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/fa/ - Fashion

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6005765 No.6005765 [Reply] [Original]

ask a straight white guy working as a fashion stylist in tokyo anything

>> No.6005775

Have asian women started shaving their pubes yet?

Also do you know any rising streetware labels?

>> No.6005797


have you checked your privilege recently? On the real though, are you live the only one, or what? Do you get different treatment because of it?

>> No.6005801


every japanese girl i've been with out here has at least trimmed, but the koreans are a wilder sort

hard to gauge the streetwear scene out due to its enormity, knowing what's actually 'in' can be a bit tricky.

a couple of my friends who run some of the edgier shops out here are really hyping kokon to zai and daniel palillo these days, though the latter is a bit too 'edgy' to really be street i guess.

WIA is kind of on the up out here too, but again, really hard to gauge. WIA is dope shit though, bought a coat of theirs recently and it's been taking me places.

>> No.6005810

Johnny V bruh, check UR privs.

>> No.6005832

johnny v? What is that? That was a typo; i meant like not live.

>> No.6005839

- how did you get your job and stuff. i.e did you do some training at a school
- is the pay good
- do you get lots of free shit from connections
- can you get me a job being a stylist

>> No.6005847

John Varvatos.

>> No.6005846

Sweet thanks.

What's the price range on those brands?

>> No.6005862

i'm still lost

>> No.6005863
File: 170 KB, 480x640, invasionsleeveless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to google the brands, actually really love this!

>> No.6005874

He's heterosexual and he styles people (yes, I know he's known as a designer but he's a stylist as well), just like OP.

>> No.6005876


yeah very different treatment. there are some jobs that i will never, ever get, but some that i'm a shoe-in for. mostly with shitty commercial gigs where the goal is to have japanese teens behaving like american teens, whenever a japanese stylist tries to capture that it ends up looking incredibly awkward, so they're starting to defer to the white man on things like that (even though i'm canadian).


connections. no training, university drop-out. right place right time, well-dressed, gaybait, etc. everything i do is common sense and or/aesthetic acumen, neither of which can really be taught.

pay isn't great right now since i'm still building a portfolio. i can get by, which is impressive seeing how i'm living in tokyo, but if i rough it out for another 6 months to a year i'll be able to start making some decent money.

i got into the business through a new york based stylist who took me under his wing, and sometimes i make more money doing assistant work for him than i do styling my own shoots, which can be a bummer. like last month i passed on being flown down to LA with him to shoot some bullshit mentos commercial with a japanese mini-celeb because i had a poorly-paid job that was better for my portfolio. in the future pay and portfolio-building won't always be mutually exclusive, so i've just gotta rough it out a bit longer.

mostly discounts, but a lot of free shit from brands too. one of the perks of this job is that i go to a half dozen parties per week, all of which have free champagne/food/gift bags, and in dire moments i've actually sold the gift bags on ebay to pay my rent. it's funny being relatively poor in a city with such a stupid amount of wealth flowing through it. i can bluff being affluent, thankfully.

and maybe i can help, do you know what looks good and what doesn't?

>> No.6005890

what were you studying prior to dropping out?

do you find the language barrier reduces your opportunities at all, or do the companies you work for happily operate in english with you?

i like to think i'm aesthetically minded, but i guess that's relative.

>> No.6005891


oh, it's also worth noting that i'd be making better money if i could actually speak japanese, so i'm saving up to go to a language school in the fall

>> No.6005897

Do you know any 'cheaper' street brands?
Not edgy/hipster street but like black and white street.

>> No.6005905


>> No.6005921


ehh that's a tough one. again, there's way too much money floating around this city, and thriftiness isn't really considered trendy out here (with a few exceptions, but those exceptions are item-dependent and not brand-dependent). even vintage shit is super expensive.

i like actual pain a lot, they're simple black/white and not outrageously expensive, kind of witchy and 'hipster' but the pyramid logo shit looks really good.

also spaceghostpurrp's clothing label/collection/whatever it is, raider klan, is pretty neat, if still a bit pricey (my tank was like fifty bucks i think).


idk what that means, i almost never use this board

>> No.6005934


it means post an outfit. style us :/

>> No.6005974

Post a pic of you wearing some clothes to show us your style

>> No.6005980

Which type of food is the most /fa/?

