scrub, you think your tastes are universal, and when we tell you that things are subjective, and that we like certain things because they appeal to our individual tastes, you start going on about how that doesn't make sense, taste is universal, etc.

People buy what they buy because it appeals to their ever evolving tastes.
If you can't understand that, then stick to your infographics and MFA color coding advice.

>> No.6018670
File: 9 KB, 285x249, 1365409389901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so we're clear on this. I buy things I think look good. You spend your time complaining about things you don't. Who do you think is the most beta here?

>> No.6018710


Omfg nobody cares. All I ever hear on the internet is "alfa beta alpha baita BETA ALFA ALFA ROMERO" shut the fuck up with that shit. 'Cause you're clearly such a badass "ALFA" aren't you. It doesn't even make a difference what you are.

>> No.6018719

>Omfg nobody cares.
Great, I'll keep using it then.

>> No.6018748
File: 158 KB, 1600x1272, autism speaks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6018783


whoever argues about who is the most "alpha" on an anonymous internet fashion website, everyone loses. like for real, are you so insecure that you need to assert your "alpha-ness" to people on the internet?

>> No.6019875


Well thats just wrong.

>> No.6020286

Why do you suck dick?

Most people think this cock-sucking business looks gay and creepy, why be a cockgobbler if you're going to look gay?