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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 62 KB, 507x508, tfw no qt gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6011793 No.6011793 [Reply] [Original]

where does /fa/ shop?

no im not talking online either.

wether youre in Europe, US, NZ, AUS

what stores do you fancy?

>> No.6011799

>read the fucking sticky

>> No.6011808

There's this fancy little place in Toronto called N O M A D.

They sell high fashion designer brands like Damir Doma to somewhat mid tier brands like Reigning Champ and Wings + Horns.

When I had a job I would pop over there and spend my paycheck on something nice for myself.


>> No.6011809

I do my shopping online, but I go to nordstrom to buy t shirts and I bought a pair of n&f there

the /fa/ sticky is p shit and outdated tbh, please don't ever recommend it again lowlife

>> No.6011821

i buy stuff off my friends and thrift

>> No.6011850

live in OC. too anxious to shop in most high-end stores. feel sick in malls. I shop online. sometimes thrift, or go to trendy in a cheap way areas with less good looking/affluent people, which means I've to go up to LA. too scared to go to post office to return things, either. i got fitted once and send friends/brother to get things tailored.

>> No.6011854

I shop smart.

I shop S Mart.

>> No.6011869

Hit Bergdorf men's and gtfo

>> No.6011970

>muh autism

>> No.6011982
File: 51 KB, 584x329, Brea-Souders__Tao-Lin2_large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you dork, social anxiety is trending hard

>> No.6011993

you know why?

Because scrubs like you spend more time on anime forums than they do trying to socialize with others
>spend all your time online
>try to buy clothes to cure autism
>never try talking to new people
>"omg why am I still a fuccboi?"

whatever helps you sleep at night nerd

>> No.6012005

i think there's a p.popular study out there published somewhat recently talking about how the average age that a couple has their first child at is growing relatively rapidly.

I don't know if it's indicative of 'social anxiety' but I'm sure it's a phenomena which attributes to it.

>> No.6012075

I'm mostly just anxious with certain kinds of stores. I'm fine with grocery stores, for example. It's very postmodern actually, I've seen both Pynchon and Delillo describe to grocery stores in an appreciative, almost spiritual light. The postmodern condition, ie requiring adderall to handle late capitalism, is /fa/ as fuck.

>> No.6014852


>> No.6014862

still not an excuse to give in the way of the fuccboi

no it's not, requiring drugs to overcome autism is not /fa/. Avoiding stores because you are too afraid to make small talk and exchange money is not /fa/. You are a scrub, deal with it nerd

>> No.6014868
File: 46 KB, 608x611, 1357847747155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


who is that

>> No.6014876

After getting my free meal from redcross I sometimes check in at zara or h&m

>> No.6014892

my internet waifu fyuck off nigga

>> No.6014909

I know these feels. Don't listen to the extroverts thinking they know shit. They only want to feel superior. And don't give up.

>> No.6014912

I am as introverted as they come but when I have to I can talk to people without looking like a closet autist

There is a difference between "I don't like talking to people" and "I physically can't talk to people oh god I'm so scared I just wanna hide under my covers =( "

>> No.6014924


In SF, I shop at The Archive for special pieces I need to try in person.

In NY, I browse through IF a lot.

In general, though, I mostly place orders on my own and take my time.

>> No.6014927


Dadcore to the fucking max

>> No.6014960

I can talk to people as well, still I feel terrible in certain situations. And it's not like I'm not aware, or not working on it. It's just harder than people who don't have these problems make it out to be. I'm not lazy, stupid, whiny, or lacking ambition.

>> No.6015037

Stop trying to justify your social anxiety by pretending to adhere to some artistic lifestyle aesthetic. Taking drugs to handle the perceived pressures you face isn't edgy or /fa/, its the kind of lifestyle that DeLillo and Pynchon would condemn.

>> No.6015057


This is hilarious. I'm really glad you enjoyed your sophomore seminar on postmodern lit, though.

>> No.6015160
File: 248 KB, 538x621, 3495834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw stuck in Southeast Michigan and have outgrown all the tumblr/fast fashion tier shit we have here.

I only shop at Macy's, Levi's Outlet, Brooks Brothers, occasionally Urban Outfitters to find unbranded, Aldo, Red Wings, and L&T.

>> No.6016308

tfw when going to toronto and no money 2 spend on damir

welp, thanks for the heads up on that shop tho

>> No.6016328

>tfw Central Wisconsin

I don't even have fast fashion or tumblr-core shit.

I gotta order online or road-trip 2 hours to find a decent store.

>> No.6016329
File: 5 KB, 104x144, 1357140405375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


please post her tumblr man


>> No.6016348
File: 6 KB, 108x469, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its the kind of lifestyle that DeLillo and Pynchon would condemn.
Whatever grandpa, there's a new wave of pomo in town and EARTH TO ANON: it's called ADDERALL:

>taking drugs not artificially designed via capitalism

>> No.6016354

>but when I have to I can talk to people without looking like a closet autist

I prefer to consider it warholian

>> No.6016361
File: 830 KB, 250x192, 1365287926067.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please who is that in ops picture

she is so frucking cunte

>> No.6016722


Bien Caché is easily the best (should be the only) place one should consider when buying shoes. They've got a great selection (mainly high-end brands that include stuff like MMM, Wolverine 1000 mile, Jil Sander, Loake, Grenson, Kris Van Assche, Givenchy and so on). And an added bonus is that they're nice as fuck. Bought a pair online because I was bored at work the other day and the owner delivered it to me personally the next day, because he happened to drive by where I live that day.

Wardrobe 19:
Really nice shop that has a lot of the high-end newer Danish brands in stock. Stuff like Han Kjobenhavn, Hansen, Libertine Libertine and a bunch of other cool brands like Brooklyn We Go Hard, Wolverine 1000 Mile (the owner can talk for hours, dude loves those boots) and some others. They're really into high quality garments and accessories, so stuff like the W1000M boots, Brixton hats and Filson bags are their kind of things. The clothes they sell are all really high quality as well, especially Hansen. That shit ages like fine red wine.

Storm is a design/art/fashion store, and have some pretty cool stuff too. Lots of high end brands as well, like Balmain, Maison Kitsuné, Raf, stuff like that.

Also, for the hypebeasts there's ALIS which, for those who don't know, is like the Danish Supreme, except cooler.