>> No.6005998


sure. gimme half an hour or so, someone is coming by to check out my apartment any minute. (it's in a great location and the rent is super cheap since some hooker got murdered here a decade ago, and asians are superstitious as hell)


crepes. sitting on the patio of a french crepe restaurant in harajuku and eyerolling contemptuously at people who think they look good is the perfect lunchtime diversion.

>> No.6006005

Please murder a hooker somewhere so I can come live in Tokyo 4 cheep.
Whats your favourite piece of clothing you own?

>> No.6006018
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my cork loafers by dieppa restrepo. i normally don't fuck with brown footwear but these guys work with a ton of outfits

>> No.6006057

How do I pull off white tees as asian

>> No.6006756

you like anime?

>> No.6006773
File: 340 KB, 451x472, lok at dis raaaaaaaaaaad lounge shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

palillo is in dawg.

>> No.6006794

I plan on moving to Japan within the next 10 years as a teacher for an international school.

Anything I should know? I'm not a weaboo or anything I'm just interested because of how different is and I think it would be fun to live there as a young person. Some tips building up to go there (aside from learn japanese) would be nice as I still have 3~4 years of education to go.

>> No.6006800

unless u rich, expect to live in a tiny ass apartment

>> No.6006815

I live in NYC right now so I don't think anything much will change but I bet it will be smaller than the apartments even here. I really don't mind having a tiny studio or anything like that as long as I have an actual stove top.

>> No.6006823

>tiny studio
think smaller

>> No.6006992

Dude, you could actually help with a job? I'd love to come to Japan, and I'm okay with being relatively poor. I'm 19 years old, I think I can dress okay. I'm ambitious as hell, and I can promise my best effort and absolute dedication.

Here is what I wear to work for my tefl teaching job I currently have at a private school in Bangkok (please ignore the stupid face, this is just a picture I sent to my friend) :


>> No.6007163

you should just start studying now rather then waiting.

>> No.6007188

Think the size of a small bedroom. That's an apartment in Japan. With a bathroom/kitchen in that same small room.

>> No.6007220


tefl job**

>> No.6007228

Is glorious Nippon better than you ever imagined?

>> No.6007321
File: 547 KB, 400x599, MYC Tokyo We Go Hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, where do you live and what do you think of it?

I'll very likely be moving to the Tokyo area in a few months and have no idea what neighborhood I should be looking for an apartment in (or whether to just commute from Kanagawa).

I'm not sure if they're "rising" or how established the brand is, but Mynority Classics too. Their founder/designer is a DJ and her eye for style is really good. (She's also a friend of a friend of mine, so excuse me for shamelessly pimping her stuff here.)

>> No.6007356

Ikebukuro had some "cheaper" accomdation from what I recall. Nice quiet residential area too.

>> No.6007381

Those are fucking nice. Please tell me they make women's shoes.

>> No.6009914

OP where are you :(

>> No.6010138
File: 323 KB, 1600x1067, 1361747650489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kokon to zai

So basically the guys look like crusty punks wannabe ( would be beaten up by real streetpunks in city like Montreal) and autistic thugs, while girls look classy as fuck? WHY?? I was a crusty streetpunk with sleeveless jackets, patched shorts and canvas boots and let me tell you classy girls weren't looking at me AT ALL. Now I dress kinda nicer so it's ok with the ladies. Just my 2 cents.

>> No.6010206
File: 799 KB, 1244x1395, G0010068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


have to reupload

>> No.6010212


i can dig it

>> No.6010234


Thank you!

>> No.6010240

I've never seen streetpunks in Montreal, where are you looking?

>> No.6010306
File: 341 KB, 666x942, crust_punks_by_straightedge1977-d46hnug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St-Catherine street, Berry Square, Mont-Royal, pretty anywhere downtown

look for beggars with dogs and shit


kinda related I guess

>> No.6010319

I'm usually around those parts and I haven't seen a single one. Probably because I almost never go out at night.

>> No.6010361

So you're looking up in the air while walking.
They sit on the ground by the sidewalk.

>> No.6010412

Who knows, I might actually be blind. I'll be on the lookout!

>> No.6010490

how bad is japan as far as having people who dress a certain way and don't have the lifestyle or attitude to back it up

like I know koreans will wear shit just for looks and are actually just a bunch of pussy ass niggas but how bad is that in japan? I just ask because they seem to be more of that than the US is

>> No.6010618

>connections. no training, university drop-out.

this is how the world works, unfortnunate for the masses but fortunate for some.

>> No.6010630

What's the successor of VAN (balance between contemporary international style and affordability)?

>> No.6010636

are you fucking serious

you're the worst kind of person

the best part about japan is that people don't have this archaic autist idea that only certain people are allowed to wear certain clothes. because of this, there's an exponentially larger amount of creative freedom in fashion.

>> No.6010673

I missed the harajuku crepe. It's the one that has slice of cheesecake inside a crepe isn't it? On the middle of takeshitadori?

>> No.6010694

i know what looks good and what doesnt

hit me up

>> No.6010724

Room with poor insulation = high heating bills to get through winter.

Xenophobic landlord who doesn't like gaijin. You need luck and connection to get good places.

Terrible bureaucracy. Taxes and bank shit still require paper and stamp.


>> No.6011725
File: 80 KB, 640x480, z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi sorry guys i fell asleep

here are a couple outfits i've been wearing lately, since it's still surprisingly cold here. ignore the utter filth in my apartment, i'm moving in two days.

1st look:


jacket by WIA, pants by henrik vibskov, boots by Y-3, sweater is some vintage judo sweater shit. i just like it because the jacket looks extra goofy without a hood.

looks better irl since a) the hood and b) the jacket's black trim is visible

2nd look:


jacket by ato, hat by supreme x comme des garcons (i normally dont fuck with supreme, especially given its ubiquity in tokyo but i'm a sucker for a backwards label), pants by american apparel (best fitting black trousers i've ever owned), boots by some random cordwainer in montreal, my dad got them made like thirty years ago and they were bequeathed unto me when he stopped being so punk.

>> No.6011800


you probably just shouldn't


i don't watch anime shows or anything but mind game is one of my favourite films of all time


big ups to radd lounge, owner is a friend of mine. was supposed to style a photo shoot at the store with le1f but he had to cancel or something.


teaching will likely break you down, so do everything you can to have an active and fulfilling social life to break the tedium. there is nothing worse than living in a city as amazing as tokyo and hating it because your job sucks.


yeah absolutely. i'm from fucking ottawa, this city is like another planet.


don't commute from kanagawa. shibuya is the best place to live, and any area near it is your second best bet. meguro has a lot of great neighborhoods, nakameguro is beautiful as fuck, yutenji is kind of up and coming. anything on the toyoko line is probably a good spot. shimokitazawa is an awesome neighborhood full of vintage stores and cafes, and it's only a five minute train ride from shibuya.


they do. dieppa restrepo cares about everyone.


stay mad i guess


i was half joking, but if you have actual intentions to come to tokyo i could maybe introduce you to some people. can't really offer more than that, though. do you have an actual interest in styling or do you just like dressing yourself?


interesting question. most japanese dudes are the most unthreatening humans imaginable, but i'm not totally sure if any of them think that they look tough.

the hard thing about fashion here is that a lot of what is worn is worn for a specific look, without any intention of displaying a certain attitude other than 'hip to trends'. irony is non-existent here and everything is basically taken at face value with no real thought or emphasis put on its origins or anything. while KTZ is obviously appropriating crust culture, i don't think any of the kids out here wearing it even know what crusties are.

>> No.6011835

Take off that hat wtf is wrong with you

>> No.6011842


hm, a bit more contemptuous of you than i think i deserve, so i'll elaborate.

i went to university in ottawa, canada. i've always loved fashion but i had never had a chance to do anything with it due to societal and geographical limitations. i wanted to move to tokyo, and at that point i worked at american apparel, so i got a working holiday visa and applied for a store transfer to the AA in harajuku, and started life in japan.

from there i ingratiated myself with the PR manager, and since AA is a surprisingly big brand out here the party scene i found myself involved in was fairly glamorous. from there i just made sure to look my best at every event, and eventually people took notice.

nepotism plays a large role for sure, and i'm not exactly trying to argue that i 'deserve' my current life, but i didn't exactly fall into it either.


you'd be surprised. you're right in the sense that there's no real stigma towards any one person wearing any specific style, but what should be a much freer city aesthetically is bound by trend-hopping the likes of which you can't even imagine. it's much worse with girls, the bulk of which are sycophantic harpies.

>> No.6011845
File: 58 KB, 500x500, clear sale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want his life.

>> No.6011851


Potential teacherbro here! Thanks!

I plan on learning japanese by the time I move and I really want to be a part of the young culture of Tokyo. I realize teaching can become quite monotonous but I don't intend to really synch with the whole ex-pat culture that exists in every asian country I've ever lived in as a GWAILO GAIJIN WHITEY.

I just think Japan is in such a neat place right now and being a part of it all would be amazing.

>> No.6011861


it's one of the few japanese trends that i'm actually kind of big on. trench/mackintosh with 5-panel is huge here, and i've come to the conclusion that it's probably because corporate culture here is 'well-dressed' by western standards. the dudes wear fitted suits and nice coats, and i think the 5-panel is probably worn to separate them from the average salaryman. it's weirdly subversive.

>> No.6011865
File: 66 KB, 480x640, hontou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you know the ower of radd lounge?

im assuming you know this guy then?

i think he worked at radd lounge or knew a few people there

>> No.6011868


sorry that was syntactically awkward.

i meant to say that i think the 5-panel is worn _by the hip youngsters_ to separate them from the average salarymen, as otherwise they would end up looking kind of similar at times.

>> No.6011881


haha i've seen him a couple times, never met him though. i don't think he works there but i know he models antithesis (the brand run by iriki, radd lounge owner) a lot. they might just be friends, idk.

>> No.6011923

what drugs are in OP?

>> No.6011926
File: 452 KB, 520x710, comupngitmi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also does it suck having blurred p0rn?

>> No.6011928

Thanks for the advice! I was scared off looking for places in Shibuya and Shimokitazawa because I expected that they'd be fuckexpensive but I'll look about.

Come to think of it I had a friend living in there in an awesome location (right out the back of Mark City) and that was just a crummy student apartment, so maybe there's hope.

oh fuck son, shoes on on the tatami? I think I might have found the reason your landlord hates you.

>> No.6011932

You know that the internet exists in Japan too, right?

>> No.6011937
File: 512 KB, 496x497, fllw mi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assumed all asian countries have some form of internet restriction.

>> No.6011941

do asians like ricky o?

Also you've demonstrated how huge streetwear is but what about clothes that fit more along the lines of #menswear? Do all the designers from Thom Browne to Valentino get appreciation too?

>> No.6011949


no idea, japan isn't the best place for drugs. coke is coke, weed is pretty rare but still done, some of the more radical youth are doing this thing called 'bron' or 'brone' or something that's just a bunch of over the counter medicine which, when taken to excess, fucks you up pretty bad.


actually my landlord likes me, and he's a really shady jewish guy. my apartment is shit, tatami was full of holes and was shedding when i got here, he doesn't give a fuck. i'm genuinely embarrassed to have people over, i only took the place because of its location (five minute walk to shibuya station).

>> No.6011957

oh, and the club scene too. share some of what's trending underground, I mean, how did tokyo react to future garage, trap etc? or like the slava, physical therapy, etc. shit? I guess they don't have much on that irony game

>> No.6011964

>no idea, japan isn't the best place for drugs.

shit, I was under the impression research chemicals were big.

>> No.6011973

japs love thom

>> No.6012022 [DELETED] 

what the fuck, i've seen you on tumblr before, on drop top tokyo

>> No.6012043

Only the ones that are dictatorships.

>> No.6012176


This is the guy looking for a job - so I'd have to move to Tokyo and THEN I might have a chance? Hahaha, well damn.

I guess I just like dressing myself. I help friends pick out things occasionally. To be honest, I'm not super passionate about styling or anything, I would just be excited to have work in Japan. I'm sure I would learn lots of things and meet lots of people, which is what I would actually love.

I'm not sure if I can just afford to move there on a whim with nothing except my guitar, a suitcase, and a small glimpse of hope though.

>> No.6012179


China has some internet restrictions.

>> No.6012196
File: 222 KB, 607x911, this guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy! you're this guy!

>> No.6012236


there's a fair amount of post-goth stuff going around. a lot of shit that rick owens would approve of, but i'm not exactly sure how popular his stuff actually is out here.

thom browne is huge, don't think valentino is very big (though in fairness i'm not really familiar with it either).


the music scene out here is generally pretty awful. even the trendier clubs out here are just now moving from dubstep to baby's first trap.

as cool as you imagine japan to be, keep in mind that it's isolated to the point that global trends come in very slowly, if at all.


um yeah, sorry dude, i don't know what you were expecting though.


yeah, i'm that guy! is that from droptokyo? i get blogged with some frequency, but i have no idea how much of it is in earnest and how much is just 'oh look at the white guy, he's trying his best, how cute!'

>> No.6012234

i'm very jelly of OP, always wanted to live in Tokyo

What's the language barrier like? I took three years of Japanese in high school, but of course that's only enough for basic elementary requests, questions, and convo topics. Plus I forgot most of it without being able to practice it anywhere

Next question, how do japanese people receive foreigners? I'm Chinese so I won't stand out as much as a white or black person but I'm pretty sure they can still tell the difference. I've heard both sides, how some love foreigners while others hate them

>> No.6012244

michael fassbender+hypebeast core/10

>> No.6012249

os het

>> No.6012255

yeah, it's from droptokyo. i think it's a good fit, good silhouette, nice materials, etc, i doubt it's a pity picture.

>> No.6012258

Whats your opinion on the current metagame? Do you think weather teams makes the game stale? Do you see any new trends developing? Which would you like to see?

>> No.6012263


I'm >>6012234 (not that it's relevant, but w/e)
if the music scene isn't that great, do you think it would be viable option to be a DJ there? I can bring da supah kakkoii futeristic ongaku

>> No.6012268

do u ever get shit on for being gaijin whito piguu

>> No.6012278

do you even know what a gaijin is?

>> No.6012280

sup vp

>> No.6012287


be nice


new trends are stymied before they can even take off because of how ban-centric the game has become. it's impossible for people to develop strong counter-strategies in such a transient meta.

also politoed is cute


thanks, awful angle though

>> No.6012295

someone not nipp living in Japan?

id like to say gwailo instead but thats a different orient thing but its still one of my favorites

>> No.6012343

Whats your email so I can mail you a dictionary you fucking retard.

>> No.6012352


job guy - I guess I was hoping I could get an answer somehow over the internet! No chance of me sending my resume with some pictures of something? No worries, I have a habit of getting my hopes up really high.

>> No.6012366

Do you ever work with international models? My agency is going to have me start doing direct bookings in Tokyo and I'd like to work with a good stylist if I could. I live in Seoul and from what I hear Japan is much nicer. I went to Fukuoka once and it was a way better vibe than Korea, but I couldn't have any fun because of my qt Korean gf and her hatred for all things Japanese.

>> No.6012391
File: 1.16 MB, 1024x683, 17522146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu バカ外人!!!死ね!!!

>> No.6012405


i don't understand what your'e so mad about, what do you think gaijin means?


yeah, sometimes. i'm not big-time enough yet to work with them routinely, though. you'd probably be doing me a favour by working with me, in all honesty.

i'm actually about to leave tokyo to go back to canada for a bit (my visa is about to expire, but i'm coming back in august to go to school), but funnily enough i'm stopping in seoul for a few days.

>> No.6012417

hopefully you already knew & you're being ironic le trollface, but your pic is korean

>> No.6012447

Are you bringing your wardrobe to Seoul? I can hookup a photog and makeup if you want to do a test shoot... I can also get you into some parties if you're looking for things to do

>> No.6012465
File: 49 KB, 600x600, BGsxyXwCAAAMVZD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what makes u say that

>> No.6012468

>the music scene out here is generally pretty awful.

fucken lame, do they tend to play US/EU shit or their own output? I guess you're not much interested in that scene, so sorry for badgering. Know anything about Tokyo's art scene? Is that superflat shit (Takashi Murakami) popular? I guess if they've no sense of irony they must not be at all into anything happening in the west for awhile. Any idea what's trending lit wise?

>> No.6012545


leaving all my styling gear here, unfortunately. definitely down to meet up, though. i'd be interested in potentially working with you when i get back in august, for sure.


you're not badgering! i just can't offer much in terms of information since i tend to avoid most clubs here as i would a disease.

it's mostly US shit from what i hear. i'm sure there's a great japanese music scene but i'm really not sure where to find it.

sadly, music/art/lit aren't easy things for me to learn about without actually speaking japanese. fashion is one of the few things that i'm 'in' with because you can learn so much about it just by walking around the city (working in the industry helps too). art, music, and lit aren't really things i have ready access to (or at least, 'whats cool'). art-wise murakami is an icon for sure but i can't say if his style is reflective of modern tokyo art as a whole. some of my friends are really into makoto aida.

the art world here is more of a solar system, to be honest. back home most of my friends interested in art are also interested in fashion and music and lit and film, but out here i tend to find people who stick to one or two at most and have non-existent and/or abysmal tastes in the other.

>> No.6012569
File: 188 KB, 850x1280, 109742660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you ever go to an AKB theater show

>> No.6012579

how to get by without being fluent in japanese reading and/or writing? or is it all essential words

is the denim culture really that obvious and big?
even though its projected as huge everytime I pick up a Lightning magazine as well as classic machinery etc, all my jap friends back in hawaii/okayama really dont give two shits about denim

also what is a japanese drink you think foreigners must try

>> No.6012618
File: 4 KB, 640x400, MYGO06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I see you. I'm just curious because it's really hard to get any gauge of Japanese tastes and find their cultural output just through english internet, information isn't as globalized as people seem to think. Well, thanks for the cool thread, keep it real

>> No.6012692

OP, just jumping into give you some credit for having balls to get the working holiday visa and just go hard.

You definitely killed it. I've been studying Japanese in college for a couple of years. Did you know any before you went over?

>> No.6012699

the text is korean

>> No.6012716

i might be traveling around japan for a week in a month.
i'll prob have like $1000, recommend any stores to check out?

also i thought osaka would have a cool experimental music scene just going off by the bands that came out of there + a few blogs; have you visited western japan yet?

>> No.6012783

>+ a few blogs

link pls

>> No.6012819

idk if this is archived or not but if not please do, i want to read this in detail when i wake up :)

thanks for sharing OP

>> No.6012822

/fa/ is slow as shit anyway, it'll probably be on page 6 when you get back.

>> No.6012876
File: 443 KB, 245x138, tumblr_mlkfcgYd2j1qfq9euo3_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6013174

>Only the ones that are dictatorships.


>> No.6013647


>> No.6013921

Korean=stacked squiggly lines with flat o's
Japanese=big squiggly lines with chinese here and there
Chinese=what the fuck is this I don't even

>> No.6014364

Hangul doesn't have squiggly lines, and neither does Japanese really

>> No.6014708

How easy was it moving there? I am looking for a way out of the US of Awful , and would love to be some where like Japan. Are you fluent in Japanese? Work visa or citizenship?

>> No.6015017


order a copy of Genki on amazon, it's fucking great for learning japanese. it's very well written.

>> No.6015267

What's big on men's colognes for the summer?

>> No.6015520

It's like you didn't even bother to read the thread

>> No.6015627
File: 148 KB, 500x601, EllinTeddy_zps763ca8c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o really

>> No.6015716

if you haven't studied one of any of the languages before then yeah it's easy to think they all look the same. and there actually are some recurring characters/strokes among the three.

>>6013921 is pretty accurate enough for starters.
korean looks like lines and ovals
meanwhile japanese has two alphabets -- hiragana is for japanese words and looks more squiggly and fluid, while katakana is for spelling out foreign words & looks more straight and boxy
finally, chinese is just really complicated with lots of strokes per character, as their writing is not phonetic, meaning each character is a word, not a syllable.
Japanese has another writing system called kanji, which is chinese; i guess they decided to steal chinese because it's shorter than spelling out everything.

you can just google image the languages to get a feel for what they look like, but learning one would help a lot (in my case I took Japanese)

>> No.6015798
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>tfw social anxiety and depression keeps you from living your life like OP's
After a few years off from college, I'm going back and I wanted to try to study abroad in Japan for a change of scenery. This might be a stupid question, but will I be fine if I tend to stutter a lot and not look people in the eye or will the people there think I'm being rude? Will I be able to make business connections there?

>> No.6015836

OP, if you're still in the thread, I'm actually going to Japan with somebody I'm interning for. I'm hoping to intern with somebody based in Japan down the line, the idea is with a graphic designer, but I'm really into opening as many possibilities as possible.

Do you have an email I can get at you with? I'm actually from Canada too (London, but I have family in Ottawa and visit all the time). It would be cool to hear from you. Thanks.

>> No.6015877

If you lack basic social skills you won't make it through anywhere. It'll be harder in places where there's only strangers around you.

>> No.6015907

Not OP but I've heard that people in Japan usually keep to themselves.

>> No.6015936
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plz tell me more